First waters.

This commit is contained in:
Lubos Lenco 2016-05-05 19:54:03 +02:00
parent 690d932f8a
commit 45a5e57f20
177 changed files with 0 additions and 24879 deletions

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Versions/Current/Electron Framework

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
<string>Electron Framework</string>
<string>Electron Framework</string>

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
<string>Electron Helper EH</string>
<string>Electron Helper EH</string>
<string>Electron Helper EH</string>

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
<string>Electron Helper NP</string>
<string>Electron Helper NP</string>
<string>Electron Helper NP</string>

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
<string>Electron Helper</string>

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@ -1,172 +0,0 @@
// MTLJSONAdapter.h
// Mantle
// Created by Justin Spahr-Summers on 2013-02-12.
// Copyright (c) 2013 GitHub. All rights reserved.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
@class MTLModel;
// A MTLModel object that supports being parsed from and serialized to JSON.
@protocol MTLJSONSerializing
// Specifies how to map property keys to different key paths in JSON.
// Subclasses overriding this method should combine their values with those of
// `super`.
// Any property keys not present in the dictionary are assumed to match the JSON
// key that should be used. Any keys associated with NSNull will not participate
// in JSON serialization.
// Returns a dictionary mapping property keys to JSON key paths (as strings) or
// NSNull values.
+ (NSDictionary *)JSONKeyPathsByPropertyKey;
// Specifies how to convert a JSON value to the given property key. If
// reversible, the transformer will also be used to convert the property value
// back to JSON.
// If the receiver implements a `+<key>JSONTransformer` method, MTLJSONAdapter
// will use the result of that method instead.
// Returns a value transformer, or nil if no transformation should be performed.
+ (NSValueTransformer *)JSONTransformerForKey:(NSString *)key;
// Overridden to parse the receiver as a different class, based on information
// in the provided dictionary.
// This is mostly useful for class clusters, where the abstract base class would
// be passed into -[MTLJSONAdapter initWithJSONDictionary:modelClass:], but
// a subclass should be instantiated instead.
// JSONDictionary - The JSON dictionary that will be parsed.
// Returns the class that should be parsed (which may be the receiver), or nil
// to abort parsing (e.g., if the data is invalid).
+ (Class)classForParsingJSONDictionary:(NSDictionary *)JSONDictionary;
// The domain for errors originating from MTLJSONAdapter.
extern NSString * const MTLJSONAdapterErrorDomain;
// +classForParsingJSONDictionary: returned nil for the given dictionary.
extern const NSInteger MTLJSONAdapterErrorNoClassFound;
// The provided JSONDictionary is not valid.
extern const NSInteger MTLJSONAdapterErrorInvalidJSONDictionary;
// The model's implementation of +JSONKeyPathsByPropertyKey included a key which
// does not actually exist in +propertyKeys.
extern const NSInteger MTLJSONAdapterErrorInvalidJSONMapping;
// Converts a MTLModel object to and from a JSON dictionary.
@interface MTLJSONAdapter : NSObject
// The model object that the receiver was initialized with, or that the receiver
// parsed from a JSON dictionary.
@property (nonatomic, strong, readonly) MTLModel<MTLJSONSerializing> *model;
// Attempts to parse a JSON dictionary into a model object.
// modelClass - The MTLModel subclass to attempt to parse from the JSON.
// This class must conform to <MTLJSONSerializing>. This
// argument must not be nil.
// JSONDictionary - A dictionary representing JSON data. This should match the
// format returned by NSJSONSerialization. If this argument is
// nil, the method returns nil.
// error - If not NULL, this may be set to an error that occurs during
// parsing or initializing an instance of `modelClass`.
// Returns an instance of `modelClass` upon success, or nil if a parsing error
// occurred.
+ (id)modelOfClass:(Class)modelClass fromJSONDictionary:(NSDictionary *)JSONDictionary error:(NSError **)error;
// Attempts to parse an array of JSON dictionary objects into a model objects
// of a specific class.
// modelClass - The MTLModel subclass to attempt to parse from the JSON. This
// class must conform to <MTLJSONSerializing>. This argument must
// not be nil.
// JSONArray - A array of dictionaries representing JSON data. This should
// match the format returned by NSJSONSerialization. If this
// argument is nil, the method returns nil.
// error - If not NULL, this may be set to an error that occurs during
// parsing or initializing an any of the instances of
// `modelClass`.
// Returns an array of `modelClass` instances upon success, or nil if a parsing
// error occurred.
+ (NSArray *)modelsOfClass:(Class)modelClass fromJSONArray:(NSArray *)JSONArray error:(NSError **)error;
// Converts a model into a JSON representation.
// model - The model to use for JSON serialization. This argument must not be
// nil.
// Returns a JSON dictionary, or nil if a serialization error occurred.
+ (NSDictionary *)JSONDictionaryFromModel:(MTLModel<MTLJSONSerializing> *)model;
// Converts a array of models into a JSON representation.
// models - The array of models to use for JSON serialization. This argument
// must not be nil.
// Returns a JSON array, or nil if a serialization error occurred for any
// model.
+ (NSArray *)JSONArrayFromModels:(NSArray *)models;
// Initializes the receiver by attempting to parse a JSON dictionary into
// a model object.
// JSONDictionary - A dictionary representing JSON data. This should match the
// format returned by NSJSONSerialization. If this argument is
// nil, the method returns nil and an error with code
// MTLJSONAdapterErrorInvalidJSONDictionary.
// modelClass - The MTLModel subclass to attempt to parse from the JSON.
// This class must conform to <MTLJSONSerializing>. This
// argument must not be nil.
// error - If not NULL, this may be set to an error that occurs during
// parsing or initializing an instance of `modelClass`.
// Returns an initialized adapter upon success, or nil if a parsing error
// occurred.
- (id)initWithJSONDictionary:(NSDictionary *)JSONDictionary modelClass:(Class)modelClass error:(NSError **)error;
// Initializes the receiver with an existing model.
// model - The model to use for JSON serialization. This argument must not be
// nil.
- (id)initWithModel:(MTLModel<MTLJSONSerializing> *)model;
// Serializes the receiver's `model` into JSON.
// Returns a JSON dictionary, or nil if a serialization error occurred.
- (NSDictionary *)JSONDictionary;
// Looks up the JSON key path in the model's +propertyKeys.
// Subclasses may override this method to customize the adapter's seralizing
// behavior. You should not call this method directly.
// key - The property key to retrieve the corresponding JSON key path for. This
// argument must not be nil.
// Returns a key path to use, or nil to omit the property from JSON.
- (NSString *)JSONKeyPathForPropertyKey:(NSString *)key;
@interface MTLJSONAdapter (Deprecated)
+ (id)modelOfClass:(Class)modelClass fromJSONDictionary:(NSDictionary *)JSONDictionary __attribute__((deprecated("Replaced by +modelOfClass:fromJSONDictionary:error:")));
- (id)initWithJSONDictionary:(NSDictionary *)JSONDictionary modelClass:(Class)modelClass __attribute__((deprecated("Replaced by -initWithJSONDictionary:modelClass:error:")));

