Sheetal Nandi 2eca17d7c1
Keep track of why files are in the program (#40011)
* --explainFiles currently hardcoded

* Move configFileSpecs to configFile so it can be used in program later

* Explain root file inclusion reason and explain include files in the log

* Baseline explainFiles

* Fix incorrectly reporting of file list two times in --b mode

* Fix unnecessary new lines in output represented incorretly in the baseline

* More tests

* More cleaning up

* Keep listing files in same order as list files, just add explaination

* Fix double listing of file names when the program has errors

* Make diagnostic chains for file include reason

* Add explaination for the file include to diagnostics for program

* Harness ls incorrectly adding tsconfig as the root file

* Fix incorrect use of path for calculating absolute path

* Fix the root file in fourslash

* Test project service options merge

* Add config file name to matched by include explaination

* Add test for when the file changes and program is reused completely but related file information is reattached to correct location

* Handle file preprocessing diagnostics updates when program is reused and related information location changes

* Moved types to types.ts

* Refactoring and cleanup

* More cleanup

* More refatoring

* Handle synthetic imports

* Baselines after merge
2020-12-08 16:10:05 -08:00

1562 lines
79 KiB

namespace ts {
export function checkResolvedModule(actual: ResolvedModuleFull | undefined, expected: ResolvedModuleFull | undefined): boolean {
if (!expected) {
if (actual) {
assert.fail(actual, expected, "expected resolved module to be undefined");
return false;
return true;
else if (!actual) {
assert.fail(actual, expected, "expected resolved module to be defined");
return false;
assert.isTrue(actual.resolvedFileName === expected.resolvedFileName, `'resolvedFileName': expected '${actual.resolvedFileName}' to be equal to '${expected.resolvedFileName}'`);
assert.isTrue(actual.extension === expected.extension, `'ext': expected '${actual.extension}' to be equal to '${expected.extension}'`);
assert.isTrue(actual.isExternalLibraryImport === expected.isExternalLibraryImport, `'isExternalLibraryImport': expected '${actual.isExternalLibraryImport}' to be equal to '${expected.isExternalLibraryImport}'`);
return true;
export function checkResolvedModuleWithFailedLookupLocations(actual: ResolvedModuleWithFailedLookupLocations, expectedResolvedModule: ResolvedModuleFull, expectedFailedLookupLocations: string[]): void {
assert.isTrue(actual.resolvedModule !== undefined, "module should be resolved");
checkResolvedModule(actual.resolvedModule, expectedResolvedModule);
assert.deepEqual(actual.failedLookupLocations, expectedFailedLookupLocations, `Failed lookup locations should match - expected has ${expectedFailedLookupLocations.length}, actual has ${actual.failedLookupLocations.length}`);
export function createResolvedModule(resolvedFileName: string, isExternalLibraryImport = false): ResolvedModuleFull {
return { resolvedFileName, extension: extensionFromPath(resolvedFileName), isExternalLibraryImport };
interface File {
name: string;
content?: string;
symlinks?: string[];
function createModuleResolutionHost(hasDirectoryExists: boolean, ...files: File[]): ModuleResolutionHost {
const map = new Map<string, File>();
for (const file of files) {
map.set(file.name, file);
if (file.symlinks) {
for (const symlink of file.symlinks) {
map.set(symlink, file);
if (hasDirectoryExists) {
const directories = new Map<string, string>();
for (const f of files) {
let name = getDirectoryPath(f.name);
while (true) {
directories.set(name, name);
const baseName = getDirectoryPath(name);
if (baseName === name) {
name = baseName;
return {
directoryExists: path => directories.has(path),
fileExists: path => {
assert.isTrue(directories.has(getDirectoryPath(path)), `'fileExists' '${path}' request in non-existing directory`);
return map.has(path);
else {
return { readFile, realpath, fileExists: path => map.has(path) };
function readFile(path: string): string | undefined {
const file = map.get(path);
return file && file.content;
function realpath(path: string): string {
return map.get(path)!.name;
describe("unittests:: moduleResolution:: Node module resolution - relative paths", () => {
function testLoadAsFile(containingFileName: string, moduleFileNameNoExt: string, moduleName: string): void {
for (const ext of supportedTSExtensions) {
test(ext, /*hasDirectoryExists*/ false);
test(ext, /*hasDirectoryExists*/ true);
function test(ext: string, hasDirectoryExists: boolean) {
const containingFile = { name: containingFileName };
const moduleFile = { name: moduleFileNameNoExt + ext };
const resolution = nodeModuleNameResolver(moduleName, containingFile.name, {}, createModuleResolutionHost(hasDirectoryExists, containingFile, moduleFile));
checkResolvedModule(resolution.resolvedModule, createResolvedModule(moduleFile.name));
const failedLookupLocations: string[] = [];
const dir = getDirectoryPath(containingFileName);
for (const e of supportedTSExtensions) {
if (e === ext) {
else {
failedLookupLocations.push(normalizePath(getRootLength(moduleName) === 0 ? combinePaths(dir, moduleName) : moduleName) + e);
assert.deepEqual(resolution.failedLookupLocations, failedLookupLocations);
it("module name that starts with './' resolved as relative file name", () => {
testLoadAsFile("/foo/bar/baz.ts", "/foo/bar/foo", "./foo");
it("module name that starts with '../' resolved as relative file name", () => {
testLoadAsFile("/foo/bar/baz.ts", "/foo/foo", "../foo");
