Andy e53e56cf82
Enable '--strictNullChecks' (#22088)
* Enable '--strictNullChecks'

* Fix API baselines

* Make sys.getEnvironmentVariable non-nullable

* make properties optional instead of using `| undefined` in thier type

* reportDiagnostics should be required

* Declare firstAccessor as non-nullable

* Make `some` a type guard

* Fix `getEnvironmentVariable` definition in tests

* Pretend transformFlags are always defined

* Fix one more use of sys.getEnvironmentVariable

* `requiredResponse` accepts undefined, remove assertions

* Mark optional properties as optional instead of using `| undefined`

* Mark optional properties as optional instead of using ` | undefined`

* Remove unnecessary null assertions

* Put the bang on the declaration instead of every use

* Make `createMapFromTemplate` require a parameter

* Mark `EmitResult.emittedFiles` and `EmitResult.sourceMaps` as optional

* Plumb through undefined in emitLsit and EmitExpressionList

* `ElementAccessExpression.argumentExpression` can not be `undefined`

* Add overloads for `writeTokenText`

* Make `shouldWriteSeparatingLineTerminator` argument non-nullable

* Make `synthesizedNodeStartsOnNewLine` argument required

* `PropertyAssignment.initializer` cannot be undefined

* Use one `!` at declaration site instead of on every use site

* Capture host in a constant and avoid null assertions

* Remove few more unused assertions

* Update baselines

* Use parameter defaults

* Update baselines

* Fix lint

* Make Symbol#valueDeclaration and Symbol#declarations non-optional to reduce assertions

* Make Node#symbol and Type#symbol non-optional to reduce assertions

* Make `flags` non-nullable to reduce assertions

* Convert some asserts to type guards

* Make `isNonLocalAlias` a type guard

* Add overload for `getSymbolOfNode` for `Declaration`

* Some more `getSymbolOfNode` changes

* Push undefined suppression into `typeToTypeNodeHelper`

* `NodeBuilderContext.tracker` is never `undefined`

* use `Debug.assertDefined`

* Remove unnecessary tag

* Mark `LiteralType.freshType` and `LiteralTupe.regularType` as required
2018-05-22 14:46:57 -07:00

131 lines
4.7 KiB

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["Object", "Avoid using the `Object` type. Did you mean `object`?"],
["Function", "Avoid using the `Function` type. Prefer a specific function type, like `() => void`, or use `ts.AnyFunction`."],
["Boolean", "Avoid using the `Boolean` type. Did you mean `boolean`?"],
["Number", "Avoid using the `Number` type. Did you mean `number`?"],
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