
118 lines
2.6 KiB

=== tests/cases/compiler/noImplicitAnyIndexingSuppressed.ts ===
enum MyEmusEnum {
>MyEmusEnum : MyEmusEnum
>emu : MyEmusEnum
// Should be okay; should be a string.
var strRepresentation1 = MyEmusEnum[0]
>strRepresentation1 : string
>MyEmusEnum[0] : string
>MyEmusEnum : typeof MyEmusEnum
// Should be okay; should be a string.
var strRepresentation2 = MyEmusEnum[MyEmusEnum.emu]
>strRepresentation2 : string
>MyEmusEnum[MyEmusEnum.emu] : string
>MyEmusEnum : typeof MyEmusEnum
>MyEmusEnum.emu : MyEmusEnum
>MyEmusEnum : typeof MyEmusEnum
>emu : MyEmusEnum
// Should be okay, as we suppress implicit 'any' property access checks
var strRepresentation3 = MyEmusEnum["monehh"];
>strRepresentation3 : any
>MyEmusEnum["monehh"] : any
>MyEmusEnum : typeof MyEmusEnum
// Should be okay; should be a MyEmusEnum
var strRepresentation4 = MyEmusEnum["emu"];
>strRepresentation4 : MyEmusEnum
>MyEmusEnum["emu"] : MyEmusEnum
>MyEmusEnum : typeof MyEmusEnum
// Should be okay, as we suppress implicit 'any' property access checks
var x = {}["hi"];
>x : any
>{}["hi"] : any
>{} : {}
// Should be okay, as we suppress implicit 'any' property access checks
var y = {}[10];
>y : any
>{}[10] : any
>{} : {}
var hi: any = "hi";
>hi : any
var emptyObj = {};
>emptyObj : {}
>{} : {}
// Should be okay, as we suppress implicit 'any' property access checks
var z1 = emptyObj[hi];
>z1 : any
>emptyObj[hi] : any
>emptyObj : {}
>hi : any
var z2 = (<any>emptyObj)[hi];
>z2 : any
>(<any>emptyObj)[hi] : any
>(<any>emptyObj) : any
><any>emptyObj : any
>emptyObj : {}
>hi : any
interface MyMap<T> {
>MyMap : MyMap<T>
>T : T
[key: string]: T;
>key : string
>T : T
var m: MyMap<number> = {
>m : MyMap<number>
>MyMap : MyMap<T>
>{ "0": 0, "1": 1, "2": 2, "Okay that's enough for today.": NaN} : { [x: string]: number; "0": number; "1": number; "2": number; "Okay that's enough for today.": number; }
"0": 0,
"1": 1,
"2": 2,
"Okay that's enough for today.": NaN
>NaN : number
var mResult1 = m[MyEmusEnum.emu];
>mResult1 : number
>m[MyEmusEnum.emu] : number
>m : MyMap<number>
>MyEmusEnum.emu : MyEmusEnum
>MyEmusEnum : typeof MyEmusEnum
>emu : MyEmusEnum
var mResult2 = m[MyEmusEnum[MyEmusEnum.emu]];
>mResult2 : number
>m[MyEmusEnum[MyEmusEnum.emu]] : number
>m : MyMap<number>
>MyEmusEnum[MyEmusEnum.emu] : string
>MyEmusEnum : typeof MyEmusEnum
>MyEmusEnum.emu : MyEmusEnum
>MyEmusEnum : typeof MyEmusEnum
>emu : MyEmusEnum
var mResult3 = m[hi];
>mResult3 : number
>m[hi] : number
>m : MyMap<number>
>hi : any