Arnavion f042044fce Fixed "TypeError: invalid data" when executables run by exec exited with non-zero code.
The original error was because process.stderr only allows writing Strings or Buffers, but status is a Number.

Also, the message parameter of the "error" handler is just the amalgam of all output written to stderr. This is already logged by the "stderr" handler, so there's no need to write it to process.stderr again.
2014-12-16 02:45:17 -08:00

661 lines
24 KiB

// This file contains the build logic for the public repo
var fs = require("fs");
var os = require("os");
var path = require("path");
var child_process = require("child_process");
// Variables
var compilerDirectory = "src/compiler/";
var servicesDirectory = "src/services/";
var harnessDirectory = "src/harness/";
var libraryDirectory = "src/lib/";
var scriptsDirectory = "scripts/";
var unittestsDirectory = "tests/cases/unittests/";
var docDirectory = "doc/";
var builtDirectory = "built/";
var builtLocalDirectory = "built/local/";
var LKGDirectory = "bin/";
var copyright = "CopyrightNotice.txt";
var thirdParty = "ThirdPartyNoticeText.txt";
// add node_modules to path so we don't need global modules, prefer the modules by adding them first
var nodeModulesPathPrefix = path.resolve("./node_modules/.bin/") + path.delimiter;
if (process.env.path !== undefined) {
process.env.path = nodeModulesPathPrefix + process.env.path;
} else if (process.env.PATH !== undefined) {
process.env.PATH = nodeModulesPathPrefix + process.env.PATH;
var compilerSources = [
].map(function (f) {
return path.join(compilerDirectory, f);
var servicesSources = [
].map(function (f) {
return path.join(compilerDirectory, f);
].map(function (f) {
return path.join(servicesDirectory, f);
var definitionsRoots = [
var harnessSources = [
].map(function (f) {
return path.join(harnessDirectory, f);
].map(function (f) {
return path.join(unittestsDirectory, f);
var librarySourceMap = [
{ target: "lib.core.d.ts", sources: ["core.d.ts"] },
{ target: "lib.dom.d.ts", sources: ["importcore.d.ts", "extensions.d.ts", "intl.d.ts", "dom.generated.d.ts"], },
{ target: "lib.webworker.d.ts", sources: ["importcore.d.ts", "extensions.d.ts", "intl.d.ts", "webworker.generated.d.ts"], },
{ target: "lib.scriptHost.d.ts", sources: ["importcore.d.ts", "scriptHost.d.ts"], },
{ target: "lib.d.ts", sources: ["core.d.ts", "extensions.d.ts", "intl.d.ts", "dom.generated.d.ts", "webworker.importscripts.d.ts", "scriptHost.d.ts"], },
{ target: "lib.core.es6.d.ts", sources: ["core.d.ts", "es6.d.ts"]},
{ target: "lib.es6.d.ts", sources: ["core.d.ts", "es6.d.ts", "intl.d.ts", "dom.generated.d.ts", "webworker.importscripts.d.ts", "scriptHost.d.ts"]},
var libraryTargets = librarySourceMap.map(function (f) {
return path.join(builtLocalDirectory, f.target);
// Prepends the contents of prefixFile to destinationFile
function prependFile(prefixFile, destinationFile) {
if (!fs.existsSync(prefixFile)) {
fail(prefixFile + " does not exist!");
if (!fs.existsSync(destinationFile)) {
fail(destinationFile + " failed to be created!");
var temp = "temptemp";
jake.cpR(prefixFile, temp, {silent: true});
fs.appendFileSync(temp, fs.readFileSync(destinationFile));
fs.renameSync(temp, destinationFile);
// concatenate a list of sourceFiles to a destinationFile
function concatenateFiles(destinationFile, sourceFiles) {
var temp = "temptemp";
// Copy the first file to temp
if (!fs.existsSync(sourceFiles[0])) {
fail(sourceFiles[0] + " does not exist!");
jake.cpR(sourceFiles[0], temp, {silent: true});
// append all files in sequence
for (var i = 1; i < sourceFiles.length; i++) {
if (!fs.existsSync(sourceFiles[i])) {
fail(sourceFiles[i] + " does not exist!");
fs.appendFileSync(temp, fs.readFileSync(sourceFiles[i]));
// Move the file to the final destination
fs.renameSync(temp, destinationFile);
var useDebugMode = true;
var host = (process.env.host || process.env.TYPESCRIPT_HOST || "node");
var compilerFilename = "tsc.js";
/* Compiles a file from a list of sources
* @param outFile: the target file name
* @param sources: an array of the names of the source files
* @param prereqs: prerequisite tasks to compiling the file
* @param prefixes: a list of files to prepend to the target file
* @param useBuiltCompiler: true to use the built compiler, false to use the LKG
* @param noOutFile: true to compile without using --out
* @param generateDeclarations: true to compile using --declaration
* @param outDir: true to compile using --outDir
* @param keepComments: false to compile using --removeComments
* @param callback: a function to execute after the compilation process ends
function compileFile(outFile, sources, prereqs, prefixes, useBuiltCompiler, noOutFile, generateDeclarations, outDir, keepComments, noResolve, callback) {
file(outFile, prereqs, function() {
var dir = useBuiltCompiler ? builtLocalDirectory : LKGDirectory;
var options = "--module commonjs -noImplicitAny";
if (!keepComments) {
options += " -removeComments";
if (generateDeclarations) {
options += " --declaration";
if (useDebugMode) {
options += " --preserveConstEnums";
if (outDir) {
options += " --outDir " + outDir;
if (!noOutFile) {
options += " --out " + outFile;
if(noResolve) {
options += " --noResolve";
if (useDebugMode) {
options += " -sourcemap -mapRoot file:///" + path.resolve(path.dirname(outFile));
var cmd = host + " " + dir + compilerFilename + " " + options + " ";
cmd = cmd + sources.join(" ");
console.log(cmd + "\n");
var ex = jake.createExec([cmd]);
// Add listeners for output and error
ex.addListener("stdout", function(output) {
ex.addListener("stderr", function(error) {
ex.addListener("cmdEnd", function() {
if (!useDebugMode && prefixes && fs.existsSync(outFile)) {
for (var i in prefixes) {
prependFile(prefixes[i], outFile);
if (callback) {
ex.addListener("error", function() {
fail("Compilation of " + outFile + " unsuccessful");
}, {async: true});
// Prerequisite task for built directory and library typings
for (var i in libraryTargets) {
(function (i) {
var entry = librarySourceMap[i];
var target = libraryTargets[i];
var sources = [copyright].concat(entry.sources.map(function (s) {
return path.join(libraryDirectory, s);
file(target, [builtLocalDirectory].concat(sources), function() {
concatenateFiles(target, sources);
// Lib target to build the library files
desc("Builds the library targets");
task("lib", libraryTargets);
// Generate diagnostics
var processDiagnosticMessagesJs = path.join(scriptsDirectory, "processDiagnosticMessages.js");
var processDiagnosticMessagesTs = path.join(scriptsDirectory, "processDiagnosticMessages.ts");
var diagnosticMessagesJson = path.join(compilerDirectory, "diagnosticMessages.json");
var diagnosticInfoMapTs = path.join(compilerDirectory, "diagnosticInformationMap.generated.ts");
// processDiagnosticMessages script
/*useBuiltCompiler*/ false);
// The generated diagnostics map; built for the compiler and for the 'generate-diagnostics' task
file(diagnosticInfoMapTs, [processDiagnosticMessagesJs, diagnosticMessagesJson], function () {
var cmd = "node " + processDiagnosticMessagesJs + " " + diagnosticMessagesJson;
var ex = jake.createExec([cmd]);
// Add listeners for output and error
ex.addListener("stdout", function(output) {
ex.addListener("stderr", function(error) {
ex.addListener("cmdEnd", function() {
}, {async: true})
desc("Generates a diagnostic file in TypeScript based on an input JSON file");
task("generate-diagnostics", [diagnosticInfoMapTs])
// Local target to build the compiler and services
var tscFile = path.join(builtLocalDirectory, compilerFilename);
compileFile(tscFile, compilerSources, [builtLocalDirectory, copyright].concat(compilerSources), [copyright], /*useBuiltCompiler:*/ false);
var servicesFile = path.join(builtLocalDirectory, "typescriptServices.js");
compileFile(servicesFile, servicesSources,[builtLocalDirectory, copyright].concat(servicesSources), [copyright], /*useBuiltCompiler*/ true);
var nodeDefinitionsFile = path.join(builtLocalDirectory, "typescript.d.ts");
var standaloneDefinitionsFile = path.join(builtLocalDirectory, "typescriptServices.d.ts");
var tempDirPath = path.join(builtLocalDirectory, "temptempdir");
compileFile(nodeDefinitionsFile, servicesSources,[builtLocalDirectory, copyright].concat(servicesSources),
/*prefixes*/ undefined,
/*useBuiltCompiler*/ true,
/*noOutFile*/ true,
/*generateDeclarations*/ true,
/*outDir*/ tempDirPath,
/*keepComments*/ true,
/*noResolve*/ true,
/*callback*/ function () {
concatenateFiles(standaloneDefinitionsFile, definitionsRoots.map(function (f) {
return path.join(tempDirPath, f);
prependFile(copyright, standaloneDefinitionsFile);
// Create the node definition file by replacing 'ts' module with '"typescript"' as a module.
jake.cpR(standaloneDefinitionsFile, nodeDefinitionsFile, {silent: true});
var definitionFileContents = fs.readFileSync(nodeDefinitionsFile).toString();
definitionFileContents = definitionFileContents.replace(/declare module ts/g, 'declare module "typescript"');
fs.writeFileSync(nodeDefinitionsFile, definitionFileContents);
// Delete the temp dir
jake.rmRf(tempDirPath, {silent: true});
// Local target to build the compiler and services
desc("Builds the full compiler and services");
task("local", ["generate-diagnostics", "lib", tscFile, servicesFile, nodeDefinitionsFile]);
// Local target to build the compiler and services
desc("Sets release mode flag");
task("release", function() {
useDebugMode = false;
// Set the default task to "local"
task("default", ["local"]);
// Cleans the built directory
desc("Cleans the compiler output, declare files, and tests");
task("clean", function() {
// Generate Markdown spec
var word2mdJs = path.join(scriptsDirectory, "word2md.js");
var word2mdTs = path.join(scriptsDirectory, "word2md.ts");
var specWord = path.join(docDirectory, "TypeScript Language Specification.docx");
var specMd = path.join(docDirectory, "spec.md");
// word2md script
/*useBuiltCompiler*/ false);
// The generated spec.md; built for the 'generate-spec' task
file(specMd, [word2mdJs, specWord], function () {
var specWordFullPath = path.resolve(specWord);
var cmd = "cscript //nologo " + word2mdJs + ' "' + specWordFullPath + '" ' + specMd;
child_process.exec(cmd, function () {
}, {async: true})
desc("Generates a Markdown version of the Language Specification");
task("generate-spec", [specMd])
// Makes a new LKG. This target does not build anything, but errors if not all the outputs are present in the built/local directory
desc("Makes a new LKG out of the built js files");
task("LKG", ["clean", "release", "local"].concat(libraryTargets), function() {
var expectedFiles = [tscFile, servicesFile, nodeDefinitionsFile, standaloneDefinitionsFile].concat(libraryTargets);
var missingFiles = expectedFiles.filter(function (f) {
return !fs.existsSync(f);
if (missingFiles.length > 0) {
fail("Cannot replace the LKG unless all built targets are present in directory " + builtLocalDirectory +
". The following files are missing:\n" + missingFiles.join("\n"));
// Copy all the targets into the LKG directory
for (i in expectedFiles) {
jake.cpR(expectedFiles[i], LKGDirectory);
//var resourceDirectories = fs.readdirSync(builtLocalResourcesDirectory).map(function(p) { return path.join(builtLocalResourcesDirectory, p); });
//resourceDirectories.map(function(d) {
// jake.cpR(d, LKGResourcesDirectory);
// Test directory
// Task to build the tests infrastructure using the built compiler
var run = path.join(builtLocalDirectory, "run.js");
compileFile(run, harnessSources, [builtLocalDirectory, tscFile].concat(libraryTargets).concat(harnessSources), [], /*useBuiltCompiler:*/ true);
var localBaseline = "tests/baselines/local/";
var refBaseline = "tests/baselines/reference/";
var localRwcBaseline = "tests/baselines/rwc/local/";
var refRwcBaseline = "tests/baselines/rwc/reference/";
var localTest262Baseline = "tests/baselines/test262/local/";
var refTest262Baseline = "tests/baselines/test262/reference/";
desc("Builds the test infrastructure using the built compiler");
task("tests", ["local", run].concat(libraryTargets));
function exec(cmd, completeHandler) {
var ex = jake.createExec([cmd], {windowsVerbatimArguments: true});
// Add listeners for output and error
ex.addListener("stdout", function(output) {
ex.addListener("stderr", function(error) {
ex.addListener("cmdEnd", function() {
if (completeHandler) {
ex.addListener("error", function(e, status) {
console.error("Process exited with code " + status);
} catch(e) {
console.log('Exception: ' + e)
function cleanTestDirs() {
// Clean the local baselines directory
if (fs.existsSync(localBaseline)) {
// Clean the local Rwc baselines directory
if (fs.existsSync(localRwcBaseline)) {
// used to pass data from jake command line directly to run.js
function writeTestConfigFile(tests, testConfigFile) {
console.log('Running test(s): ' + tests);
var testConfigContents = '{\n' + '\ttest: [\'' + tests + '\']\n}';
fs.writeFileSync('test.config', testConfigContents);
function deleteTemporaryProjectOutput() {
if (fs.existsSync(localBaseline + "projectOutput/")) {
jake.rmRf(localBaseline + "projectOutput/");
var testTimeout = 20000;
desc("Runs the tests using the built run.js file. Syntax is jake runtests. Optional parameters 'host=', 'tests=[regex], reporter=[list|spec|json|<more>]'.");
task("runtests", ["tests", builtLocalDirectory], function() {
host = "mocha"
tests = process.env.test || process.env.tests || process.env.t;
var testConfigFile = 'test.config';
if(fs.existsSync(testConfigFile)) {
if(tests) {
writeTestConfigFile(tests, testConfigFile);
if (tests && tests.toLocaleLowerCase() === "rwc") {
testTimeout = 50000;
colors = process.env.colors || process.env.color
colors = colors ? ' --no-colors ' : ''
tests = tests ? ' -g ' + tests : '';
reporter = process.env.reporter || process.env.r || 'dot';
// timeout normally isn't necessary but Travis-CI has been timing out on compiler baselines occasionally
// default timeout is 2sec which really should be enough, but maybe we just need a small amount longer
var cmd = host + " -R " + reporter + tests + colors + ' -t ' + testTimeout + ' ' + run;
exec(cmd, deleteTemporaryProjectOutput);
}, {async: true});
desc("Generates code coverage data via instanbul")
task("generate-code-coverage", ["tests", builtLocalDirectory], function () {
var cmd = 'istanbul cover node_modules/mocha/bin/_mocha -- -R min -t ' + testTimeout + ' ' + run;
}, { async: true });
// Browser tests
var nodeServerOutFile = 'tests/webTestServer.js'
var nodeServerInFile = 'tests/webTestServer.ts'
compileFile(nodeServerOutFile, [nodeServerInFile], [builtLocalDirectory, tscFile], [], /*useBuiltCompiler:*/ true, /*noOutFile*/ true);
desc("Runs browserify on run.js to produce a file suitable for running tests in the browser");
task("browserify", ["tests", builtLocalDirectory, nodeServerOutFile], function() {
var cmd = 'browserify built/local/run.js -o built/local/bundle.js';
}, {async: true});
desc("Runs the tests using the built run.js file like 'jake runtests'. Syntax is jake runtests-browser. Additional optional parameters tests=[regex], port=, browser=[chrome|IE]");
task("runtests-browser", ["tests", "browserify", builtLocalDirectory], function() {
host = "node"
port = process.env.port || process.env.p || '8888';
browser = process.env.browser || process.env.b || "IE";
tests = process.env.test || process.env.tests || process.env.t;
var testConfigFile = 'test.config';
if(fs.existsSync(testConfigFile)) {
if(tests) {
writeTestConfigFile(tests, testConfigFile);
tests = tests ? tests : '';
var cmd = host + " tests/webTestServer.js " + port + " " + browser + " " + tests
}, {async: true});
function getDiffTool() {
var program = process.env['DIFF']
if (!program) {
fail("Add the 'DIFF' environment variable to the path of the program you want to use.")
return program;
// Baseline Diff
desc("Diffs the compiler baselines using the diff tool specified by the 'DIFF' environment variable");
task('diff', function () {
var cmd = '"' + getDiffTool() + '" ' + refBaseline + ' ' + localBaseline;
}, {async: true});
desc("Diffs the RWC baselines using the diff tool specified by the 'DIFF' environment variable");
task('diff-rwc', function () {
var cmd = '"' + getDiffTool() + '" ' + refRwcBaseline + ' ' + localRwcBaseline;
}, {async: true});
desc("Builds the test sources and automation in debug mode");
task("tests-debug", ["setDebugMode", "tests"]);
// Makes the test results the new baseline
desc("Makes the most recent test results the new baseline, overwriting the old baseline");
task("baseline-accept", function(hardOrSoft) {
if (!hardOrSoft || hardOrSoft == "hard") {
fs.renameSync(localBaseline, refBaseline);
else if (hardOrSoft == "soft") {
var files = jake.readdirR(localBaseline);
for (var i in files) {
jake.cpR(files[i], refBaseline);
jake.rmRf(path.join(refBaseline, "local"));
desc("Makes the most recent rwc test results the new baseline, overwriting the old baseline");
task("baseline-accept-rwc", function() {
fs.renameSync(localRwcBaseline, refRwcBaseline);
desc("Makes the most recent test262 test results the new baseline, overwriting the old baseline");
task("baseline-accept-test262", function() {
fs.renameSync(localTest262Baseline, refTest262Baseline);
// Webhost
var webhostPath = "tests/webhost/webtsc.ts";
var webhostJsPath = "tests/webhost/webtsc.js";
compileFile(webhostJsPath, [webhostPath], [tscFile, webhostPath].concat(libraryTargets), [], /*useBuiltCompiler*/true);
desc("Builds the tsc web host");
task("webhost", [webhostJsPath], function() {
jake.cpR(path.join(builtLocalDirectory, "lib.d.ts"), "tests/webhost/", {silent: true});
// Perf compiler
var perftscPath = "tests/perftsc.ts";
var perftscJsPath = "built/local/perftsc.js";
compileFile(perftscJsPath, [perftscPath], [tscFile, perftscPath, "tests/perfsys.ts"].concat(libraryTargets), [], /*useBuiltCompiler*/ true);
desc("Builds augmented version of the compiler for perf tests");
task("perftsc", [perftscJsPath]);
// Instrumented compiler
var loggedIOpath = harnessDirectory + 'loggedIO.ts';
var loggedIOJsPath = builtLocalDirectory + 'loggedIO.js';
file(loggedIOJsPath, [builtLocalDirectory, loggedIOpath], function() {
var temp = builtLocalDirectory + 'temp';
var options = "--outdir " + temp + ' ' + loggedIOpath;
var cmd = host + " " + LKGDirectory + compilerFilename + " " + options + " ";
console.log(cmd + "\n");
var ex = jake.createExec([cmd]);
ex.addListener("cmdEnd", function() {
fs.renameSync(temp + '/harness/loggedIO.js', loggedIOJsPath);
}, {async: true});
var instrumenterPath = harnessDirectory + 'instrumenter.ts';
var instrumenterJsPath = builtLocalDirectory + 'instrumenter.js';
compileFile(instrumenterJsPath, [instrumenterPath], [tscFile, instrumenterPath], [], /*useBuiltCompiler*/ true);
desc("Builds an instrumented tsc.js");
task('tsc-instrumented', [loggedIOJsPath, instrumenterJsPath, tscFile], function() {
var cmd = host + ' ' + instrumenterJsPath + ' record iocapture ' + builtLocalDirectory + compilerFilename;
var ex = jake.createExec([cmd]);
ex.addListener("cmdEnd", function() {
}, { async: true });