Nathan Shively-Sanders f6303652d2
Improve errors for incorrectly nested export default (#43967)
* Improve errors for incorrectly nested export default

The compiler and services don't handle incorrectly nested
`export default` well right now:

export = (x,y) => {
  export default { }

Asking for document highlights, find all references or quick info on
'export' or 'default' cause a crash. After the crash is fixed, the error
message is confusing and wrong: "An export assignment cannot be used outside a module."

This PR:

1. Skips document highlights for incorrectly nested export default.
2. Skips find all refs for incorrectly nested export default.
3. Switches the fallback binding for incorrectly nested export default
from Alias to Property. Neither is correct, but Property doesn't cause a
crash in alias resolution.
4. Improves the error message to reflect a post-ES module world, which
has export default and 'module' means 'ES module', not 'namespace'.

Fixes #40082 and the related bugs mentioned above.

* address PR comments
2021-05-07 08:09:38 -07:00

685 lines
36 KiB

/* Code for finding imports of an exported symbol. Used only by FindAllReferences. */
/* @internal */
namespace ts.FindAllReferences {
export interface ImportsResult {
/** For every import of the symbol, the location and local symbol for the import. */
importSearches: readonly [Identifier, Symbol][];
/** For rename imports/exports `{ foo as bar }`, `foo` is not a local, so it may be added as a reference immediately without further searching. */
singleReferences: readonly (Identifier | StringLiteral)[];
/** List of source files that may (or may not) use the symbol via a namespace. (For UMD modules this is every file.) */
indirectUsers: readonly SourceFile[];
export type ImportTracker = (exportSymbol: Symbol, exportInfo: ExportInfo, isForRename: boolean) => ImportsResult;
/** Creates the imports map and returns an ImportTracker that uses it. Call this lazily to avoid calling `getDirectImportsMap` unnecessarily. */
export function createImportTracker(sourceFiles: readonly SourceFile[], sourceFilesSet: ReadonlySet<string>, checker: TypeChecker, cancellationToken: CancellationToken | undefined): ImportTracker {
const allDirectImports = getDirectImportsMap(sourceFiles, checker, cancellationToken);
return (exportSymbol, exportInfo, isForRename) => {
const { directImports, indirectUsers } = getImportersForExport(sourceFiles, sourceFilesSet, allDirectImports, exportInfo, checker, cancellationToken);
return { indirectUsers, ...getSearchesFromDirectImports(directImports, exportSymbol, exportInfo.exportKind, checker, isForRename) };
/** Info about an exported symbol to perform recursive search on. */
export interface ExportInfo {
exportingModuleSymbol: Symbol;
exportKind: ExportKind;
export const enum ExportKind { Named, Default, ExportEquals }
export const enum ImportExport { Import, Export }
interface AmbientModuleDeclaration extends ModuleDeclaration { body?: ModuleBlock; }
type SourceFileLike = SourceFile | AmbientModuleDeclaration;
// Identifier for the case of `const x = require("y")`.
type Importer = AnyImportOrReExport | ValidImportTypeNode | Identifier;
type ImporterOrCallExpression = Importer | CallExpression;
/** Returns import statements that directly reference the exporting module, and a list of files that may access the module through a namespace. */
function getImportersForExport(
sourceFiles: readonly SourceFile[],
sourceFilesSet: ReadonlySet<string>,
allDirectImports: ESMap<string, ImporterOrCallExpression[]>,
{ exportingModuleSymbol, exportKind }: ExportInfo,
checker: TypeChecker,
cancellationToken: CancellationToken | undefined,
): { directImports: Importer[], indirectUsers: readonly SourceFile[] } {
const markSeenDirectImport = nodeSeenTracker<ImporterOrCallExpression>();
const markSeenIndirectUser = nodeSeenTracker<SourceFileLike>();
const directImports: Importer[] = [];
const isAvailableThroughGlobal = !!exportingModuleSymbol.globalExports;
const indirectUserDeclarations: SourceFileLike[] | undefined = isAvailableThroughGlobal ? undefined : [];
return { directImports, indirectUsers: getIndirectUsers() };
function getIndirectUsers(): readonly SourceFile[] {
if (isAvailableThroughGlobal) {
// It has `export as namespace`, so anything could potentially use it.
return sourceFiles;
// Module augmentations may use this module's exports without importing it.
if (exportingModuleSymbol.declarations) {
for (const decl of exportingModuleSymbol.declarations) {
if (isExternalModuleAugmentation(decl) && sourceFilesSet.has(decl.getSourceFile().fileName)) {
// This may return duplicates (if there are multiple module declarations in a single source file, all importing the same thing as a namespace), but `State.markSearchedSymbol` will handle that.
return indirectUserDeclarations!.map<SourceFile>(getSourceFileOfNode);
function handleDirectImports(exportingModuleSymbol: Symbol): void {
const theseDirectImports = getDirectImports(exportingModuleSymbol);
if (theseDirectImports) {
for (const direct of theseDirectImports) {
if (!markSeenDirectImport(direct)) {
if (cancellationToken) cancellationToken.throwIfCancellationRequested();
switch (direct.kind) {
case SyntaxKind.CallExpression:
if (isImportCall(direct)) {
if (!isAvailableThroughGlobal) {
const parent = direct.parent;
if (exportKind === ExportKind.ExportEquals && parent.kind === SyntaxKind.VariableDeclaration) {
const { name } = parent as VariableDeclaration;
if (name.kind === SyntaxKind.Identifier) {
case SyntaxKind.Identifier: // for 'const x = require("y");
break; // TODO: GH#23879
case SyntaxKind.ImportEqualsDeclaration:
handleNamespaceImport(direct, direct.name, hasSyntacticModifier(direct, ModifierFlags.Export), /*alreadyAddedDirect*/ false);
case SyntaxKind.ImportDeclaration:
const namedBindings = direct.importClause && direct.importClause.namedBindings;
if (namedBindings && namedBindings.kind === SyntaxKind.NamespaceImport) {
handleNamespaceImport(direct, namedBindings.name, /*isReExport*/ false, /*alreadyAddedDirect*/ true);
else if (!isAvailableThroughGlobal && isDefaultImport(direct)) {
addIndirectUser(getSourceFileLikeForImportDeclaration(direct)); // Add a check for indirect uses to handle synthetic default imports
case SyntaxKind.ExportDeclaration:
if (!direct.exportClause) {
// This is `export * from "foo"`, so imports of this module may import the export too.
handleDirectImports(getContainingModuleSymbol(direct, checker));
else if (direct.exportClause.kind === SyntaxKind.NamespaceExport) {
// `export * as foo from "foo"` add to indirect uses
addIndirectUser(getSourceFileLikeForImportDeclaration(direct), /** addTransitiveDependencies */ true);
else {
// This is `export { foo } from "foo"` and creates an alias symbol, so recursive search will get handle re-exports.
case SyntaxKind.ImportType:
// Only check for typeof import('xyz')
if (direct.isTypeOf && !direct.qualifier && isExported(direct)) {
addIndirectUser(direct.getSourceFile(), /** addTransitiveDependencies */ true);
Debug.failBadSyntaxKind(direct, "Unexpected import kind.");
function handleImportCall(importCall: ImportCall) {
const top = findAncestor(importCall, isAmbientModuleDeclaration) || importCall.getSourceFile();
addIndirectUser(top, /** addTransitiveDependencies */ !!isExported(importCall, /** stopAtAmbientModule */ true));
function isExported(node: Node, stopAtAmbientModule = false) {
return findAncestor(node, node => {
if (stopAtAmbientModule && isAmbientModuleDeclaration(node)) return "quit";
return some(node.modifiers, mod => mod.kind === SyntaxKind.ExportKeyword);
function handleNamespaceImport(importDeclaration: ImportEqualsDeclaration | ImportDeclaration, name: Identifier, isReExport: boolean, alreadyAddedDirect: boolean): void {
if (exportKind === ExportKind.ExportEquals) {
// This is a direct import, not import-as-namespace.
if (!alreadyAddedDirect) directImports.push(importDeclaration);
else if (!isAvailableThroughGlobal) {
const sourceFileLike = getSourceFileLikeForImportDeclaration(importDeclaration);
Debug.assert(sourceFileLike.kind === SyntaxKind.SourceFile || sourceFileLike.kind === SyntaxKind.ModuleDeclaration);
if (isReExport || findNamespaceReExports(sourceFileLike, name, checker)) {
addIndirectUser(sourceFileLike, /** addTransitiveDependencies */ true);
else {
/** Adds a module and all of its transitive dependencies as possible indirect users. */
function addIndirectUser(sourceFileLike: SourceFileLike, addTransitiveDependencies = false): void {
const isNew = markSeenIndirectUser(sourceFileLike);
if (!isNew) return;
indirectUserDeclarations!.push(sourceFileLike); // TODO: GH#18217
if (!addTransitiveDependencies) return;
const moduleSymbol = checker.getMergedSymbol(sourceFileLike.symbol);
if (!moduleSymbol) return;
Debug.assert(!!(moduleSymbol.flags & SymbolFlags.Module));
const directImports = getDirectImports(moduleSymbol);
if (directImports) {
for (const directImport of directImports) {
if (!isImportTypeNode(directImport)) {
addIndirectUser(getSourceFileLikeForImportDeclaration(directImport), /** addTransitiveDependencies */ true);
function getDirectImports(moduleSymbol: Symbol): ImporterOrCallExpression[] | undefined {
return allDirectImports.get(getSymbolId(moduleSymbol).toString());
* Given the set of direct imports of a module, we need to find which ones import the particular exported symbol.
* The returned `importSearches` will result in the entire source file being searched.
* But re-exports will be placed in 'singleReferences' since they cannot be locally referenced.
function getSearchesFromDirectImports(directImports: Importer[], exportSymbol: Symbol, exportKind: ExportKind, checker: TypeChecker, isForRename: boolean): Pick<ImportsResult, "importSearches" | "singleReferences"> {
const importSearches: [Identifier, Symbol][] = [];
const singleReferences: (Identifier | StringLiteral)[] = [];
function addSearch(location: Identifier, symbol: Symbol): void {
importSearches.push([location, symbol]);
if (directImports) {
for (const decl of directImports) {
return { importSearches, singleReferences };
function handleImport(decl: Importer): void {
if (decl.kind === SyntaxKind.ImportEqualsDeclaration) {
if (isExternalModuleImportEquals(decl)) {
if (decl.kind === SyntaxKind.Identifier) {
if (decl.kind === SyntaxKind.ImportType) {
if (decl.qualifier) {
const firstIdentifier = getFirstIdentifier(decl.qualifier);
if (firstIdentifier.escapedText === symbolName(exportSymbol)) {
else if (exportKind === ExportKind.ExportEquals) {
// Ignore if there's a grammar error
if (decl.moduleSpecifier!.kind !== SyntaxKind.StringLiteral) {
if (decl.kind === SyntaxKind.ExportDeclaration) {
if (decl.exportClause && isNamedExports(decl.exportClause)) {
const { name, namedBindings } = decl.importClause || { name: undefined, namedBindings: undefined };
if (namedBindings) {
switch (namedBindings.kind) {
case SyntaxKind.NamespaceImport:
case SyntaxKind.NamedImports:
// 'default' might be accessed as a named import `{ default as foo }`.
if (exportKind === ExportKind.Named || exportKind === ExportKind.Default) {
// `export =` might be imported by a default import if `--allowSyntheticDefaultImports` is on, so this handles both ExportKind.Default and ExportKind.ExportEquals.
// If a default import has the same name as the default export, allow to rename it.
// Given `import f` and `export default function f`, we will rename both, but for `import g` we will rename just that.
if (name && (exportKind === ExportKind.Default || exportKind === ExportKind.ExportEquals) && (!isForRename || name.escapedText === symbolEscapedNameNoDefault(exportSymbol))) {
const defaultImportAlias = checker.getSymbolAtLocation(name)!;
addSearch(name, defaultImportAlias);
* `import x = require("./x")` or `import * as x from "./x"`.
* An `export =` may be imported by this syntax, so it may be a direct import.