View file

@ -1,215 +0,0 @@
// MTLManagedObjectAdapter.h
// Mantle
// Created by Justin Spahr-Summers on 2013-03-29.
// Copyright (c) 2013 GitHub. All rights reserved.
#import <CoreData/CoreData.h>
@class MTLModel;
// A MTLModel object that supports being serialized to and from Core Data as an
// NSManagedObject.
@protocol MTLManagedObjectSerializing
// The name of the Core Data entity that the receiver serializes to and
// deserializes from.
// This method must not return nil.
+ (NSString *)managedObjectEntityName;
// Specifies how to map property keys to different keys on the receiver's
// +managedObjectEntity.
// Entity attributes will be mapped to and from the receiver's properties using
// +entityAttributeTransformerForKey:. Entity relationships will be mapped to
// and from MTLModel objects using +relationshipModelClassesByPropertyKey.
// Fetched properties are not supported.
// Subclasses overriding this method should combine their values with those of
// `super`.
// Any property keys not present in the dictionary are assumed to match the
// entity key that should be used. Any keys associated with NSNull will not
// participate in managed object serialization.
// Returns a dictionary mapping property keys to entity keys (as strings) or
// NSNull values.
+ (NSDictionary *)managedObjectKeysByPropertyKey;
// Specifies a set of property keys used by the adapter to check for an already
// existing managed object when converting the MTLModel to its related
// NSManagedObject.
// The adapter will first map any keys provided by this method to the correct
// keys in managedObjectKeysByPropertyKey.
// The adapter will then perform a fetch request in the provided context for a
// managed object that matches the MTLModel's managedObjectEntityName and has
// equal values set for the property keys on the MTLModel.
// The managed object returned by the fetch request will then be set with all
// values from the MTLModel that the managed object is being converted from.
// If a property value of our MTLModel is yet another MTLModel which needs to be
// converted to a managed object, the class for that MTLModel can also implement
// this method to perform its own uniqing.
// For example:
// 1. An MTLModel subclass has id_number = 10.
// 2. An NSManagedObject accessible to the adapter's context has idnumber = 10.
// 3. managedObjectKeysByPropertyKey returns @{@"id_number" : @"idnumber"}
// 4. propertyKeysForManagedObjectUniquing returns
// [NSSet setWithObject:@"id_number"];
// 5. Then our fetch request may return this managed object (or another managed
// object with idnumber = 10).
// NOTE: If multiple managed objects follow the same uniquing criteria only one
// of them will be set with our MTLModel's values.
+ (NSSet *)propertyKeysForManagedObjectUniquing;
// Specifies how to convert the given property key to a managed object
// attribute. If reversible, the transformer will also be used to convert the
// managed object attribute back to the property.
// If the receiver implements a `+<key>EntityAttributeTransformer` method,
// MTLManagedObjectAdapter will use the result of that method instead.
// Returns a value transformer, or nil if no transformation should be performed.
+ (NSValueTransformer *)entityAttributeTransformerForKey:(NSString *)key;
// Specifies the MTLModel subclasses that should be deserialized to the
// receiver's property keys when a property key corresponds to an entity
// relationship.
// In other words, the dictionary returned by this method is used to decode
// managed object relationships into MTLModels (or NSArrays or NSSets thereof)
// set on the receiver.
// If a property key is omitted from the returned dictionary, but present in
// +managedObjectKeysByPropertyKey, and the receiver's +managedObjectEntity has
// a relationship at the corresponding key, an exception will be thrown during
// deserialization.
// Subclasses overriding this method should combine their values with those of
// `super`.
// Returns a dictionary mapping property keys to the Class objects that should
// be used.
+ (NSDictionary *)relationshipModelClassesByPropertyKey;
// Overridden to deserialize a different class instead of the receiver, based on
// information in the provided object.
// This is mostly useful for class clusters, where the abstract base class would
// be passed into +[MTLManagedObjectAdapter
// modelOfClass:fromManagedObject:error:], but a subclass should be instantiated
// instead.
// managedObject - The object that will be deserialized.
// Returns the class that should be instantiated (which may be the receiver), or
// nil to abort parsing (e.g., if the data is invalid).
+ (Class)classForDeserializingManagedObject:(NSManagedObject *)managedObject;
// Overriden when merging the value of the given key on the receiver with the
// value of the same key from the given `NSManagedObject` requires custom
// handling.
// By default, this method is not implemented, and precedence will be given to
// the value of the receiving model implicitly.
// When implemented, this method is called when an existing `NSManagedObject`
// is found for the receiving model, before updating the `NSManagedObject`'s
// properties.
// When implementing, you should use `+managedObjectKeysByPropertyKey` to map
// the given `key` to the appropriate `NSManagedObject` property.
- (void)mergeValueForKey:(NSString *)key fromManagedObject:(NSManagedObject *)managedObject;
// Overriden when merging values on the receiver with the given
// `NSManagedObject` requires custom handling.
// By default, this method is not implemented, and precedence will be given to
// the values of the receiving model implicitly.
// When implemented, this method is called when an existing `NSManagedObject`
// is found for the receiving model, before updating the `NSManagedObject`'s
// properties.
// When implementing, you should use `+managedObjectKeysByPropertyKey` to map
// the given `key` to the appropriate `NSManagedObject` property.
// If you have also implemented `mergeValueForKey:fromManagedObject:` you have
// to make sure to call `mergeValueForKey:fromManagedObject:` from this method
// when appropriate.
- (void)mergeValuesForKeysFromManagedObject:(NSManagedObject *)managedObject;
// The domain for errors originating from MTLManagedObjectAdapter.
extern NSString * const MTLManagedObjectAdapterErrorDomain;
// +classForDeserializingManagedObject: returned nil for the given object.
extern const NSInteger MTLManagedObjectAdapterErrorNoClassFound;
// An NSManagedObject failed to initialize.
extern const NSInteger MTLManagedObjectAdapterErrorInitializationFailed;
// The managed object key specified by +managedObjectKeysByPropertyKey does not
// exist in the NSEntityDescription.
extern const NSInteger MTLManagedObjectAdapterErrorInvalidManagedObjectKey;
// The managed object property specified has a type that isn't supported by
// MTLManagedObjectAdapter.
extern const NSInteger MTLManagedObjectAdapterErrorUnsupportedManagedObjectPropertyType;
// The fetch request to find an existing managed object based on
// `+propertyKeysForManagedObjectUniquing` failed.
extern const NSInteger MTLManagedObjectAdapterErrorUniqueFetchRequestFailed;
// A MTLModel property cannot be serialized to or deserialized from an
// NSManagedObject relationship.
// For a to-one relationship, this means that the property does not contain
// a MTLModel, or the MTLModel does not conform to <MTLManagedObjectSerializing>.
// For a to-many relationship, this means that the property does not contain an
// NSArray or NSSet of MTLModel<MTLManagedObjectSerializing> instances.
extern const NSInteger MTLManagedObjectAdapterErrorUnsupportedRelationshipClass;
// The model's implementation of +managedObjectKeysByPropertyKey included a key
// which does not actually exist in +propertyKeys.
extern const NSInteger MTLManagedObjectAdapterErrorInvalidManagedObjectMapping;
// Converts a MTLModel object to and from an NSManagedObject.
@interface MTLManagedObjectAdapter : NSObject
// Attempts to deserialize an NSManagedObject into a MTLModel object.
// modelClass - The MTLModel subclass to return. This class must conform to
// <MTLManagedObjectSerializing>. This argument must not be nil.
// managedObject - The managed object to deserialize. If this argument is nil,
// the method returns nil.
// error - If not NULL, this may be set to an error that occurs during
// deserialization or initializing an instance of `modelClass`.
// Returns an instance of `modelClass` upon success, or nil if an error
// occurred.
+ (id)modelOfClass:(Class)modelClass fromManagedObject:(NSManagedObject *)managedObject error:(NSError **)error;
// Serializes a MTLModel into an NSManagedObject.
// model - The model object to serialize. This argument must not be nil.
// context - The context into which to insert the created managed object. This
// argument must not be nil.
// error - If not NULL, this may be set to an error that occurs during
// serialization or insertion.
+ (id)managedObjectFromModel:(MTLModel<MTLManagedObjectSerializing> *)model insertingIntoContext:(NSManagedObjectContext *)context error:(NSError **)error;

