2018-08-29 12:57:05 -07:00

1089 lines
44 KiB

// @ts-check
const path = require("path");
const fs = require("fs");
const gulp = require("./gulp");
const gulpif = require("gulp-if");
const log = require("fancy-log"); // was `require("gulp-util").log (see https://github.com/gulpjs/gulp-util)
const chalk = require("./chalk");
const sourcemaps = require("gulp-sourcemaps");
const merge2 = require("merge2");
const tsc = require("gulp-typescript");
const tsc_oop = require("./gulp-typescript-oop");
const upToDate = require("./upToDate");
const ts = require("../../lib/typescript");
const del = require("del");
const needsUpdate = require("./needsUpdate");
const mkdirp = require("./mkdirp");
const prettyTime = require("pretty-hrtime");
const { reportDiagnostics } = require("./diagnostics");
const { CountdownEvent, ManualResetEvent } = require("prex");
const workStartedEvent = new ManualResetEvent();
const countdown = new CountdownEvent(0);
class CompilationGulp extends gulp.Gulp {
* @param {boolean} [verbose]
fork(verbose) {
const child = new ForkedGulp(this.tasks);
child.on("task_start", e => {
if (countdown.remainingCount === 0) {
else {
if (verbose) {
log('Starting', `'${chalk.cyan(e.task)}' ${chalk.gray(`(${countdown.remainingCount} remaining)`)}...`);
child.on("task_stop", e => {
if (verbose) {
log('Finished', `'${chalk.cyan(e.task)}' after ${chalk.magenta(prettyTime(/** @type {*}*/(e).hrDuration))} ${chalk.gray(`(${countdown.remainingCount} remaining)`)}`);
child.on("task_err", e => {
if (verbose) {
log(`'${chalk.cyan(e.task)}' ${chalk.red("errored after")} ${chalk.magenta(prettyTime(/** @type {*}*/(e).hrDuration))} ${chalk.gray(`(${countdown.remainingCount} remaining)`)}`);
log(e.err ? e.err.stack : e.message);
return child;
// @ts-ignore
start() {
throw new Error("Not supported, use fork.");
class ForkedGulp extends gulp.Gulp {
* @param {gulp.Gulp["tasks"]} tasks
constructor(tasks) {
this.tasks = tasks;
// Do not reset tasks
_resetAllTasks() {}
_resetSpecificTasks() {}
_resetTask() {}
// internal `Gulp` instance for compilation artifacts.
const compilationGulp = new CompilationGulp();
/** @type {Map<ResolvedProjectSpec, ProjectGraph>} */
const projectGraphCache = new Map();
/** @type {Map<string, { typescript: string, alias: string, paths: ResolvedPathOptions }>} */
const typescriptAliasMap = new Map();
* Defines a gulp orchestration for a TypeScript project, returning a callback that can be used to trigger compilation.
* @param {string} projectSpec The path to a tsconfig.json file or its containing directory.
* @param {CompileOptions} [options] Project compilation options.
* @returns {() => Promise<void>}
function createCompiler(projectSpec, options) {
const resolvedOptions = resolveCompileOptions(options);
const resolvedProjectSpec = resolveProjectSpec(projectSpec, resolvedOptions.paths, /*referrer*/ undefined);
const projectGraph = getOrCreateProjectGraph(resolvedProjectSpec, resolvedOptions.paths);
projectGraph.isRoot = true;
const taskName = compileTaskName(ensureCompileTask(projectGraph, resolvedOptions), resolvedOptions.typescript);
return () => new Promise((resolve, reject) => compilationGulp
.start(taskName, err => err ? reject(err) : resolve()));
exports.createCompiler = createCompiler;
* Defines and executes a gulp orchestration for a TypeScript project.
* @param {string} projectSpec The path to a tsconfig.json file or its containing directory.
* @param {CompileOptions} [options] Project compilation options.
* @returns {Promise<void>}
* @typedef CompileOptions
* @property {string} [cwd] The path to use for the current working directory. Defaults to `process.cwd()`.
* @property {string} [base] The path to use as the base for relative paths. Defaults to `cwd`.
* @property {string} [typescript] A module specifier or path (relative to gulpfile.js) to the version of TypeScript to use.
* @property {Hook} [js] Pipeline hook for .js file outputs.
* @property {Hook} [dts] Pipeline hook for .d.ts file outputs.
* @property {boolean} [verbose] Indicates whether verbose logging is enabled.
* @property {boolean} [force] Force recompilation (no up-to-date check).
* @property {boolean} [inProcess] Indicates whether to run gulp-typescript in-process or out-of-process (default).
* @typedef {(stream: NodeJS.ReadableStream) => NodeJS.ReadWriteStream} Hook
function compile(projectSpec, options) {
const compiler = createCompiler(projectSpec, options);
return compiler();
exports.compile = compile;
* Defines a gulp orchestration to clean the outputs of a TypeScript project, returning a callback that can be used to trigger compilation.