it("module name that starts with '/' script extension resolved as relative file name", () => {
testLoadAsFile("/foo/bar/baz.ts", "/foo", "/foo");
it("module name that starts with 'c:/' script extension resolved as relative file name", () => {
testLoadAsFile("c:/foo/bar/baz.ts", "c:/foo", "c:/foo");
function testLoadingFromPackageJson(containingFileName: string, packageJsonFileName: string, fieldRef: string, moduleFileName: string, moduleName: string): void {
test(/*hasDirectoryExists*/ false);
test(/*hasDirectoryExists*/ true);
function test(hasDirectoryExists: boolean) {
const containingFile = { name: containingFileName };
const packageJson = { name: packageJsonFileName, content: JSON.stringify({ typings: fieldRef }) };
const moduleFile = { name: moduleFileName };
const resolution = nodeModuleNameResolver(moduleName, containingFile.name, {}, createModuleResolutionHost(hasDirectoryExists, containingFile, packageJson, moduleFile));
checkResolvedModule(resolution.resolvedModule, createResolvedModule(moduleFile.name));
// expect three failed lookup location - attempt to load module as file with all supported extensions
assert.equal(resolution.failedLookupLocations.length, supportedTSExtensions.length);
it("module name as directory - load from 'typings'", () => {
testLoadingFromPackageJson("/a/b/c/d.ts", "/a/b/c/bar/package.json", "c/d/e.d.ts", "/a/b/c/bar/c/d/e.d.ts", "./bar");
testLoadingFromPackageJson("/a/b/c/d.ts", "/a/bar/package.json", "e.d.ts", "/a/bar/e.d.ts", "../../bar");
testLoadingFromPackageJson("/a/b/c/d.ts", "/bar/package.json", "e.d.ts", "/bar/e.d.ts", "/bar");
testLoadingFromPackageJson("c:/a/b/c/d.ts", "c:/bar/package.json", "e.d.ts", "c:/bar/e.d.ts", "c:/bar");
function testTypingsIgnored(typings: any): void {
test(/*hasDirectoryExists*/ false);
test(/*hasDirectoryExists*/ true);
function test(hasDirectoryExists: boolean) {
const containingFile = { name: "/a/b.ts" };
const packageJson = { name: "/node_modules/b/package.json", content: JSON.stringify({ typings }) };
const moduleFile = { name: "/a/b.d.ts" };
const indexPath = "/node_modules/b/index.d.ts";
const indexFile = { name: indexPath };
const resolution = nodeModuleNameResolver("b", containingFile.name, {}, createModuleResolutionHost(hasDirectoryExists, containingFile, packageJson, moduleFile, indexFile));
checkResolvedModule(resolution.resolvedModule, createResolvedModule(indexPath, /*isExternalLibraryImport*/ true));
it("module name as directory - handle invalid 'typings'", () => {
testTypingsIgnored(["a", "b"]);
testTypingsIgnored({ a: "b" });
testTypingsIgnored(/*typings*/ true);
testTypingsIgnored(/*typings*/ null); // eslint-disable-line no-null/no-null
testTypingsIgnored(/*typings*/ undefined);
it("module name as directory - load index.d.ts", () => {
test(/*hasDirectoryExists*/ false);
test(/*hasDirectoryExists*/ true);
function test(hasDirectoryExists: boolean) {
const containingFile = { name: "/a/b/c.ts" };
const packageJson = { name: "/a/b/foo/package.json", content: JSON.stringify({ main: "/c/d" }) };
const indexFile = { name: "/a/b/foo/index.d.ts" };
const resolution = nodeModuleNameResolver("./foo", containingFile.name, {}, createModuleResolutionHost(hasDirectoryExists, containingFile, packageJson, indexFile));
checkResolvedModuleWithFailedLookupLocations(resolution, createResolvedModule(indexFile.name), [
describe("unittests:: moduleResolution:: Node module resolution - non-relative paths", () => {
it("computes correct commonPrefix for moduleName cache", () => {
const resolutionCache = createModuleResolutionCache("/", (f) => f);
let cache = resolutionCache.getOrCreateCacheForModuleName("a");
cache.set("/sub", {
resolvedModule: {
originalPath: undefined,
resolvedFileName: "/sub/node_modules/a/index.ts",
isExternalLibraryImport: true,
extension: Extension.Ts,
failedLookupLocations: [],
cache = resolutionCache.getOrCreateCacheForModuleName("b");
cache.set("/sub/dir/foo", {
resolvedModule: {
originalPath: undefined,
resolvedFileName: "/sub/directory/node_modules/b/index.ts",
isExternalLibraryImport: true,
extension: Extension.Ts,
failedLookupLocations: [],
cache = resolutionCache.getOrCreateCacheForModuleName("c");
cache.set("/foo/bar", {
resolvedModule: {
originalPath: undefined,
resolvedFileName: "/bar/node_modules/c/index.ts",
isExternalLibraryImport: true,
extension: Extension.Ts,
failedLookupLocations: [],
cache = resolutionCache.getOrCreateCacheForModuleName("d");
cache.set("/foo", {
resolvedModule: {
originalPath: undefined,
resolvedFileName: "/foo/index.ts",
isExternalLibraryImport: true,
extension: Extension.Ts,
failedLookupLocations: [],
cache = resolutionCache.getOrCreateCacheForModuleName("e");
cache.set("c:/foo", {
resolvedModule: {
originalPath: undefined,
resolvedFileName: "d:/bar/node_modules/e/index.ts",
isExternalLibraryImport: true,
extension: Extension.Ts,
failedLookupLocations: [],
cache = resolutionCache.getOrCreateCacheForModuleName("f");
cache.set("/foo/bar/baz", {
resolvedModule: undefined,
failedLookupLocations: [],
it("load module as file - ts files not loaded", () => {
test(/*hasDirectoryExists*/ false);
test(/*hasDirectoryExists*/ true);
function test(hasDirectoryExists: boolean) {
const containingFile = { name: "/a/b/c/d/e.ts" };
const moduleFile = { name: "/a/b/node_modules/foo.ts" };
const resolution = nodeModuleNameResolver("foo", containingFile.name, {}, createModuleResolutionHost(hasDirectoryExists, containingFile, moduleFile));
checkResolvedModuleWithFailedLookupLocations(resolution, createResolvedModule(moduleFile.name, /*isExternalLibraryImport*/ true), [
