Shaders clean up

This commit is contained in:
Lubos Lenco 2017-11-20 12:38:35 +01:00
parent 5cac7d4766
commit 71929bd32f
24 changed files with 57 additions and 804 deletions

View file

@ -17,7 +17,6 @@ in vec2 texCoord;
out vec4 fragColor;
const float blurWeights[5] = float[] (0.227027, 0.1945946, 0.1216216, 0.054054, 0.016216);
// const float blurWeights[10] = float[] (0.132572, 0.125472, 0.106373, 0.08078, 0.05495, 0.033482, 0.018275, 0.008934, 0.003912, 0.001535);
const float discardThreshold = 0.95;
float doBlur(const float blurWeight, const int pos, const vec3 nor, const vec2 texCoord) {
@ -44,17 +43,10 @@ void main() {
fragColor.r = texture(tex, tc).r * blurWeights[0];
float weight = blurWeights[0];
// for (int i = 1; i < 10; i++) {
weight += doBlur(blurWeights[1], 1, nor, tc);
weight += doBlur(blurWeights[2], 2, nor, tc);
weight += doBlur(blurWeights[3], 3, nor, tc);
weight += doBlur(blurWeights[4], 4, nor, tc);
// weight += doBlur(blurWeights[5], 5, nor, tc);
// weight += doBlur(blurWeights[6], 6, nor, tc);
// weight += doBlur(blurWeights[7], 7, nor, tc);
// weight += doBlur(blurWeights[8], 8, nor, tc);
// weight += doBlur(blurWeights[9], 9, nor, tc);
// }
weight += doBlur(blurWeights[1], 1, nor, tc);
weight += doBlur(blurWeights[2], 2, nor, tc);
weight += doBlur(blurWeights[3], 3, nor, tc);
weight += doBlur(blurWeights[4], 4, nor, tc);
fragColor = vec4(fragColor.r / weight); // SSAO only

View file

@ -14,8 +14,6 @@ uniform vec2 screenSize;
in vec2 texCoord;
out vec4 fragColor;
// const float weight[5] = float[] (0.227027, 0.1945946, 0.1216216, 0.054054, 0.016216);
// const float weight[8] = float[] (0.197448, 0.174697, 0.120999, 0.065602, 0.02784, 0.009246, 0.002403, 0.000489);
const float weight[10] = float[] (0.132572, 0.125472, 0.106373, 0.08078, 0.05495, 0.033482, 0.018275, 0.008934, 0.003912, 0.001535);
void main() {

View file

@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ precision mediump float;
#include "../compiled.glsl"
#include "../std/gbuffer.glsl"
// getNor()
uniform sampler2D tex;

View file

@ -85,7 +85,6 @@ void main() {
#ifdef _InvY // D3D
float depth = texture(gbufferD, texCoord).r * 2.0 - 1.0;
// TODO: Firefox throws transform loop error even when no depth write is performed
float depth = (1.0 - g0.a) * 2.0 - 1.0;
vec3 p = getPos(eye, eyeLook, viewRay, depth, cameraProj);

View file

@ -17,11 +17,7 @@ precision mediump float;
#include "../std/ltc.glsl"
#ifndef _NoShadows
#ifdef _PCSS
#include "../std/shadows_pcss.glsl"
#include "../std/shadows.glsl"
#ifdef _DFRS
#include "../std/sdf.glsl"
@ -49,10 +45,6 @@ uniform sampler2D gbuffer1;
#ifndef _NoShadows
//!uniform sampler2D shadowMap;
//!uniform samplerCube shadowMapCube;
#ifdef _PCSS
//!uniform sampler2D snoise;
//!uniform float lampSizeUV;
#ifdef _DFRS
//!uniform sampler3D sdftex;
@ -141,11 +133,7 @@ void main() {
// vec4 lPos = LWVP * vec4(p + noff, 1.0);
vec4 lPos = LWVP * vec4(p, 1.0);
if (lPos.w > 0.0) {
#ifdef _PCSS
visibility = PCSS(lPos.xy, lPos.z - shadowsBias);
visibility = shadowTest( / lPos.w, shadowsBias);
visibility = shadowTest( / lPos.w, shadowsBias, shadowmapSize);
else if (lightShadow == 2) { // Cube

View file

@ -106,16 +106,6 @@
"name": "LWVP",
"link": "_biasLampWorldViewProjectionMatrix"
"name": "snoise",
"link": "_noise64",
"ifdef": ["_PCSS"]
"name": "lampSizeUV",
"link": "_lampSizeUV",
"ifdef": ["_PCSS"]
"name": "VP",
"link": "_viewProjectionMatrix",

View file

@ -11,11 +11,7 @@ precision mediump float;
#include "../std/conetrace.glsl"
#ifndef _NoShadows
// #ifdef _PCSS
// #include "../std/shadows_pcss.glsl"
// #else
#include "../std/shadows_csm.glsl"
// #endif
#include "../std/shadows.glsl"
#ifdef _SSS
#include "../std/sss.glsl"
@ -42,10 +38,6 @@ vec2 lightPlane;
#ifndef _NoShadows
//!uniform sampler2D shadowMap;
// #ifdef _PCSS
//-!uniform sampler2D snoise;
//-!uniform float lampSizeUV;
// #endif
#ifdef _CSM
//!uniform vec4 casData[shadowmapCascades * 4 + 4];
@ -103,10 +95,10 @@ void main() {
#ifndef _NoShadows
if (lightShadow == 1) {
#ifdef _CSM
visibility = shadowTestCascade(eye, p, shadowsBias);
visibility = shadowTestCascade(eye, p, shadowsBias, shadowmapSize * vec2(shadowmapCascades, 1.0));
vec4 lPos = LWVP * vec4(p, 1.0);
if (lPos.w > 0.0) visibility = shadowTest( / lPos.w, shadowsBias);
if (lPos.w > 0.0) visibility = shadowTest( / lPos.w, shadowsBias, shadowmapSize);

View file

@ -76,16 +76,6 @@
"link": "_cascadeData",
"ifdef": ["_CSM"]
"name": "snoise",
"link": "_noise64",
"ifdef": ["_PCSS"]
"name": "lampSizeUV",
"link": "_lampSizeUV",
"ifdef": ["_PCSS"]
"name": "VP",
"link": "_viewProjectionMatrix",

View file

@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
"material_datas": [
"contexts": [
"bind_constants": [],
"bind_textures": [],
"name": "pt_trace_pass"
"name": "pt_material",
"shader": "pt_trace_pass/pt_trace_pass"

