
421 lines
17 KiB

/* @internal */
namespace ts.JsDoc {
const jsDocTagNames = [
let jsDocTagNameCompletionEntries: CompletionEntry[];
let jsDocTagCompletionEntries: CompletionEntry[];
export function getJsDocCommentsFromDeclarations(declarations: ReadonlyArray<Declaration>): SymbolDisplayPart[] {
// Only collect doc comments from duplicate declarations once:
// In case of a union property there might be same declaration multiple times
// which only varies in type parameter
// Eg. const a: Array<string> | Array<number>; a.length
// The property length will have two declarations of property length coming
// from Array<T> - Array<string> and Array<number>
const documentationComment: SymbolDisplayPart[] = [];
forEachUnique(declarations, declaration => {
for (const { comment } of getCommentHavingNodes(declaration)) {
if (comment === undefined) continue;
if (documentationComment.length) {
return documentationComment;
function getCommentHavingNodes(declaration: Declaration): ReadonlyArray<JSDoc | JSDocTag> {
switch (declaration.kind) {
case SyntaxKind.JSDocParameterTag:
case SyntaxKind.JSDocPropertyTag:
return [declaration as JSDocPropertyTag];
case SyntaxKind.JSDocCallbackTag:
case SyntaxKind.JSDocTypedefTag:
return [(declaration as JSDocTypedefTag), (declaration as JSDocTypedefTag).parent];
return getJSDocCommentsAndTags(declaration);
export function getJsDocTagsFromDeclarations(declarations?: Declaration[]): JSDocTagInfo[] {
// Only collect doc comments from duplicate declarations once.
const tags: JSDocTagInfo[] = [];
forEachUnique(declarations, declaration => {
for (const tag of getJSDocTags(declaration)) {
tags.push({ name: tag.tagName.text, text: getCommentText(tag) });
return tags;
function getCommentText(tag: JSDocTag): string | undefined {
const { comment } = tag;
switch (tag.kind) {
case SyntaxKind.JSDocAugmentsTag:
return withNode((tag as JSDocAugmentsTag).class);
case SyntaxKind.JSDocTemplateTag:
return withList((tag as JSDocTemplateTag).typeParameters);
case SyntaxKind.JSDocTypeTag:
return withNode((tag as JSDocTypeTag).typeExpression!);
case SyntaxKind.JSDocTypedefTag:
case SyntaxKind.JSDocCallbackTag:
case SyntaxKind.JSDocPropertyTag:
case SyntaxKind.JSDocParameterTag:
const { name } = tag as JSDocTypedefTag | JSDocPropertyTag | JSDocParameterTag;
return name ? withNode(name) : comment;
return comment;
function withNode(node: Node) {
return addComment(node.getText());
function withList(list: NodeArray<Node>): string {
return addComment(list.map(x => x.getText()).join(", "));
function addComment(s: string) {
return comment === undefined ? s : `${s} ${comment}`;
* Iterates through 'array' by index and performs the callback on each element of array until the callback
* returns a truthy value, then returns that value.
* If no such value is found, the callback is applied to each element of array and undefined is returned.
function forEachUnique<T, U>(array: ReadonlyArray<T> | undefined, callback: (element: T, index: number) => U): U | undefined {
if (array) {
for (let i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
if (array.indexOf(array[i]) === i) {
const result = callback(array[i], i);
if (result) {
return result;
return undefined;
export function getJSDocTagNameCompletions(): CompletionEntry[] {
return jsDocTagNameCompletionEntries || (jsDocTagNameCompletionEntries = map(jsDocTagNames, tagName => {
return {
name: tagName,
kind: ScriptElementKind.keyword,
kindModifiers: "",
sortText: "0",
export const getJSDocTagNameCompletionDetails = getJSDocTagCompletionDetails;
export function getJSDocTagCompletions(): CompletionEntry[] {
return jsDocTagCompletionEntries || (jsDocTagCompletionEntries = map(jsDocTagNames, tagName => {
return {
name: `@${tagName}`,
kind: ScriptElementKind.keyword,
kindModifiers: "",
sortText: "0"
export function getJSDocTagCompletionDetails(name: string): CompletionEntryDetails {
return {
kind: ScriptElementKind.unknown, // TODO: should have its own kind?