View file

@ -1,128 +0,0 @@
// MTLModel+NSCoding.h
// Mantle
// Created by Justin Spahr-Summers on 2013-02-12.
// Copyright (c) 2013 GitHub. All rights reserved.
#import "MTLModel.h"
// Defines how a MTLModel property key should be encoded into an archive.
// MTLModelEncodingBehaviorExcluded - The property should never be encoded.
// MTLModelEncodingBehaviorUnconditional - The property should always be
// encoded.
// MTLModelEncodingBehaviorConditional - The object should be encoded only
// if unconditionally encoded elsewhere.
// This should only be used for object
// properties.
typedef enum : NSUInteger {
MTLModelEncodingBehaviorExcluded = 0,
} MTLModelEncodingBehavior;
// Implements default archiving and unarchiving behaviors for MTLModel.
@interface MTLModel (NSCoding) <NSCoding>
// Initializes the receiver from an archive.
// This will decode the original +modelVersion of the archived object, then
// invoke -decodeValueForKey:withCoder:modelVersion: for each of the receiver's
// +propertyKeys.
// Returns an initialized model object, or nil if a decoding error occurred.
- (id)initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)coder;
// Archives the receiver using the given coder.
// This will encode the receiver's +modelVersion, then the receiver's properties
// according to the behaviors specified in +encodingBehaviorsByPropertyKey.
- (void)encodeWithCoder:(NSCoder *)coder;
// Determines how the +propertyKeys of the class are encoded into an archive.
// The values of this dictionary should be boxed MTLModelEncodingBehavior
// values.
// Any keys not present in the dictionary will be excluded from the archive.
// Subclasses overriding this method should combine their values with those of
// `super`.
// Returns a dictionary mapping the receiver's +propertyKeys to default encoding
// behaviors. If a property is an object with `weak` semantics, the default
// behavior is MTLModelEncodingBehaviorConditional; otherwise, the default is
// MTLModelEncodingBehaviorUnconditional.
+ (NSDictionary *)encodingBehaviorsByPropertyKey;
// Determines the classes that are allowed to be decoded for each of the
// receiver's properties when using <NSSecureCoding>. The values of this
// dictionary should be NSArrays of Class objects.
// If any encodable keys (as determined by +encodingBehaviorsByPropertyKey) are
// not present in the dictionary, an exception will be thrown during secure
// encoding or decoding.
// Subclasses overriding this method should combine their values with those of
// `super`.
// Returns a dictionary mapping the receiver's encodable keys (as determined by
// +encodingBehaviorsByPropertyKey) to default allowed classes, based on the
// type that each property is declared as. If type of an encodable property
// cannot be determined (e.g., it is declared as `id`), it will be omitted from
// the dictionary, and subclasses must provide a valid value to prevent an
// exception being thrown during encoding/decoding.
+ (NSDictionary *)allowedSecureCodingClassesByPropertyKey;
// Decodes the value of the given property key from an archive.
// By default, this method looks for a `-decode<Key>WithCoder:modelVersion:`
// method on the receiver, and invokes it if found.
// If the custom method is not implemented and `coder` does not require secure
// coding, `-[NSCoder decodeObjectForKey:]` will be invoked with the given
// `key`.
// If the custom method is not implemented and `coder` requires secure coding,
// `-[NSCoder decodeObjectOfClasses:forKey:]` will be invoked with the
// information from +allowedSecureCodingClassesByPropertyKey and the given `key`. The
// receiver must conform to <NSSecureCoding> for this to work correctly.
// key - The property key to decode the value for. This argument cannot
// be nil.
// coder - The NSCoder representing the archive being decoded. This
// argument cannot be nil.
// modelVersion - The version of the original model object that was encoded.
// Returns the decoded and boxed value, or nil if the key was not present.
- (id)decodeValueForKey:(NSString *)key withCoder:(NSCoder *)coder modelVersion:(NSUInteger)modelVersion;
// The version of this MTLModel subclass.
// This version number is saved in archives so that later model changes can be
// made backwards-compatible with old versions.
// Subclasses should override this method to return a higher version number
// whenever a breaking change is made to the model.
// Returns 0.
+ (NSUInteger)modelVersion;
// This method must be overridden to support archives created by older versions
// of Mantle (before the `MTLModel+NSCoding` interface existed).
@interface MTLModel (OldArchiveSupport)
// Converts an archived external representation to a dictionary suitable for
// passing to -initWithDictionary:.
// externalRepresentation - The decoded external representation of the receiver.
// fromVersion - The model version at the time the external
// representation was encoded.
// Returns nil by default, indicating that conversion failed.
+ (NSDictionary *)dictionaryValueFromArchivedExternalRepresentation:(NSDictionary *)externalRepresentation version:(NSUInteger)fromVersion;