View file

@ -1,197 +0,0 @@
#version 450
#ifdef GL_ES
precision mediump float;
in vec3 initialRay;
in vec2 texCoord;
out vec4 fragColor;
uniform vec3 eye;
//uniform float textureWeight;
uniform float timeSinceStart;
//uniform sampler2D stexture;
uniform float glossiness;
//vec3 roomCubeMin = vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
//vec3 roomCubeMax = vec3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
vec3 origin;
vec3 ray;
vec3 colorMask = vec3(1.0);
vec3 accumulatedColor = vec3(0.0);
uniform vec3 light;
uniform vec3 cubeCenter0;
uniform vec3 cubeSize0;
uniform vec3 cubeColor0;
vec2 intersectCube(vec3 origin, vec3 ray, vec3 cubeCenter, vec3 cubeSize) {
vec3 cubeMin = cubeCenter - cubeSize;
vec3 cubeMax = cubeCenter + cubeSize;
vec3 tMin = (cubeMin - origin) / ray;
vec3 tMax = (cubeMax - origin) / ray;
vec3 t1 = min(tMin, tMax);
vec3 t2 = max(tMin, tMax);
float tNear = max(max(t1.x, t1.y), t1.z);
float tFar = min(min(t2.x, t2.y), t2.z);
return vec2(tNear, tFar);
vec3 normalForCube(vec3 hit, vec3 cubeCenter, vec3 cubeSize) {
vec3 cubeMin = cubeCenter - cubeSize;
vec3 cubeMax = cubeCenter + cubeSize;
if (hit.x < cubeMin.x + 0.0001) return vec3(-1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
else if (hit.x > cubeMax.x - 0.0001) return vec3(1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
else if (hit.y < cubeMin.y + 0.0001) return vec3(0.0, -1.0, 0.0);
else if (hit.y > cubeMax.y - 0.0001) return vec3(0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
else if (hit.z < cubeMin.z + 0.0001) return vec3(0.0, 0.0, -1.0);
//else return vec3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
return vec3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
float intersectSphere(vec3 origin, vec3 ray, vec3 sphereCenter, float sphereRadius) {
vec3 toSphere = origin - sphereCenter;
float a = dot(ray, ray);
float b = 2.0 * dot(toSphere, ray);
float c = dot(toSphere, toSphere) - sphereRadius*sphereRadius;
float discriminant = b*b - 4.0*a*c;
if (discriminant > 0.0) {
float t = (-b - sqrt(discriminant)) / (2.0 * a);
if (t > 0.0) return t;
return 10000.0;
vec3 normalForSphere(vec3 hit, vec3 sphereCenter, float sphereRadius) {
return (hit - sphereCenter) / sphereRadius;
float random(vec3 scale, float seed) {
// return fract(sin(dot(texCoord.xyx + seed, scale)) * 43758.5453 + seed);
float d = 43758.5453;
float dt = dot(texCoord.xyx + seed,scale);
float sn = mod(dt,3.1415926);
return fract(sin(sn) * d);
vec3 cosineWeightedDirection(float seed, vec3 normal) {
float u = random(vec3(12.9898, 78.233, 151.7182), seed);
float v = random(vec3(63.7264, 10.873, 623.6736), seed);
float r = sqrt(u);
float angle = 6.283185307179586 * v;
// compute basis from normal
vec3 sdir, tdir;
if (abs(normal.x) < 0.5) {
sdir = cross(normal, vec3(1.0, 0.0, 0.0));
else {
sdir = cross(normal, vec3(0.0, 1.0, 0.0));
tdir = cross(normal, sdir);
return r*cos(angle)*sdir + r*sin(angle)*tdir + sqrt(1.0-u)*normal;
vec3 uniformlyRandomDirection(float seed) {
float u = random(vec3(12.9898, 78.233, 151.7182), seed);
float v = random(vec3(63.7264, 10.873, 623.6736), seed);
float z = 1.0 - 2.0 * u;
float r = sqrt(1.0 - z * z);
float angle = 6.283185307179586 * v;
return vec3(r * cos(angle), r * sin(angle), z);
vec3 uniformlyRandomVector(float seed) {
return uniformlyRandomDirection(seed) * sqrt(random(vec3(36.7539, 50.3658, 306.2759), seed));
float shadow(vec3 origin, vec3 ray) {
vec2 tCube0 = intersectCube(origin, ray, cubeCenter0, cubeSize0);
if (tCube0.x > 0.0 && tCube0.x < 1.0 && tCube0.x < tCube0.y) return 0.0;
return 1.0;
int doBounce(float time, vec3 light, int bounce) {
// compute the intersection with everything
vec2 tCube0 = intersectCube(origin, ray, cubeCenter0, cubeSize0);
// find the closest intersection
float t = 10000.0;
if (tCube0.x > 0.0 && tCube0.x < tCube0.y && tCube0.x < t) t = tCube0.x;
// info about hit
vec3 hit = origin + ray * t;
vec3 surfaceColor = vec3(0.75);
float specularHighlight = 0.0;
vec3 normal;
if (t == 10000.0) {
return 0;
else {
int aa = 0;
if (aa == 1) {aa = 0;} // hack to discard the first 'else' in 'else if'
// have to compare intersectStr.x < intersectStr.y otherwise two coplanar
// cubes will look wrong (one cube will "steal" the hit from the other)
else if (t == tCube0.x) { if (tCube0.x < tCube0.y) normal = normalForCube(hit, cubeCenter0, cubeSize0); surfaceColor = cubeColor0; }
ray = cosineWeightedDirection(time + float(bounce), normal);
// compute diffuse lighting contribution
vec3 toLight = light - hit;
//float diffuse = max(0.0, dot(normalize(toLight), normal));
float diffuse = max(0.0, dot(normalize(toLight), normal)) / dot(toLight,toLight);
// do light bounce
colorMask *= surfaceColor;
//if (bounce > 0) {
// trace a shadow ray to the light
float shadowIntensity = shadow(hit + normal * 0.0001, toLight);
accumulatedColor += colorMask * (0.5 * diffuse * shadowIntensity);
accumulatedColor += colorMask * specularHighlight * shadowIntensity;
// calculate next origin
origin = hit;
return 0;
vec3 calculateColor(float time, vec3 _origin, vec3 _ray, vec3 light) {
//vec3 colorMask = vec3(1.0);
//vec3 accumulatedColor = vec3(0.0);
origin = _origin;
ray = _ray;
// main raytracing loop
//for (int bounce = 0; bounce < 2; bounce++) {
int a;
a = doBounce(time, light, 0);
a = doBounce(time, light, 1);
a = doBounce(time, light, 2);
return accumulatedColor;
void main() {
float time = 0.0;//timeSinceStart;
//timeSinceStart % 46735.275 ) / 1000;
vec3 col = vec3(0.0);
const int samples = 1;
vec3 newLight;
//for (int i = 0; i < samples; i++) {
newLight = light + uniformlyRandomVector(time - 53.0) * 0.1;
col += calculateColor(time, eye, initialRay, newLight);
time += 0.35;
fragColor = vec4(vec3(col / samples), 1.0);
fragColor.rgb = pow(fragColor.rgb * 0.7, vec3(1.0 / 2.2));

View file

@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
"contexts": [
"name": "pt_trace_pass",
"depth_write": false,
"compare_mode": "always",
"cull_mode": "none",
"links": [
"name": "timeSinceStart",
"link": "_time"
"name": "eye",
"link": "_cameraPosition"
"name": "light",
"link": "_lightPosition"
"texture_params": [],
"vertex_shader": "pt_trace_pass.vert.glsl",
"fragment_shader": "pt_trace_pass.frag.glsl"

