Android Settings More

Panel Armory Exporter - Android Settings - Build APK:
1. Rename APK To Project Name
Renames the APK file from app-debug.apk to [project-name]-[version] .apk. Example, for the project example_ball.blend, the result will be the name example-ball-1.0.apk.
2. Copy APK To Specified Folder
Copies the final file to the folder specified in Preferences.

Preferences Render: Armory:
1. Copy APK To Folder
The path to the folder where the final APK file will be copied.
2. Open Directory After Copy
Open this folder after copying.

Console messages:
Rename APK to example-ball-1.0.5.apk
Copy APK to C:\IDE\Test

These settings will allow you to have unique names for files, as well as copy them to the required folder for uploading to the device or to the cloud.
This commit is contained in:
E1e5en 2020-11-12 22:09:55 +03:00
parent aa9a93b530
commit ab3d64d651
4 changed files with 66 additions and 61 deletions

View file

@ -604,7 +604,9 @@ def build_success():
project_path = files_path + '-build'
print('Exported Visual Studio 2017 project to ' + project_path)
elif target_name.startswith('android'):
project_path = os.path.join(files_path + '-build', arm.utils.safestr(wrd.arm_project_name))
project_name = arm.utils.safestr(wrd.arm_project_name)
project_name = project_name.replace('.', '-').replace('_', '-').replace(' ', '-')
project_path = os.path.join(files_path + '-build', project_name)
print('Exported Android Studio project to ' + project_path)
elif target_name.startswith('krom'):
project_path = files_path
@ -617,28 +619,29 @@ def build_success():
# Android build APK
if (arm.utils.get_project_android_build_apk()) and (len(arm.utils.get_android_sdk_root_path()) > 0):
print("\nBuilding APK")
# Check settings
path_sdk = arm.utils.get_android_sdk_root_path()
if len(path_sdk) > 0:
# Check Environment Variables - ANDROID_SDK_ROOT
if os.getenv('ANDROID_SDK_ROOT') == None:
# Set value from settings
os.environ['ANDROID_SDK_ROOT'] = path_sdk
project_path = ''
# Build start
if len(project_path) > 0:
os.chdir(project_path) # set work folder
if arm.utils.get_os_is_windows():
state.proc_publish_build = run_proc(os.path.join(project_path, "gradlew.bat assembleDebug"), done_gradlew_build)
if (target_name.startswith('android')):
if (arm.utils.get_project_android_build_apk()) and (len(arm.utils.get_android_sdk_root_path()) > 0):
print("\nBuilding APK")
# Check settings
path_sdk = arm.utils.get_android_sdk_root_path()
if len(path_sdk) > 0:
# Check Environment Variables - ANDROID_SDK_ROOT
if os.getenv('ANDROID_SDK_ROOT') == None:
# Set value from settings
os.environ['ANDROID_SDK_ROOT'] = path_sdk
cmd = shlex.split(os.path.join(project_path, "gradlew assembleDebug"))
state.proc_publish_build = run_proc(cmd, done_gradlew_build)
print('\nBuilding APK Warning: ANDROID_SDK_ROOT is not specified in environment variables and "Android SDK Path" setting is not specified in preferences: \n- If you specify an environment variable ANDROID_SDK_ROOT, then you need to restart Blender;\n- If you specify the setting "Android SDK Path" in the preferences, then repeat operation "Publish"')
project_path = ''
# Build start
if len(project_path) > 0:
os.chdir(project_path) # set work folder
if arm.utils.get_os_is_windows():
state.proc_publish_build = run_proc(os.path.join(project_path, "gradlew.bat assembleDebug"), done_gradlew_build)
cmd = shlex.split(os.path.join(project_path, "gradlew assembleDebug"))
state.proc_publish_build = run_proc(cmd, done_gradlew_build)
print('\nBuilding APK Warning: ANDROID_SDK_ROOT is not specified in environment variables and "Android SDK Path" setting is not specified in preferences: \n- If you specify an environment variable ANDROID_SDK_ROOT, then you need to restart Blender;\n- If you specify the setting "Android SDK Path" in the preferences, then repeat operation "Publish"')
def done_gradlew_build():
if state.proc_publish_build == None:
@ -648,13 +651,33 @@ def done_gradlew_build():
state.proc_publish_build = None
wrd =['Arm']
project_name = arm.utils.safestr(arm.utils.blend_name()).replace('.', '-').replace('_', '-').replace(' ', '-')
if project_name[0].isdigit():
project_name = '_' + s
path_apk = os.path.join(arm.utils.get_fp_build(), arm.utils.get_kha_target(
path_apk = os.path.join(path_apk + '-build', arm.utils.safestr(wrd.arm_project_name), "app", "build", "outputs", "apk", "debug")
project_name = arm.utils.safestr(wrd.arm_project_name)
project_name = project_name.replace('.', '-').replace('_', '-').replace(' ', '-')
path_apk = os.path.join(path_apk + '-build', project_name, 'app', 'build', 'outputs', 'apk', 'debug')
print("\nBuild APK to " + path_apk)
# Rename APK
apk_name = 'app-debug.apk'
file_name = os.path.join(path_apk, apk_name)
if wrd.arm_project_android_rename_apk:
apk_name = project_name + '-' + arm.utils.safestr(wrd.arm_project_version.replace(' ', '_')) + '.apk'
os.rename(file_name, os.path.join(path_apk, apk_name))
file_name = os.path.join(path_apk, apk_name)
print("\nRename APK to " + apk_name)
# Copy APK
if wrd.arm_project_android_copy_apk:
shutil.copyfile(file_name, os.path.join(arm.utils.get_android_apk_copy_path(), apk_name))
print("Copy APK to " + arm.utils.get_android_apk_copy_path())
# Open directory with APK
if arm.utils.get_android_open_build_apk_directory():
# Open directory after copy APK
if arm.utils.get_android_apk_copy_open_directory():
# Running emulator
if wrd.arm_project_android_run_avd:

View file

@ -24,6 +24,8 @@ def init_properties():
bpy.types.World.arm_project_android_sdk_min = IntProperty(name="Minimal Version SDK", description="Minimal Version Android SDK", default=14, min=14, max=30, update=assets.invalidate_compiler_cache)
bpy.types.World.arm_project_android_sdk_target = IntProperty(name="Target Version SDK", description="Target Version Android SDK", default=29, min=26, max=30, update=assets.invalidate_compiler_cache)
bpy.types.World.arm_project_android_build_apk = BoolProperty(name="Building APK After Publishing", description="Starting APK build after publishing", default=False, update=assets.invalidate_compiler_cache)
bpy.types.World.arm_project_android_rename_apk = BoolProperty(name="Rename APK To Project Name", description="Rename APK file to project name + version after build", default=False, update=assets.invalidate_compiler_cache)
bpy.types.World.arm_project_android_copy_apk = BoolProperty(name="Copy APK To Specified Folder", description="Copy the APK file to the folder specified in the settings after build", default=False, update=assets.invalidate_compiler_cache)
bpy.types.World.arm_project_android_run_avd = BoolProperty(name="Run Emulator After Building APK", description="Starting android emulator after APK build", default=False, update=assets.invalidate_compiler_cache)
bpy.types.World.arm_project_android_list_avd = EnumProperty(
items=[(' ', ' ', ' ')],