it("load module as file", () => {
test(/*hasDirectoryExists*/ false);
test(/*hasDirectoryExists*/ true);
function test(hasDirectoryExists: boolean) {
const containingFile = { name: "/a/b/c/d/e.ts" };
const moduleFile = { name: "/a/b/node_modules/foo.d.ts" };
const resolution = nodeModuleNameResolver("foo", containingFile.name, {}, createModuleResolutionHost(hasDirectoryExists, containingFile, moduleFile));
checkResolvedModule(resolution.resolvedModule, createResolvedModule(moduleFile.name, /*isExternalLibraryImport*/ true));
it("load module as directory", () => {
test(/*hasDirectoryExists*/ false);
test(/*hasDirectoryExists*/ true);
function test(hasDirectoryExists: boolean) {
const containingFile: File = { name: "/a/node_modules/b/c/node_modules/d/e.ts" };
const moduleFile: File = { name: "/a/node_modules/foo/index.d.ts" };
const resolution = nodeModuleNameResolver("foo", containingFile.name, {}, createModuleResolutionHost(hasDirectoryExists, containingFile, moduleFile));
checkResolvedModuleWithFailedLookupLocations(resolution, createResolvedModule(moduleFile.name, /*isExternalLibraryImport*/ true), [
testPreserveSymlinks(/*preserveSymlinks*/ false);
testPreserveSymlinks(/*preserveSymlinks*/ true);
function testPreserveSymlinks(preserveSymlinks: boolean) {
it(`preserveSymlinks: ${preserveSymlinks}`, () => {
const realFileName = "/linked/index.d.ts";
const symlinkFileName = "/app/node_modules/linked/index.d.ts";
const host = createModuleResolutionHost(
/*hasDirectoryExists*/ true,
{ name: realFileName, symlinks: [symlinkFileName] },
{ name: "/app/node_modules/linked/package.json", content: '{"version": "0.0.0", "main": "./index"}' },
const resolution = nodeModuleNameResolver("linked", "/app/app.ts", { preserveSymlinks }, host);
const resolvedFileName = preserveSymlinks ? symlinkFileName : realFileName;
checkResolvedModule(resolution.resolvedModule, createResolvedModule(resolvedFileName, /*isExternalLibraryImport*/ true));
it("uses originalPath for caching", () => {
const host = createModuleResolutionHost(
/*hasDirectoryExists*/ true,
name: "/modules/a.ts",
symlinks: ["/sub/node_modules/a/index.ts"],
name: "/sub/node_modules/a/package.json",
content: '{"version": "0.0.0", "main": "./index"}'
const compilerOptions: CompilerOptions = { moduleResolution: ModuleResolutionKind.NodeJs };
const cache = createModuleResolutionCache("/", (f) => f);
let resolution = resolveModuleName("a", "/sub/dir/foo.ts", compilerOptions, host, cache);
checkResolvedModule(resolution.resolvedModule, createResolvedModule("/modules/a.ts", /*isExternalLibraryImport*/ true));
resolution = resolveModuleName("a", "/sub/foo.ts", compilerOptions, host, cache);
checkResolvedModule(resolution.resolvedModule, createResolvedModule("/modules/a.ts", /*isExternalLibraryImport*/ true));
resolution = resolveModuleName("a", "/foo.ts", compilerOptions, host, cache);
assert.isUndefined(resolution.resolvedModule, "lookup in parent directory doesn't hit the cache");
it("preserves originalPath on cache hit", () => {
const host = createModuleResolutionHost(
/*hasDirectoryExists*/ true,
{ name: "/linked/index.d.ts", symlinks: ["/app/node_modules/linked/index.d.ts"] },
{ name: "/app/node_modules/linked/package.json", content: '{"version": "0.0.0", "main": "./index"}' },
const cache = createModuleResolutionCache("/", (f) => f);
const compilerOptions: CompilerOptions = { moduleResolution: ModuleResolutionKind.NodeJs };
checkResolution(resolveModuleName("linked", "/app/src/app.ts", compilerOptions, host, cache));
checkResolution(resolveModuleName("linked", "/app/lib/main.ts", compilerOptions, host, cache));
function checkResolution(resolution: ResolvedModuleWithFailedLookupLocations) {
checkResolvedModule(resolution.resolvedModule, createResolvedModule("/linked/index.d.ts", /*isExternalLibraryImport*/ true));
assert.strictEqual(resolution.resolvedModule!.originalPath, "/app/node_modules/linked/index.d.ts");
describe("unittests:: moduleResolution:: Relative imports", () => {
function test(files: ESMap<string, string>, currentDirectory: string, rootFiles: string[], expectedFilesCount: number, relativeNamesToCheck: string[]) {
const options: CompilerOptions = { module: ModuleKind.CommonJS };
const host: CompilerHost = {
getSourceFile: (fileName: string, languageVersion: ScriptTarget) => {
const path = normalizePath(combinePaths(currentDirectory, fileName));
const file = files.get(path);
return file ? createSourceFile(fileName, file, languageVersion) : undefined;
getDefaultLibFileName: () => "lib.d.ts",
writeFile: notImplemented,
getCurrentDirectory: () => currentDirectory,
getDirectories: () => [],
getCanonicalFileName: fileName => fileName.toLowerCase(),
getNewLine: () => "\r\n",
useCaseSensitiveFileNames: () => false,
fileExists: fileName => {
const path = normalizePath(combinePaths(currentDirectory, fileName));
return files.has(path);
readFile: notImplemented,
const program = createProgram(rootFiles, options, host);
assert.equal(program.getSourceFiles().length, expectedFilesCount);
const syntacticDiagnostics = program.getSyntacticDiagnostics();
assert.equal(syntacticDiagnostics.length, 0, `expect no syntactic diagnostics, got: ${JSON.stringify(Harness.Compiler.minimalDiagnosticsToString(syntacticDiagnostics))}`);
const semanticDiagnostics = program.getSemanticDiagnostics();
assert.equal(semanticDiagnostics.length, 0, `expect no semantic diagnostics, got: ${JSON.stringify(Harness.Compiler.minimalDiagnosticsToString(semanticDiagnostics))}`);
// try to get file using a relative name