* @param {string} projectSpec The path to a tsconfig.json file or its containing directory.
* @param {PathOptions} [options] Project clean options.
function createCleaner(projectSpec, options) {
const paths = resolvePathOptions(options);
const resolvedProjectSpec = resolveProjectSpec(projectSpec, paths, /*referrer*/ undefined);
const projectGraph = getOrCreateProjectGraph(resolvedProjectSpec, paths);
projectGraph.isRoot = true;
const taskName = cleanTaskName(ensureCleanTask(projectGraph));
return () => new Promise((resolve, reject) => compilationGulp
.start(taskName, err => err ? reject(err) : resolve()));
exports.createCleaner = createCleaner;
* Defines and executes a gulp orchestration to clean the outputs of a TypeScript project.
* @param {string} projectSpec The path to a tsconfig.json file or its containing directory.
* @param {PathOptions} [options] Project clean options.
function clean(projectSpec, options) {
const cleaner = createCleaner(projectSpec, options);
return cleaner();
exports.clean = clean;
* Defines a watcher to execute a gulp orchestration to recompile a TypeScript project.
* @param {string} projectSpec
* @param {WatchCallback | string[] | CompileOptions} [options]
* @param {WatchCallback | string[]} [tasks]
* @param {WatchCallback} [callback]
function watch(projectSpec, options, tasks, callback) {
if (typeof tasks === "function") callback = tasks, tasks = /**@type {string[] | undefined}*/(undefined);
if (typeof options === "function") callback = options, tasks = /**@type {string[] | undefined}*/(undefined), options = /**@type {CompileOptions | undefined}*/(undefined);
if (Array.isArray(options)) tasks = options, options = /**@type {CompileOptions | undefined}*/(undefined);
const resolvedOptions = resolveCompileOptions(options);
resolvedOptions.watch = true;
const resolvedProjectSpec = resolveProjectSpec(projectSpec, resolvedOptions.paths, /*referrer*/ undefined);
const projectGraph = getOrCreateProjectGraph(resolvedProjectSpec, resolvedOptions.paths);
projectGraph.isRoot = true;
ensureWatcher(projectGraph, resolvedOptions, tasks, callback);
exports.watch = watch;
* Adds a named alias for a TypeScript language service path
* @param {string} alias An alias for a TypeScript version.
* @param {string} typescript An alias or module specifier for a TypeScript version.
* @param {PathOptions} [options] Options used to resolve the path to `typescript`.
function addTypeScript(alias, typescript, options) {
const paths = resolvePathOptions(options);
typescriptAliasMap.set(alias, { typescript, alias, paths });
exports.addTypeScript = addTypeScript;
* Flattens a project with project references into a single project.
* @param {string} projectSpec The path to a tsconfig.json file or its containing directory.
* @param {string} flattenedProjectSpec The output path for the flattened tsconfig.json file.
* @param {FlattenOptions} [options] Options used to flatten a project hierarchy.
* @typedef FlattenOptions
* @property {string} [cwd] The path to use for the current working directory. Defaults to `process.cwd()`.
* @property {CompilerOptions} [compilerOptions] Compiler option overrides.
* @property {boolean} [force] Forces creation of the output project.
* @property {string[]} [exclude] Files to exclude (relative to `cwd`)
function flatten(projectSpec, flattenedProjectSpec, options = {}) {
const paths = resolvePathOptions(options);
const files = [];
const resolvedOutputSpec = path.resolve(paths.cwd, flattenedProjectSpec);
const resolvedOutputDirectory = path.dirname(resolvedOutputSpec);
const resolvedProjectSpec = resolveProjectSpec(projectSpec, paths, /*referrer*/ undefined);
const projectGraph = getOrCreateProjectGraph(resolvedProjectSpec, paths);
const skipProjects = /**@type {Set<ProjectGraph>}*/(new Set());
const skipFiles = new Set(options && options.exclude && options.exclude.map(file => path.resolve(paths.cwd, file)));
if (options.force || needsUpdate(files, resolvedOutputSpec)) {
const config = {
extends: normalizeSlashes(path.relative(resolvedOutputDirectory, resolvedProjectSpec)),
compilerOptions: options.compilerOptions || {},
files: files.map(file => normalizeSlashes(path.relative(resolvedOutputDirectory, file)))
fs.writeFileSync(resolvedOutputSpec, JSON.stringify(config, undefined, 2), "utf8");
* @param {ProjectGraph} projectGraph
function recur(projectGraph) {
if (skipProjects.has(projectGraph)) return;
for (const ref of projectGraph.references) {
for (let file of projectGraph.project.fileNames) {
file = path.resolve(projectGraph.projectDirectory, file);
if (skipFiles.has(file)) continue;
exports.flatten = flatten;
* Returns a Promise that resolves when all pending build tasks have completed
* @param {import("prex").CancellationToken} [token]
function waitForWorkToComplete(token) {
return countdown.wait(token);
exports.waitForWorkToComplete = waitForWorkToComplete;
* Returns a Promise that resolves when all pending build tasks have completed
* @param {import("prex").CancellationToken} [token]
function waitForWorkToStart(token) {
return workStartedEvent.wait(token);
exports.waitForWorkToStart = waitForWorkToStart;
function getRemainingWork() {
return countdown.remainingCount > 0;
exports.hasRemainingWork = getRemainingWork;
* Resolve a TypeScript specifier into a fully-qualified module specifier and any requisite dependencies.
