Wesley Wigham bb1ac81bb1
Experimental management scripts (#31067)
* Add configure-experimental

* Add script for synchronizing branches with master and creating an experimental branch with the result of merging those
2019-04-23 13:52:23 -07:00

97 lines
3.8 KiB

// @ts-check
/// <reference lib="esnext.asynciterable" />
const Octokit = require("@octokit/rest");
const {runSequence} = require("./run-sequence");
* This program should be invoked as `node ./scripts/update-experimental-branches <GithubAccessToken> <Branch1> [Branch2] [...]`
async function main() {
const branchesRaw = process.argv[3];
const branches = process.argv.slice(3);
if (!branches.length) {
throw new Error(`No experimental branches, aborting...`);
console.log(`Performing experimental branch updating and merging for branches ${branchesRaw}`);
const gh = new Octokit();
type: "token",
token: process.argv[2]
// Fetch all relevant refs
["git", ["fetch", "origin", "master:master", ...branches.map(b => `${b}:${b}`)]]
// Forcibly cleanup workspace
["git", ["clean", "-fdx"]],
["git", ["checkout", "."]],
["git", ["checkout", "master"]],
// Update branches
for (const branch of branches) {
// Checkout, then get the merge base
const mergeBase = runSequence([
["git", ["checkout", branch]],
["git", ["merge-base", branch, "master"]],
// Simulate the merge and abort if there are conflicts
const mergeTree = runSequence([
["git", ["merge-tree", mergeBase, branch, "master"]]
if (mergeTree.indexOf(`===${"="}===`)) { // 7 equals is the center of the merge conflict marker
const res = await gh.pulls.list({owner: "Microsoft", repo: "TypeScript", base: branch});
if (res && res.data && res.data[0]) {
const pr = res.data[0];
await gh.issues.createComment({
owner: "Microsoft",
repo: "TypeScript",
number: pr.number,
body: `This PR is configured as an experiment, and currently has merge conflicts with master - please rebase onto master and fix the conflicts.`
throw new Error(`Merge conflict detected on branch ${branch} with master`);
// Merge is good - apply a rebase and (force) push
["git", ["rebase", "master"]],
["git", ["push", "-f", "-u", "origin", branch]],
// Return to `master` and make a new `experimental` branch
["git", ["checkout", "master"]],
["git", ["branch", "-D", "experimental"]],
["git", ["checkout", "-b", "experimental"]],
// Merge each branch into `experimental` (which, if there is a conflict, we now know is from inter-experiment conflict)
for (const branch of branches) {
// Find the merge base
const mergeBase = runSequence([
["git", ["merge-base", branch, "experimental"]],
// Simulate the merge and abort if there are conflicts
const mergeTree = runSequence([
["git", ["merge-tree", mergeBase, branch, "experimental"]]
if (mergeTree.indexOf(`===${"="}===`)) { // 7 equals is the center of the merge conflict marker
throw new Error(`Merge conflict detected on branch ${branch} with other experiment`);
// Merge (always producing a merge commit)
["git", ["merge", branch, "--no-ff"]],
// Every branch merged OK, force push the replacement `experimental` branch
["git", ["push", "-f", "-u", "origin", "experimental"]],
main().catch(e => (console.error(e), process.exitCode = 2));