View file

@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
#version 450
#ifdef GL_ES
precision highp float;
in vec2 pos;
uniform vec3 ray00;
uniform vec3 ray01;
uniform vec3 ray10;
uniform vec3 ray11;
out vec3 initialRay;
out vec2 texCoord;
void main() {
// Scale vertex attribute to [0-1] range
const vec2 madd = vec2(0.5, 0.5);
texCoord = pos.xy * madd + madd;
#ifdef _InvY
texCoord.y = 1.0 - texCoord.y;
initialRay = mix(mix(ray00, ray01, texCoord.y), mix(ray10, ray11, texCoord.y), texCoord.x);
gl_Position = vec4(pos.xy, 0.0, 1.0);

View file

@ -7,18 +7,12 @@ uniform samplerCube shadowMapCube;
uniform vec4 casData[shadowmapCascades * 4 + 4];
// #ifdef _CSM
// const vec2 smSize = shadowmapSize * vec2(shadowmapCascades, 1.0);
// #else
const vec2 smSize = shadowmapSize;
// #endif
float shadowCompare(const vec2 uv, const float compare){
float depth = texture(shadowMap, uv).r;
return step(compare, depth);
float shadowLerp(const vec2 uv, const float compare){
float shadowLerp(const vec2 uv, const float compare, const vec2 smSize){
const vec2 texelSize = vec2(1.0) / smSize;
vec2 f = fract(uv * smSize + 0.5);
vec2 centroidUV = floor(uv * smSize + 0.5) / smSize;
@ -32,23 +26,16 @@ float shadowLerp(const vec2 uv, const float compare){
return c;
float PCF(const vec2 uv, const float compare) {
// float result = 0.0;
// for (int x = -1; x <= 1; x++){
// for(int y = -1; y <= 1; y++){
// vec2 off = vec2(x, y) / smSize;
// result += shadowLerp(smSize, uv + off, compare);
float result = shadowLerp(uv + (vec2(-1.0, -1.0) / smSize), compare);
result += shadowLerp(uv + (vec2(-1.0, 0.0) / smSize), compare);
result += shadowLerp(uv + (vec2(-1.0, 1.0) / smSize), compare);
result += shadowLerp(uv + (vec2(0.0, -1.0) / smSize), compare);
result += shadowLerp(uv, compare);
result += shadowLerp(uv + (vec2(0.0, 1.0) / smSize), compare);
result += shadowLerp(uv + (vec2(1.0, -1.0) / smSize), compare);
result += shadowLerp(uv + (vec2(1.0, 0.0) / smSize), compare);
result += shadowLerp(uv + (vec2(1.0, 1.0) / smSize), compare);
// }
// }
float PCF(const vec2 uv, const float compare, const vec2 smSize) {
float result = shadowLerp(uv + (vec2(-1.0, -1.0) / smSize), compare, smSize);
result += shadowLerp(uv + (vec2(-1.0, 0.0) / smSize), compare, smSize);
result += shadowLerp(uv + (vec2(-1.0, 1.0) / smSize), compare, smSize);
result += shadowLerp(uv + (vec2(0.0, -1.0) / smSize), compare, smSize);
result += shadowLerp(uv, compare, smSize);
result += shadowLerp(uv + (vec2(0.0, 1.0) / smSize), compare, smSize);
result += shadowLerp(uv + (vec2(1.0, -1.0) / smSize), compare, smSize);
result += shadowLerp(uv + (vec2(1.0, 0.0) / smSize), compare, smSize);
result += shadowLerp(uv + (vec2(1.0, 1.0) / smSize), compare, smSize);
return result / 9.0;
@ -78,7 +65,7 @@ float PCFCube(const vec3 lp, vec3 ml, const float bias, const vec2 lightProj, co
return result;
float shadowTest(const vec3 lPos, const float shadowsBias) {
float shadowTest(const vec3 lPos, const float shadowsBias, const vec2 smSize) {
// float cosAngle = max(1.0 - dotNL, 0.0);
// vec3 noff = n * shadowsBias * cosAngle;
@ -87,7 +74,7 @@ float shadowTest(const vec3 lPos, const float shadowsBias) {
// Out of bounds
if (lPos.x < 0.0 || lPos.y < 0.0 || lPos.x > 1.0 || lPos.y > 1.0) return 1.0;
return PCF(lPos.xy, lPos.z - shadowsBias);
return PCF(lPos.xy, lPos.z - shadowsBias, smSize);
#ifdef _CSM
@ -119,7 +106,7 @@ mat4 getCascadeMat(const float d, out int casi, out int casIndex) {
casData[casIndex + 3]);
float shadowTestCascade(const vec3 eye, const vec3 p, const float shadowsBias) {
float shadowTestCascade(const vec3 eye, const vec3 p, const float shadowsBias, const vec2 smSize) {
const int c = shadowmapCascades;
float d = distance(eye, p);
@ -129,7 +116,7 @@ float shadowTestCascade(const vec3 eye, const vec3 p, const float shadowsBias) {
vec4 lPos = LWVP * vec4(p, 1.0);
float visibility = 1.0;
if (lPos.w > 0.0) visibility = shadowTest( / lPos.w, shadowsBias);
if (lPos.w > 0.0) visibility = shadowTest( / lPos.w, shadowsBias, smSize);
// Blend cascade
@ -147,7 +134,7 @@ float shadowTestCascade(const vec3 eye, const vec3 p, const float shadowsBias) {
vec4 lPos2 = LWVP2 * vec4(p, 1.0);
float visibility2 = 1.0;
if (lPos2.w > 0.0) visibility2 = shadowTest( / lPos2.w, shadowsBias);
if (lPos2.w > 0.0) visibility2 = shadowTest( / lPos2.w, shadowsBias, smSize);
float lerpAmt = smoothstep(0.0, blendThres, splitDist);
return mix(visibility2, visibility, lerpAmt);