kindModifiers: "",
displayParts: [textPart(name)],
documentation: emptyArray,
tags: emptyArray,
codeActions: undefined,
export function getJSDocParameterNameCompletions(tag: JSDocParameterTag): CompletionEntry[] {
if (!isIdentifier(tag.name)) {
return emptyArray;
const nameThusFar = tag.name.text;
const jsdoc = tag.parent;
const fn = jsdoc.parent;
if (!isFunctionLike(fn)) return [];
return mapDefined(fn.parameters, param => {
if (!isIdentifier(param.name)) return undefined;
const name = param.name.text;
if (jsdoc.tags!.some(t => t !== tag && isJSDocParameterTag(t) && isIdentifier(t.name) && t.name.escapedText === name) // TODO: GH#18217
|| nameThusFar !== undefined && !startsWith(name, nameThusFar)) {
return undefined;
return { name, kind: ScriptElementKind.parameterElement, kindModifiers: "", sortText: "0" };
export function getJSDocParameterNameCompletionDetails(name: string): CompletionEntryDetails {
return {
kind: ScriptElementKind.parameterElement,
kindModifiers: "",
displayParts: [textPart(name)],
documentation: emptyArray,
tags: emptyArray,
codeActions: undefined,
* Checks if position points to a valid position to add JSDoc comments, and if so,
* returns the appropriate template. Otherwise returns an empty string.
* Valid positions are
* - outside of comments, statements, and expressions, and
* - preceding a:
* - function/constructor/method declaration
* - class declarations
* - variable statements
* - namespace declarations
* - interface declarations
* - method signatures
* - type alias declarations
* Hosts should ideally check that:
* - The line is all whitespace up to 'position' before performing the insertion.
* - If the keystroke sequence "/\*\*" induced the call, we also check that the next
* non-whitespace character is '*', which (approximately) indicates whether we added
* the second '*' to complete an existing (JSDoc) comment.
* @param fileName The file in which to perform the check.
* @param position The (character-indexed) position in the file where the check should
* be performed.
export function getDocCommentTemplateAtPosition(newLine: string, sourceFile: SourceFile, position: number): TextInsertion | undefined {
const tokenAtPos = getTokenAtPosition(sourceFile, position);
const existingDocComment = findAncestor(tokenAtPos, isJSDoc);
if (existingDocComment && (existingDocComment.comment !== undefined || length(existingDocComment.tags))) {
// Non-empty comment already exists.
return undefined;
const tokenStart = tokenAtPos.getStart(sourceFile);
// Don't provide a doc comment template based on a *previous* node. (But an existing empty jsdoc comment will likely start before `position`.)
if (!existingDocComment && tokenStart < position) {
return undefined;
const commentOwnerInfo = getCommentOwnerInfo(tokenAtPos);
if (!commentOwnerInfo) {
return undefined;
const { commentOwner, parameters } = commentOwnerInfo;
if (commentOwner.getStart(sourceFile) < position) {
return undefined;
if (!parameters || parameters.length === 0) {
// if there are no parameters, just complete to a single line JSDoc comment
const singleLineResult = "/** */";
return { newText: singleLineResult, caretOffset: 3 };
const indentationStr = getIndentationStringAtPosition(sourceFile, position);
// A doc comment consists of the following
// * The opening comment line
// * the first line (without a param) for the object's untagged info (this is also where the caret ends up)
// * the '@param'-tagged lines
// * TODO: other tags.
