This commit is contained in:
Lubos Lenco 2017-05-26 11:51:26 +02:00
commit 4048ef261e
3 changed files with 68 additions and 60 deletions

View file

@ -33,12 +33,6 @@ def make(context_id, rpasses):
frag.add_out('vec4 fragColor') # Definition requred for d3d9 - pixel shader must minimally write all four components of COLOR0
vert.write_main_header('vec4 spos = vec4(pos, 1.0);')
# TODO: pass vbuf with proper struct
if gapi.startswith('direct3d'):
vert.write('vec3 t1 = nor; // TODO: Temp for d3d')
if con_shadowmap.is_elem('tex'):
vert.write('vec2 t2 = tex; // TODO: Temp for d3d')
parse_opacity = 'translucent' in rpasses
if parse_opacity:
frag.write('vec3 n;') # Discard at compile time
@ -122,6 +116,12 @@ def make(context_id, rpasses):
vert.add_out('vec3 vcolor')
vert.write('vcolor = col;')
# TODO: pass vbuf with proper struct
if gapi.startswith('direct3d'):
vert.write('vec3 t1 = nor; // TODO: Temp for d3d')
if con_shadowmap.is_elem('tex'):
vert.write('vec2 t2 = tex; // TODO: Temp for d3d')
if parse_opacity:
frag.write('if (opacity < 0.5) discard;')

View file

@ -21,6 +21,49 @@ def make(context_id):
geom.ins = vert.outs
frag.ins = geom.outs
frag.write('vec3 lp = lightPos - wposition * voxelgiDimensions.x;')
frag.write('vec3 l = normalize(lp);')
frag.write('float visibility = 1.0;')
if is_shadows:
frag.add_uniform('sampler2D shadowMap', included=True)
frag.add_uniform('samplerCube shadowMapCube', included=True)
frag.add_uniform('int lightShadow', '_lampCastShadow')
frag.add_uniform('vec2 lightPlane', '_lampPlane')
frag.add_uniform('float shadowsBias', '_lampShadowsBias')
frag.write('if (lightShadow == 1 && lampPos.w > 0.0) {')
frag.write(' vec3 lpos = / lampPos.w;')
frag.write(' if (texture(shadowMap, lpos.xy).r < lpos.z - shadowsBias) visibility = 0.0;')
frag.write('else if (lightShadow == 2) visibility = float(texture(shadowMapCube, -l).r + shadowsBias > lpToDepth(lp, lightPlane));')
frag.write('int lightShadow = 0;')
frag.write_header('#extension GL_ARB_shader_image_load_store : enable')
frag.add_uniform('layout(RGBA8) image3D voxels')
frag.add_uniform('vec3 lightPos', '_lampPosition')
frag.add_uniform('vec3 lightColor', '_lampColor')
frag.write('if (!isInsideCube(wposition)) return;')
frag.write('vec3 basecol;')
frag.write('float roughness;') #
frag.write('float metallic;') #
frag.write('float occlusion;') #
# frag.write('float opacity;') #
frag.write_pre = True
frag.write('mat3 TBN;') # TODO: discard, parse basecolor only
frag.write_pre = False
frag.write('float dotNV = 0.0;')
frag.write('float dotNL = max(dot(wnormal, l), 0.0);')
cycles.parse(mat_state.nodes, con_voxel, vert, frag, geom, tesc, tese, parse_opacity=False, parse_displacement=False)
vert.add_uniform('mat4 W', '_worldMatrix')
vert.add_uniform('mat3 N', '_normalMatrix')
@ -72,45 +115,8 @@ def make(context_id):
frag.write('vec3 lp = lightPos - wposition * voxelgiDimensions.x;')
frag.write('vec3 l = normalize(lp);')
frag.write('float visibility = 1.0;')
if is_shadows:
frag.add_uniform('sampler2D shadowMap', included=True)
frag.add_uniform('samplerCube shadowMapCube', included=True)
frag.add_uniform('int lightShadow', '_lampCastShadow')
frag.add_uniform('vec2 lightPlane', '_lampPlane')
frag.add_uniform('float shadowsBias', '_lampShadowsBias')
frag.write('if (lightShadow == 1 && lampPos.w > 0.0) {')
frag.write(' vec3 lpos = / lampPos.w;')
frag.write(' if (texture(shadowMap, lpos.xy).r < lpos.z - shadowsBias) visibility = 0.0;')
frag.write('else if (lightShadow == 2) visibility = float(texture(shadowMapCube, -l).r + shadowsBias > lpToDepth(lp, lightPlane));')
frag.write('int lightShadow = 0;')
frag.write_header('#extension GL_ARB_shader_image_load_store : enable')
frag.add_uniform('layout(RGBA8) image3D voxels')
frag.add_uniform('vec3 lightPos', '_lampPosition')
frag.add_uniform('vec3 lightColor', '_lampColor')
frag.write('if (!isInsideCube(wposition)) return;')
frag.write('vec3 basecol;')
frag.write('float roughness;') #
frag.write('float metallic;') #
frag.write('float occlusion;') #
# frag.write('float opacity;') #
frag.write_pre = True
frag.write('mat3 TBN;') # TODO: discard, parse basecolor only
frag.write_pre = False
frag.write('float dotNV = 0.0;')
frag.write('float dotNL = max(dot(wnormal, l), 0.0);')
cycles.parse(mat_state.nodes, con_voxel, vert, frag, geom, tesc, tese, parse_opacity=False, parse_displacement=False)
frag.write('vec3 color;')
frag.write('if (lightShadow > 0) color = basecol * visibility * lightColor * dotNL * attenuate(distance(wposition * voxelgiDimensions.x, lightPos));')
frag.write('else color = (basecol - 1.0);') # Emission only when no lamp or shadowmap is present