for (const relativeFileName of relativeNamesToCheck) {
assert.isTrue(program.getSourceFile(relativeFileName) !== undefined, `expected to get file by relative name, got undefined`);
it("should find all modules", () => {
const files = new Map(getEntries({
"/a/b/c/first/shared.ts": `
class A {}
export = A`,
"/a/b/c/first/second/class_a.ts": `
import Shared = require('../shared');
import C = require('../../third/class_c');
class B {}
export = B;`,
"/a/b/c/third/class_c.ts": `
import Shared = require('../first/shared');
class C {}
export = C;
test(files, "/a/b/c/first/second", ["class_a.ts"], 3, ["../../../c/third/class_c.ts"]);
it("should find modules in node_modules", () => {
const files = new Map(getEntries({
"/parent/node_modules/mod/index.d.ts": "export var x",
"/parent/app/myapp.ts": `import {x} from "mod"`
test(files, "/parent/app", ["myapp.ts"], 2, []);
it("should find file referenced via absolute and relative names", () => {
const files = new Map(getEntries({
"/a/b/c.ts": `/// <reference path="b.ts"/>`,
"/a/b/b.ts": "var x"
test(files, "/a/b", ["c.ts", "/a/b/b.ts"], 2, []);
describe("unittests:: moduleResolution:: Files with different casing with forceConsistentCasingInFileNames", () => {
let library: SourceFile;
function test(
files: ESMap<string, string>,
options: CompilerOptions,
currentDirectory: string,
useCaseSensitiveFileNames: boolean,
rootFiles: string[],
expectedDiagnostics: (program: Program) => readonly Diagnostic[]
): void {
const getCanonicalFileName = createGetCanonicalFileName(useCaseSensitiveFileNames);
if (!useCaseSensitiveFileNames) {
const oldFiles = files;
files = new Map<string, string>();
oldFiles.forEach((file, fileName) => {
files.set(getCanonicalFileName(fileName), file);
const host: CompilerHost = {
getSourceFile: (fileName: string, languageVersion: ScriptTarget) => {
if (fileName === "lib.d.ts") {
if (!library) {
library = createSourceFile("lib.d.ts", "", ScriptTarget.ES5);
return library;
const path = getCanonicalFileName(normalizePath(combinePaths(currentDirectory, fileName)));
const file = files.get(path);
return file ? createSourceFile(fileName, file, languageVersion) : undefined;
getDefaultLibFileName: () => "lib.d.ts",
writeFile: notImplemented,
getCurrentDirectory: () => currentDirectory,
getDirectories: () => [],
getNewLine: () => "\r\n",
useCaseSensitiveFileNames: () => useCaseSensitiveFileNames,
fileExists: fileName => {
const path = getCanonicalFileName(normalizePath(combinePaths(currentDirectory, fileName)));
return files.has(path);
readFile: notImplemented,
const program = createProgram(rootFiles, options, host);
const diagnostics = sortAndDeduplicateDiagnostics([...program.getSemanticDiagnostics(), ...program.getOptionsDiagnostics()]);
assert.deepEqual(diagnostics, sortAndDeduplicateDiagnostics(expectedDiagnostics(program)));
it("should succeed when the same file is referenced using absolute and relative names", () => {
const files = new Map(getEntries({
"/a/b/c.ts": `/// <reference path="d.ts"/>`,
"/a/b/d.ts": "var x"
{ module: ModuleKind.AMD },
/*useCaseSensitiveFileNames*/ false,
["c.ts", "/a/b/d.ts"],
() => emptyArray
it("should fail when two files used in program differ only in casing (tripleslash references)", () => {
const files = new Map(getEntries({
"/a/b/c.ts": `/// <reference path="D.ts"/>`,
"/a/b/d.ts": "var x"
{ module: ModuleKind.AMD, forceConsistentCasingInFileNames: true },
/*useCaseSensitiveFileNames*/ false,
["c.ts", "d.ts"],
program => [{
`/// <reference path="D.ts"/>`.indexOf(`D.ts`),
["D.ts", "d.ts"],
tscWatch.getDiagnosticMessageChain(Diagnostics.Referenced_via_0_from_file_1, ["D.ts", "c.ts"]),
relatedInformation: undefined,
it("should fail when two files used in program differ only in casing (imports)", () => {
const files = new Map(getEntries({
"/a/b/c.ts": `import {x} from "D"`,
"/a/b/d.ts": "export var x"
{ module: ModuleKind.AMD, forceConsistentCasingInFileNames: true },
/*useCaseSensitiveFileNames*/ false,
["c.ts", "d.ts"],
program => [{
`import {x} from "D"`.indexOf(`"D"`),
["/a/b/D.ts", "d.ts"],
tscWatch.getDiagnosticMessageChain(Diagnostics.Imported_via_0_from_file_1, [`"D"`, "c.ts"]),
relatedInformation: undefined,
it("should fail when two files used in program differ only in casing (imports, relative module names)", () => {
const files = new Map(getEntries({
"moduleA.ts": `import {x} from "./ModuleB"`,
"moduleB.ts": "export var x"
{ module: ModuleKind.CommonJS, forceConsistentCasingInFileNames: true },
/*useCaseSensitiveFileNames*/ false,
["moduleA.ts", "moduleB.ts"],
program => [{
`import {x} from "./ModuleB"`.indexOf(`"./ModuleB"`),
["ModuleB.ts", "moduleB.ts"],
tscWatch.getDiagnosticMessageChain(Diagnostics.Imported_via_0_from_file_1, [`"./ModuleB"`, "moduleA.ts"]),
relatedInformation: undefined
it("should fail when two files exist on disk that differs only in casing", () => {
const files = new Map(getEntries({
"/a/b/c.ts": `import {x} from "D"`,
"/a/b/D.ts": "export var x",
"/a/b/d.ts": "export var y"
{ module: ModuleKind.AMD },
/*useCaseSensitiveFileNames*/ true,
["c.ts", "d.ts"],
program => [{
`import {x} from "D"`.indexOf(`"D"`),
["/a/b/D.ts", "d.ts"],
tscWatch.getDiagnosticMessageChain(Diagnostics.Imported_via_0_from_file_1, [`"D"`, "c.ts"]),
relatedInformation: undefined
it("should fail when module name in 'require' calls has inconsistent casing", () => {
const files = new Map(getEntries({
"moduleA.ts": `import a = require("./ModuleC")`,
"moduleB.ts": `import a = require("./moduleC")`,
"moduleC.ts": "export var x"
