Andy 9d42ab983d
implementations: Use declaration name for the span (#24537)
* implementations: Use declaration name for the span

* Always get name in nodeEntry
2018-05-31 13:32:02 -07:00

30 lines
1.4 KiB

/// <reference path='fourslash.ts'/>
// Should handle all the various type references
//// interface Fo/*interface_definition*/o {
//// hello (): void;
//// }
//// interface Bar {
//// hello (): void;
//// }
//// let x1: Foo = [|{ hello () { /**typeReference*/ } }|];
//// let x2: () => Foo = [|(() => { hello () { /**functionType*/} })|];
//// let x3: Foo | Bar = [|{ hello () { /**unionType*/} }|];
//// let x4: Foo & (Foo & Bar) = [|{ hello () { /**intersectionType*/} }|];
//// let x5: [Foo] = [|[{ hello () { /**tupleType*/} }]|];
//// let x6: (Foo) = [|{ hello () { /**parenthesizedType*/} }|];
//// let x7: (new() => Foo) = [|class { hello () { /**constructorType*/} }|];
//// let x8: Foo[] = [|[{ hello () { /**arrayType*/} }]|];
//// let x9: { y: Foo } = [|{ y: { hello () { /**typeLiteral*/} } }|];
//// let x10 = [|{|"parts": ["(","anonymous local class",")"], "kind": "local class"|}class implements Foo { hello() {} }|]
//// let x11 = class [|{|"parts": ["(","local class",")"," ","C"], "kind": "local class"|}C|] implements Foo { hello() {} }
//// // Should not do anything for type predicates
//// function isFoo(a: any): a is Foo {
//// return true;
//// }