LN Math Expression

First version:
- Dynamically checking the correctness of an expression in the IDE (Blender).
- The task is divided into 2 parts: checking the correctness through python in the Blender interface and when performing calculations when the application is running in haxe.
The following decisions are taken as a basis:

python - http://repl.it/3xv/1
haxe - https://github.com/maitag/formula (added all the necessary classes to the node code)
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E1e5en 2020-11-19 11:41:24 +03:00
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commit 9ab9d5c5db
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@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
from arm.logicnode.arm_nodes import *
import re
class MathExpressionNode(ArmLogicTreeNode):
"""Mathematical operations on values."""
bl_idname = 'LNMathExpressionNode'
bl_label = 'Math Expression'
arm_version = 1
min_inputs = 2
max_inputs = 10
def get_variable_name(index):
return {
0: 'a',
1: 'b',
2: 'c',
3: 'd',
4: 'e',
5: 'x',
6: 'y',
7: 'h',
8: 'i',
9: 'k'
}.get(index, 'a')
def get_clear_exp(value):
return re.sub(r'[\-\+\*\/\(\)\^\%abcdexyhik0123456789. ]', '', value).strip()
def get_invalid_characters(value):
value = value.replace(' ', '')
len_v = len(value)
arg = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'x', 'y', 'h', 'i', 'k']
for i in range(len_v):
s = value[i]
if s == '.':
if ((i - 1) < 0) or ((i + 1) >= len_v) or (not value[i - 1].isnumeric()) or (not value[i + 1].isnumeric()):
return False
oper = ['+', '-', '*', '/', '%', '^']
if s == '(':
if (i > 0) and ((value[i - 1] not in oper) and (value[i - 1] != '(')):
return False
if (i < (len_v - 1)) and ((value[i + 1] not in arg) and (not value[i + 1].isnumeric()) and (value[i + 1] != '(')):
return False
if s == ')':
if (i > 0) and ((value[i - 1] not in arg) and (not value[i - 1].isnumeric()) and (value[i - 1] != ')')):
return False
if (i < (len_v - 1)) and (not value[i + 1].isnumeric()) and ((value[i + 1] not in oper) and (value[i + 1] != ')')):
return False
if s in oper:
if ((i > 0) and (value[i - 1] in oper)) or ((i < (len_v - 1)) and (value[i + 1] in oper)):
return False
last_sym = value[len_v - 1]
if (not last_sym.isnumeric()) and (last_sym not in arg) and (last_sym != ')'):
return False
return True
def check_variable(self, value):
variables = re.sub(r'[\-\+\*\/\(\)\^\%0123456789. ]', '', value).strip()
for vr in variables:
check = False
for inp_key in self.inputs.keys():
if (vr == inp_key):
check = True
if not check:
return False
return True
def matches(line, opendelim='(', closedelim=')'):
stack = []
for m in re.finditer(r'[{}{}]'.format(opendelim, closedelim), line):
pos = m.start()
if line[pos-1] == '\\':
# Skip escape sequence
c = line[pos]
if c == opendelim:
elif c == closedelim:
if len(stack) > 0:
prevpos = stack.pop()
yield (True, prevpos, pos, len(stack))
# Error
yield (False, 0, 0, 0)
if len(stack) > 0:
for pos in stack:
yield (False, 0, 0, 0)
def isPartCorrect(s):
if len(s.replace('p', '').replace(' ', '').split()) == 0:
return True
REGEX = re.compile(r"(([abcdexyhikp]|\d+)[\+\-\/\*\^\%]){1,}([abcdexyhikp]|\d+)(=([abcdexyhikp]|\d+))?")
result = False
if REGEX.match(s):
result = True
return result
def isCorrect(self, s):
result = True
if s.find("(") >=0 or s.find(")") >= 0:
for correct, openpos, closepos, level in self.matches(s):
if correct:
part = s[openpos:closepos]
if part.find("(") == -1 and part.find(")") == -1:
if not self.isPartCorrect(part):
result = False
part = s[openpos-1:closepos+1]
replaced = s.replace(part, "p")
if replaced.find("(") >=0 or replaced.find(")") >= 0:
if not self.isCorrect(self, replaced):
result = False
if not self.isPartCorrect(replaced):
result = False
result = False
result = self.isPartCorrect(s)
return result
def set_exp_error(self, value):
self['exp_error'] = value
def get_exp_error(self):
return self.get('exp_error', False)
def set_exp(self, value):
value = value.lower()
self['property0'] = value
# Check errors
val_error = False
if len(self.get_clear_exp(value)) > 0:
val_error = True
elif not self.get_invalid_characters(value):
val_error = True
elif not self.check_variable(self, value):
val_error = True
elif not self.isCorrect(self, value.replace(' ', '')):
val_error = True
def get_exp(self):
return self.get('property0', 'a + b')
property0: StringProperty(name='', description='Expression (operation: +, -, *, /, ^, (, ), %)', set=set_exp, get=get_exp)
property1: BoolProperty(name='Clamp', default=False)
def __init__(self):
array_nodes[str(id(self))] = self
def init(self, context):
super(MathExpressionNode, self).init(context)
self.add_input('NodeSocketFloat', self.get_variable_name(0), default_value=0.0)
self.add_input('NodeSocketFloat', self.get_variable_name(1), default_value=0.0)
self.add_output('NodeSocketFloat', 'Result')
def draw_buttons(self, context, layout):
layout.prop(self, 'property1')
# Expression
row = layout.row(align=True)
column = row.column(align=True)
column.alert = self.get_exp_error()
column.prop(self, 'property0', icon='FORCE_HARMONIC')
# Buttons
row = layout.row(align=True)
column = row.column(align=True)
op = column.operator('arm.node_add_input', text='Add Value', icon='PLUS', emboss=True)
if len(self.inputs) == 10:
column.enabled = False
op.node_index = str(id(self))
op.socket_type = 'NodeSocketFloat'
op.name_format = self.get_variable_name(len(self.inputs))
column = row.column(align=True)
op = column.operator('arm.node_remove_input', text='', icon='X', emboss=True)
op.node_index = str(id(self))
if len(self.inputs) == 2:
column.enabled = False