2019-05-31 13:42:15 -07:00

94 lines
3.7 KiB

/// <reference lib="esnext.asynciterable" />
// Must reference esnext.asynciterable lib, since octokit uses AsyncIterable internally
/// <reference types="node" />
import Octokit = require("@octokit/rest");
import {runSequence} from "./run-sequence";
import fs = require("fs");
import path = require("path");
const userName = process.env.GH_USERNAME;
const reviewers = process.env.REQUESTING_USER ? [process.env.REQUESTING_USER] : ["weswigham", "RyanCavanaugh"];
const branchName = `pick/${process.env.SOURCE_ISSUE}/${process.env.TARGET_BRANCH}`;
const remoteUrl = `https://${process.argv[2]}@github.com/${userName}/TypeScript.git`;
async function main() {
const currentSha = runSequence([
["git", ["rev-parse", "HEAD"]]
const currentAuthor = runSequence([
["git", ["log", "-1", `--pretty="%aN <%aE>"`]]
let logText = runSequence([
["git", ["log", `master..${currentSha}`, `--pretty="%h %s%n%b"`]]
logText = `Cherry-pick PR #${process.env.SOURCE_ISSUE} into ${process.env.TARGET_BRANCH}
Component commits:
const logpath = path.join(__dirname, "../", "logmessage.txt");
["git", ["checkout", "-b", "temp-branch"]],
["git", ["reset", "master", "--soft"]]
fs.writeFileSync(logpath, logText);
["git", ["commit", "-F", logpath, `--author="${currentAuthor}"`]]
const squashSha = runSequence([
["git", ["rev-parse", "HEAD"]]
["git", ["checkout", process.env.TARGET_BRANCH]], // checkout the target branch
["git", ["checkout", "-b", branchName]], // create a new branch
["git", ["cherry-pick", squashSha]], //
["git", ["remote", "add", "fork", remoteUrl]], // Add the remote fork
["git", ["push", "--set-upstream", "fork", branchName, "-f"]] // push the branch
const gh = new Octokit();
type: "token",
token: process.argv[2]
const r = await gh.pulls.create({
owner: "Microsoft",
repo: "TypeScript",
maintainer_can_modify: true,
title: `🤖 Cherry-pick PR #${process.env.SOURCE_ISSUE} into ${process.env.TARGET_BRANCH}`,
head: `${userName}:${branchName}`,
base: process.env.TARGET_BRANCH,
`This cherry-pick was triggerd by a request on https://github.com/Microsoft/TypeScript/pull/${process.env.SOURCE_ISSUE}
Please review the diff and merge if no changes are unexpected.
You can view the cherry-pick log [here](https://typescript.visualstudio.com/TypeScript/_build/index?buildId=${process.env.BUILD_BUILDID}&_a=summary).
cc ${reviewers.map(r => "@" + r).join(" ")}`,
const num = r.data.number;
console.log(`Pull request ${num} created.`);
await gh.issues.createComment({
number: +process.env.SOURCE_ISSUE,
owner: "Microsoft",
repo: "TypeScript",
body: `Hey @${process.env.REQUESTING_USER}, I've opened #${num} for you.`
main().catch(async e => {
process.exitCode = 1;
const gh = new Octokit();
type: "token",
token: process.argv[2]
await gh.issues.createComment({
number: +process.env.SOURCE_ISSUE,
owner: "Microsoft",
repo: "TypeScript",
body: `Hey @${process.env.REQUESTING_USER}, I couldn't open a PR with the cherry-pick. ([You can check the log here](https://typescript.visualstudio.com/TypeScript/_build/index?buildId=${process.env.BUILD_BUILDID}&_a=summary)). You may need to squash and pick this PR into ${process.env.TARGET_BRANCH} manually.`