View file

@ -1,167 +0,0 @@
#include "../compiled.glsl"
uniform sampler2D shadowMap;
uniform samplerCube shadowMapCube;
#ifdef _CSM
uniform vec4 casData[shadowmapCascades * 4 + 4];
#ifdef _CSM
const vec2 smSize = shadowmapSize * vec2(shadowmapCascades, 1.0);
const vec2 smSize = shadowmapSize;
float shadowCompare(const vec2 uv, const float compare){
float depth = texture(shadowMap, uv).r;
return step(compare, depth);
float shadowLerp(const vec2 uv, const float compare){
const vec2 texelSize = vec2(1.0) / smSize;
vec2 f = fract(uv * smSize + 0.5);
vec2 centroidUV = floor(uv * smSize + 0.5) / smSize;
float lb = shadowCompare(centroidUV, compare);
float lt = shadowCompare(centroidUV + texelSize * vec2(0.0, 1.0), compare);
float rb = shadowCompare(centroidUV + texelSize * vec2(1.0, 0.0), compare);
float rt = shadowCompare(centroidUV + texelSize, compare);
float a = mix(lb, lt, f.y);
float b = mix(rb, rt, f.y);
float c = mix(a, b, f.x);
return c;
float PCF(const vec2 uv, const float compare) {
// float result = 0.0;
// for (int x = -1; x <= 1; x++){
// for(int y = -1; y <= 1; y++){
// vec2 off = vec2(x, y) / smSize;
// result += shadowLerp(smSize, uv + off, compare);
float result = shadowLerp(uv + (vec2(-1.0, -1.0) / smSize), compare);
result += shadowLerp(uv + (vec2(-1.0, 0.0) / smSize), compare);
result += shadowLerp(uv + (vec2(-1.0, 1.0) / smSize), compare);
result += shadowLerp(uv + (vec2(0.0, -1.0) / smSize), compare);
result += shadowLerp(uv, compare);
result += shadowLerp(uv + (vec2(0.0, 1.0) / smSize), compare);
result += shadowLerp(uv + (vec2(1.0, -1.0) / smSize), compare);
result += shadowLerp(uv + (vec2(1.0, 0.0) / smSize), compare);
result += shadowLerp(uv + (vec2(1.0, 1.0) / smSize), compare);
// }
// }
return result / 9.0;
float lpToDepth(vec3 lp, const vec2 lightPlane) {
// TODO: pass uniforms
float a = lightPlane.y + lightPlane.x;
float b = lightPlane.y - lightPlane.x;
float c = 2.0 * lightPlane.y * lightPlane.x;
lp = abs(lp);
float zcomp = max(lp.x, max(lp.y, lp.z));
zcomp = a / b - c / b / zcomp;
return zcomp * 0.5 + 0.5;
float PCFCube(const vec3 lp, const vec3 ml, const float bias, const vec2 lightPlane) {
// return float(texture(shadowMapCube, ml).r + bias > lpToDepth(lp, lightPlane));
float compare = lpToDepth(lp, lightPlane) - bias;
float result = step(compare, texture(shadowMapCube, ml).r);
const float s = shadowmapCubePcfSize; // 0.001 TODO: incorrect...
result += step(compare, texture(shadowMapCube, ml + vec3(s, s, s)).r);
result += step(compare, texture(shadowMapCube, ml + vec3(-s, s, s)).r);
result += step(compare, texture(shadowMapCube, ml + vec3(s, -s, s)).r);
result += step(compare, texture(shadowMapCube, ml + vec3(s, s, -s)).r);
result += step(compare, texture(shadowMapCube, ml + vec3(-s, -s, s)).r);
result += step(compare, texture(shadowMapCube, ml + vec3(s, -s, -s)).r);
result += step(compare, texture(shadowMapCube, ml + vec3(-s, s, -s)).r);
result += step(compare, texture(shadowMapCube, ml + vec3(-s, -s, -s)).r);
result /= 9.0;
return result;
float shadowTest(const vec3 lPos, const float shadowsBias) {
// float cosAngle = max(1.0 - dotNL, 0.0);
// vec3 noff = n * shadowsBias * cosAngle;
// vec4 lPos = LWVP * vec4(p + noff, 1.0);
// Out of bounds
if (lPos.x < 0.0 || lPos.y < 0.0 || lPos.x > 1.0 || lPos.y > 1.0) return 1.0;
return PCF(lPos.xy, lPos.z - shadowsBias);
#ifdef _CSM
mat4 getCascadeMat(const float d, out int casi, out int casIndex) {
const int c = shadowmapCascades;
// Get cascade index
// TODO: use bounding box slice selection instead of sphere
const vec4 ci = vec4(float(c > 0), float(c > 1), float(c > 2), float(c > 3));
// int ci;
// if (d < casData[c * 4].x) ci = 0;
// else if (d < casData[c * 4].y) ci = 1 * 4;
// else if (d < casData[c * 4].z) ci = 2 * 4;
// else ci = 3 * 4;
// Splits
vec4 comp = vec4(
float(d > casData[c * 4].x),
float(d > casData[c * 4].y),
float(d > casData[c * 4].z),
float(d > casData[c * 4].w));
casi = int(min(dot(ci, comp), c));
// Get cascade mat
casIndex = casi * 4;
return mat4(
casData[casIndex + 0],
casData[casIndex + 1],
casData[casIndex + 2],
casData[casIndex + 3]);
float shadowTestCascade(const vec3 eye, const vec3 p, const float shadowsBias) {
const int c = shadowmapCascades;
float d = distance(eye, p);
int casi;
int casIndex;
mat4 LWVP = getCascadeMat(d, casi, casIndex);
vec4 lPos = LWVP * vec4(p, 1.0);
float visibility = 1.0;
if (lPos.w > 0.0) visibility = shadowTest( / lPos.w, shadowsBias);
// Blend cascade
const float blendThres = 0.15;
float nextSplit = casData[c * 4][casi];
float splitSize = casi == 0 ? nextSplit : nextSplit - casData[c * 4][casi - 1];
float splitDist = (nextSplit - d) / splitSize;
if (splitDist <= blendThres && casi != c - 1) {
int casIndex2 = casIndex + 4;
mat4 LWVP2 = mat4(
casData[casIndex2 + 0],
casData[casIndex2 + 1],
casData[casIndex2 + 2],
casData[casIndex2 + 3]);
vec4 lPos2 = LWVP2 * vec4(p, 1.0);
float visibility2 = 1.0;
if (lPos2.w > 0.0) visibility2 = shadowTest( / lPos2.w, shadowsBias);
float lerpAmt = smoothstep(0.0, blendThres, splitDist);
return mix(visibility2, visibility, lerpAmt);
return visibility;
// Visualize cascades
// if (ci == 0) albedo.rgb = vec3(1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
// if (ci == 4) albedo.rgb = vec3(0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
// if (ci == 8) albedo.rgb = vec3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
// if (ci == 12) albedo.rgb = vec3(1.0, 1.0, 0.0);

