export_object(): pep8 cleanup

This commit is contained in:
Moritz Brückner 2020-04-09 23:25:26 +02:00
parent 6deedd7b35
commit f836e9a1a4

View file

@ -579,80 +579,81 @@ class ArmoryExporter:
meshes), and transform.
Subobjects are then exported recursively.
if not self.preprocess_object(bobject):
bobjectRef = self.bobjectArray.get(bobject)
if bobjectRef:
type = bobjectRef["objectType"]
bobject_ref = self.bobjectArray.get(bobject)
if bobject_ref is not None:
object_type = bobject_ref["objectType"]
# Linked object, not present in scene
if bobject not in self.objectToArmObjectDict:
o = {}
o['traits'] = []
o['spawn'] = False
self.objectToArmObjectDict[bobject] = o
object_export_data = {} # type: Dict[str, Any]
object_export_data['traits'] = []
object_export_data['spawn'] = False
self.objectToArmObjectDict[bobject] = object_export_data
o = self.objectToArmObjectDict[bobject]
o['type'] = structIdentifier[type]
o['name'] = bobjectRef["structName"]
object_export_data = self.objectToArmObjectDict[bobject]
object_export_data['type'] = structIdentifier[object_type]
object_export_data['name'] = bobject_ref["structName"]
if bobject.parent_type == "BONE":
o['parent_bone'] = bobject.parent_bone
object_export_data['parent_bone'] = bobject.parent_bone
if bobject.hide_render or bobject.arm_visible == False:
o['visible'] = False
if bobject.hide_render or not bobject.arm_visible:
object_export_data['visible'] = False
if not bobject.cycles_visibility.camera:
o['visible_mesh'] = False
object_export_data['visible_mesh'] = False
if not bobject.cycles_visibility.shadow:
o['visible_shadow'] = False
object_export_data['visible_shadow'] = False
if bobject.arm_spawn == False:
o['spawn'] = False
if not bobject.arm_spawn:
object_export_data['spawn'] = False
o['mobile'] = bobject.arm_mobile
object_export_data['mobile'] = bobject.arm_mobile
if bobject.instance_type == 'COLLECTION' and bobject.instance_collection is not None:
o['group_ref'] = bobject.instance_collection.name
object_export_data['group_ref'] = bobject.instance_collection.name
if bobject.arm_tilesheet != '':
o['tilesheet_ref'] = bobject.arm_tilesheet
o['tilesheet_action_ref'] = bobject.arm_tilesheet_action
object_export_data['tilesheet_ref'] = bobject.arm_tilesheet
object_export_data['tilesheet_action_ref'] = bobject.arm_tilesheet_action
if len(bobject.arm_propertylist) > 0:
o['properties'] = []
object_export_data['properties'] = []
for p in bobject.arm_propertylist:
po = {}
po['name'] = p.name_prop
po['value'] = getattr(p, p.type_prop + '_prop')
layer_found = True
if layer_found == False:
o['spawn'] = False
if not layer_found:
object_export_data['spawn'] = False
# Export the object reference and material references
objref = bobject.data
if objref is not None:
objname = arm.utils.asset_name(objref)
# Lods
if bobject.type == 'MESH' and hasattr(objref, 'arm_lodlist') and len(objref.arm_lodlist) > 0:
o['lods'] = []
object_export_data['lods'] = []
for l in objref.arm_lodlist:
if l.enabled_prop == False:
if not l.enabled_prop:
lod = {}
lod['object_ref'] = l.name
lod['screen_size'] = l.screen_size_prop
if objref.arm_lod_material:
o['lod_material'] = True
object_export_data['lod_material'] = True
if type == NodeTypeMesh:
if not objref in self.meshArray:
if object_type == NodeTypeMesh:
if objref not in self.meshArray:
self.meshArray[objref] = {"structName" : objname, "objectTable" : [bobject]}
@ -661,76 +662,81 @@ class ArmoryExporter:
wrd = bpy.data.worlds['Arm']
if wrd.arm_single_data_file:
o['data_ref'] = oid
object_export_data['data_ref'] = oid
ext = '' if not self.is_compress() else '.lz4'
if ext == '' and not bpy.data.worlds['Arm'].arm_minimize:
ext = '.json'
o['data_ref'] = 'mesh_' + oid + ext + '/' + oid