{ module: ModuleKind.CommonJS, forceConsistentCasingInFileNames: true },
/*useCaseSensitiveFileNames*/ false,
["moduleA.ts", "moduleB.ts", "moduleC.ts"],
program => {
const importInA = {
`import a = require("./ModuleC")`.indexOf(`"./ModuleC"`),
reportsUnnecessary: undefined,
reportsDeprecated: undefined
const importInB = {
`import a = require("./moduleC")`.indexOf(`"./moduleC"`),
reportsUnnecessary: undefined,
reportsDeprecated: undefined
const importHereInA = tscWatch.getDiagnosticMessageChain(Diagnostics.Imported_via_0_from_file_1, [`"./ModuleC"`, "moduleA.ts"]);
const importHereInB = tscWatch.getDiagnosticMessageChain(Diagnostics.Imported_via_0_from_file_1, [`"./moduleC"`, "moduleB.ts"]);
const details = [tscWatch.getDiagnosticMessageChain(
[importHereInA, importHereInB, tscWatch.getDiagnosticMessageChain(Diagnostics.Root_file_specified_for_compilation)]
return [
["ModuleC.ts", "moduleC.ts" ],
relatedInformation: [importInB]
["moduleC.ts", "ModuleC.ts"],
relatedInformation: [importInA]
it("should fail when module names in 'require' calls has inconsistent casing and current directory has uppercase chars", () => {
const files = new Map(getEntries({
"/a/B/c/moduleA.ts": `import a = require("./ModuleC")`,
"/a/B/c/moduleB.ts": `import a = require("./moduleC")`,
"/a/B/c/moduleC.ts": "export var x",
"/a/B/c/moduleD.ts": `
import a = require("./moduleA");
import b = require("./moduleB");
{ module: ModuleKind.CommonJS, forceConsistentCasingInFileNames: true },
/*useCaseSensitiveFileNames*/ false,
program => [{
`import a = require("./moduleC")`.indexOf(`"./moduleC"`),
["/a/B/c/moduleC.ts", "/a/B/c/ModuleC.ts"],
tscWatch.getDiagnosticMessageChain(Diagnostics.Imported_via_0_from_file_1, [`"./ModuleC"`, "/a/B/c/moduleA.ts"]),
tscWatch.getDiagnosticMessageChain(Diagnostics.Imported_via_0_from_file_1, [`"./moduleC"`, "/a/B/c/moduleB.ts"])
relatedInformation: [
`import a = require("./ModuleC")`.indexOf(`"./ModuleC"`),
reportsUnnecessary: undefined,
reportsDeprecated: undefined
it("should not fail when module names in 'require' calls has consistent casing and current directory has uppercase chars", () => {
const files = new Map(getEntries({
"/a/B/c/moduleA.ts": `import a = require("./moduleC")`,
"/a/B/c/moduleB.ts": `import a = require("./moduleC")`,
"/a/B/c/moduleC.ts": "export var x",
"/a/B/c/moduleD.ts": `
import a = require("./moduleA");
import b = require("./moduleB");
{ module: ModuleKind.CommonJS, forceConsistentCasingInFileNames: true },
/*useCaseSensitiveFileNames*/ false,
() => emptyArray
it("should succeed when the two files in program differ only in drive letter in their names", () => {
const files = new Map(getEntries({
"d:/someFolder/moduleA.ts": `import a = require("D:/someFolder/moduleC")`,
"d:/someFolder/moduleB.ts": `import a = require("./moduleC")`,
"D:/someFolder/moduleC.ts": "export const x = 10",
{ module: ModuleKind.CommonJS, forceConsistentCasingInFileNames: true },
/*useCaseSensitiveFileNames*/ false,
["d:/someFolder/moduleA.ts", "d:/someFolder/moduleB.ts"],
() => emptyArray
describe("unittests:: moduleResolution:: baseUrl augmented module resolution", () => {
it("module resolution without path mappings/rootDirs", () => {
test(/*hasDirectoryExists*/ false);
test(/*hasDirectoryExists*/ true);
function test(hasDirectoryExists: boolean) {
const file1: File = { name: "/root/folder1/file1.ts" };
const file2: File = { name: "/root/folder2/file2.ts" };
const file3: File = { name: "/root/folder2/file3.ts" };
const host = createModuleResolutionHost(hasDirectoryExists, file1, file2, file3);
for (const moduleResolution of [ ModuleResolutionKind.NodeJs, ModuleResolutionKind.Classic ]) {
const options: CompilerOptions = { moduleResolution, baseUrl: "/root" };
const result = resolveModuleName("folder2/file2", file1.name, options, host);
checkResolvedModuleWithFailedLookupLocations(result, createResolvedModule(file2.name), []);
const result = resolveModuleName("./file3", file2.name, options, host);
checkResolvedModuleWithFailedLookupLocations(result, createResolvedModule(file3.name), []);
const result = resolveModuleName("/root/folder1/file1", file2.name, options, host);
checkResolvedModuleWithFailedLookupLocations(result, createResolvedModule(file1.name), []);
// add failure tests
it("node + baseUrl", () => {
test(/*hasDirectoryExists*/ false);
test(/*hasDirectoryExists*/ true);
function test(hasDirectoryExists: boolean) {
const main: File = { name: "/root/a/b/main.ts" };
const m1: File = { name: "/root/m1.ts" }; // load file as module
const m2: File = { name: "/root/m2/index.d.ts" }; // load folder as module
const m3: File = { name: "/root/m3/package.json", content: JSON.stringify({ typings: "dist/typings.d.ts" }) };
const m3Typings: File = { name: "/root/m3/dist/typings.d.ts" };
const m4: File = { name: "/root/node_modules/m4.ts" }; // fallback to node
const options: CompilerOptions = { moduleResolution: ModuleResolutionKind.NodeJs, baseUrl: "/root" };
const host = createModuleResolutionHost(hasDirectoryExists, main, m1, m2, m3, m3Typings, m4);
check("m1", main, m1);
check("m2", main, m2);
check("m3", main, m3Typings);
check("m4", main, m4, /*isExternalLibraryImport*/ true);
function check(name: string, caller: File, expected: File, isExternalLibraryImport = false) {
const result = resolveModuleName(name, caller.name, options, host);
checkResolvedModule(result.resolvedModule, createResolvedModule(expected.name, isExternalLibraryImport));
it("classic + baseUrl", () => {
test(/*hasDirectoryExists*/ false);
test(/*hasDirectoryExists*/ true);
function test(hasDirectoryExists: boolean) {
