import glob import json import os import shutil import time import stat import subprocess import threading import webbrowser import bpy import arm.assets as assets from arm.exporter import ArmoryExporter import arm.lib.make_datas import arm.lib.server import arm.log as log import arm.make_logic as make_logic import arm.make_renderpath as make_renderpath import arm.make_state as state import arm.make_world as make_world import arm.utils import arm.write_data as write_data scripts_mtime = 0 # Monitor source changes profile_time = 0 def run_proc(cmd, done): def fn(p, done): p.wait() if done != None: done() p = subprocess.Popen(cmd) threading.Thread(target=fn, args=(p, done)).start() return p def compile_shader_pass(res, raw_shaders_path, shader_name, defs, make_variants): os.chdir(raw_shaders_path + '/' + shader_name) # Open json file json_name = shader_name + '.json' with open(json_name) as f: json_file = json_data = json.loads(json_file) fp = arm.utils.get_fp_build() arm.lib.make_datas.make(res, shader_name, json_data, fp, defs, make_variants) path = fp + '/compiled/Shaders' c = json_data['contexts'][0] for s in ['vertex_shader', 'fragment_shader', 'geometry_shader', 'tesscontrol_shader', 'tesseval_shader']: if s in c: shutil.copy(c[s], path + '/' + c[s].split('/')[-1]) def remove_readonly(func, path, excinfo): os.chmod(path, stat.S_IWRITE) func(path) def export_data(fp, sdk_path): wrd =['Arm'] print('\n' + '_' * 10 + ' [Armory] Compiling ' + '_' * 10) if wrd.arm_verbose_output: print('\nArmory v{0} ({1})'.format(wrd.arm_version, wrd.arm_commit)) print('OS: ' + arm.utils.get_os() + ', Target: ' + + ', GAPI: ' + arm.utils.get_gapi() + ', Blender: ' + # Clean compiled variants if cache is disabled build_dir = arm.utils.get_fp_build() if not wrd.arm_cache_build: if os.path.isdir(build_dir + '/debug/html5-resources'): shutil.rmtree(build_dir + '/debug/html5-resources', onerror=remove_readonly) if os.path.isdir(build_dir + '/krom-resources'): shutil.rmtree(build_dir + '/krom-resources', onerror=remove_readonly) if os.path.isdir(build_dir + '/debug/krom-resources'): shutil.rmtree(build_dir + '/debug/krom-resources', onerror=remove_readonly) if os.path.isdir(build_dir + '/windows-resources'): shutil.rmtree(build_dir + '/windows-resources', onerror=remove_readonly) if os.path.isdir(build_dir + '/linux-resources'): shutil.rmtree(build_dir + '/linux-resources', onerror=remove_readonly) if os.path.isdir(build_dir + '/osx-resources'): shutil.rmtree(build_dir + '/osx-resources', onerror=remove_readonly) if os.path.isdir(build_dir + '/compiled/Shaders'): shutil.rmtree(build_dir + '/compiled/Shaders', onerror=remove_readonly) raw_shaders_path = sdk_path + '/armory/Shaders/' assets_path = sdk_path + '/armory/Assets/' export_physics =['Arm'].arm_physics != 'Disabled' export_navigation =['Arm'].arm_navigation != 'Disabled' export_ui =['Arm'].arm_ui != 'Disabled' assets.reset() # Build node trees ArmoryExporter.import_traits = [] # Export scene data assets.embedded_data = sorted(list(set(assets.embedded_data))) physics_found = False navigation_found = False ui_found = False ArmoryExporter.compress_enabled = state.is_publish and wrd.arm_asset_compression ArmoryExporter.optimize_enabled = state.is_publish and wrd.arm_optimize_data if not os.path.exists(build_dir + '/compiled/Assets'): os.makedirs(build_dir + '/compiled/Assets') # have a "zoo" collection in the current scene export_coll ="export_coll") for scene in if scene == bpy.context.scene: continue for o in scene.collection.all_objects: if o.type == "MESH" or o.type == "EMPTY": if not in export_coll.all_objects.keys(): depsgraph = bpy.context.evaluated_depsgraph_get() # destroy "zoo" collection for scene in if scene.arm_export: ext = '.lz4' if ArmoryExporter.compress_enabled else '.arm' asset_path = build_dir + '/compiled/Assets/' + arm.utils.safestr( + ext ArmoryExporter.export_scene(bpy.context, asset_path, scene=scene, depsgraph=depsgraph) if ArmoryExporter.export_physics: physics_found = True if ArmoryExporter.export_navigation: navigation_found = True if ArmoryExporter.export_ui: ui_found = True assets.add(asset_path) if physics_found == False: # Disable physics if no rigid body is exported export_physics = False if navigation_found == False: export_navigation = False if ui_found == False: export_ui = False if wrd.arm_ui == 'Enabled': export_ui = True modules = [] if wrd.arm_audio == 'Enabled': modules.append('audio') if export_physics: modules.append('physics') if export_navigation: modules.append('navigation') if export_ui: modules.append('ui') defs = arm.utils.def_strings_to_array(wrd.world_defs) cdefs = arm.utils.def_strings_to_array(wrd.compo_defs) if wrd.arm_verbose_output: print('Exported modules:', modules) print('Shader flags:', defs) print('Compositor flags:', cdefs) print('Khafile flags:', assets.khafile_defs) # Render path is configurable at runtime has_config = wrd.arm_write_config or os.path.exists(arm.utils.get_fp() + '/Bundled/config.arm') # Write shaders_path = build_dir + '/compiled/Shaders' if not os.path.exists(shaders_path): os.makedirs(shaders_path) write_data.write_compiledglsl(defs + cdefs, make_variants=has_config) # Write referenced shader passes if not os.path.isfile(build_dir + '/compiled/Shaders/shader_datas.arm') or state.last_world_defs != wrd.world_defs: res = {'shader_datas': []} for ref in assets.shader_passes: # Ensure shader pass source exists if not os.path.exists(raw_shaders_path + '/' + ref): continue assets.shader_passes_assets[ref] = [] if ref.startswith('compositor_pass'): compile_shader_pass(res, raw_shaders_path, ref, defs + cdefs, make_variants=has_config) else: compile_shader_pass(res, raw_shaders_path, ref, defs, make_variants=has_config) # Workaround to also export non-material world shaders res['shader_datas'] += make_world.shader_datas arm.utils.write_arm(shaders_path + '/shader_datas.arm', res) for ref in assets.shader_passes: for s in assets.shader_passes_assets[ref]: assets.add_shader(shaders_path + '/' + s + '.glsl') for file in assets.shaders_external: name = file.split('/')[-1].split('\\')[-1] target = build_dir + '/compiled/Shaders/' + name if not os.path.exists(target): shutil.copy(file, target) state.last_world_defs = wrd.world_defs # Reset path os.chdir(fp) # Copy std shaders if not os.path.isdir(build_dir + '/compiled/Shaders/std'): shutil.copytree(raw_shaders_path + 'std', build_dir + '/compiled/Shaders/std') # Write config.arm resx, resy = arm.utils.get_render_resolution(arm.utils.get_active_scene()) if wrd.arm_write_config: write_data.write_config(resx, resy) # Write khafile.js enable_dce = state.is_publish and wrd.arm_dce import_logic = not state.is_publish and arm.utils.logic_editor_space() != None write_data.write_khafilejs(state.is_play, export_physics, export_navigation, export_ui, state.is_publish, enable_dce, ArmoryExporter.import_traits, import_logic) # Write Main.hx - depends on write_khafilejs for writing number of assets scene_name = arm.utils.get_project_scene_name() write_data.write_mainhx(scene_name, resx, resy, state.is_play, state.is_publish) if scene_name != state.last_scene or resx != state.last_resx or resy != state.last_resy: wrd.arm_recompile = True state.last_resx = resx state.last_resy = resy state.last_scene = scene_name def compile(assets_only=False): wrd =['Arm'] fp = arm.utils.get_fp() os.chdir(fp) # Set build command target_name = node_path = arm.utils.get_node_path() khamake_path = arm.utils.get_khamake_path() cmd = [node_path, khamake_path] kha_target_name = arm.utils.get_kha_target(target_name) if kha_target_name != '': cmd.append(kha_target_name) # Custom exporter if state.is_export: item = wrd.arm_exporterlist[wrd.arm_exporterlist_index] if item.arm_project_target == 'custom' and item.arm_project_khamake != '': for s in item.arm_project_khamake.split(' '): cmd.append(s) ffmpeg_path = arm.utils.get_ffmpeg_path() # Path to binary if ffmpeg_path != '': cmd.append('--ffmpeg') cmd.append(ffmpeg_path) # '"' + ffmpeg_path + '"' state.export_gapi = arm.utils.get_gapi() cmd.append('-g') cmd.append(state.export_gapi) if arm.utils.get_legacy_shaders() or 'ios' in if 'html5' in or 'ios' in pass else: cmd.append('--shaderversion') cmd.append('110') elif 'android' in or 'html5' in cmd.append('--shaderversion') cmd.append('300') else: cmd.append('--shaderversion') cmd.append('330') if '_VR' in wrd.world_defs: cmd.append('--vr') cmd.append('webvr') if arm.utils.get_rp().rp_renderer == 'Raytracer': cmd.append('--raytrace') cmd.append('dxr') dxc_path = fp + '/HlslShaders/dxc.exe' subprocess.Popen([dxc_path, '-Zpr', '-Fo', fp + '/Bundled/raytrace.cso', '-T', 'lib_6_3', fp + '/HlslShaders/raytrace.hlsl']).wait() if arm.utils.get_khamake_threads() > 1: cmd.append('--parallelAssetConversion') cmd.append(str(arm.utils.get_khamake_threads())) compilation_server = False cmd.append('--to') if (kha_target_name == 'krom' and not state.is_publish) or (kha_target_name == 'html5' and not state.is_publish): cmd.append(arm.utils.build_dir() + '/debug') # Start compilation server if kha_target_name == 'krom' and arm.utils.get_compilation_server() and not assets_only and wrd.arm_cache_build: compilation_server = True arm.lib.server.run_haxe(arm.utils.get_haxe_path()) else: cmd.append(arm.utils.build_dir()) if assets_only or compilation_server: cmd.append('--nohaxe') cmd.append('--noproject') if not wrd.arm_verbose_output: cmd.append("--quiet") else: print("Using project from " + arm.utils.get_fp()) print("Running: ", cmd) state.proc_build = run_proc(cmd, assets_done if compilation_server else build_done) def build(target, is_play=False, is_publish=False, is_export=False): global profile_time profile_time = time.time() = target state.is_play = is_play state.is_publish = is_publish state.is_export = is_export # Save blend if arm.utils.get_save_on_build(): bpy.ops.wm.save_mainfile() log.clear(clear_warnings=True) # Set camera in active scene active_scene = arm.utils.get_active_scene() if == None: for o in active_scene.objects: if o.type == 'CAMERA': = o break # Get paths sdk_path = arm.utils.get_sdk_path() raw_shaders_path = sdk_path + '/armory/Shaders/' # Set dir fp = arm.utils.get_fp() os.chdir(fp) # Create directories wrd =['Arm'] sources_path = 'Sources/' + arm.utils.safestr(wrd.arm_project_package) if not os.path.exists(sources_path): os.makedirs(sources_path) # Save external scripts edited inside Blender write_texts = False for text in if text.filepath != '' and text.is_dirty: write_texts = True break if write_texts: area = bpy.context.area old_type = area.type area.type = 'TEXT_EDITOR' for text in if text.filepath != '' and text.is_dirty and os.path.isfile(text.filepath): area.spaces[0].text = text area.type = old_type # Save internal Haxe scripts for text in if text.filepath == '' and[-3:] == '.hx': with open('Sources/' + arm.utils.safestr(wrd.arm_project_package) + '/' +, 'w') as f: f.write(text.as_string()) # Export data export_data(fp, sdk_path) if == 'html5': w, h = arm.utils.get_render_resolution(arm.utils.get_active_scene()) write_data.write_indexhtml(w, h, is_publish) # Bundle files from include dir if os.path.isdir('include'): dest = '/html5/' if is_publish else '/debug/html5/' for fn in glob.iglob(os.path.join('include', '**'), recursive=False): shutil.copy(fn, arm.utils.build_dir() + dest + os.path.basename(fn)) def play_done(): state.proc_play = None state.redraw_ui = True log.clear() def assets_done(): if state.proc_build == None: return result = state.proc_build.poll() if result == 0: # Connect to the compilation server os.chdir(arm.utils.build_dir() + '/debug/') cmd = [arm.utils.get_haxe_path(), '--connect', '6000', 'project-krom.hxml'] state.proc_build = run_proc(cmd, compilation_server_done) else: state.proc_build = None state.redraw_ui = True log.error('Build failed, check console') def compilation_server_done(): if state.proc_build == None: return result = state.proc_build.poll() if result == 0: if os.path.exists('krom/krom.js'): os.chmod('krom/krom.js', stat.S_IWRITE) os.remove('krom/krom.js') os.rename('krom/krom.js.temp', 'krom/krom.js') build_done() else: state.proc_build = None state.redraw_ui = True log.error('Build failed, check console') def build_done(): print('Finished in ' + str(time.time() - profile_time)) if log.num_warnings > 0: log.print_warn(f'{log.num_warnings} warnings occurred during compilation') if state.proc_build is None: return result = state.proc_build.poll() state.proc_build = None state.redraw_ui = True if result == 0:['Arm'].arm_recompile = False build_success() else: log.error('Build failed, check console') def patch(): if state.proc_build != None: return assets.invalidate_enabled = False fp = arm.utils.get_fp() os.chdir(fp) asset_path = arm.utils.get_fp_build() + '/compiled/Assets/' + arm.utils.safestr( + '.arm' ArmoryExporter.export_scene(bpy.context, asset_path, scene=bpy.context.scene) if not os.path.isdir(arm.utils.build_dir() + '/compiled/Shaders/std'): raw_shaders_path = arm.utils.get_sdk_path() + '/armory/Shaders/' shutil.copytree(raw_shaders_path + 'std', arm.utils.build_dir() + '/compiled/Shaders/std') node_path = arm.utils.get_node_path() khamake_path = arm.utils.get_khamake_path() cmd = [node_path, khamake_path, 'krom'] cmd.extend(('--shaderversion', '330', '--parallelAssetConversion', '4', '--to', arm.utils.build_dir() + '/debug', '--nohaxe', '--noproject')) assets.invalidate_enabled = True state.proc_build = run_proc(cmd, patch_done) def patch_done(): js = 'iron.Scene.patch();' write_patch(js) state.proc_build = None patch_id = 0 def write_patch(js): global patch_id with open(arm.utils.get_fp_build() + '/debug/krom/krom.patch', 'w') as f: patch_id += 1 f.write(str(patch_id) + '\n') f.write(js) def runtime_to_target(): wrd =['Arm'] if wrd.arm_runtime == 'Krom': return 'krom' else: return 'html5' def get_khajs_path(target): if target == 'krom': return arm.utils.build_dir() + '/debug/krom/krom.js' else: # Browser return arm.utils.build_dir() + '/debug/html5/kha.js' def play(): global scripts_mtime wrd =['Arm'] build(target=runtime_to_target(), is_play=True) khajs_path = get_khajs_path( if not wrd.arm_cache_build or \ not os.path.isfile(khajs_path) or \ assets.khafile_defs_last != assets.khafile_defs or \ state.last_target != wrd.arm_recompile = True state.last_target = # Trait sources modified state.mod_scripts = [] script_path = arm.utils.get_fp() + '/Sources/' + arm.utils.safestr(wrd.arm_project_package) if os.path.isdir(script_path): new_mtime = scripts_mtime for fn in glob.iglob(os.path.join(script_path, '**', '*.hx'), recursive=True): mtime = os.path.getmtime(fn) if scripts_mtime < mtime: arm.utils.fetch_script_props(fn) # Trait props fn = fn.split('Sources/')[1] fn = fn[:-3] #.hx fn = fn.replace('/', '.') state.mod_scripts.append(fn) wrd.arm_recompile = True if new_mtime < mtime: new_mtime = mtime scripts_mtime = new_mtime if len(state.mod_scripts) > 0: # Trait props arm.utils.fetch_trait_props() compile(assets_only=(not wrd.arm_recompile)) def build_success(): log.clear() wrd =['Arm'] if state.is_play: if wrd.arm_runtime == 'Browser': # Start server os.chdir(arm.utils.get_fp()) t = threading.Thread(name='localserver', target=arm.lib.server.run_tcp) t.daemon = True t.start() html5_app_path = 'http://localhost:8040/' + arm.utils.build_dir() + '/debug/html5' elif wrd.arm_runtime == 'Krom': if wrd.arm_live_patch: open(arm.utils.get_fp_build() + '/debug/krom/krom.patch', 'w').close() krom_location, krom_path = arm.utils.krom_paths() os.chdir(krom_location) cmd = [krom_path, arm.utils.get_fp_build() + '/debug/krom', arm.utils.get_fp_build() + '/debug/krom-resources'] if arm.utils.get_os() == 'win': cmd.append('--consolepid') cmd.append(str(os.getpid())) if wrd.arm_audio == 'Disabled': cmd.append('--nosound') state.proc_play = run_proc(cmd, play_done) elif state.is_publish: sdk_path = arm.utils.get_sdk_path() target_name = arm.utils.get_kha_target( files_path = arm.utils.get_fp_build() + '/' + target_name if (target_name == 'html5' or target_name == 'krom') and wrd.arm_minify_js: # Minify JS minifier_path = sdk_path + '/lib/armory_tools/uglifyjs/bin/uglifyjs' if target_name == 'html5': jsfile = files_path + '/kha.js' else: jsfile = files_path + '/krom.js' args = [arm.utils.get_node_path(), minifier_path, jsfile, '-o', jsfile] proc = subprocess.Popen(args) proc.wait() if target_name == 'krom': # Copy Krom binaries if == 'krom-windows': gapi = state.export_gapi ext = '' if gapi == 'direct3d11' else '_' + gapi krom_location = sdk_path + '/Krom/Krom' + ext + '.exe' shutil.copy(krom_location, files_path + '/Krom.exe') krom_exe = arm.utils.safestr(wrd.arm_project_name) + '.exe' os.rename(files_path + '/Krom.exe', files_path + '/' + krom_exe) elif == 'krom-linux': krom_location = sdk_path + '/Krom/Krom' shutil.copy(krom_location, files_path) krom_exe = arm.utils.safestr(wrd.arm_project_name) os.rename(files_path + '/Krom', files_path + '/' + krom_exe) krom_exe = './' + krom_exe else: krom_location = sdk_path + '/Krom/' shutil.copytree(krom_location, files_path + '/') game_files = os.listdir(files_path) for f in game_files: f = files_path + '/' + f if os.path.isfile(f): shutil.move(f, files_path + '/') krom_exe = arm.utils.safestr(wrd.arm_project_name) + '.app' os.rename(files_path + '/', files_path + '/' + krom_exe) # Rename ext ='-')[-1] # krom-windows new_files_path = files_path + '-' + ext os.rename(files_path, new_files_path) files_path = new_files_path if target_name == 'html5': print('Exported HTML5 package to ' + files_path) elif target_name.startswith('ios') or target_name.startswith('osx'): # TODO: to macos print('Exported XCode project to ' + files_path + '-build') elif target_name.startswith('windows'): print('Exported Visual Studio 2017 project to ' + files_path + '-build') elif target_name.startswith('android'): print('Exported Android Studio project to ' + files_path + '-build/' + arm.utils.safestr(wrd.arm_project_name)) elif target_name.startswith('krom'): print('Exported Krom package to ' + files_path) else: print('Exported makefiles to ' + files_path + '-build') def clean(): os.chdir(arm.utils.get_fp()) wrd =['Arm'] # Remove build and compiled data try: if os.path.isdir(arm.utils.build_dir()): shutil.rmtree(arm.utils.build_dir(), onerror=remove_readonly) if os.path.isdir(arm.utils.get_fp() + '/build'): # Kode Studio build dir shutil.rmtree(arm.utils.get_fp() + '/build', onerror=remove_readonly) except: print('Armory Warning: Some files in the build folder are locked') # Remove compiled nodes pkg_dir = arm.utils.safestr(wrd.arm_project_package).replace('.', '/') nodes_path = 'Sources/' + pkg_dir + '/node/' if os.path.isdir(nodes_path): shutil.rmtree(nodes_path, onerror=remove_readonly) # Remove khafile/Main.hx if os.path.isfile('khafile.js'): os.remove('khafile.js') if os.path.isfile('Sources/Main.hx'): os.remove('Sources/Main.hx') # Remove Sources/ dir if empty if os.path.exists('Sources/' + pkg_dir) and os.listdir('Sources/' + pkg_dir) == []: shutil.rmtree('Sources/' + pkg_dir, onerror=remove_readonly) if os.path.exists('Sources') and os.listdir('Sources') == []: shutil.rmtree('Sources/', onerror=remove_readonly) # To recache signatures for batched materials for mat in mat.signature = '' mat.arm_cached = False # Restart compilation server if arm.utils.get_compilation_server(): arm.lib.server.kill_haxe() print('Project cleaned')