
206 lines
5.8 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2016-06-07 09:38:49 +02:00
import bpy
import os
import sys
import subprocess
import json
import re
class Object:
def to_JSON(self):
return json.dumps(self, default=lambda o: o.__dict__, sort_keys=True, indent=4)
2016-06-07 09:38:49 +02:00
# Generate probes from environment map
def write_probes(image_name, disable_hdr, cached_num_mips, generate_radiance=True):
2016-06-07 09:38:49 +02:00
if not os.path.exists('Assets/generated/envmaps'):
name_split = image_name.rsplit('.', 1)
base_name = name_split[0]
# Assume irradiance has to exist for now
if os.path.exists('Assets/generated/envmaps/' + base_name + '_irradiance.json'):
2016-06-07 09:38:49 +02:00
return cached_num_mips
2016-06-07 09:38:49 +02:00
# Get paths
# haxelib_path = "haxelib"
# if platform.system() == 'Darwin':
# haxelib_path = "/usr/local/bin/haxelib"
# output = subprocess.check_output([haxelib_path + " path cyclesgame"], shell=True)
# output = str(output).split("\\n")[0].split("'")[1]
# cmft_path = output[:-8] + "tools/cmft/"
cmft_path = 'Libraries/cyclesgame/tools/cmft/'
kraffiti_path = 'Kha/Kore/Tools/kraffiti/'
generated_files = []
output_gama_numerator = '1.0' if disable_hdr else '2.2'
input_file = 'Assets/textures/' + image_name
# Get input size
output = subprocess.check_output([ \
kraffiti_path + 'kraffiti-osx' + \
' from=' + input_file + \
' donothing'], shell=True)
# #%ix%i
image_w = str(output).split("'")[1]
image_w = image_w[1:]
image_w = image_w.split('x')[0]
image_w = int(image_w)
image_h = image_w / 2
# 4096 = 256 face - 6 mips - 1024 latlong
# 2048 = 128 face - 5 mips - 512 latlong
# 1024 = 64 face - 4 mips
# 512 = 32 face - 3 mips
# 256 = 16 face - 2 mips
# 128 = 8 face - 1 mip
mip_count = 1
num = 128
while num < image_w:
num *= 2
mip_count += 1
face_size = image_w / 16
src_face_size = str(face_size)
dst_face_size = str(face_size)
# Generate irradiance
gama_options = ''
if disable_hdr:
gama_options = \
' --inputGammaNumerator 2.2' + \
' --inputGammaDenominator 1.0' + \
' --outputGammaNumerator 1.0' + \
' --outputGammaDenominator ' + output_gama_numerator
# Irradiance image
# output_file = 'Assets/generated/envmaps/' + base_name + '_irradiance'
#[ \
# cmft_path + 'cmft-osx' + \
# ' --input ' + input_file + \
# ' --filter irradiance' + \
# ' --dstFaceSize ' + dst_face_size + \
# gama_options + \
# ' --outputNum 1' + \
# ' --output0 ' + output_file + \
# ' --output0params hdr,rgbe,latlong'], shell=True)
# generated_files.append(output_file)
# Irradiance spherical harmonics
2016-06-07 09:38:49 +02:00
output_file = 'Assets/generated/envmaps/' + base_name + '_irradiance'[ \
cmft_path + 'cmft-osx' + \
' --input ' + input_file + \
' --filter shcoeffs' + \
#gama_options + \
2016-06-07 09:38:49 +02:00
' --outputNum 1' + \
' --output0 ' + output_file], shell=True)
2016-06-07 09:38:49 +02:00
# Mip-mapped radiance image
if generate_radiance == False:
return cached_num_mips
2016-06-07 09:38:49 +02:00
output_file = 'Assets/generated/envmaps/' + base_name + '_radiance'
outformat = 'jpg' if disable_hdr else 'hdr'
output = subprocess.check_output([ \
kraffiti_path + 'kraffiti-osx' + \
' from=' + input_file + \
' to=' + output_file + '.' + outformat + \
' format=' + outformat + \
' scale=0.5'], shell=True)[ \
cmft_path + 'cmft-osx' + \
' --input ' + input_file + \
' --filter radiance' + \
' --dstFaceSize ' + dst_face_size + \
' --srcFaceSize ' + src_face_size + \
' --excludeBase false' + \
' --mipCount ' + str(mip_count) + \
' --glossScale 7' + \
' --glossBias 3' + \
' --lightingModel blinnbrdf' + \
' --edgeFixup none' + \
' --numCpuProcessingThreads 4' + \
' --useOpenCL true' + \
' --clVendor anyGpuVendor' + \
' --deviceType gpu' + \
' --deviceIndex 0' + \
' --generateMipChain false' + \
' --inputGammaNumerator 2.2' + \
' --inputGammaDenominator 1.0' + \
' --outputGammaNumerator 1.0' + \
' --outputGammaDenominator ' + output_gama_numerator + \
' --outputNum 1' + \
' --output0 ' + output_file + \
' --output0params hdr,rgbe,latlong'], shell=True)
# Remove size extensions in file name
mip_w = int(face_size * 4)
mip_h = int(face_size * 2)
mip_base = output_file + '_'
mip_num = 0
while mip_w >= 32:
mip_name = mip_base + str(mip_num)
mip_name + '_' + str(mip_w) + 'x' + str(mip_h) + '.hdr',
mip_name + '.hdr')
mip_w = int(mip_w / 2)
mip_h = int(mip_h / 2)
mip_num += 1
# Append mips
for i in range(0, mip_count):
generated_files.append(output_file + '_' + str(i))
# Convert to jpgs
if disable_hdr is True:
for f in generated_files:[ \
kraffiti_path + 'kraffiti-osx' + \
' from=' + f + '.hdr' + \
' to=' + f + '.jpg' + \
' format=jpg'], shell=True)
os.remove(f + '.hdr')
# Scale from (32x16 to 1x1>
for i in range (0, 5):
last = generated_files[-1]
out = output_file + '_' + str(mip_count + i)[ \
kraffiti_path + 'kraffiti-osx' + \
' from=' + last + '.' + outformat + \
' to=' + out + '.' + outformat + \
' scale=0.5' + \
' format=' + outformat], shell=True)
mip_count += 5
return mip_count
# Parse sh coefs into json array
def sh_to_json(sh_file):
sh_lines = open(sh_file + '.c').read().splitlines()
band0_line = sh_lines[5]
band1_line = sh_lines[6]
band2_line = sh_lines[7]
irradiance_floats = []
parse_band_floats(irradiance_floats, band0_line)
parse_band_floats(irradiance_floats, band1_line)
parse_band_floats(irradiance_floats, band2_line)
with open(sh_file + '.json', 'w') as f:
sh_json = Object()
sh_json.irradiance = irradiance_floats
# Clean up .c
os.remove(sh_file + '.c')
def parse_band_floats(irradiance_floats, band_line):
string_floats = re.findall(r'[-+]?\d*\.\d+|\d+', band_line)
string_floats = string_floats[1:] # Remove 'Band 0/1/2' number
for s in string_floats: