package armory.logicnode; import armory.trait.internal.CanvasScript; import iron.Scene; #if arm_ui import armory.ui.Canvas.Anchor; #end class OnCanvasElementNode extends LogicNode { var canvas: CanvasScript; var element: String; /** * The event type this node should react to, can be "click" or "hover". */ public var property0: String; /** * If the event type is click, this property states whether to check for * "down", "started" or "released" events. */ public var property1: String; /** * The mouse button that this node should react to. Only used when listening * for mouse clicks. */ public var property2: String; public function new(tree: LogicTree) { super(tree); tree.notifyOnUpdate(update); } #if arm_ui function update() { element = inputs[0].get(); // Ensure canvas is ready if(! return; canvas =; if (canvas == null) canvas =; if(canvas == null) return; if (!canvas.ready) return; if(canvas.getElement(element) == null) return; if(canvas.getElement(element).visible == false) return; var mouse = iron.system.Input.getMouse(); var isEvent = false; if (property0 == "click") { switch (property1) { case "started": isEvent = mouse.started(property2); case "down": isEvent = mouse.down(property2); case "released": isEvent = mouse.released(property2); } } // Hovered else { isEvent = true; } if (isEvent) { var canvasElem = canvas.getElement(element); var left = canvasElem.x; var top = canvasElem.y; var right = left + canvasElem.width; var bottom = top + canvasElem.height; var anchor = canvasElem.anchor; var cx = canvas.getCanvas().width; var cy = canvas.getCanvas().height; var mouseX = mouse.x; var mouseY = mouse.y; switch(anchor) { case Top: mouseX -= cx/2 - canvasElem.width/2; case TopRight: mouseX -= cx - canvasElem.width; case CenterLeft: mouseY -= cy/2 - canvasElem.height/2; case Anchor.Center: mouseX -= cx/2 - canvasElem.width/2; mouseY -= cy/2 - canvasElem.height/2; case CenterRight: mouseX -= cx - canvasElem.width; mouseY -= cy/2 - canvasElem.height/2; case BottomLeft: mouseY -= cy - canvasElem.height; case Bottom: mouseX -= cx/2 - canvasElem.width/2; mouseY -= cy - canvasElem.height; case BottomRight: mouseX -= cx - canvasElem.width; mouseY -= cy - canvasElem.height; } if((mouseX >= left) && (mouseX <= right)) { if((mouseY >= top) && (mouseY <= bottom)) { runOutput(0); } } } } #else function update() {} #end }