View file

@ -24,6 +24,25 @@ def make(context_id):
frag.write('if (!isInsideCube(wposition)) return;')
frag.write('vec3 voxel = wposition * 0.5 + vec3(0.5);')
frag.write('vec3 basecol;')
frag.write('float roughness;') #
frag.write('float metallic;') #
frag.write('float occlusion;') #
# frag.write('float opacity;') #
frag.write_pre = True
frag.write('mat3 TBN;') # TODO: discard, parse basecolor only
frag.write_pre = False
frag.write('float dotNV = 0.0;')
# frag.write('float dotNL = max(dot(wnormal, l), 0.0);')
cycles.parse(mat_state.nodes, con_voxel, vert, frag, geom, tesc, tese, parse_opacity=False, parse_displacement=False)
if con_voxel.is_elem('tex'):
vert.add_out('vec2 texCoordGeom')
vert.write('texCoordGeom = tex;')
@ -67,23 +86,6 @@ def make(context_id):
frag.add_uniform('layout(RGBA8) image3D voxelsto')
frag.add_uniform('sampler3D voxels', included=True)
frag.write('if (!isInsideCube(wposition)) return;')
frag.write('vec3 voxel = wposition * 0.5 + vec3(0.5);')
frag.write('vec3 basecol;')
frag.write('float roughness;') #
frag.write('float metallic;') #
frag.write('float occlusion;') #
# frag.write('float opacity;') #
frag.write_pre = True
frag.write('mat3 TBN;') # TODO: discard, parse basecolor only
frag.write_pre = False
frag.write('float dotNV = 0.0;')
# frag.write('float dotNL = max(dot(wnormal, l), 0.0);')
cycles.parse(mat_state.nodes, con_voxel, vert, frag, geom, tesc, tese, parse_opacity=False, parse_displacement=False)
# frag.write('vec3 color = texture(voxels, voxel).rgb / 2.0 + indirectDiffuseLight(wnormal, wposition / voxelgiDimensions.x).rgb * basecol;')
frag.write('vec3 color = texture(voxels, voxel).rgb * indirectDiffuseLight(wnormal, wposition / voxelgiDimensions.x).rgb * basecol;')