View file

@ -1,218 +0,0 @@
// Based on ThreeJS and nvidia pcss
#include "../compiled.glsl"
uniform sampler2D shadowMap;
uniform samplerCube shadowMapCube;
uniform sampler2D snoise;
uniform float lampSizeUV;
const int NUM_SAMPLES = 17;
const float radiusStep = 1.0 / float(NUM_SAMPLES);
const float angleStep = PI2 * float(pcssRings) / float(NUM_SAMPLES);
const float lampNear = 0.5;
vec2 poissonDisk0; vec2 poissonDisk1; vec2 poissonDisk2;
vec2 poissonDisk3; vec2 poissonDisk4; vec2 poissonDisk5;
vec2 poissonDisk6; vec2 poissonDisk7; vec2 poissonDisk8;
vec2 poissonDisk9; vec2 poissonDisk10; vec2 poissonDisk11;
vec2 poissonDisk12; vec2 poissonDisk13; vec2 poissonDisk14;
vec2 poissonDisk15; vec2 poissonDisk16;
void initPoissonSamples(const vec2 randomSeed) {
float angle = texture(snoise, randomSeed).r * 1000.0;
float radius = radiusStep;
// for (int i = 0; i < NUM_SAMPLES; i++) {
poissonDisk0 = vec2(cos(angle), sin(angle)) * pow(radius, 0.75);
radius += radiusStep; angle += angleStep;
poissonDisk1 = vec2(cos(angle), sin(angle)) * pow(radius, 0.75);
radius += radiusStep; angle += angleStep;
poissonDisk2 = vec2(cos(angle), sin(angle)) * pow(radius, 0.75);
radius += radiusStep; angle += angleStep;
poissonDisk3 = vec2(cos(angle), sin(angle)) * pow(radius, 0.75);
radius += radiusStep; angle += angleStep;
poissonDisk4 = vec2(cos(angle), sin(angle)) * pow(radius, 0.75);
radius += radiusStep; angle += angleStep;
poissonDisk5 = vec2(cos(angle), sin(angle)) * pow(radius, 0.75);
radius += radiusStep; angle += angleStep;
poissonDisk6 = vec2(cos(angle), sin(angle)) * pow(radius, 0.75);
radius += radiusStep; angle += angleStep;
poissonDisk7 = vec2(cos(angle), sin(angle)) * pow(radius, 0.75);
radius += radiusStep; angle += angleStep;
poissonDisk8 = vec2(cos(angle), sin(angle)) * pow(radius, 0.75);
radius += radiusStep; angle += angleStep;
poissonDisk9 = vec2(cos(angle), sin(angle)) * pow(radius, 0.75);
radius += radiusStep; angle += angleStep;
poissonDisk10 = vec2(cos(angle), sin(angle)) * pow(radius, 0.75);
radius += radiusStep; angle += angleStep;
poissonDisk11 = vec2(cos(angle), sin(angle)) * pow(radius, 0.75);
radius += radiusStep; angle += angleStep;
poissonDisk12 = vec2(cos(angle), sin(angle)) * pow(radius, 0.75);
radius += radiusStep; angle += angleStep;
poissonDisk13 = vec2(cos(angle), sin(angle)) * pow(radius, 0.75);
radius += radiusStep; angle += angleStep;
poissonDisk14 = vec2(cos(angle), sin(angle)) * pow(radius, 0.75);
radius += radiusStep; angle += angleStep;
poissonDisk15 = vec2(cos(angle), sin(angle)) * pow(radius, 0.75);
radius += radiusStep; angle += angleStep;
poissonDisk16 = vec2(cos(angle), sin(angle)) * pow(radius, 0.75);
radius += radiusStep; angle += angleStep;
// }
float findBlocker(const vec2 uv, const float zReceiver) {
// This uses similar triangles to compute what area of the shadow map we should search
float searchRadius = lampSizeUV * (zReceiver - lampNear) / zReceiver;
float blockerDepthSum = 0.0;
int numBlockers = 0;
// for (int i = 0; i < NUM_SAMPLES; i++) {
float shadowMapDepth = texture(shadowMap, uv + poissonDisk0 * searchRadius).r;
if (shadowMapDepth < zReceiver) { blockerDepthSum += shadowMapDepth; numBlockers++; }
shadowMapDepth = texture(shadowMap, uv + poissonDisk1 * searchRadius).r;
if (shadowMapDepth < zReceiver) { blockerDepthSum += shadowMapDepth; numBlockers++; }
shadowMapDepth = texture(shadowMap, uv + poissonDisk2 * searchRadius).r;
if (shadowMapDepth < zReceiver) { blockerDepthSum += shadowMapDepth; numBlockers++; }
shadowMapDepth = texture(shadowMap, uv + poissonDisk3 * searchRadius).r;
if (shadowMapDepth < zReceiver) { blockerDepthSum += shadowMapDepth; numBlockers++; }
shadowMapDepth = texture(shadowMap, uv + poissonDisk4 * searchRadius).r;
if (shadowMapDepth < zReceiver) { blockerDepthSum += shadowMapDepth; numBlockers++; }
shadowMapDepth = texture(shadowMap, uv + poissonDisk5 * searchRadius).r;
if (shadowMapDepth < zReceiver) { blockerDepthSum += shadowMapDepth; numBlockers++; }
shadowMapDepth = texture(shadowMap, uv + poissonDisk6 * searchRadius).r;
if (shadowMapDepth < zReceiver) { blockerDepthSum += shadowMapDepth; numBlockers++; }
shadowMapDepth = texture(shadowMap, uv + poissonDisk7 * searchRadius).r;
if (shadowMapDepth < zReceiver) { blockerDepthSum += shadowMapDepth; numBlockers++; }
shadowMapDepth = texture(shadowMap, uv + poissonDisk8 * searchRadius).r;
if (shadowMapDepth < zReceiver) { blockerDepthSum += shadowMapDepth; numBlockers++; }
shadowMapDepth = texture(shadowMap, uv + poissonDisk9 * searchRadius).r;
if (shadowMapDepth < zReceiver) { blockerDepthSum += shadowMapDepth; numBlockers++; }
shadowMapDepth = texture(shadowMap, uv + poissonDisk10 * searchRadius).r;
if (shadowMapDepth < zReceiver) { blockerDepthSum += shadowMapDepth; numBlockers++; }
shadowMapDepth = texture(shadowMap, uv + poissonDisk11 * searchRadius).r;
if (shadowMapDepth < zReceiver) { blockerDepthSum += shadowMapDepth; numBlockers++; }
shadowMapDepth = texture(shadowMap, uv + poissonDisk12 * searchRadius).r;
if (shadowMapDepth < zReceiver) { blockerDepthSum += shadowMapDepth; numBlockers++; }
shadowMapDepth = texture(shadowMap, uv + poissonDisk13 * searchRadius).r;
if (shadowMapDepth < zReceiver) { blockerDepthSum += shadowMapDepth; numBlockers++; }
shadowMapDepth = texture(shadowMap, uv + poissonDisk14 * searchRadius).r;
if (shadowMapDepth < zReceiver) { blockerDepthSum += shadowMapDepth; numBlockers++; }
shadowMapDepth = texture(shadowMap, uv + poissonDisk15 * searchRadius).r;
if (shadowMapDepth < zReceiver) { blockerDepthSum += shadowMapDepth; numBlockers++; }
shadowMapDepth = texture(shadowMap, uv + poissonDisk16 * searchRadius).r;
if (shadowMapDepth < zReceiver) { blockerDepthSum += shadowMapDepth; numBlockers++; }
// }
if (numBlockers == 0) return -1.0;
return blockerDepthSum / float(numBlockers);
float filterPCF(const vec2 uv, const float zReceiver, const float filterRadius) {
float sum = 0.0;
// for (int i = 0; i < NUM_SAMPLES; i++) {
float depth = texture(shadowMap, uv + poissonDisk0 * filterRadius).r;
if (zReceiver <= depth) sum += 1.0;
depth = texture(shadowMap, uv + poissonDisk1 * filterRadius).r;
if (zReceiver <= depth) sum += 1.0;
depth = texture(shadowMap, uv + poissonDisk2 * filterRadius).r;
if (zReceiver <= depth) sum += 1.0;
depth = texture(shadowMap, uv + poissonDisk3 * filterRadius).r;
if (zReceiver <= depth) sum += 1.0;
depth = texture(shadowMap, uv + poissonDisk4 * filterRadius).r;
if (zReceiver <= depth) sum += 1.0;
depth = texture(shadowMap, uv + poissonDisk5 * filterRadius).r;
if (zReceiver <= depth) sum += 1.0;
depth = texture(shadowMap, uv + poissonDisk6 * filterRadius).r;
if (zReceiver <= depth) sum += 1.0;
depth = texture(shadowMap, uv + poissonDisk7 * filterRadius).r;
if (zReceiver <= depth) sum += 1.0;
depth = texture(shadowMap, uv + poissonDisk8 * filterRadius).r;
if (zReceiver <= depth) sum += 1.0;
depth = texture(shadowMap, uv + poissonDisk9 * filterRadius).r;
if (zReceiver <= depth) sum += 1.0;
depth = texture(shadowMap, uv + poissonDisk10 * filterRadius).r;
if (zReceiver <= depth) sum += 1.0;
depth = texture(shadowMap, uv + poissonDisk11 * filterRadius).r;
if (zReceiver <= depth) sum += 1.0;
depth = texture(shadowMap, uv + poissonDisk12 * filterRadius).r;
if (zReceiver <= depth) sum += 1.0;
depth = texture(shadowMap, uv + poissonDisk13 * filterRadius).r;
if (zReceiver <= depth) sum += 1.0;
depth = texture(shadowMap, uv + poissonDisk14 * filterRadius).r;
if (zReceiver <= depth) sum += 1.0;
depth = texture(shadowMap, uv + poissonDisk15 * filterRadius).r;
if (zReceiver <= depth) sum += 1.0;
depth = texture(shadowMap, uv + poissonDisk16 * filterRadius).r;
if (zReceiver <= depth) sum += 1.0;
// }
// for (int i = 0; i < NUM_SAMPLES; i++) {
depth = texture(shadowMap, uv + -poissonDisk0.yx * filterRadius).r;
if (zReceiver <= depth) sum += 1.0;
depth = texture(shadowMap, uv + -poissonDisk1.yx * filterRadius).r;
if (zReceiver <= depth) sum += 1.0;
depth = texture(shadowMap, uv + -poissonDisk2.yx * filterRadius).r;
if (zReceiver <= depth) sum += 1.0;
depth = texture(shadowMap, uv + -poissonDisk3.yx * filterRadius).r;
if (zReceiver <= depth) sum += 1.0;
depth = texture(shadowMap, uv + -poissonDisk4.yx * filterRadius).r;
if (zReceiver <= depth) sum += 1.0;
depth = texture(shadowMap, uv + -poissonDisk5.yx * filterRadius).r;
if (zReceiver <= depth) sum += 1.0;
depth = texture(shadowMap, uv + -poissonDisk6.yx * filterRadius).r;
if (zReceiver <= depth) sum += 1.0;
depth = texture(shadowMap, uv + -poissonDisk7.yx * filterRadius).r;
if (zReceiver <= depth) sum += 1.0;
depth = texture(shadowMap, uv + -poissonDisk8.yx * filterRadius).r;
if (zReceiver <= depth) sum += 1.0;
depth = texture(shadowMap, uv + -poissonDisk9.yx * filterRadius).r;
if (zReceiver <= depth) sum += 1.0;
depth = texture(shadowMap, uv + -poissonDisk10.yx * filterRadius).r;
if (zReceiver <= depth) sum += 1.0;
depth = texture(shadowMap, uv + -poissonDisk11.yx * filterRadius).r;
if (zReceiver <= depth) sum += 1.0;
depth = texture(shadowMap, uv + -poissonDisk12.yx * filterRadius).r;
if (zReceiver <= depth) sum += 1.0;
depth = texture(shadowMap, uv + -poissonDisk13.yx * filterRadius).r;
if (zReceiver <= depth) sum += 1.0;
depth = texture(shadowMap, uv + -poissonDisk14.yx * filterRadius).r;
if (zReceiver <= depth) sum += 1.0;
depth = texture(shadowMap, uv + -poissonDisk15.yx * filterRadius).r;
if (zReceiver <= depth) sum += 1.0;
depth = texture(shadowMap, uv + -poissonDisk16.yx * filterRadius).r;
if (zReceiver <= depth) sum += 1.0;
// }
return sum / (2.0 * float(NUM_SAMPLES));
float PCSS(const vec2 uv, const float zReceiver) {
float avgBlockerDepth = findBlocker(uv, zReceiver);
if (avgBlockerDepth == -1.0) return 1.0;
float penumbraRatio = (zReceiver - avgBlockerDepth) / avgBlockerDepth;
float filterRadius = penumbraRatio * lampSizeUV * lampNear / zReceiver;
return filterPCF(uv, zReceiver, filterRadius);
// No soft shadows for cube yet..
float lpToDepth(vec3 lp, const vec2 lightPlane) {
float d = lightPlane.y - lightPlane.x;
lp = abs(lp);
float zcomp = max(lp.x, max(lp.y, lp.z));
zcomp = (lightPlane.y + lightPlane.x) / (d) - (2.0 * lightPlane.y * lightPlane.x) / (d) / zcomp;
return zcomp * 0.5 + 0.5;
float PCFCube(const vec3 lp, const vec3 ml, const float bias, const vec2 lightPlane) {
// return float(texture(shadowMapCube, ml).r + bias > lpToDepth(lp));
const float s = 0.001; // TODO: incorrect...
float compare = lpToDepth(lp, lightPlane) - bias;
float result = step(compare, texture(shadowMapCube, ml).r);
result += step(compare, texture(shadowMapCube, ml + vec3(s, s, s)).r);
result += step(compare, texture(shadowMapCube, ml + vec3(-s, s, s)).r);
result += step(compare, texture(shadowMapCube, ml + vec3(s, -s, s)).r);
result += step(compare, texture(shadowMapCube, ml + vec3(s, s, -s)).r);
result += step(compare, texture(shadowMapCube, ml + vec3(-s, -s, s)).r);
result += step(compare, texture(shadowMapCube, ml + vec3(s, -s, -s)).r);
result += step(compare, texture(shadowMapCube, ml + vec3(-s, s, -s)).r);
result += step(compare, texture(shadowMapCube, ml + vec3(-s, -s, -s)).r);
result /= 9.0;
return result;

