2014-07-12 17:30:19 -07:00

102 lines
2 KiB

// @sourcemap: true
// Scenario 1: Test reqursive function call with "this" parameter
// Scenario 2: Test recursive function call with cast and "this" parameter
declare module Sample.Thing {
export interface IWidget {
getDomNode(): any;
export interface ICodeThing {
getDomNode(): Element;
addWidget(widgetId:string, widget:IWidget);
//addWidget(widget: Sample.Thing.Widgets.IWidget);
export interface IAction {
module Sample.Actions.Thing.Find {
export class StartFindAction implements Sample.Thing.IAction {
public getId() { return "yo"; }
public run(Thing:Sample.Thing.ICodeThing):boolean {
return true;
module Sample.Thing.Widgets {
export class FindWidget implements Sample.Thing.IWidget {
public gar(runner:(widget:Sample.Thing.IWidget)=>any) { if (true) {return runner(this);}}
private domNode:any = null;
constructor(private codeThing: Sample.Thing.ICodeThing) {
// scenario 1
codeThing.addWidget("addWidget", this);
public getDomNode() {
return domNode;
public destroy() {
interface IMode { getInitialState(): IState;}
class AbstractMode implements IMode { public getInitialState(): IState { return null;} }
interface IState {}
interface Window {
opener: Window;
declare var self: Window;
module Sample.Thing.Languages.PlainText {
export class State implements IState {
constructor(private mode: IMode) { }
public clone():IState {
return this;
public equals(other:IState):boolean {
return this === other;
public getMode(): IMode { return mode; }
export class Mode extends AbstractMode {
// scenario 2
public getInitialState(): IState {
return new State(self);