object_export_data['data_ref'] = 'mesh_' + oid + ext + '/' + oid
o['material_refs'] = []
object_export_data['material_refs'] = []
for i in range(len(bobject.material_slots)):
mat = self.slot_to_material(bobject, bobject.material_slots[i])
# Export ref
self.export_material_ref(bobject, mat, i, o)
self.export_material_ref(bobject, mat, i, object_export_data)
# Decal flag
if mat != None and mat.arm_decal:
o['type'] = 'decal_object'
object_export_data['type'] = 'decal_object'
# No material, mimic cycles and assign default
if len(o['material_refs']) == 0:
self.use_default_material(bobject, o)
if len(object_export_data['material_refs']) == 0:
self.use_default_material(bobject, object_export_data)
num_psys = len(bobject.particle_systems)
if num_psys > 0:
o['particle_refs'] = []
object_export_data['particle_refs'] = []
for i in range(0, num_psys):
self.export_particle_system_ref(bobject.particle_systems[i], i, o)
self.export_particle_system_ref(bobject.particle_systems[i], i, object_export_data)
aabb = bobject.data.arm_aabb
if aabb[0] == 0 and aabb[1] == 0 and aabb[2] == 0:
o['dimensions'] = [aabb[0], aabb[1], aabb[2]]
object_export_data['dimensions'] = [aabb[0], aabb[1], aabb[2]]
#shapeKeys = ArmoryExporter.get_shape_keys(objref)
#if shapeKeys:
# self.ExportMorphWeights(bobject, shapeKeys, scene, o)
# shapeKeys = ArmoryExporter.get_shape_keys(objref)
# if shapeKeys:
# self.ExportMorphWeights(bobject, shapeKeys, scene, object_export_data)
elif type == NodeTypeLight:
elif object_type == NodeTypeLight:
if objref not in self.lightArray:
self.lightArray[objref] = {"structName" : objname, "objectTable" : [bobject]}
o['data_ref'] = self.lightArray[objref]["structName"]
object_export_data['data_ref'] = self.lightArray[objref]["structName"]
elif type == NodeTypeProbe:
elif object_type == NodeTypeProbe:
if objref not in self.probeArray:
self.probeArray[objref] = {"structName" : objname, "objectTable" : [bobject]}
dist = bobject.data.influence_distance
if objref.type == "PLANAR":
o['dimensions'] = [1.0, 1.0, dist]
o['dimensions'] = [dist, dist, dist]
o['data_ref'] = self.probeArray[objref]["structName"]
elif type == NodeTypeCamera:
if 'spawn' in o and not o['spawn']:
dist = bobject.data.influence_distance
if objref.type == "PLANAR":
object_export_data['dimensions'] = [1.0, 1.0, dist]
object_export_data['dimensions'] = [dist, dist, dist]
object_export_data['data_ref'] = self.probeArray[objref]["structName"]
elif object_type == NodeTypeCamera:
if 'spawn' in object_export_data and not object_export_data['spawn']:
self.camera_spawned |= False
self.camera_spawned = True
if objref not in self.cameraArray:
self.cameraArray[objref] = {"structName" : objname, "objectTable" : [bobject]}
o['data_ref'] = self.cameraArray[objref]["structName"]
object_export_data['data_ref'] = self.cameraArray[objref]["structName"]
elif type == NodeTypeSpeaker:
elif object_type == NodeTypeSpeaker:
if objref not in self.speakerArray:
self.speakerArray[objref] = {"structName" : objname, "objectTable" : [bobject]}
o['data_ref'] = self.speakerArray[objref]["structName"]
object_export_data['data_ref'] = self.speakerArray[objref]["structName"]
# Export the transform. If object is animated, then animation tracks are exported here
if bobject.type != 'ARMATURE' and bobject.animation_data is not None:
@ -746,28 +752,28 @@ class ArmoryExporter:
orig_action = action
for a in export_actions:
bobject.animation_data.action = a
self.export_object_transform(bobject, o)
self.export_object_transform(bobject, object_export_data)
if len(export_actions) >= 2 and export_actions[0] is None: # No action assigned
o['object_actions'].insert(0, 'null')
object_export_data['object_actions'].insert(0, 'null')