View file

@ -143,22 +143,6 @@ vec2 traceCloud(vec3 pos, vec3 dir) {
shadeSum = doCloudTrace(add, shadeSum); if (shadeSum.y >= 1.0) return shadeSum;
shadeSum = doCloudTrace(add, shadeSum); if (shadeSum.y >= 1.0) return shadeSum;
shadeSum = doCloudTrace(add, shadeSum); if (shadeSum.y >= 1.0) return shadeSum;
// shadeSum = doCloudTrace(add, shadeSum); if (shadeSum.y >= 1.0) return shadeSum;
// shadeSum = doCloudTrace(add, shadeSum); if (shadeSum.y >= 1.0) return shadeSum;
// shadeSum = doCloudTrace(add, shadeSum); if (shadeSum.y >= 1.0) return shadeSum;
// shadeSum = doCloudTrace(add, shadeSum); if (shadeSum.y >= 1.0) return shadeSum;
// shadeSum = doCloudTrace(add, shadeSum); if (shadeSum.y >= 1.0) return shadeSum;
// shadeSum = doCloudTrace(add, shadeSum); if (shadeSum.y >= 1.0) return shadeSum;
// shadeSum = doCloudTrace(add, shadeSum); if (shadeSum.y >= 1.0) return shadeSum;
// shadeSum = doCloudTrace(add, shadeSum); if (shadeSum.y >= 1.0) return shadeSum;
// shadeSum = doCloudTrace(add, shadeSum); if (shadeSum.y >= 1.0) return shadeSum;
// shadeSum = doCloudTrace(add, shadeSum); if (shadeSum.y >= 1.0) return shadeSum;
// shadeSum = doCloudTrace(add, shadeSum); if (shadeSum.y >= 1.0) return shadeSum;
// shadeSum = doCloudTrace(add, shadeSum); if (shadeSum.y >= 1.0) return shadeSum;
// shadeSum = doCloudTrace(add, shadeSum); if (shadeSum.y >= 1.0) return shadeSum;
// shadeSum = doCloudTrace(add, shadeSum); if (shadeSum.y >= 1.0) return shadeSum;
// shadeSum = doCloudTrace(add, shadeSum); if (shadeSum.y >= 1.0) return shadeSum;
return shadeSum;
// GPU PRO 7 - Real-time Volumetric Cloudscapes
@ -178,9 +162,6 @@ vec3 cloudsColor(vec3 R, vec3 pos, vec3 dir) {
void main() {
// if (texture(gbufferD, texCoord).r/* * 2.0 - 1.0*/ != 1.0) {
// discard;
// }
#ifdef _EnvCol
fragColor.rgb = backgroundCol;

View file

@ -156,7 +156,6 @@ def set_preset(self, context, preset):
rpdat.rp_motionblur = 'None'
rpdat.arm_rp_resolution = 'Display'
rpdat.arm_material_model = 'Full'
rpdat.arm_pcss_state = 'On'
rpdat.arm_texture_filter = 'Anisotropic'
rpdat.arm_diffuse_model = 'OrenNayar'
elif preset == 'VR':
@ -260,7 +259,6 @@ def set_preset(self, context, preset):
rpdat.rp_motionblur = 'None'
rpdat.arm_rp_resolution = 'Display'
rpdat.arm_material_model = 'Full'
rpdat.arm_pcss_state = 'Off'
rpdat.arm_texture_filter = 'Anisotropic'
rpdat.arm_diffuse_model = 'Lambert'

View file

@ -262,6 +262,9 @@ def make_draw_compositor(stage, node_group, node, with_fxaa=False):
if wrd.arm_vignette:
compositor_defs += '_CVignette'
if wrd.arm_lensflare:
compositor_defs += '_CGlare'
wrd.compo_defs = compositor_defs
defs = world_defs + compositor_defs

View file

@ -80,13 +80,6 @@ def build_node_tree(world):
if rpdat.arm_clouds:
wrd.world_defs += '_EnvClouds'
# Percentage closer soft shadows
# if rpdat.arm_pcss_state == 'On':
# wrd.world_defs += '_PCSS'
# sdk_path = arm.utils.get_sdk_path()
# assets.add(sdk_path + 'armory/Assets/noise64.png')
# assets.add_embedded_data('noise64.png')
# Screen-space ray-traced shadows
if rpdat.arm_ssrs:
wrd.world_defs += '_SSRS'

View file

@ -424,19 +424,18 @@ def make_forward_mobile(con_mesh):
frag.add_uniform('sampler2D shadowMap', included=True)
frag.add_uniform('float shadowsBias', '_lampShadowsBias')
frag.write(' if (lampPos.w > 0.0) {')
frag.write(' vec3 lpos = / lampPos.w;')
# frag.write(' visibility *= PCF(lpos.xy, lpos.z - shadowsBias);')
frag.write(' vec3 lPos = / lampPos.w;')
frag.write(' const float texelSize = 1.0 / shadowmapSize.x;')
frag.write(' visibility = 0.0;')
frag.write(' visibility += float(texture(shadowMap, lpos.xy).r + shadowsBias > lpos.z);')
frag.write(' visibility += float(texture(shadowMap, lpos.xy + vec2(texelSize, 0.0)).r + shadowsBias > lpos.z) * 0.5;')
frag.write(' visibility += float(texture(shadowMap, lpos.xy + vec2(-texelSize, 0.0)).r + shadowsBias > lpos.z) * 0.25;')
frag.write(' visibility += float(texture(shadowMap, lpos.xy + vec2(0.0, texelSize)).r + shadowsBias > lpos.z) * 0.5;')
frag.write(' visibility += float(texture(shadowMap, lpos.xy + vec2(0.0, -texelSize)).r + shadowsBias > lpos.z) * 0.25;')
frag.write(' visibility += float(texture(shadowMap, lPos.xy).r + shadowsBias > lPos.z);')
frag.write(' visibility += float(texture(shadowMap, lPos.xy + vec2(texelSize, 0.0)).r + shadowsBias > lPos.z) * 0.5;')
frag.write(' visibility += float(texture(shadowMap, lPos.xy + vec2(-texelSize, 0.0)).r + shadowsBias > lPos.z) * 0.25;')
frag.write(' visibility += float(texture(shadowMap, lPos.xy + vec2(0.0, texelSize)).r + shadowsBias > lPos.z) * 0.5;')
frag.write(' visibility += float(texture(shadowMap, lPos.xy + vec2(0.0, -texelSize)).r + shadowsBias > lPos.z) * 0.25;')
frag.write(' visibility /= 2.5;')
frag.write(' visibility = max(visibility, 0.5);')
# frag.write(' visibility = max(float(texture(shadowMap, lpos.xy).r + shadowsBias > lpos.z), 0.5);')
# frag.write(' visibility = max(float(texture(shadowMap, lPos.xy).r + shadowsBias > lPos.z), 0.5);')
frag.write(' }')
frag.add_out('vec4 fragColor')
@ -567,7 +566,6 @@ def make_forward_base(con_mesh, parse_opacity=False):
frag.add_uniform('int envmapNumMipmaps', link='_envmapNumMipmaps')
is_shadows = not '_NoShadows' in wrd.world_defs
is_pcss = '_PCSS' in wrd.world_defs
frag.write('float visibility = 1.0;')
frag.write('vec3 lp = lightPos - wposition;')
@ -586,18 +584,12 @@ def make_forward_base(con_mesh, parse_opacity=False):
tese.add_uniform('int lightShadow', '_lampCastShadow')
tese.write('if (lightShadow == 1) lampPos = LVP * vec4(wposition, 1.0);')
if not '_CSM' in wrd.world_defs:
vert.add_out('vec4 lampPos')
vert.add_uniform('int lightShadow', '_lampCastShadow')
vert.add_uniform('mat4 LWVP', '_biasLampWorldViewProjectionMatrix')
vert.write('if (lightShadow == 1) lampPos = LWVP * spos;')
vert.add_out('vec4 lampPos')
vert.add_uniform('int lightShadow', '_lampCastShadow')
vert.add_uniform('mat4 LWVP', '_biasLampWorldViewProjectionMatrix')
vert.write('if (lightShadow == 1) lampPos = LWVP * spos;')
if is_pcss:
frag.add_uniform('sampler2D snoise', link='_noise64', included=True)
frag.add_uniform('float lampSizeUV', link='_lampSizeUV', included=True)
frag.add_uniform('sampler2D shadowMap', included=True)
frag.add_uniform('samplerCube shadowMapCube', included=True)
frag.add_uniform('bool receiveShadow')
@ -611,16 +603,25 @@ def make_forward_base(con_mesh, parse_opacity=False):
frag.add_uniform('vec4 casData[shadowmapCascades * 4 + 4]', '_cascadeData', included=True)
frag.add_uniform('vec3 eye', '_cameraPosition')
frag.write('vec2 smSize;')
frag.write('vec3 lPos;')
frag.write('if (lightType == 0) {')
frag.write(' int casi;')
frag.write(' int casindex;')
frag.write(' mat4 LWVP = getCascadeMat(distance(eye, wposition), casi, casindex);')
frag.write(' vec4 lampPos = LWVP * vec4(wposition, 1.0);')
frag.write(' vec3 lpos = / lampPos.w;')
# frag.write('float bias = clamp(shadowsBias * 1.0 * tan(acos(clamp(dotNL, 0.0, 1.0))), 0.0, 0.01);')
if is_pcss:
frag.write(' visibility *= PCSS(lpos.xy, lpos.z - shadowsBias);')
frag.write(' lPos = / lampPos.w;')
frag.write(' smSize = shadowmapSize * vec2(shadowmapCascades, 1.0);')
frag.write('else {')
frag.write(' lPos = / lampPos.w;')
frag.write(' smSize = shadowmapSize;')
frag.write(' visibility *= PCF(lpos.xy, lpos.z - shadowsBias);')
frag.write(' vec3 lPos = / lampPos.w;')
frag.write(' const vec2 smSize = shadowmapSize;')
# frag.write('float bias = clamp(shadowsBias * 1.0 * tan(acos(clamp(dotNL, 0.0, 1.0))), 0.0, 0.01);')
frag.write(' visibility *= PCF(lPos.xy, lPos.z - shadowsBias, smSize);')
frag.write(' }')
frag.write(' else if (lightShadow == 2) visibility *= PCFCube(lp, -l, shadowsBias, lightProj, n);')