View file

@ -430,12 +430,8 @@ class ARM_PT_ArmoryExporterAndroidSettingsPanel(bpy.types.Panel):
def poll(cls, context):
wrd =['Arm']
is_check = False
for item in wrd.arm_exporterlist:
is_check = item.arm_project_target == 'android-hl'
if is_check:
return is_check
item = wrd.arm_exporterlist[wrd.arm_exporterlist_index]
return item.arm_project_target == 'android-hl'
def draw(self, context):
layout = self.layout
@ -449,7 +445,7 @@ class ARM_PT_ArmoryExporterAndroidSettingsPanel(bpy.types.Panel):
row = layout.row()
row.prop(wrd, 'arm_winorient')
row = layout.row()
row.prop(wrd, 'arm_project_android_sdk_compile')
row.prop(wrd, 'arm_project_android_sdk_compile')
row = layout.row()
row.prop(wrd, 'arm_project_android_sdk_min')
row = layout.row()
@ -463,16 +459,6 @@ class ARM_PT_ArmoryExporterAndroidPermissionsPanel(bpy.types.Panel):
bl_options = { 'DEFAULT_CLOSED' }
bl_parent_id = "ARM_PT_ArmoryExporterAndroidSettingsPanel"
def poll(cls, context):
wrd =['Arm']
is_check = False
for item in wrd.arm_exporterlist:
is_check = item.arm_project_target == 'android-hl'
if is_check:
return is_check
def draw(self, context):
layout = self.layout
layout.use_property_split = True
@ -505,16 +491,6 @@ class ARM_PT_ArmoryExporterAndroidAbiPanel(bpy.types.Panel):
bl_options = { 'DEFAULT_CLOSED'}
bl_parent_id = "ARM_PT_ArmoryExporterAndroidSettingsPanel"
def poll(cls, context):
wrd =['Arm']
is_check = False
for item in wrd.arm_exporterlist:
is_check = item.arm_project_target == 'android-hl'
if is_check:
return is_check
def draw(self, context):
layout = self.layout
layout.use_property_split = True
@ -524,7 +500,7 @@ class ARM_PT_ArmoryExporterAndroidAbiPanel(bpy.types.Panel):
item = wrd.arm_exporterlist[wrd.arm_exporterlist_index]
layout.enabled = item.arm_project_target == 'android-hl'
# ABIs
row = layout.row()
row = layout.row()
rows = 2
if len(wrd.arm_exporter_android_abi_list) > 1:
rows = 4
@ -547,16 +523,6 @@ class ARM_PT_ArmoryExporterAndroidBuildAPKPanel(bpy.types.Panel):
bl_options = { 'DEFAULT_CLOSED'}
bl_parent_id = "ARM_PT_ArmoryExporterAndroidSettingsPanel"
def poll(cls, context):
wrd =['Arm']
is_check = False
for item in wrd.arm_exporterlist:
is_check = item.arm_project_target == 'android-hl'
if is_check:
return is_check
def draw(self, context):
layout = self.layout
layout.use_property_split = True
@ -570,6 +536,12 @@ class ARM_PT_ArmoryExporterAndroidBuildAPKPanel(bpy.types.Panel):
path = arm.utils.get_android_sdk_root_path()
row.enabled = len(path) > 0
row = layout.row()
row.prop(wrd, 'arm_project_android_rename_apk')
row.enabled = wrd.arm_project_android_build_apk
row = layout.row()
row.prop(wrd, 'arm_project_android_copy_apk')
row.enabled = (wrd.arm_project_android_build_apk) and (len(arm.utils.get_android_apk_copy_path()) > 0)
row = layout.row()
row.prop(wrd, 'arm_project_android_list_avd')
col = row.column(align=True)
col.operator('arm.update_list_android_emulator', text='', icon='FILE_REFRESH')

View file

@ -892,6 +892,14 @@ def get_android_sdk_root_path():
return os.getenv('ANDROID_SDK_ROOT')
def get_android_apk_copy_path():
addon_prefs = get_arm_preferences()
return '' if not hasattr(addon_prefs, 'android_apk_copy_path') else addon_prefs.android_apk_copy_path
def get_android_apk_copy_open_directory():
addon_prefs = get_arm_preferences()
return False if not hasattr(addon_prefs, 'android_apk_copy_open_directory') else addon_prefs.android_apk_copy_open_directory
def get_android_emulators_list():
err = ''
items = []