* @param {string} typescript An unresolved module specifier to a TypeScript version.
* @param {ResolvedPathOptions} paths Paths used to resolve `typescript`.
* @returns {ResolvedTypeScript}
* @typedef {string & {_isResolvedTypeScript: never}} ResolvedTypeScriptSpec
* @typedef ResolvedTypeScript
* @property {ResolvedTypeScriptSpec} typescript
* @property {string} [alias]
function resolveTypeScript(typescript = "default", paths) {
let alias;
while (typescriptAliasMap.has(typescript)) {
({ typescript, alias, paths } = typescriptAliasMap.get(typescript));
if (typescript === "default") {
typescript = require.resolve("../../lib/typescript");
else if (isPath(typescript)) {
typescript = path.resolve(paths.cwd, typescript);
return { typescript: /**@type {ResolvedTypeScriptSpec}*/(normalizeSlashes(typescript)), alias };
* Gets a suffix to append to Gulp task names that vary by TypeScript version.
* @param {ResolvedTypeScript} typescript A resolved module specifier to a TypeScript version.
* @param {ResolvedPathOptions} paths Paths used to resolve a relative reference to `typescript`.
function getTaskNameSuffix(typescript, paths) {
return typescript.typescript === resolveTypeScript("default", paths).typescript ? "" :
typescript.alias ? `@${typescript.alias}` :
isPath(typescript.typescript) ? `@${normalizeSlashes(path.relative(paths.base, typescript.typescript))}` :
/** @type {ResolvedPathOptions} */
const defaultPaths = (() => {
const cwd = /**@type {AbsolutePath}*/(normalizeSlashes(process.cwd()));
return { cwd, base: cwd };
* @param {PathOptions | undefined} options Path options to resolve and normalize.
* @returns {ResolvedPathOptions}
* @typedef PathOptions
* @property {string} [cwd] The path to use for the current working directory. Defaults to `process.cwd()`.
* @property {string} [base] The path to use as the base for relative paths. Defaults to `cwd`.
* @typedef ResolvedPathOptions
* @property {AbsolutePath} cwd The path to use for the current working directory. Defaults to `process.cwd()`.
* @property {AbsolutePath} base The path to use as the base for relative paths. Defaults to `cwd`.
function resolvePathOptions(options) {
const cwd = options && options.cwd ? resolvePath(defaultPaths.cwd, options.cwd) : defaultPaths.cwd;
const base = options && options.base ? resolvePath(cwd, options.base) : cwd;
return cwd === defaultPaths.cwd && base === defaultPaths.base ? defaultPaths : { cwd, base };
* @param {CompileOptions} [options]
* @returns {ResolvedCompileOptions}
* @typedef ResolvedCompileOptions
* @property {ResolvedPathOptions} paths
* @property {ResolvedTypeScript} typescript A resolved reference to a TypeScript implementation.
* @property {Hook} [js] Pipeline hook for .js file outputs.
* @property {Hook} [dts] Pipeline hook for .d.ts file outputs.
* @property {boolean} [verbose] Indicates whether verbose logging is enabled.
* @property {boolean} [force] Force recompilation (no up-to-date check).
* @property {boolean} [inProcess] Indicates whether to run gulp-typescript in-process or out-of-process (default).
* @property {boolean} [watch] Indicates the project was created in watch mode
function resolveCompileOptions(options = {}) {
const paths = resolvePathOptions(options);
const typescript = resolveTypeScript(options.typescript, paths);
return {
js: options.js,
dts: options.dts,
verbose: options.verbose || false,
force: options.force || false,
inProcess: options.inProcess || false
* @param {ResolvedCompileOptions} left
* @param {ResolvedCompileOptions} right
* @returns {ResolvedCompileOptions}
function mergeCompileOptions(left, right) {
if (left.typescript.typescript !== right.typescript.typescript) throw new Error("Cannot merge project options targeting different TypeScript packages");
if (tryReuseCompileOptions(left, right)) return left;
return {
paths: left.paths,
typescript: left.typescript,
js: right.js || left.js,
dts: right.dts || left.dts,
verbose: right.verbose || left.verbose,
force: right.force || left.force,
inProcess: right.inProcess || left.inProcess,
watch: right.watch || left.watch
* @param {ResolvedCompileOptions} left
* @param {ResolvedCompileOptions} right
function tryReuseCompileOptions(left, right) {
return left === right
|| left.js === (right.js || left.js)
&& left.dts === (right.dts || left.dts)
&& !left.verbose === !(right.verbose || left.verbose)
&& !left.force === !(right.force || left.force)
&& !left.inProcess === !(right.inProcess || left.inProcess);
* @param {ResolvedProjectSpec} projectSpec
* @param {ResolvedPathOptions} paths
* @returns {UnqualifiedProjectName}
* @typedef {string & {_isUnqualifiedProjectName:never}} UnqualifiedProjectName
function getUnqualifiedProjectName(projectSpec, paths) {
let projectName = path.relative(paths.base, projectSpec);
if (path.basename(projectName) === "tsconfig.json") projectName = path.dirname(projectName);
return /**@type {UnqualifiedProjectName}*/(normalizeSlashes(projectName));
* @param {UnqualifiedProjectName} projectName
* @param {ResolvedPathOptions} paths
* @param {ResolvedTypeScript} typescript
* @returns {QualifiedProjectName}
* @typedef {string & {_isQualifiedProjectName:never}} QualifiedProjectName
function getQualifiedProjectName(projectName, paths, typescript) {
return /**@type {QualifiedProjectName}*/(projectName + getTaskNameSuffix(typescript, paths));
* @typedef {import("../../lib/typescript").ParseConfigFileHost} ParseConfigFileHost
* @type {ParseConfigFileHost}
const parseConfigFileHost = {
useCaseSensitiveFileNames: ts.sys.useCaseSensitiveFileNames,
fileExists: fileName => ts.sys.fileExists(fileName),
readFile: fileName => ts.sys.readFile(fileName),
getCurrentDirectory: () => process.cwd(),
readDirectory: (rootDir, extensions, exclude, include, depth) => ts.sys.readDirectory(rootDir, extensions, exclude, include, depth),
onUnRecoverableConfigFileDiagnostic: diagnostic => reportDiagnostics([diagnostic])
* @param {AbsolutePath} [cwd]
* @returns {ParseConfigFileHost}
function getParseConfigFileHost(cwd) {
if (!cwd || cwd === defaultPaths.cwd) return parseConfigFileHost;
return {
useCaseSensitiveFileNames: parseConfigFileHost.useCaseSensitiveFileNames,
fileExists: parseConfigFileHost.fileExists,
readFile: parseConfigFileHost.readFile,
getCurrentDirectory: () => cwd,
readDirectory: parseConfigFileHost.readDirectory,
onUnRecoverableConfigFileDiagnostic: diagnostic => reportDiagnostics([diagnostic], { cwd })
* @param {ResolvedProjectSpec} projectSpec
* @param {ResolvedPathOptions} paths
* @returns {ProjectGraph}
* @typedef ProjectGraph
* @property {ResolvedPathOptions} paths
* @property {ResolvedProjectSpec} projectSpec The fully qualified path to the tsconfig.json of the project
* @property {UnqualifiedProjectName} projectName The relative project name, excluding any TypeScript suffix.
* @property {AbsolutePath} projectDirectory The fully qualified path to the project directory.
* @property {ParsedCommandLine} project The parsed tsconfig.json file.
* @property {ProjectGraphReference[]} references An array of project references.
* @property {Set<ProjectGraph>} referrers An array of referring projects.
* @property {Set<AbsolutePath>} inputs A set of compilation inputs.
* @property {Set<AbsolutePath>} outputs A set of compilation outputs.
* @property {Map<ResolvedTypeScriptSpec, ProjectGraphConfiguration>} configurations TypeScript-specific configurations for the project.
* @property {boolean} cleanTaskCreated A value indicating whether a `clean:` task has been created for this project (not dependent on TypeScript version).
* @property {boolean} watcherCreated A value indicating whether a watcher has been created for this project.
* @property {boolean} isRoot The project graph is a root project reference.
* @property {Set<Watcher>} [allWatchers] Tasks to execute when the compilation has completed after being triggered by a watcher.
* @typedef ProjectGraphReference
* @property {ProjectGraph} source The referring project.
* @property {ProjectGraph} target The referenced project.
function getOrCreateProjectGraph(projectSpec, paths) {
let projectGraph = projectGraphCache.get(projectSpec);
if (!projectGraph) {
const project = parseProject(projectSpec, paths);
const projectDirectory = parentDirectory(projectSpec);
projectGraph = {
projectName: getUnqualifiedProjectName(projectSpec, paths),
references: [],
referrers: new Set(),
inputs: new Set(project.fileNames.map(file => resolvePath(projectDirectory, file))),
outputs: new Set(ts.getAllProjectOutputs(project).map(file => resolvePath(projectDirectory, file))),
configurations: new Map(),
cleanTaskCreated: false,
watcherCreated: false,
isRoot: false
projectGraphCache.set(projectSpec, projectGraph);
if (project.projectReferences) {
for (const projectReference of project.projectReferences) {
const resolvedProjectSpec = resolveProjectSpec(projectReference.path, paths, projectGraph);
const referencedProject = getOrCreateProjectGraph(resolvedProjectSpec, paths);
const reference = { source: projectGraph, target: referencedProject };
return projectGraph;
* @param {ResolvedPathOptions} paths
function createParseProject(paths) {
* @param {string} configFilePath
function getProject(configFilePath) {
const projectSpec = resolveProjectSpec(configFilePath, paths, /*referrer*/ undefined);
const projectGraph = getOrCreateProjectGraph(projectSpec, defaultPaths);
return projectGraph && projectGraph.project;
return getProject;
* @param {ProjectGraph} projectGraph
* @param {ParsedCommandLine} parsedProject
function updateProjectGraph(projectGraph, parsedProject) {
projectGraph.project = parsedProject;
projectGraph.inputs = new Set(projectGraph.project.fileNames.map(file => resolvePath(projectGraph.projectDirectory, file)));
projectGraph.outputs = new Set(ts.getAllProjectOutputs(projectGraph.project).map(file => resolvePath(projectGraph.projectDirectory, file)));
// Update project references.
