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2016-06-03 17:18:38 +02:00
// An Analytic Model for Full Spectral Sky-Dome Radiance
// Lukas Hosek and Alexander Wilkie
// Based on
package armory.renderpath;
2016-06-03 17:18:38 +02:00
import kha.math.FastVector3;
2016-08-25 00:26:01 +02:00
2016-06-03 17:18:38 +02:00
class HosekWilkieRadianceData {
2016-10-15 20:19:09 +02:00
public var A = new FastVector3();
public var B = new FastVector3();
public var C = new FastVector3();
public var D = new FastVector3();
public var E = new FastVector3();
public var F = new FastVector3();
public var G = new FastVector3();
public var H = new FastVector3();
public var I = new FastVector3();
public var Z = new FastVector3();
2016-06-03 17:18:38 +02:00
2016-10-15 20:19:09 +02:00
function evaluateSpline(spline:Array<Float>, index:Int, stride:Int, value:Float):Float {
1 * Math.pow(1 - value, 5) * spline[index + 0 * stride] +
5 * Math.pow(1 - value, 4) * Math.pow(value, 1) * spline[index + 1 * stride] +
10 * Math.pow(1 - value, 3) * Math.pow(value, 2) * spline[index + 2 * stride] +
10 * Math.pow(1 - value, 2) * Math.pow(value, 3) * spline[index + 3 * stride] +
5 * Math.pow(1 - value, 1) * Math.pow(value, 4) * spline[index + 4 * stride] +
1 * Math.pow(value, 5) * spline[index + 5 * stride];
function clamp(n:Int, lower:Int, upper:Int) {
return n <= lower ? lower : n >= upper ? upper : n;
function clampF(n:Float, lower:Float, upper:Float) {
return n <= lower ? lower : n >= upper ? upper : n;
function evaluate(dataset:Array<Float>, index:Int, stride:Int, turbidity:Float, albedo:Float, sunTheta:Float):Float {
// Splines are functions of elevation^1/3
var elevationK:Float = Math.pow(Math.max(0.0, 1.0 - sunTheta / (Math.PI / 2.0)), 1.0 / 3.0);
// Table has values for turbidity 1..10
var turbidity0:Int = clamp(, 1, 10);
var turbidity1:Int = + 1, 10));
var turbidityK:Float = clampF(turbidity - turbidity0, 0.0, 1.0);
var datasetA0Index = index;
var datasetA1Index = index + stride * 6 * 10;
var a0t0:Float = evaluateSpline(dataset, datasetA0Index + stride * 6 * (turbidity0 - 1), stride, elevationK);
var a1t0:Float = evaluateSpline(dataset, datasetA1Index + stride * 6 * (turbidity0 - 1), stride, elevationK);
var a0t1:Float = evaluateSpline(dataset, datasetA0Index + stride * 6 * (turbidity1 - 1), stride, elevationK);
var a1t1:Float = evaluateSpline(dataset, datasetA1Index + stride * 6 * (turbidity1 - 1), stride, elevationK);
return a0t0 * (1 - albedo) * (1 - turbidityK) + a1t0 * albedo * (1 - turbidityK) + a0t1 * (1 - albedo) * turbidityK + a1t1 * albedo * turbidityK;
function hosek_wilkie(cos_theta:Float, gamma:Float, cos_gamma:Float, A:FastVector3, B:FastVector3, C:FastVector3, D:FastVector3, E:FastVector3, F:FastVector3, G:FastVector3, H:FastVector3, I:FastVector3):FastVector3 {
var val = (1.0 + cos_gamma * cos_gamma);
var chix = val / Math.pow(1.0 + H.x * H.x - 2.0 * cos_gamma * H.x, 1.5);
var chiy = val / Math.pow(1.0 + H.y * H.y - 2.0 * cos_gamma * H.y, 1.5);
var chiz = val / Math.pow(1.0 + H.z * H.z - 2.0 * cos_gamma * H.z, 1.5);
var chi = new FastVector3(chix, chiy, chiz);
var vx = (1.0 + A.x * Math.exp(B.x / (cos_theta + 0.01))) * (C.x + D.x * Math.exp(E.x * gamma) + F.x * (cos_gamma * cos_gamma) + G.x * chi.x + I.x * Math.sqrt(Math.max(0.0, cos_theta)));
var vy = (1.0 + A.y * Math.exp(B.y / (cos_theta + 0.01))) * (C.y + D.y * Math.exp(E.y * gamma) + F.y * (cos_gamma * cos_gamma) + G.y * chi.y + I.y * Math.sqrt(Math.max(0.0, cos_theta)));