const main: File = { name: "/root/a/b/main.ts" };
const m1: File = { name: "/root/x/m1.ts" }; // load from base url
const m2: File = { name: "/m2.ts" }; // fallback to classic
const options: CompilerOptions = { moduleResolution: ModuleResolutionKind.Classic, baseUrl: "/root/x", jsx: JsxEmit.React };
const host = createModuleResolutionHost(hasDirectoryExists, main, m1, m2);
check("m1", main, m1);
check("m2", main, m2);
function check(name: string, caller: File, expected: File) {
const result = resolveModuleName(name, caller.name, options, host);
checkResolvedModule(result.resolvedModule, createResolvedModule(expected.name));
it("node + baseUrl + path mappings", () => {
test(/*hasDirectoryExists*/ false);
test(/*hasDirectoryExists*/ true);
function test(hasDirectoryExists: boolean) {
const main: File = { name: "/root/folder1/main.ts" };
const file1: File = { name: "/root/folder1/file1.ts" };
const file2: File = { name: "/root/generated/folder1/file2.ts" }; // load remapped file as module
const file3: File = { name: "/root/generated/folder2/file3/index.d.ts" }; // load folder a module
const file4Typings: File = { name: "/root/generated/folder2/file4/package.json", content: JSON.stringify({ typings: "dist/types.d.ts" }) };
const file4: File = { name: "/root/generated/folder2/file4/dist/types.d.ts" }; // load file pointed by typings
const file5: File = { name: "/root/someanotherfolder/file5/index.d.ts" }; // load remapped module from folder
const file6: File = { name: "/root/node_modules/file6.ts" }; // fallback to node
const host = createModuleResolutionHost(hasDirectoryExists, file1, file2, file3, file4, file4Typings, file5, file6);
const options: CompilerOptions = {
moduleResolution: ModuleResolutionKind.NodeJs,
baseUrl: "/root",
jsx: JsxEmit.React,
paths: {
"*": [
"somefolder/*": [
"/rooted/*": [
check("folder1/file1", file1, []);
check("folder1/file2", file2, [
// first try the '*'
// then first attempt on 'generated/*' was successful
check("/rooted/folder1/file2", file2, []);
check("folder2/file3", file3, [
// first try '*'
// then use remapped location
// success on index.d.ts
check("folder2/file4", file4, [
// first try '*'
// try to load from file from remapped location
// success on loading as from folder
check("somefolder/file5", file5, [
// load from remapped location
// first load from fle
// load from folder
// success on index.d.ts
check("file6", file6, [
// first try *
// load from file
// load from folder
// then try 'generated/*'
// load from file
// load from folder
// fallback to standard node behavior
// load from file
// load from folder
// success on /root/node_modules/file6.ts
], /*isExternalLibraryImport*/ true);
function check(name: string, expected: File, expectedFailedLookups: string[], isExternalLibraryImport = false) {
const result = resolveModuleName(name, main.name, options, host);
checkResolvedModuleWithFailedLookupLocations(result, createResolvedModule(expected.name, isExternalLibraryImport), expectedFailedLookups);
it ("classic + baseUrl + path mappings", () => {
// classic mode does not use directoryExists
test(/*hasDirectoryExists*/ false);
function test(hasDirectoryExists: boolean) {
const main: File = { name: "/root/folder1/main.ts" };
const file1: File = { name: "/root/folder1/file1.ts" };
const file2: File = { name: "/root/generated/folder1/file2.ts" };
const file3: File = { name: "/folder1/file3.ts" }; // fallback to classic
const host = createModuleResolutionHost(hasDirectoryExists, file1, file2, file3);
const options: CompilerOptions = {
moduleResolution: ModuleResolutionKind.Classic,
baseUrl: "/root",
jsx: JsxEmit.React,
paths: {
"*": [
"somefolder/*": [
"/rooted/*": [
check("folder1/file1", file1, []);
check("folder1/file2", file2, [
// first try '*'
// success when using 'generated/*'
check("/rooted/folder1/file2", file2, []);
check("folder1/file3", file3, [
// first try '*'
// then try 'generated/*'
// fallback to classic
function check(name: string, expected: File, expectedFailedLookups: string[]) {
const result = resolveModuleName(name, main.name, options, host);
checkResolvedModuleWithFailedLookupLocations(result, createResolvedModule(expected.name), expectedFailedLookups);
it ("node + rootDirs", () => {
test(/*hasDirectoryExists*/ false);
test(/*hasDirectoryExists*/ true);
function test(hasDirectoryExists: boolean) {
const file1: File = { name: "/root/folder1/file1.ts" };
const file1_1: File = { name: "/root/folder1/file1_1/index.d.ts" }; // eslint-disable-line @typescript-eslint/naming-convention
const file2: File = { name: "/root/generated/folder1/file2.ts" };
const file3: File = { name: "/root/generated/folder2/file3.ts" };
const host = createModuleResolutionHost(hasDirectoryExists, file1, file1_1, file2, file3);
const options: CompilerOptions = {
moduleResolution: ModuleResolutionKind.NodeJs,
rootDirs: [
check("./file2", file1, file2, [
// first try current location
// load from file
// load from folder
// success after using alternative rootDir entry
check("../folder1/file1", file3, file1, [
// first try current location
// load from file
// load from module
// success after using alternative rootDir entry
check("../folder1/file1_1", file3, file1_1, [
// first try current location
// load from file
// load from folder
// try alternative rootDir entry
// load from file
// load from directory
// success on loading '/root/folder1/file1_1/index.d.ts'
function check(name: string, container: File, expected: File, expectedFailedLookups: string[]) {
const result = resolveModuleName(name, container.name, options, host);