const oldReferences = new Set(projectGraph.references.map(ref => ref.target));
projectGraph.references = [];
if (projectGraph.project.projectReferences) {
for (const projectReference of projectGraph.project.projectReferences) {
const resolvedProjectSpec = resolveProjectSpec(projectReference.path, projectGraph.paths, projectGraph);
const referencedProject = getOrCreateProjectGraph(resolvedProjectSpec, projectGraph.paths);
const reference = { source: projectGraph, target: referencedProject };
// Remove project references that have been removed from the project
for (const referencedProject of oldReferences) {
// If there are no more references to this project and the project was not directly requested,
// remove it from the cache.
if (referencedProject.referrers.size === 0 && !referencedProject.isRoot) {
* @param {ResolvedProjectSpec} projectSpec
* @param {ResolvedPathOptions} paths
function parseProject(projectSpec, paths) {
return ts.getParsedCommandLineOfConfigFile(projectSpec, {}, getParseConfigFileHost(paths.cwd));
* @param {ProjectGraph} projectGraph
* @param {ResolvedCompileOptions} resolvedOptions
* @returns {ProjectGraphConfiguration}
* @typedef ProjectGraphConfiguration
* @property {QualifiedProjectName} projectName
* @property {ResolvedCompileOptions} resolvedOptions
* @property {boolean} compileTaskCreated A value indicating whether a `compile:` task has been created for this project.
* @property {Set<Watcher>} [watchers] Tasks to execute when the compilation has completed after being triggered by a watcher.
function getOrCreateProjectGraphConfiguration(projectGraph, resolvedOptions) {
let projectGraphConfig = projectGraph.configurations.get(resolvedOptions.typescript.typescript);
if (!projectGraphConfig) {
projectGraphConfig = {
projectName: getQualifiedProjectName(projectGraph.projectName, resolvedOptions.paths, resolvedOptions.typescript),
compileTaskCreated: false
projectGraph.configurations.set(resolvedOptions.typescript.typescript, projectGraphConfig);
return projectGraphConfig;
* Resolves a series of path steps as a normalized, canonical, and absolute path.
* @param {AbsolutePath} basePath
* @param {...string} paths
* @returns {AbsolutePath}
* @typedef {string & {_isResolvedPath:never}} AbsolutePath
function resolvePath(basePath, ...paths) {
return /**@type {AbsolutePath}*/(normalizeSlashes(path.resolve(basePath, ...paths)));
* @param {AbsolutePath} from
* @param {AbsolutePath} to
* @returns {Path}
* @typedef {string & {_isRelativePath:never}} RelativePath
* @typedef {RelativePath | AbsolutePath} Path
function relativePath(from, to) {
let relativePath = normalizeSlashes(path.relative(from, to));
if (!relativePath) relativePath = ".";
if (path.isAbsolute(relativePath)) return /**@type {AbsolutePath}*/(relativePath);
if (relativePath.charAt(0) !== ".") relativePath = "./" + relativePath;
return /**@type {RelativePath}*/(relativePath);
* @param {AbsolutePath} file
* @returns {AbsolutePath}
function parentDirectory(file) {
const dirname = path.dirname(file);
if (!dirname || dirname === file) return file;
return /**@type {AbsolutePath}*/(normalizeSlashes(dirname));
* @param {string} projectSpec
* @param {ResolvedPathOptions} paths
* @param {ProjectGraph | undefined} referrer
* @returns {ResolvedProjectSpec}
* @typedef {AbsolutePath & {_isResolvedProjectSpec: never}} ResolvedProjectSpec
function resolveProjectSpec(projectSpec, paths, referrer) {
let projectPath = resolvePath(paths.cwd, referrer && referrer.projectDirectory || "", projectSpec);
if (!ts.sys.fileExists(projectPath)) projectPath = resolvePath(paths.cwd, projectPath, "tsconfig.json");
return /**@type {ResolvedProjectSpec}*/(normalizeSlashes(projectPath));
* @param {ProjectGraph} projectGraph
* @param {ResolvedPathOptions} paths
function resolveDestPath(projectGraph, paths) {
/** @type {AbsolutePath} */
let destPath = projectGraph.projectDirectory;
if (projectGraph.project.options.outDir) {
destPath = resolvePath(paths.cwd, destPath, projectGraph.project.options.outDir);
else if (projectGraph.project.options.outFile || projectGraph.project.options.out) {
destPath = parentDirectory(resolvePath(paths.cwd, destPath, projectGraph.project.options.outFile || projectGraph.project.options.out));
return relativePath(paths.base, destPath);
* @param {ProjectGraph} projectGraph
* @param {ResolvedCompileOptions} options
function ensureCompileTask(projectGraph, options) {
const projectGraphConfig = getOrCreateProjectGraphConfiguration(projectGraph, options);
projectGraphConfig.resolvedOptions = mergeCompileOptions(projectGraphConfig.resolvedOptions, options);
const hasCompileTask = projectGraphConfig.compileTaskCreated;
projectGraphConfig.compileTaskCreated = true;
const deps = makeProjectReferenceCompileTasks(projectGraph, projectGraphConfig.resolvedOptions.typescript, projectGraphConfig.resolvedOptions.paths, projectGraphConfig.resolvedOptions.watch);
if (!hasCompileTask) {
compilationGulp.task(compileTaskName(projectGraph, projectGraphConfig.resolvedOptions.typescript), deps, () => {
const destPath = resolveDestPath(projectGraph, projectGraphConfig.resolvedOptions.paths);
const { sourceMap, inlineSourceMap, inlineSources = false, sourceRoot, declarationMap } = projectGraph.project.options;
const configFilePath = projectGraph.project.options.configFilePath;
const sourceMapPath = inlineSourceMap ? undefined : ".";
const sourceMapOptions = { includeContent: inlineSources, sourceRoot, destPath };
const project = projectGraphConfig.resolvedOptions.inProcess
? tsc.createProject(configFilePath, { typescript: require(projectGraphConfig.resolvedOptions.typescript.typescript) })
: tsc_oop.createProject(configFilePath, {}, { typescript: projectGraphConfig.resolvedOptions.typescript.typescript });
const stream = project.src()
.pipe(gulpif(!projectGraphConfig.resolvedOptions.force, upToDate(projectGraph.project, { verbose: projectGraphConfig.resolvedOptions.verbose, parseProject: createParseProject(projectGraphConfig.resolvedOptions.paths) })))
.pipe(gulpif(sourceMap || inlineSourceMap, sourcemaps.init()))
if (projectGraphConfig.resolvedOptions.watch) {
stream.on("error", error => {
if (error.message === "TypeScript: Compilation failed") {
const js = (projectGraphConfig.resolvedOptions.js ? projectGraphConfig.resolvedOptions.js(stream.js) : stream.js)
.pipe(gulpif(sourceMap || inlineSourceMap, sourcemaps.write(sourceMapPath, sourceMapOptions)));
const dts = (projectGraphConfig.resolvedOptions.dts ? projectGraphConfig.resolvedOptions.dts(stream.dts) : stream.dts)
.pipe(gulpif(declarationMap, sourcemaps.write(sourceMapPath, sourceMapOptions)));
return merge2([js, dts])
return projectGraph;
* @param {ProjectGraph} projectGraph
* @param {ResolvedTypeScript} typescript
* @param {ResolvedPathOptions} paths
* @param {boolean} watch
function makeProjectReferenceCompileTasks(projectGraph, typescript, paths, watch) {
return projectGraph.references.map(({target}) => compileTaskName(ensureCompileTask(target, { paths, typescript, watch }), typescript));
* @param {ProjectGraph} projectGraph
function ensureCleanTask(projectGraph) {
if (!projectGraph.cleanTaskCreated) {
const deps = makeProjectReferenceCleanTasks(projectGraph);
compilationGulp.task(cleanTaskName(projectGraph), deps, () => {
let outputs = ts.getAllProjectOutputs(projectGraph.project);
if (!projectGraph.project.options.inlineSourceMap) {
if (projectGraph.project.options.sourceMap) {
outputs = outputs.concat(outputs.filter(file => /\.jsx?$/.test(file)).map(file => file + ".map"));
if (projectGraph.project.options.declarationMap) {
outputs = outputs.concat(outputs.filter(file => /\.d.ts$/.test(file)).map(file => file + ".map"));
return del(outputs);
projectGraph.cleanTaskCreated = true;
return projectGraph;
* @param {ProjectGraph} projectGraph
function makeProjectReferenceCleanTasks(projectGraph) {
return projectGraph.references.map(({target}) => cleanTaskName(ensureCleanTask(target)));
* @param {ProjectGraph} projectGraph
* @param {ResolvedCompileOptions} options
* @param {string[]} [tasks]
* @param {(err?: any) => void} [callback]
* @typedef Watcher
* @property {string[]} [tasks]
* @property {(err?: any) => void} [callback]
* @typedef WatcherRegistration
* @property {() => void} end
function ensureWatcher(projectGraph, options, tasks, callback) {
ensureCompileTask(projectGraph, options);
if (!projectGraph.watcherCreated) {
projectGraph.watcherCreated = true;
makeProjectReferenceWatchers(projectGraph, options.typescript, options.paths);
createWatcher(projectGraph, options, () => {
for (const config of projectGraph.configurations.values()) {
const taskName = compileTaskName(projectGraph, config.resolvedOptions.typescript);
const task = compilationGulp.tasks[taskName];
if (!task) continue;
possiblyTriggerRecompilation(config, task);
if ((tasks && tasks.length) || callback) {
const projectGraphConfig = getOrCreateProjectGraphConfiguration(projectGraph, options);
if (!projectGraphConfig.watchers) projectGraphConfig.watchers = new Set();
if (!projectGraph.allWatchers) projectGraph.allWatchers = new Set();
/** @type {Watcher} */
const watcher = { tasks, callback };
/** @type {WatcherRegistration} */
const registration = {
end() {
return registration;
* @param {ProjectGraphConfiguration} config
* @param {import("orchestrator").Task} task
function possiblyTriggerRecompilation(config, task) {
// if any of the task's dependencies are still running, wait until they are complete.
for (const dep of task.dep) {
if (compilationGulp.tasks[dep].running) {
setTimeout(possiblyTriggerRecompilation, 50, config, task);
triggerRecompilation(task, config);
* @param {import("orchestrator").Task} task
* @param {ProjectGraphConfiguration} config
function triggerRecompilation(task, config) {
if (config.watchers && config.watchers.size) {
compilationGulp.fork().start(task.name, () => {
/** @type {Set<string>} */
const taskNames = new Set();
/** @type {((err?: any) => void)[]} */
const callbacks = [];
for (const { tasks, callback } of config.watchers) {
if (tasks) for (const task of tasks) taskNames.add(task);
if (callback) callbacks.push(callback);
if (taskNames.size) {
gulp.start([...taskNames], error => {
for (const callback of callbacks) callback(error);
else {
for (const callback of callbacks) callback();
else {
compilationGulp.fork(/*verbose*/ true).start(task.name);
* @param {ProjectGraph} projectGraph
* @param {ResolvedTypeScript} typescript
* @param {ResolvedPathOptions} paths
function makeProjectReferenceWatchers(projectGraph, typescript, paths) {
for (const { target } of projectGraph.references) {
ensureWatcher(target, { paths, typescript });
* @param {ProjectGraph} projectGraph
* @param {ResolvedCompileOptions} options
* @param {() => void} callback
function createWatcher(projectGraph, options, callback) {
let projectRemoved = false;
let patterns = collectWatcherPatterns(projectGraph.projectSpec, projectGraph.project, projectGraph);
let watcher = /**@type {GulpWatcher}*/ (gulp.watch(patterns, { cwd: projectGraph.projectDirectory }, onWatchEvent));
* @param {WatchEvent} event
function onWatchEvent(event) {
const file = resolvePath(options.paths.cwd, event.path);
if (file === projectGraph.projectSpec) {
else {
* @param {WatchEvent} event
function onProjectWatchEvent(event) {
if (event.type === "renamed" || event.type === "deleted") {
else {
function onProjectRenamedOrDeleted() {
// stop listening for file changes and wait for the project to be created again
projectRemoved = true;
watcher = /**@type {GulpWatcher}*/ (gulp.watch([projectGraph.projectSpec], onWatchEvent));
function onProjectCreatedOrModified() {
const newParsedProject = parseProject(projectGraph.projectSpec, options.paths);
const newPatterns = collectWatcherPatterns(projectGraph.projectSpec, newParsedProject, projectGraph);
if (projectRemoved || !sameValues(patterns, newPatterns)) {
projectRemoved = false;
updateProjectGraph(projectGraph, newParsedProject);
// Ensure we catch up with any added projects
for (const config of projectGraph.configurations.values()) {
if (config.watchers) {
makeProjectReferenceWatchers(projectGraph, config.resolvedOptions.typescript, config.resolvedOptions.paths);
patterns = newPatterns;
watcher = /**@type {GulpWatcher}*/ (gulp.watch(patterns, onWatchEvent));
function onProjectInvalidated() {
* @param {AbsolutePath} file
function onInputOrOutputChanged(file) {
if (projectGraph.inputs.has(file) ||
projectGraph.references.some(ref => ref.target.outputs.has(file))) {
* @param {ResolvedProjectSpec} projectSpec
* @param {ParsedCommandLine} parsedProject
* @param {ProjectGraph} projectGraph
function collectWatcherPatterns(projectSpec, parsedProject, projectGraph) {
const configFileSpecs = parsedProject.configFileSpecs;
// NOTE: we do not currently handle files from `/// <reference />` tags
const patterns = /**@type {string[]} */([]);
// Add the project contents.
if (configFileSpecs) {
addIncludeSpecs(patterns, configFileSpecs.validatedIncludeSpecs);
addExcludeSpecs(patterns, configFileSpecs.validatedExcludeSpecs);
addIncludeSpecs(patterns, configFileSpecs.filesSpecs);
else {
addWildcardDirectories(patterns, parsedProject.wildcardDirectories);
addIncludeSpecs(patterns, parsedProject.fileNames);
// Add the project itself.
addIncludeSpec(patterns, projectSpec);
// TODO: Add the project base.
// addExtendsSpec(patterns, project.raw && project.raw.extends);
// Add project reference outputs.
addProjectReferences(patterns, parsedProject.projectReferences);
return patterns;
* @param {string[]} patterns
* @param {string | undefined} includeSpec
function addIncludeSpec(patterns, includeSpec) {
if (!includeSpec) return;
* @param {string[]} patterns
* @param {ReadonlyArray<string> | undefined} includeSpecs
function addIncludeSpecs(patterns, includeSpecs) {
if (!includeSpecs) return;
for (const includeSpec of includeSpecs) {
addIncludeSpec(patterns, includeSpec);
* @param {string[]} patterns
* @param {string | undefined} excludeSpec
function addExcludeSpec(patterns, excludeSpec) {
if (!excludeSpec) return;
patterns.push("!" + excludeSpec);
* @param {string[]} patterns
* @param {ReadonlyArray<string> | undefined} excludeSpecs
function addExcludeSpecs(patterns, excludeSpecs) {
if (!excludeSpecs) return;
for (const excludeSpec of excludeSpecs) {
addExcludeSpec(patterns, excludeSpec);
* @param {string[]} patterns
* @param {ts.MapLike<ts.WatchDirectoryFlags> | undefined} wildcardDirectories
function addWildcardDirectories(patterns, wildcardDirectories) {
if (!wildcardDirectories) return;
for (const dirname of Object.keys(wildcardDirectories)) {
const flags = wildcardDirectories[dirname];
patterns.push(path.join(dirname, flags & ts.WatchDirectoryFlags.Recursive ? "**" : "", "*"));
// TODO: Add the project base
// /**
// * @param {string[]} patterns
// * @param {string | undefined} base
// */
// function addExtendsSpec(patterns, base) {
// if (!base) return;
// addIncludeSpec(patterns, base);
// }
* @param {string[]} patterns
* @param {ReadonlyArray<ProjectReference>} projectReferences
function addProjectReferences(patterns, projectReferences) {
if (!projectReferences) return;
for (const projectReference of projectReferences) {
const resolvedProjectSpec = resolveProjectSpec(projectReference.path, projectGraph.paths, projectGraph);
const referencedProject = getOrCreateProjectGraph(resolvedProjectSpec, projectGraph.paths);
for (const output of referencedProject.outputs) {
* @param {ProjectGraph} projectGraph
* @param {ResolvedTypeScript} typescript
function compileTaskName(projectGraph, typescript) {
return `compile:${projectGraph.configurations.get(typescript.typescript).projectName}`;
* @param {ProjectGraph} projectGraph
function cleanTaskName(projectGraph) {
return `clean:${projectGraph.projectName}`;
* @param {string} file
function normalizeSlashes(file) {
return file.replace(/\\/g, "/");
* Determines whether a module specifier is a path
* @param {string} moduleSpec
function isPath(moduleSpec) {
return path.isAbsolute(moduleSpec) || /^\.\.?([\\/]|$)/.test(moduleSpec);
* @template T
* @param {ReadonlyArray<T>} left
* @param {ReadonlyArray<T>} right
function sameValues(left, right) {
if (left === right) return true;
if (left.length !== right.length) return false;
for (let i = 0; i < left.length; i++) {
if (left[i] !== right[i]) return false;
return true;
* @typedef {import("../../lib/typescript").ParsedCommandLine & { options: CompilerOptions, configFileSpecs?: ConfigFileSpecs }} ParsedCommandLine
* @typedef {import("../../lib/typescript").CompilerOptions & { configFilePath?: string }} CompilerOptions
* @typedef {import("../../lib/typescript").ProjectReference} ProjectReference
* @typedef {import("gulp").WatchEvent} WatchEvent
* @typedef {import("gulp").WatchCallback} WatchCallback
* @typedef {NodeJS.EventEmitter & { end(): void, add(files: string | string[], done?: () => void): void, remove(file: string): void }} GulpWatcher
* @typedef ConfigFileSpecs
* @property {ReadonlyArray<string> | undefined} filesSpecs
* @property {ReadonlyArray<ProjectReference> | undefined} referenceSpecs
* @property {ReadonlyArray<string> | undefined} validatedIncludeSpecs
* @property {ReadonlyArray<string> | undefined} validatedExcludeSpecs
* @property {ts.MapLike<ts.WatchDirectoryFlags>} wildcardDirectories
void 0;