* If it's not a direct import, it will be in `indirectUsers`, so we don't have to do anything here.
function handleNamespaceImportLike(importName: Identifier): void {
// Don't rename an import that already has a different name than the export.
if (exportKind === ExportKind.ExportEquals && (!isForRename || isNameMatch(importName.escapedText))) {
addSearch(importName, checker.getSymbolAtLocation(importName)!);
function searchForNamedImport(namedBindings: NamedImportsOrExports | undefined): void {
if (!namedBindings) {
for (const element of namedBindings.elements) {
const { name, propertyName } = element;
if (!isNameMatch((propertyName || name).escapedText)) {
if (propertyName) {
// This is `import { foo as bar } from "./a"` or `export { foo as bar } from "./a"`. `foo` isn't a local in the file, so just add it as a single reference.
// If renaming `{ foo as bar }`, don't touch `bar`, just `foo`.
// But do rename `foo` in ` { default as foo }` if that's the original export name.
if (!isForRename || name.escapedText === exportSymbol.escapedName) {
// Search locally for `bar`.
addSearch(name, checker.getSymbolAtLocation(name)!);
else {
const localSymbol = element.kind === SyntaxKind.ExportSpecifier && element.propertyName
? checker.getExportSpecifierLocalTargetSymbol(element)! // For re-exporting under a different name, we want to get the re-exported symbol.
: checker.getSymbolAtLocation(name)!;
addSearch(name, localSymbol);
function isNameMatch(name: __String): boolean {
// Use name of "default" even in `export =` case because we may have allowSyntheticDefaultImports
return name === exportSymbol.escapedName || exportKind !== ExportKind.Named && name === InternalSymbolName.Default;
/** Returns 'true' is the namespace 'name' is re-exported from this module, and 'false' if it is only used locally. */
function findNamespaceReExports(sourceFileLike: SourceFileLike, name: Identifier, checker: TypeChecker): boolean {
const namespaceImportSymbol = checker.getSymbolAtLocation(name);
return !!forEachPossibleImportOrExportStatement(sourceFileLike, statement => {
if (!isExportDeclaration(statement)) return;
const { exportClause, moduleSpecifier } = statement;
return !moduleSpecifier && exportClause && isNamedExports(exportClause) &&
exportClause.elements.some(element => checker.getExportSpecifierLocalTargetSymbol(element) === namespaceImportSymbol);
export type ModuleReference =
/** "import" also includes require() calls. */
| { kind: "import", literal: StringLiteralLike }
/** <reference path> or <reference types> */
| { kind: "reference", referencingFile: SourceFile, ref: FileReference };
export function findModuleReferences(program: Program, sourceFiles: readonly SourceFile[], searchModuleSymbol: Symbol): ModuleReference[] {
const refs: ModuleReference[] = [];
const checker = program.getTypeChecker();
for (const referencingFile of sourceFiles) {
const searchSourceFile = searchModuleSymbol.valueDeclaration;
if (searchSourceFile?.kind === SyntaxKind.SourceFile) {
for (const ref of referencingFile.referencedFiles) {
if (program.getSourceFileFromReference(referencingFile, ref) === searchSourceFile) {
refs.push({ kind: "reference", referencingFile, ref });
for (const ref of referencingFile.typeReferenceDirectives) {
const referenced = program.getResolvedTypeReferenceDirectives().get(ref.fileName);
if (referenced !== undefined && referenced.resolvedFileName === (searchSourceFile as SourceFile).fileName) {
refs.push({ kind: "reference", referencingFile, ref });
forEachImport(referencingFile, (_importDecl, moduleSpecifier) => {
const moduleSymbol = checker.getSymbolAtLocation(moduleSpecifier);
if (moduleSymbol === searchModuleSymbol) {
refs.push({ kind: "import", literal: moduleSpecifier });
return refs;
/** Returns a map from a module symbol Id to all import statements that directly reference the module. */
function getDirectImportsMap(sourceFiles: readonly SourceFile[], checker: TypeChecker, cancellationToken: CancellationToken | undefined): ESMap<string, ImporterOrCallExpression[]> {
const map = new Map<string, ImporterOrCallExpression[]>();
for (const sourceFile of sourceFiles) {
if (cancellationToken) cancellationToken.throwIfCancellationRequested();
forEachImport(sourceFile, (importDecl, moduleSpecifier) => {
const moduleSymbol = checker.getSymbolAtLocation(moduleSpecifier);
if (moduleSymbol) {
const id = getSymbolId(moduleSymbol).toString();
let imports = map.get(id);
if (!imports) {
map.set(id, imports = []);
return map;
/** Iterates over all statements at the top level or in module declarations. Returns the first truthy result. */
function forEachPossibleImportOrExportStatement<T>(sourceFileLike: SourceFileLike, action: (statement: Statement) => T) {
return forEach(sourceFileLike.kind === SyntaxKind.SourceFile ? sourceFileLike.statements : sourceFileLike.body!.statements, statement => // TODO: GH#18217
action(statement) || (isAmbientModuleDeclaration(statement) && forEach(statement.body && statement.body.statements, action)));
/** Calls `action` for each import, re-export, or require() in a file. */
function forEachImport(sourceFile: SourceFile, action: (importStatement: ImporterOrCallExpression, imported: StringLiteralLike) => void): void {
if (sourceFile.externalModuleIndicator || sourceFile.imports !== undefined) {
for (const i of sourceFile.imports) {
action(importFromModuleSpecifier(i), i);
else {
forEachPossibleImportOrExportStatement(sourceFile, statement => {
switch (statement.kind) {
case SyntaxKind.ExportDeclaration:
case SyntaxKind.ImportDeclaration: {
const decl = statement as ImportDeclaration | ExportDeclaration;
if (decl.moduleSpecifier && isStringLiteral(decl.moduleSpecifier)) {
action(decl, decl.moduleSpecifier);
case SyntaxKind.ImportEqualsDeclaration: {
const decl = statement as ImportEqualsDeclaration;
if (isExternalModuleImportEquals(decl)) {
action(decl, decl.moduleReference.expression);
export interface ImportedSymbol {
kind: ImportExport.Import;
symbol: Symbol;
export interface ExportedSymbol {
kind: ImportExport.Export;
symbol: Symbol;
exportInfo: ExportInfo;
* Given a local reference, we might notice that it's an import/export and recursively search for references of that.
* If at an import, look locally for the symbol it imports.
* If at an export, look for all imports of it.
* This doesn't handle export specifiers; that is done in `getReferencesAtExportSpecifier`.
* @param comingFromExport If we are doing a search for all exports, don't bother looking backwards for the imported symbol, since that's the reason we're here.
export function getImportOrExportSymbol(node: Node, symbol: Symbol, checker: TypeChecker, comingFromExport: boolean): ImportedSymbol | ExportedSymbol | undefined {
return comingFromExport ? getExport() : getExport() || getImport();
function getExport(): ExportedSymbol | ImportedSymbol | undefined {
const { parent } = node;
const grandparent = parent.parent;
if (symbol.exportSymbol) {
if (parent.kind === SyntaxKind.PropertyAccessExpression) {
// When accessing an export of a JS module, there's no alias. The symbol will still be flagged as an export even though we're at the use.
// So check that we are at the declaration.
return symbol.declarations?.some(d => d === parent) && isBinaryExpression(grandparent)
? getSpecialPropertyExport(grandparent, /*useLhsSymbol*/ false)
: undefined;
else {
return exportInfo(symbol.exportSymbol, getExportKindForDeclaration(parent));
else {
const exportNode = getExportNode(parent, node);
if (exportNode && hasSyntacticModifier(exportNode, ModifierFlags.Export)) {
if (isImportEqualsDeclaration(exportNode) && exportNode.moduleReference === node) {
// We're at `Y` in `export import X = Y`. This is not the exported symbol, the left-hand-side is. So treat this as an import statement.
if (comingFromExport) {
return undefined;
const lhsSymbol = checker.getSymbolAtLocation(exportNode.name)!;
return { kind: ImportExport.Import, symbol: lhsSymbol };
else {
return exportInfo(symbol, getExportKindForDeclaration(exportNode));
else if (isNamespaceExport(parent)) {
return exportInfo(symbol, ExportKind.Named);
// If we are in `export = a;` or `export default a;`, `parent` is the export assignment.