var vz = (1.0 + A.z * Math.exp(B.z / (cos_theta + 0.01))) * (C.z + D.z * Math.exp(E.z * gamma) + F.z * (cos_gamma * cos_gamma) + G.z * chi.z + I.z * Math.sqrt(Math.max(0.0, cos_theta)));
return new FastVector3(vx, vy, vz);
function setVector(v:FastVector3, index:Int, f:Float) {
index == 0 ? v.x = f : index == 1 ? v.y = f : v.z = f;
public function new(sunTheta:Float, turbidity:Float, albedo:Float, normalizedSunY:Float) {
for (i in 0...3) {
setVector(A, i, evaluate(HosekWilkieData.datasetsRGB[i], 0, 9, turbidity, albedo, sunTheta));
setVector(B, i, evaluate(HosekWilkieData.datasetsRGB[i], 1, 9, turbidity, albedo, sunTheta));
setVector(C, i, evaluate(HosekWilkieData.datasetsRGB[i], 2, 9, turbidity, albedo, sunTheta));
setVector(D, i, evaluate(HosekWilkieData.datasetsRGB[i], 3, 9, turbidity, albedo, sunTheta));
setVector(E, i, evaluate(HosekWilkieData.datasetsRGB[i], 4, 9, turbidity, albedo, sunTheta));
setVector(F, i, evaluate(HosekWilkieData.datasetsRGB[i], 5, 9, turbidity, albedo, sunTheta));
setVector(G, i, evaluate(HosekWilkieData.datasetsRGB[i], 6, 9, turbidity, albedo, sunTheta));
// Swapped in the dataset
setVector(H, i, evaluate(HosekWilkieData.datasetsRGB[i], 8, 9, turbidity, albedo, sunTheta));
setVector(I, i, evaluate(HosekWilkieData.datasetsRGB[i], 7, 9, turbidity, albedo, sunTheta));
setVector(Z, i, evaluate(HosekWilkieData.datasetsRGBRad[i], 0, 1, turbidity, albedo, sunTheta));
if (normalizedSunY != 0.0) {
var S:FastVector3 = hosek_wilkie(Math.cos(sunTheta), 0, 1.0, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I);
S.x *= Z.x;
S.y *= Z.y;
S.z *= Z.z;
var dotS = FastVector3(0.2126, 0.7152, 0.0722));
Z.x /= dotS;
Z.y /= dotS;
Z.z /= dotS;
Z = Z.mult(normalizedSunY);
2016-06-03 17:18:38 +02:00
class HosekWilkie {
2016-10-15 20:19:09 +02:00
static var firstFrame = true;
public static var data:HosekWilkieRadianceData = null;
public static var sunDirection:FastVector3;
2016-08-04 22:38:56 +02:00
2016-10-15 20:19:09 +02:00
public static function recompute(sunPositionX:Float, turbidity:Float, albedo:Float, normalizedSunY:Float) {
data = new HosekWilkieRadianceData(sunPositionX, turbidity, albedo, normalizedSunY);
2016-08-04 22:38:56 +02:00
2016-10-15 20:19:09 +02:00
public static function init(world:WorldData) {
var probe = world.getGlobalProbe();
var dir = probe.raw.sun_direction;
sunDirection = new FastVector3(dir[0], dir[1], dir[2]);
2016-06-03 17:18:38 +02:00
2016-10-15 20:19:09 +02:00
// Extract direction from lamp
// var mat ="World_material", "World_material").data;
// var lamp =[0];
// var ltr = lamp.transform;
2017-07-14 18:07:30 +02:00
// var lf =;
2017-07-14 11:43:12 +02:00
// = 3.3 - Math.abs(ltr.worldy()) / 45;
// probe.strength = 1.2 - Math.abs(ltr.worldy()) / 45;
2016-10-15 20:19:09 +02:00
// mat.contexts[0].bind_constants[0].float = probe.strength + 0.5;
// mat.contexts[0].bind_constants[1].vec3[0] = lf.x;
// mat.contexts[0].bind_constants[1].vec3[1] = lf.y;
// mat.contexts[0].bind_constants[1].vec3[2] = lf.z;
// sunDirection = new FastVector3(lf.x, lf.y, lf.z);
2016-07-12 00:09:02 +02:00
2016-10-15 20:19:09 +02:00
var sunPositionX = Math.acos(sunDirection.z);
var turbidity = probe.raw.turbidity;
var albedo = probe.raw.ground_albedo;
HosekWilkie.recompute(sunPositionX, turbidity, albedo, 1.15);
2016-06-03 17:18:38 +02:00