bobject.animation_data.action = orig_action
self.export_object_transform(bobject, o)
self.export_object_transform(bobject, object_export_data)
# If the object is parented to a bone and is not relative, then undo the bone's transform
if bobject.parent_type == "BONE":
armature = bobject.parent.data
bone = armature.bones[bobject.parent_bone]
# if not bone.use_relative_parent:
o['parent_bone_connected'] = bone.use_connect
object_export_data['parent_bone_connected'] = bone.use_connect
if bone.use_connect:
bone_translation = Vector((0, bone.length, 0)) + bone.head
o['parent_bone_tail'] = [bone_translation[0], bone_translation[1], bone_translation[2]]
object_export_data['parent_bone_tail'] = [bone_translation[0], bone_translation[1], bone_translation[2]]
bone_translation = bone.tail - bone.head
o['parent_bone_tail'] = [bone_translation[0], bone_translation[1], bone_translation[2]]
object_export_data['parent_bone_tail'] = [bone_translation[0], bone_translation[1], bone_translation[2]]
pose_bone = bobject.parent.pose.bones[bobject.parent_bone]
bone_translation_pose = pose_bone.tail - pose_bone.head
o['parent_bone_tail_pose'] = [bone_translation_pose[0], bone_translation_pose[1], bone_translation_pose[2]]
object_export_data['parent_bone_tail_pose'] = [bone_translation_pose[0], bone_translation_pose[1], bone_translation_pose[2]]
if bobject.type == 'ARMATURE' and bobject.data is not None:
bdata = bobject.data # Armature data
@ -803,18 +809,18 @@ class ArmoryExporter:
ext = '.lz4' if self.is_compress() else ''
if ext == '' and not bpy.data.worlds['Arm'].arm_minimize:
ext = '.json'
o['bone_actions'] = []
object_export_data['bone_actions'] = []
for action in export_actions:
aname = arm.utils.safestr(arm.utils.asset_name(action))
o['bone_actions'].append('action_' + armatureid + '_' + aname + ext)
object_export_data['bone_actions'].append('action_' + armatureid + '_' + aname + ext)
clear_op = set()
skelobj = bobject
baked_actions = []
orig_action = bobject.animation_data.action
if bdata.arm_autobake and bobject.name not in bpy.context.collection.all_objects:
clear_op.add( 'unlink' )
#clone bjobject and put it in the current scene so the bake operator can run
# Clone bjobject and put it in the current scene so the bake operator can run
if bobject.library is not None:
skelobj = bobject.copy()
@ -825,16 +831,18 @@ class ArmoryExporter:
skelobj.animation_data.action = action
fp = self.get_meshes_file_path('action_' + armatureid + '_' + aname, compressed=self.is_compress())
if bdata.arm_cached == False or not os.path.exists(fp):
if not bdata.arm_cached or not os.path.exists(fp):
#handle autobake
if bdata.arm_autobake:
sel = bpy.context.selected_objects[:]
for _o in sel: _o.select_set(False)
for _o in sel:
bpy.ops.nla.bake(frame_start = action.frame_range[0], frame_end=action.frame_range[1], step=1, only_selected=False, visual_keying=True)
action = skelobj.animation_data.action
for _o in sel: _o.select_set(True)
for _o in sel:
wrd = bpy.data.worlds['Arm']
@ -865,19 +873,19 @@ class ArmoryExporter:
# TODO: cache per action
bdata.arm_cached = True
if parento is None:
if parent_export_data is None:
self.post_export_object(bobject, o, type)
self.post_export_object(bobject, object_export_data, object_type)
if not hasattr(o, 'children') and len(bobject.children) > 0:
o['children'] = []
if not hasattr(object_export_data, 'children') and len(bobject.children) > 0:
object_export_data['children'] = []
if bobject.arm_instanced == 'Off':
for subbobject in bobject.children:
self.export_object(subbobject, scene, o)
self.export_object(subbobject, scene, object_export_data)
def export_skin(self, bobject, armature, exportMesh, o):
# This function exports all skinning data, which includes the skeleton