// * the closing comment line
// * if the caret was directly in front of the object, then we add an extra line and indentation.
const preamble = "/**" + newLine + indentationStr + " * ";
const result =
preamble + newLine +
parameterDocComments(parameters, hasJavaScriptFileExtension(sourceFile.fileName), indentationStr, newLine) +
indentationStr + " */" +
(tokenStart === position ? newLine + indentationStr : "");
return { newText: result, caretOffset: preamble.length };
function getIndentationStringAtPosition(sourceFile: SourceFile, position: number): string {
const { text } = sourceFile;
const lineStart = getLineStartPositionForPosition(position, sourceFile);
let pos = lineStart;
for (; pos <= position && isWhiteSpaceSingleLine(text.charCodeAt(pos)); pos++);
return text.slice(lineStart, pos);
function parameterDocComments(parameters: ReadonlyArray<ParameterDeclaration>, isJavaScriptFile: boolean, indentationStr: string, newLine: string): string {
return parameters.map(({ name, dotDotDotToken }, i) => {
const paramName = name.kind === SyntaxKind.Identifier ? name.text : "param" + i;
const type = isJavaScriptFile ? (dotDotDotToken ? "{...any} " : "{any} ") : "";
return `${indentationStr} * @param ${type}${paramName}${newLine}`;
interface CommentOwnerInfo {
readonly commentOwner: Node;
readonly parameters?: ReadonlyArray<ParameterDeclaration>;
function getCommentOwnerInfo(tokenAtPos: Node): CommentOwnerInfo | undefined {
return forEachAncestor(tokenAtPos, getCommentOwnerInfoWorker);
function getCommentOwnerInfoWorker(commentOwner: Node): CommentOwnerInfo | undefined | "quit" {
switch (commentOwner.kind) {
case SyntaxKind.FunctionDeclaration:
case SyntaxKind.FunctionExpression:
case SyntaxKind.MethodDeclaration:
case SyntaxKind.Constructor:
case SyntaxKind.MethodSignature:
const { parameters } = commentOwner as FunctionDeclaration | MethodDeclaration | ConstructorDeclaration | MethodSignature;
return { commentOwner, parameters };
case SyntaxKind.PropertyAssignment:
return getCommentOwnerInfoWorker((commentOwner as PropertyAssignment).initializer);
case SyntaxKind.ClassDeclaration:
case SyntaxKind.InterfaceDeclaration:
case SyntaxKind.PropertySignature:
case SyntaxKind.EnumDeclaration:
case SyntaxKind.EnumMember:
case SyntaxKind.TypeAliasDeclaration:
return { commentOwner };
case SyntaxKind.VariableStatement: {
const varStatement = <VariableStatement>commentOwner;
const varDeclarations = varStatement.declarationList.declarations;
const parameters = varDeclarations.length === 1 && varDeclarations[0].initializer
? getParametersFromRightHandSideOfAssignment(varDeclarations[0].initializer!)
: undefined;
return { commentOwner, parameters };
case SyntaxKind.SourceFile:
return "quit";
case SyntaxKind.ModuleDeclaration:
// If in walking up the tree, we hit a a nested namespace declaration,
// then we must be somewhere within a dotted namespace name; however we don't
// want to give back a JSDoc template for the 'b' or 'c' in 'namespace a.b.c { }'.
return commentOwner.parent.kind === SyntaxKind.ModuleDeclaration ? undefined : { commentOwner };
case SyntaxKind.BinaryExpression: {
const be = commentOwner as BinaryExpression;
if (getSpecialPropertyAssignmentKind(be) === SpecialPropertyAssignmentKind.None) {
return "quit";
const parameters = isFunctionLike(be.right) ? be.right.parameters : emptyArray;
return { commentOwner, parameters };
* Digs into an an initializer or RHS operand of an assignment operation
* to get the parameters of an apt signature corresponding to a
* function expression or a class expression.
* @param rightHandSide the expression which may contain an appropriate set of parameters
* @returns the parameters of a signature found on the RHS if one exists; otherwise 'emptyArray'.
function getParametersFromRightHandSideOfAssignment(rightHandSide: Expression): ReadonlyArray<ParameterDeclaration> {
while (rightHandSide.kind === SyntaxKind.ParenthesizedExpression) {
rightHandSide = (<ParenthesizedExpression>rightHandSide).expression;
switch (rightHandSide.kind) {
case SyntaxKind.FunctionExpression:
case SyntaxKind.ArrowFunction:
return (<FunctionExpression>rightHandSide).parameters;
case SyntaxKind.ClassExpression: {
const ctr = find((rightHandSide as ClassExpression).members, isConstructorDeclaration);
return ctr ? ctr.parameters : emptyArray;
return emptyArray;