View file

@ -1,125 +0,0 @@
// MTLModel.h
// Mantle
// Created by Justin Spahr-Summers on 2012-09-11.
// Copyright (c) 2012 GitHub. All rights reserved.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
// An abstract base class for model objects, using reflection to provide
// sensible default behaviors.
// The default implementations of <NSCopying>, -hash, and -isEqual: make use of
// the +propertyKeys method.
@interface MTLModel : NSObject <NSCopying>
// Returns a new instance of the receiver initialized using
// -initWithDictionary:error:.
+ (instancetype)modelWithDictionary:(NSDictionary *)dictionaryValue error:(NSError **)error;
// Initializes the receiver with default values.
// This is the designated initializer for this class.
- (instancetype)init;
// Initializes the receiver using key-value coding, setting the keys and values
// in the given dictionary.
// Subclass implementations may override this method, calling the super
// implementation, in order to perform further processing and initialization
// after deserialization.
// dictionaryValue - Property keys and values to set on the receiver. Any NSNull
// values will be converted to nil before being used. KVC
// validation methods will automatically be invoked for all of
// the properties given. If nil, this method is equivalent to
// -init.
// error - If not NULL, this may be set to any error that occurs
// (like a KVC validation error).
// Returns an initialized model object, or nil if validation failed.
- (instancetype)initWithDictionary:(NSDictionary *)dictionaryValue error:(NSError **)error;
// Returns the keys for all @property declarations, except for `readonly`
// properties without ivars, or properties on MTLModel itself.
+ (NSSet *)propertyKeys;
// A dictionary representing the properties of the receiver.
// The default implementation combines the values corresponding to all
// +propertyKeys into a dictionary, with any nil values represented by NSNull.
// This property must never be nil.
@property (nonatomic, copy, readonly) NSDictionary *dictionaryValue;
// Merges the value of the given key on the receiver with the value of the same
// key from the given model object, giving precedence to the other model object.
// By default, this method looks for a `-merge<Key>FromModel:` method on the
// receiver, and invokes it if found. If not found, and `model` is not nil, the
// value for the given key is taken from `model`.
- (void)mergeValueForKey:(NSString *)key fromModel:(MTLModel *)model;
// Merges the values of the given model object into the receiver, using
// -mergeValueForKey:fromModel: for each key in +propertyKeys.
// `model` must be an instance of the receiver's class or a subclass thereof.
- (void)mergeValuesForKeysFromModel:(MTLModel *)model;
// Compares the receiver with another object for equality.
// The default implementation is equivalent to comparing both models'
// -dictionaryValue.
// Note that this may lead to infinite loops if the receiver holds a circular
// reference to another MTLModel and both use the default behavior.
// It is recommended to override -isEqual: in this scenario.
- (BOOL)isEqual:(id)object;
// A string that describes the contents of the receiver.
// The default implementation is based on the receiver's class and its
// -dictionaryValue.
// Note that this may lead to infinite loops if the receiver holds a circular
// reference to another MTLModel and both use the default behavior.
// It is recommended to override -description in this scenario.
- (NSString *)description;
// Implements validation logic for MTLModel.
@interface MTLModel (Validation)
// Validates the model.
// The default implementation simply invokes -validateValue:forKey:error: with
// all +propertyKeys and their current value. If -validateValue:forKey:error:
// returns a new value, the property is set to that new value.
// error - If not NULL, this may be set to any error that occurs during
// validation
// Returns YES if the model is valid, or NO if the validation failed.
- (BOOL)validate:(NSError **)error;
@interface MTLModel (Unavailable)
+ (instancetype)modelWithDictionary:(NSDictionary *)dictionaryValue __attribute__((deprecated("Replaced by +modelWithDictionary:error:")));
- (instancetype)initWithDictionary:(NSDictionary *)dictionaryValue __attribute__((deprecated("Replaced by -initWithDictionary:error:")));
+ (instancetype)modelWithExternalRepresentation:(NSDictionary *)externalRepresentation __attribute__((deprecated("Replaced by -[MTLJSONAdapter initWithJSONDictionary:modelClass:]")));
- (instancetype)initWithExternalRepresentation:(NSDictionary *)externalRepresentation __attribute__((deprecated("Replaced by -[MTLJSONAdapter initWithJSONDictionary:modelClass:]")));
@property (nonatomic, copy, readonly) NSDictionary *externalRepresentation __attribute__((deprecated("Replaced by MTLJSONAdapter.JSONDictionary")));
+ (NSDictionary *)externalRepresentationKeyPathsByPropertyKey __attribute__((deprecated("Replaced by +JSONKeyPathsByPropertyKey in <MTLJSONSerializing>")));
+ (NSValueTransformer *)transformerForKey:(NSString *)key __attribute__((deprecated("Replaced by +JSONTransformerForKey: in <MTLJSONSerializing>")));
+ (NSDictionary *)migrateExternalRepresentation:(NSDictionary *)externalRepresentation fromVersion:(NSUInteger)fromVersion __attribute__((deprecated("Replaced by -decodeValueForKey:withCoder:modelVersion:")));

View file

@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
// MTLValueTransformer.h
// Mantle
// Created by Justin Spahr-Summers on 2012-09-11.
// Copyright (c) 2012 GitHub. All rights reserved.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
typedef id (^MTLValueTransformerBlock)(id);
// A value transformer supporting block-based transformation.
@interface MTLValueTransformer : NSValueTransformer
// Returns a transformer which transforms values using the given block. Reverse
// transformations will not be allowed.
+ (instancetype)transformerWithBlock:(MTLValueTransformerBlock)transformationBlock;
// Returns a transformer which transforms values using the given block, for
// forward or reverse transformations.
+ (instancetype)reversibleTransformerWithBlock:(MTLValueTransformerBlock)transformationBlock;
// Returns a transformer which transforms values using the given blocks.
+ (instancetype)reversibleTransformerWithForwardBlock:(MTLValueTransformerBlock)forwardBlock reverseBlock:(MTLValueTransformerBlock)reverseBlock;

View file

@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
// Mantle.h
// Mantle
// Created by Justin Spahr-Summers on 2012-09-04.
// Copyright (c) 2012 GitHub. All rights reserved.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
//! Project version number for Mantle.
FOUNDATION_EXPORT double MantleVersionNumber;
//! Project version string for Mantle.
FOUNDATION_EXPORT const unsigned char MantleVersionString[];
#import <Mantle/MTLJSONAdapter.h>
#import <Mantle/MTLManagedObjectAdapter.h>
#import <Mantle/MTLModel.h>
#import <Mantle/MTLModel+NSCoding.h>
#import <Mantle/MTLValueTransformer.h>
#import <Mantle/NSArray+MTLManipulationAdditions.h>
#import <Mantle/NSDictionary+MTLManipulationAdditions.h>
#import <Mantle/NSObject+MTLComparisonAdditions.h>
#import <Mantle/NSValueTransformer+MTLInversionAdditions.h>
#import <Mantle/NSValueTransformer+MTLPredefinedTransformerAdditions.h>