View file

@ -297,7 +297,6 @@ def init_properties():
bpy.types.World.arm_ssr_jitter = bpy.props.FloatProperty(name="Jitter", default=0.6, update=assets.invalidate_shader_cache)
bpy.types.World.arm_volumetric_light_air_turbidity = bpy.props.FloatProperty(name="Air Turbidity", default=1.0, update=assets.invalidate_shader_cache)
bpy.types.World.arm_volumetric_light_air_color = bpy.props.FloatVectorProperty(name="Air Color", size=3, default=[1.0, 1.0, 1.0], subtype='COLOR', min=0, max=1, update=assets.invalidate_shader_cache)
bpy.types.World.arm_pcss_rings = bpy.props.IntProperty(name="Rings", description="", default=20, update=assets.invalidate_shader_cache)
bpy.types.World.arm_shadowmap_split = bpy.props.FloatProperty(name="Cascade Split", description="Split factor for cascaded shadow maps, higher factor favors detail on close surfaces", default=0.8, update=assets.invalidate_shader_cache)
bpy.types.World.arm_autoexposure_strength = bpy.props.FloatProperty(name="Auto Exposure Strength", default=0.7, update=assets.invalidate_shader_cache)
bpy.types.World.arm_ssrs_ray_step = bpy.props.FloatProperty(name="Ray Step", default=0.01, update=assets.invalidate_shader_cache)
@ -328,6 +327,7 @@ def init_properties():
bpy.types.World.arm_lens_texture = bpy.props.StringProperty(name="Lens Texture", default="")
bpy.types.World.arm_fisheye = bpy.props.BoolProperty(name="Fish Eye", default=False, update=assets.invalidate_shader_cache)
bpy.types.World.arm_vignette = bpy.props.BoolProperty(name="Vignette", default=False, update=assets.invalidate_shader_cache)
bpy.types.World.arm_lensflare = bpy.props.BoolProperty(name="Lens Flare", default=False, update=assets.invalidate_shader_cache)
# Skin
bpy.types.World.arm_skin = EnumProperty(
items=[('GPU (Dual-Quat)', 'GPU (Dual-Quat)', 'GPU (Dual-Quat)'),

View file

@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ class ArmRPListItem(bpy.types.PropertyGroup):
('0.25', '0.25', '0.25')],
name="Resolution Z", description="3D texture z resolution multiplier", default='1.0', update=update_renderpath)
arm_clouds = bpy.props.BoolProperty(name="Clouds", default=False, update=assets.invalidate_shader_cache)
arm_pcss_state = EnumProperty(
arm_soft_shadows = EnumProperty(
items=[('On', 'On', 'On'),
('Off', 'Off', 'Off'),
('Auto', 'Auto', 'Auto')],

View file

@ -1019,7 +1019,7 @@ class ArmRenderPathPanel(bpy.types.Panel):
layout.prop(rpdat, 'arm_rp_resolution')
# layout.prop(rpdat, 'arm_pcss_state')
layout.prop(rpdat, 'arm_soft_shadows')
layout.prop(rpdat, 'arm_samples_per_pixel')
layout.prop(rpdat, 'arm_texture_filter')
layout.prop(rpdat, "arm_diffuse_model")
@ -1051,9 +1051,6 @@ class ArmRenderPropsPanel(bpy.types.Panel):
layout.prop(wrd, 'arm_shadowmap_split')
# layout.label('PCSS')
# layout.prop(wrd, 'arm_pcss_rings')
row = layout.row()
row.prop(wrd, 'arm_clouds_density')
@ -1139,6 +1136,7 @@ class ArmRenderPropsPanel(bpy.types.Panel):
row.prop(wrd, 'arm_fog_amountb')
layout.prop(wrd, 'arm_fisheye')
layout.prop(wrd, 'arm_vignette')
layout.prop(wrd, 'arm_lensflare')
layout.prop(wrd, 'arm_autoexposure_strength')
layout.prop(wrd, 'arm_lens_texture')

View file

@ -426,11 +426,6 @@ const float ssrJitter = """ + str(round(wrd.arm_ssr_jitter * 100) / 100) + """;
"""const float volumAirTurbidity = """ + str(round(wrd.arm_volumetric_light_air_turbidity * 100) / 100) + """;
const vec3 volumAirColor = vec3(""" + str(round(wrd.arm_volumetric_light_air_color[0] * 100) / 100) + """, """ + str(round(wrd.arm_volumetric_light_air_color[1] * 100) / 100) + """, """ + str(round(wrd.arm_volumetric_light_air_color[2] * 100) / 100) + """);
if rpdat.arm_pcss_state == 'On':
"""const int pcssRings = """ + str(wrd.arm_pcss_rings) + """;
if rpdat.rp_autoexposure: