2015-04-13 14:29:37 -07:00

97 lines
2.4 KiB

=== tests/cases/conformance/internalModules/codeGeneration/nameCollision.ts ===
module A {
>A : typeof A, Symbol(A, Decl(nameCollision.ts, 0, 0))
// these 2 statements force an underscore before the 'A'
// in the generated function call.
var A = 12;
>A : number, Symbol(A, Decl(nameCollision.ts, 3, 7))
>12 : number
var _A = '';
>_A : string, Symbol(_A, Decl(nameCollision.ts, 4, 7))
>'' : string
module B {
>B : typeof B, Symbol(B, Decl(nameCollision.ts, 5, 1), Decl(nameCollision.ts, 9, 1))
var A = 12;
>A : number, Symbol(A, Decl(nameCollision.ts, 8, 7))
>12 : number
module B {
>B : typeof B, Symbol(B, Decl(nameCollision.ts, 5, 1), Decl(nameCollision.ts, 9, 1))
// re-opened module with colliding name
// this should add an underscore.
class B {
>B : B, Symbol(B, Decl(nameCollision.ts, 11, 10))
name: string;
>name : string, Symbol(name, Decl(nameCollision.ts, 14, 13))
module X {
>X : typeof X, Symbol(X, Decl(nameCollision.ts, 17, 1))
var X = 13;
>X : number, Symbol(X, Decl(nameCollision.ts, 20, 7))
>13 : number
export module Y {
>Y : typeof X.Y, Symbol(Y, Decl(nameCollision.ts, 20, 15))
var Y = 13;
>Y : number, Symbol(Y, Decl(nameCollision.ts, 22, 11))
>13 : number
export module Z {
>Z : typeof X.Y.Z, Symbol(Z, Decl(nameCollision.ts, 22, 19))
var X = 12;
>X : number, Symbol(X, Decl(nameCollision.ts, 24, 15))
>12 : number
var Y = 12;
>Y : number, Symbol(Y, Decl(nameCollision.ts, 25, 15))
>12 : number
var Z = 12;
>Z : number, Symbol(Z, Decl(nameCollision.ts, 26, 15))
>12 : number
module Y.Y {
>Y : typeof Y, Symbol(Y, Decl(nameCollision.ts, 29, 1))
>Y : typeof Y.Y, Symbol(Y, Decl(nameCollision.ts, 31, 9))
export enum Y {
>Y : Y, Symbol(Y, Decl(nameCollision.ts, 31, 12))
Red, Blue
>Red : Y, Symbol(Y.Red, Decl(nameCollision.ts, 32, 19))
>Blue : Y, Symbol(Y.Blue, Decl(nameCollision.ts, 33, 12))
// no collision, since interface doesn't
// generate code.
module D {
>D : typeof D, Symbol(D, Decl(nameCollision.ts, 35, 1))
export interface D {
>D : D, Symbol(D, Decl(nameCollision.ts, 39, 10))
id: number;
>id : number, Symbol(id, Decl(nameCollision.ts, 40, 24))
export var E = 'hello';
>E : string, Symbol(E, Decl(nameCollision.ts, 44, 14))
>'hello' : string