checkResolvedModuleWithFailedLookupLocations(result, createResolvedModule(expected.name), expectedFailedLookups);
it ("classic + rootDirs", () => {
test(/*hasDirectoryExists*/ false);
function test(hasDirectoryExists: boolean) {
const file1: File = { name: "/root/folder1/file1.ts" };
const file2: File = { name: "/root/generated/folder1/file2.ts" };
const file3: File = { name: "/root/generated/folder2/file3.ts" };
const file4: File = { name: "/folder1/file1_1.ts" };
const host = createModuleResolutionHost(hasDirectoryExists, file1, file2, file3, file4);
const options: CompilerOptions = {
moduleResolution: ModuleResolutionKind.Classic,
jsx: JsxEmit.React,
rootDirs: [
check("./file2", file1, file2, [
// first load from current location
// then try alternative rootDir entry
check("../folder1/file1", file3, file1, [
// first load from current location
// then try alternative rootDir entry
check("folder1/file1_1", file3, file4, [
// current location
// other entry in rootDirs
// fallback
// found one
function check(name: string, container: File, expected: File, expectedFailedLookups: string[]) {
const result = resolveModuleName(name, container.name, options, host);
checkResolvedModuleWithFailedLookupLocations(result, createResolvedModule(expected.name), expectedFailedLookups);
it ("nested node module", () => {
test(/*hasDirectoryExists*/ false);
test(/*hasDirectoryExists*/ true);
function test(hasDirectoryExists: boolean) {
const app: File = { name: "/root/src/app.ts" };
const libsPackage: File = { name: "/root/src/libs/guid/package.json", content: JSON.stringify({ typings: "dist/guid.d.ts" }) };
const libsTypings: File = { name: "/root/src/libs/guid/dist/guid.d.ts" };
const host = createModuleResolutionHost(hasDirectoryExists, app, libsPackage, libsTypings);
const options: CompilerOptions = {
moduleResolution: ModuleResolutionKind.NodeJs,
baseUrl: "/root",
paths: {
"libs/guid": [ "src/libs/guid" ]
const result = resolveModuleName("libs/guid", app.name, options, host);
checkResolvedModuleWithFailedLookupLocations(result, createResolvedModule(libsTypings.name), [
// first try to load module as file
describe("unittests:: moduleResolution:: ModuleResolutionHost.directoryExists", () => {
it("No 'fileExists' calls if containing directory is missing", () => {
const host: ModuleResolutionHost = {
readFile: notImplemented,
fileExists: notImplemented,
directoryExists: _ => false
const result = resolveModuleName("someName", "/a/b/c/d", { moduleResolution: ModuleResolutionKind.NodeJs }, host);
describe("unittests:: moduleResolution:: Type reference directive resolution: ", () => {
function testWorker(hasDirectoryExists: boolean, typesRoot: string | undefined, typeDirective: string, primary: boolean, initialFile: File, targetFile: File, ...otherFiles: File[]) {
const host = createModuleResolutionHost(hasDirectoryExists, ...[initialFile, targetFile].concat(...otherFiles));
const result = resolveTypeReferenceDirective(typeDirective, initialFile.name, typesRoot ? { typeRoots: [typesRoot] } : {}, host);
assert(result.resolvedTypeReferenceDirective!.resolvedFileName !== undefined, "expected type directive to be resolved");
assert.equal(result.resolvedTypeReferenceDirective!.resolvedFileName, targetFile.name, "unexpected result of type reference resolution");
assert.equal(result.resolvedTypeReferenceDirective!.primary, primary, "unexpected 'primary' value");
function test(typesRoot: string, typeDirective: string, primary: boolean, initialFile: File, targetFile: File, ...otherFiles: File[]) {
testWorker(/*hasDirectoryExists*/ false, typesRoot, typeDirective, primary, initialFile, targetFile, ...otherFiles);
it("Can be resolved from primary location", () => {
const f1 = { name: "/root/src/app.ts" };
const f2 = { name: "/root/src/types/lib/index.d.ts" };
test(/*typesRoot*/"/root/src/types", /* typeDirective */"lib", /*primary*/ true, f1, f2);
const f1 = { name: "/root/src/app.ts" };
const f2 = { name: "/root/src/types/lib/typings/lib.d.ts" };
const packageFile = { name: "/root/src/types/lib/package.json", content: JSON.stringify({ types: "typings/lib.d.ts" }) };
test(/*typesRoot*/"/root/src/types", /* typeDirective */"lib", /*primary*/ true, f1, f2, packageFile);
const f1 = { name: "/root/src/app.ts" };
const f2 = { name: "/root/src/node_modules/lib/index.d.ts" };
test(/*typesRoot*/"/root/src/types", /* typeDirective */"lib", /*primary*/ false, f1, f2);
const f1 = { name: "/root/src/app.ts" };
const f2 = { name: "/root/src/node_modules/lib/typings/lib.d.ts" };
const packageFile = { name: "/root/src/node_modules/lib/package.json", content: JSON.stringify({ types: "typings/lib.d.ts" }) };
test(/*typesRoot*/"/root/src/types", /* typeDirective */"lib", /*primary*/ false, f1, f2, packageFile);
const f1 = { name: "/root/src/app.ts" };
const f2 = { name: "/root/src/node_modules/@types/lib/index.d.ts" };
test(/*typesRoot*/"/root/src/types", /* typeDirective */"lib", /*primary*/ false, f1, f2);
const f1 = { name: "/root/src/app.ts" };
const f2 = { name: "/root/src/node_modules/@types/lib/typings/lib.d.ts" };
const packageFile = { name: "/root/src/node_modules/@types/lib/package.json", content: JSON.stringify({ types: "typings/lib.d.ts" }) };
test(/*typesRoot*/"/root/src/types", /* typeDirective */"lib", /*primary*/ false, f1, f2, packageFile);
it("Can be resolved from secondary location", () => {
const f1 = { name: "/root/src/app.ts" };
const f2 = { name: "/root/node_modules/lib.d.ts" };
test(/*typesRoot*/"/root/src/types", /* typeDirective */"lib", /*primary*/ false, f1, f2);
const f1 = { name: "/root/src/app.ts" };
const f2 = { name: "/root/node_modules/lib/index.d.ts" };
test(/*typesRoot*/"/root/src/types", /* typeDirective */"lib", /*primary*/ false, f1, f2);
const f1 = { name: "/root/src/app.ts" };
const f2 = { name: "/root/node_modules/lib/typings/lib.d.ts" };
const packageFile = { name: "/root/node_modules/lib/package.json", content: JSON.stringify({ typings: "typings/lib.d.ts" }) };
test(/*typesRoot*/"/root/src/types", /* typeDirective */"lib", /*primary*/ false, f1, f2, packageFile);
const f1 = { name: "/root/src/app.ts" };
const f2 = { name: "/root/node_modules/@types/lib/index.d.ts" };
test(/*typesRoot*/"/root/src/types", /* typeDirective */"lib", /*primary*/ false, f1, f2);
const f1 = { name: "/root/src/app.ts" };
const f2 = { name: "/root/node_modules/@types/lib/typings/lib.d.ts" };
const packageFile = { name: "/root/node_modules/@types/lib/package.json", content: JSON.stringify({ typings: "typings/lib.d.ts" }) };
test(/*typesRoot*/"/root/src/types", /* typeDirective */"lib", /*primary*/ false, f1, f2, packageFile);
it("Primary resolution overrides secondary resolutions", () => {
const f1 = { name: "/root/src/a/b/c/app.ts" };
const f2 = { name: "/root/src/types/lib/index.d.ts" };
const f3 = { name: "/root/src/a/b/node_modules/lib.d.ts" };
test(/*typesRoot*/"/root/src/types", /* typeDirective */"lib", /*primary*/ true, f1, f2, f3);
it("Reused program keeps errors", () => {
const f1 = { name: "/root/src/a/b/c/d/e/app.ts", content: `/// <reference types="lib"/>` };
const f2 = { name: "/root/src/a/b/c/d/node_modules/lib/index.d.ts", content: `declare var x: number;` };
const f3 = { name: "/root/src/a/b/c/d/f/g/app.ts", content: `/// <reference types="lib"/>` };
const f4 = { name: "/root/src/a/b/c/d/f/node_modules/lib/index.d.ts", content: `declare var x: number;` };
const files = [f1, f2, f3, f4];
const names = map(files, f => f.name);
const sourceFiles = arrayToMap(map(files, f => createSourceFile(f.name, f.content, ScriptTarget.ES2015)), f => f.fileName);
const compilerHost: CompilerHost = {
fileExists: fileName => sourceFiles.has(fileName),
getSourceFile: fileName => sourceFiles.get(fileName),
getDefaultLibFileName: () => "lib.d.ts",
writeFile: notImplemented,
getCurrentDirectory: () => "/",
getDirectories: () => [],
getCanonicalFileName: f => f.toLowerCase(),
getNewLine: () => "\r\n",
useCaseSensitiveFileNames: () => false,
readFile: fileName => {
const file = sourceFiles.get(fileName);
return file && file.text;
const program1 = createProgram(names, {}, compilerHost);
const diagnostics1 = program1.getOptionsDiagnostics();
assert.equal(diagnostics1.length, 1, "expected one diagnostic");
const program2 = createProgram(names, {}, compilerHost, program1);
assert.isTrue(program2.structureIsReused === StructureIsReused.Completely);
const diagnostics2 = program2.getOptionsDiagnostics();
assert.equal(diagnostics2.length, 1, "expected one diagnostic");
assert.deepEqual(diagnostics1[0].messageText, diagnostics2[0].messageText, "expected one diagnostic");
it("Modules in the same .d.ts file are preferred to external files", () => {
const f = {
name: "/a/b/c/c/app.d.ts",
content: `
declare module "fs" {
export interface Stat { id: number }
declare module "fs-client" {
import { Stat } from "fs";
export function foo(): Stat;
const file = createSourceFile(f.name, f.content, ScriptTarget.ES2015);
const compilerHost: CompilerHost = {
fileExists: fileName => fileName === file.fileName,
getSourceFile: fileName => fileName === file.fileName ? file : undefined,
getDefaultLibFileName: () => "lib.d.ts",
writeFile: notImplemented,
getCurrentDirectory: () => "/",
getDirectories: () => [],
getCanonicalFileName: f => f.toLowerCase(),
getNewLine: () => "\r\n",
useCaseSensitiveFileNames: () => false,
readFile: fileName => fileName === file.fileName ? file.text : undefined,
resolveModuleNames: notImplemented,
createProgram([f.name], {}, compilerHost);
it("Modules in .ts file are not checked in the same file", () => {
const f = {
name: "/a/b/c/c/app.ts",
content: `
declare module "fs" {
export interface Stat { id: number }
declare module "fs-client" {
import { Stat } from "fs";
export function foo(): Stat;
const file = createSourceFile(f.name, f.content, ScriptTarget.ES2015);
const compilerHost: CompilerHost = {
fileExists: fileName => fileName === file.fileName,
getSourceFile: fileName => fileName === file.fileName ? file : undefined,
getDefaultLibFileName: () => "lib.d.ts",
writeFile: notImplemented,
getCurrentDirectory: () => "/",
getDirectories: () => [],
getCanonicalFileName: f => f.toLowerCase(),
getNewLine: () => "\r\n",
useCaseSensitiveFileNames: () => false,
readFile: fileName => fileName === file.fileName ? file.text : undefined,
resolveModuleNames(moduleNames: string[], _containingFile: string) {
assert.deepEqual(moduleNames, ["fs"]);
return [undefined!]; // TODO: GH#18217
createProgram([f.name], {}, compilerHost);
describe("can be resolved when typeReferenceDirective is relative and in a sibling folder", () => {
const initialFile = { name: "/root/src/background/app.ts" };
const targetFile = { name: "/root/src/typedefs/filesystem.d.ts" };
it("when host doesnt have directoryExists", () => {
testWorker(/*hasDirectoryExists*/ false, /*typesRoot*/ undefined, /*typeDirective*/ "../typedefs/filesystem", /*primary*/ false, initialFile, targetFile);
it("when host has directoryExists", () => {
testWorker(/*hasDirectoryExists*/ true, /*typesRoot*/ undefined, /*typeDirective*/ "../typedefs/filesystem", /*primary*/ false, initialFile, targetFile);