Anders Hejlsberg 4540998289 Adding test
2016-02-06 15:33:56 -08:00

30 lines
864 B

type Guid = string & { $Guid }; // Tagged string type
type SerialNo = number & { $SerialNo }; // Tagged number type
function createGuid() {
return "21EC2020-3AEA-4069-A2DD-08002B30309D" as Guid;
function createSerialNo() {
return 12345 as SerialNo;
let map1: { [x: string]: number } = {};
let guid = createGuid();
map1[guid] = 123; // Can with tagged string
let map2: { [x: number]: string } = {};
let serialNo = createSerialNo();
map2[serialNo] = "hello"; // Can index with tagged number
const s1 = "{" + guid + "}";
const s2 = guid.toLowerCase();
const s3 = guid + guid;
const s4 = guid + serialNo;
const s5 = serialNo.toPrecision(0);
const n1 = serialNo * 3;
const n2 = serialNo + serialNo;
const b1 = guid === "";
const b2 = guid === guid;
const b3 = serialNo === 0;
const b4 = serialNo === serialNo;