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@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
// NSArray+MTLManipulationAdditions.h
// Mantle
// Created by Josh Abernathy on 9/19/12.
// Copyright (c) 2012 GitHub. All rights reserved.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
@interface NSArray (MTLManipulationAdditions)
// The first object in the array or nil if the array is empty.
// Forwards to `firstObject` which has been first declared in iOS7, but works with iOS4/10.6.
@property (nonatomic, readonly, strong) id mtl_firstObject;
// Returns a new array without all instances of the given object.
- (NSArray *)mtl_arrayByRemovingObject:(id)object;
// Returns a new array without the first object. If the array is empty, it
// returns the empty array.
- (NSArray *)mtl_arrayByRemovingFirstObject;
// Returns a new array without the last object. If the array is empty, it
// returns the empty array.
- (NSArray *)mtl_arrayByRemovingLastObject;

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@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
// NSDictionary+MTLManipulationAdditions.h
// Mantle
// Created by Justin Spahr-Summers on 2012-09-24.
// Copyright (c) 2012 GitHub. All rights reserved.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
@interface NSDictionary (MTLManipulationAdditions)
// Merges the keys and values from the given dictionary into the receiver. If
// both the receiver and `dictionary` have a given key, the value from
// `dictionary` is used.
// Returns a new dictionary containing the entries of the receiver combined with
// those of `dictionary`.
- (NSDictionary *)mtl_dictionaryByAddingEntriesFromDictionary:(NSDictionary *)dictionary;
// Creates a new dictionary with all the entries for the given keys removed from
// the receiver.
- (NSDictionary *)mtl_dictionaryByRemovingEntriesWithKeys:(NSSet *)keys;

View file

@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
// NSObject+MTLComparisonAdditions.h
// Mantle
// Created by Josh Vera on 10/26/12.
// Copyright (c) 2012 GitHub. All rights reserved.
// Portions copyright (c) 2011 Bitswift. All rights reserved.
// See the LICENSE file for more information.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
// Returns whether both objects are identical or equal via -isEqual:
BOOL MTLEqualObjects(id obj1, id obj2);

View file

@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
// NSValueTransformer+MTLInversionAdditions.h
// Mantle
// Created by Justin Spahr-Summers on 2013-05-18.
// Copyright (c) 2013 GitHub. All rights reserved.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
@interface NSValueTransformer (MTLInversionAdditions)
// Flips the direction of the receiver's transformation, such that
// -transformedValue: will become -reverseTransformedValue:, and vice-versa.
// The receiver must allow reverse transformation.
// Returns an inverted transformer.
- (NSValueTransformer *)mtl_invertedTransformer;

View file

@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
// NSValueTransformer+MTLPredefinedTransformerAdditions.h
// Mantle
// Created by Justin Spahr-Summers on 2012-09-27.
// Copyright (c) 2012 GitHub. All rights reserved.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
// The name for a value transformer that converts strings into URLs and back.
extern NSString * const MTLURLValueTransformerName;
// Ensure an NSNumber is backed by __NSCFBoolean/CFBooleanRef
// NSJSONSerialization, and likely other serialization libraries, ordinarily
// serialize NSNumbers as numbers, and thus booleans would be serialized as
// 0/1. The exception is when the NSNumber is backed by __NSCFBoolean, which,
// though very much an implementation detail, is detected and serialized as a
// proper boolean.
extern NSString * const MTLBooleanValueTransformerName;
@interface NSValueTransformer (MTLPredefinedTransformerAdditions)
// Creates a reversible transformer to convert a JSON dictionary into a MTLModel
// object, and vice-versa.
// modelClass - The MTLModel subclass to attempt to parse from the JSON. This
// class must conform to <MTLJSONSerializing>. This argument must
// not be nil.
// Returns a reversible transformer which uses MTLJSONAdapter for transforming
// values back and forth.
+ (NSValueTransformer *)mtl_JSONDictionaryTransformerWithModelClass:(Class)modelClass;
// Creates a reversible transformer to convert an array of JSON dictionaries
// into an array of MTLModel objects, and vice-versa.
// modelClass - The MTLModel subclass to attempt to parse from each JSON
// dictionary. This class must conform to <MTLJSONSerializing>.
// This argument must not be nil.
// Returns a reversible transformer which uses MTLJSONAdapter for transforming
// array elements back and forth.
+ (NSValueTransformer *)mtl_JSONArrayTransformerWithModelClass:(Class)modelClass;
// A reversible value transformer to transform between the keys and objects of a
// dictionary.
// dictionary - The dictionary whose keys and values should be
// transformed between. This argument must not be nil.
// defaultValue - The result to fall back to, in case no key matching the
// input value was found during a forward transformation.
// reverseDefaultValue - The result to fall back to, in case no value matching
// the input value was found during a reverse
// transformation.
// Can for example be used for transforming between enum values and their string
// representation.
// NSValueTransformer *valueTransformer = [NSValueTransformer mtl_valueMappingTransformerWithDictionary:@{
// @"foo": @(EnumDataTypeFoo),
// @"bar": @(EnumDataTypeBar),
// } defaultValue: @(EnumDataTypeUndefined) reverseDefaultValue: @"undefined"];
// Returns a transformer that will map from keys to values in dictionary
// for forward transformation, and from values to keys for reverse
// transformations. If no matching key or value can be found, the respective
// default value is returned.
+ (NSValueTransformer *)mtl_valueMappingTransformerWithDictionary:(NSDictionary *)dictionary defaultValue:(id)defaultValue reverseDefaultValue:(id)reverseDefaultValue;
// Returns a value transformer created by calling
// `+mtl_valueMappingTransformerWithDictionary:defaultValue:reverseDefaultValue:`
// with a default value of `nil` and a reverse default value of `nil`.
+ (NSValueTransformer *)mtl_valueMappingTransformerWithDictionary:(NSDictionary *)dictionary;
@interface NSValueTransformer (UnavailableMTLPredefinedTransformerAdditions)
+ (NSValueTransformer *)mtl_externalRepresentationTransformerWithModelClass:(Class)modelClass __attribute__((deprecated("Replaced by +mtl_JSONDictionaryTransformerWithModelClass:")));
+ (NSValueTransformer *)mtl_externalRepresentationArrayTransformerWithModelClass:(Class)modelClass __attribute__((deprecated("Replaced by +mtl_JSONArrayTransformerWithModelClass:")));