else if (isExportAssignment(parent)) {
return getExportAssignmentExport(parent);
// If we are in `export = class A {};` (or `export = class A {};`) at `A`, `parent.parent` is the export assignment.
else if (isExportAssignment(grandparent)) {
return getExportAssignmentExport(grandparent);
// Similar for `module.exports =` and `exports.A =`.
else if (isBinaryExpression(parent)) {
return getSpecialPropertyExport(parent, /*useLhsSymbol*/ true);
else if (isBinaryExpression(grandparent)) {
return getSpecialPropertyExport(grandparent, /*useLhsSymbol*/ true);
else if (isJSDocTypedefTag(parent)) {
return exportInfo(symbol, ExportKind.Named);
function getExportAssignmentExport(ex: ExportAssignment): ExportedSymbol | undefined {
// Get the symbol for the `export =` node; its parent is the module it's the export of.
if (!ex.symbol.parent) return undefined;
const exportKind = ex.isExportEquals ? ExportKind.ExportEquals : ExportKind.Default;
return { kind: ImportExport.Export, symbol, exportInfo: { exportingModuleSymbol: ex.symbol.parent, exportKind } };
function getSpecialPropertyExport(node: BinaryExpression, useLhsSymbol: boolean): ExportedSymbol | undefined {
let kind: ExportKind;
switch (getAssignmentDeclarationKind(node)) {
case AssignmentDeclarationKind.ExportsProperty:
kind = ExportKind.Named;
case AssignmentDeclarationKind.ModuleExports:
kind = ExportKind.ExportEquals;
return undefined;
const sym = useLhsSymbol ? checker.getSymbolAtLocation(getNameOfAccessExpression(cast(node.left, isAccessExpression))) : symbol;
return sym && exportInfo(sym, kind);
function getImport(): ImportedSymbol | undefined {
const isImport = isNodeImport(node);
if (!isImport) return undefined;
// A symbol being imported is always an alias. So get what that aliases to find the local symbol.
let importedSymbol = checker.getImmediateAliasedSymbol(symbol);
if (!importedSymbol) return undefined;
// Search on the local symbol in the exporting module, not the exported symbol.
importedSymbol = skipExportSpecifierSymbol(importedSymbol, checker);
// Similarly, skip past the symbol for 'export ='
if (importedSymbol.escapedName === "export=") {
importedSymbol = getExportEqualsLocalSymbol(importedSymbol, checker);
// If the import has a different name than the export, do not continue searching.
// If `importedName` is undefined, do continue searching as the export is anonymous.
// (All imports returned from this function will be ignored anyway if we are in rename and this is a not a named export.)
const importedName = symbolEscapedNameNoDefault(importedSymbol);
if (importedName === undefined || importedName === InternalSymbolName.Default || importedName === symbol.escapedName) {
return { kind: ImportExport.Import, symbol: importedSymbol };
function exportInfo(symbol: Symbol, kind: ExportKind): ExportedSymbol | undefined {
const exportInfo = getExportInfo(symbol, kind, checker);
return exportInfo && { kind: ImportExport.Export, symbol, exportInfo };
// Not meant for use with export specifiers or export assignment.
function getExportKindForDeclaration(node: Node): ExportKind {
return hasSyntacticModifier(node, ModifierFlags.Default) ? ExportKind.Default : ExportKind.Named;
function getExportEqualsLocalSymbol(importedSymbol: Symbol, checker: TypeChecker): Symbol {
if (importedSymbol.flags & SymbolFlags.Alias) {
return Debug.checkDefined(checker.getImmediateAliasedSymbol(importedSymbol));
const decl = Debug.checkDefined(importedSymbol.valueDeclaration);
if (isExportAssignment(decl)) { // `export = class {}`
return Debug.checkDefined(decl.expression.symbol);
else if (isBinaryExpression(decl)) { // `module.exports = class {}`
return Debug.checkDefined(decl.right.symbol);
else if (isSourceFile(decl)) { // json module
return Debug.checkDefined(decl.symbol);
return Debug.fail();
// If a reference is a class expression, the exported node would be its parent.
// If a reference is a variable declaration, the exported node would be the variable statement.
function getExportNode(parent: Node, node: Node): Node | undefined {
const declaration = isVariableDeclaration(parent) ? parent : isBindingElement(parent) ? walkUpBindingElementsAndPatterns(parent) : undefined;
if (declaration) {
return (parent as VariableDeclaration | BindingElement).name !== node ? undefined :
isCatchClause(declaration.parent) ? undefined : isVariableStatement(declaration.parent.parent) ? declaration.parent.parent : undefined;
else {
return parent;
function isNodeImport(node: Node): boolean {
const { parent } = node;
switch (parent.kind) {
case SyntaxKind.ImportEqualsDeclaration:
return (parent as ImportEqualsDeclaration).name === node && isExternalModuleImportEquals(parent as ImportEqualsDeclaration);
case SyntaxKind.ImportSpecifier:
// For a rename import `{ foo as bar }`, don't search for the imported symbol. Just find local uses of `bar`.
return !(parent as ImportSpecifier).propertyName;
case SyntaxKind.ImportClause:
case SyntaxKind.NamespaceImport:
Debug.assert((parent as ImportClause | NamespaceImport).name === node);
return true;
case SyntaxKind.BindingElement:
return isInJSFile(node) && isRequireVariableDeclaration(parent);
return false;
export function getExportInfo(exportSymbol: Symbol, exportKind: ExportKind, checker: TypeChecker): ExportInfo | undefined {
const moduleSymbol = exportSymbol.parent;
if (!moduleSymbol) return undefined; // This can happen if an `export` is not at the top-level (which is a compile error).
const exportingModuleSymbol = checker.getMergedSymbol(moduleSymbol); // Need to get merged symbol in case there's an augmentation.
// `export` may appear in a namespace. In that case, just rely on global search.
return isExternalModuleSymbol(exportingModuleSymbol) ? { exportingModuleSymbol, exportKind } : undefined;
/** If at an export specifier, go to the symbol it refers to. */
function skipExportSpecifierSymbol(symbol: Symbol, checker: TypeChecker): Symbol {
// For `export { foo } from './bar", there's nothing to skip, because it does not create a new alias. But `export { foo } does.
if (symbol.declarations) {
for (const declaration of symbol.declarations) {
if (isExportSpecifier(declaration) && !declaration.propertyName && !declaration.parent.parent.moduleSpecifier) {
return checker.getExportSpecifierLocalTargetSymbol(declaration)!;
else if (isPropertyAccessExpression(declaration) && isModuleExportsAccessExpression(declaration.expression) && !isPrivateIdentifier(declaration.name)) {
// Export of form 'module.exports.propName = expr';
return checker.getSymbolAtLocation(declaration)!;
else if (isShorthandPropertyAssignment(declaration)
&& isBinaryExpression(declaration.parent.parent)
&& getAssignmentDeclarationKind(declaration.parent.parent) === AssignmentDeclarationKind.ModuleExports) {
return checker.getExportSpecifierLocalTargetSymbol(declaration.name)!;
return symbol;
function getContainingModuleSymbol(importer: Importer, checker: TypeChecker): Symbol {
return checker.getMergedSymbol(getSourceFileLikeForImportDeclaration(importer).symbol);
function getSourceFileLikeForImportDeclaration(node: ImporterOrCallExpression): SourceFileLike {
if (node.kind === SyntaxKind.CallExpression) {
return node.getSourceFile();
const { parent } = node;
if (parent.kind === SyntaxKind.SourceFile) {
return parent as SourceFile;
Debug.assert(parent.kind === SyntaxKind.ModuleBlock);
return cast(parent.parent, isAmbientModuleDeclaration);
function isAmbientModuleDeclaration(node: Node): node is AmbientModuleDeclaration {
return node.kind === SyntaxKind.ModuleDeclaration && (node as ModuleDeclaration).name.kind === SyntaxKind.StringLiteral;
function isExternalModuleImportEquals(eq: ImportEqualsDeclaration): eq is ImportEqualsDeclaration & { moduleReference: { expression: StringLiteral } } {
return eq.moduleReference.kind === SyntaxKind.ExternalModuleReference && eq.moduleReference.expression.kind === SyntaxKind.StringLiteral;