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@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
framework module Mantle {
umbrella header "Mantle.h"
export *
module * { export * }

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@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">

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@ -1 +0,0 @@

View file

@ -1 +0,0 @@

View file

@ -1 +0,0 @@

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@ -1 +0,0 @@

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@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
// EXTKeyPathCoding.h
// extobjc
// Created by Justin Spahr-Summers on 19.06.12.
// Copyright (C) 2012 Justin Spahr-Summers.
// Released under the MIT license.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import "metamacros.h"
* \@keypath allows compile-time verification of key paths. Given a real object
* receiver and key path:
* @code
NSString *UTF8StringPath = @keypath(str.lowercaseString.UTF8String);
// => @"lowercaseString.UTF8String"
NSString *versionPath = @keypath(NSObject, version);
// => @"version"
NSString *lowercaseStringPath = @keypath(, lowercaseString);
// => @"lowercaseString"
* @endcode
* ... the macro returns an \c NSString containing all but the first path
* component or argument (e.g., @"lowercaseString.UTF8String", @"version").
* In addition to simply creating a key path, this macro ensures that the key
* path is valid at compile-time (causing a syntax error if not), and supports
* refactoring, such that changing the name of the property will also update any
* uses of \@keypath.
#define keypath(...) \
metamacro_if_eq(1, metamacro_argcount(__VA_ARGS__))(keypath1(__VA_ARGS__))(keypath2(__VA_ARGS__))
#define keypath1(PATH) \
(((void)(NO && ((void)PATH, NO)), strchr(# PATH, '.') + 1))
#define keypath2(OBJ, PATH) \
(((void)(NO && ((void)OBJ.PATH, NO)), # PATH))
* \@collectionKeypath allows compile-time verification of key paths across collections NSArray/NSSet etc. Given a real object
* receiver, collection object receiver and related keypaths:
* @code
NSString *employessFirstNamePath = @collectionKeypath(department.employees,, firstName)
// => @"employees.firstName"
NSString *employessFirstNamePath = @collectionKeypath(, employees,, firstName)
// => @"employees.firstName"
* @endcode
#define collectionKeypath(...) \
metamacro_if_eq(3, metamacro_argcount(__VA_ARGS__))(collectionKeypath3(__VA_ARGS__))(collectionKeypath4(__VA_ARGS__))
#define collectionKeypath3(PATH, COLLECTION_OBJECT, COLLECTION_PATH) ([[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%s.%s",keypath(PATH), keypath(COLLECTION_OBJECT, COLLECTION_PATH)] UTF8String])
#define collectionKeypath4(OBJ, PATH, COLLECTION_OBJECT, COLLECTION_PATH) ([[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%s.%s",keypath(OBJ, PATH), keypath(COLLECTION_OBJECT, COLLECTION_PATH)] UTF8String])

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