import bpy import math import assets import utils import os def is_pow(num): return ((num & (num - 1)) == 0) and num != 0 def find_node_by_link(node_group, to_node, target_socket): for link in node_group.links: if link.to_node == to_node and link.to_socket == target_socket: return link.from_node def get_output_node(tree): for n in tree.nodes: if n.type == 'OUTPUT_MATERIAL': return n # Material output is used as starting point def parse(self, material, c, defs): tree = material.node_tree output_node = get_output_node(tree) # Traverse material tree if output_node != None: # Surface socket is linked if output_node.inputs[0].is_linked: surface_node = find_node_by_link(tree, output_node, output_node.inputs[0]) parse_from(self, material, c, defs, surface_node) # Displace socket is linked if output_node.inputs[2].is_linked: displace_node = find_node_by_link(tree, output_node, output_node.inputs[2]) parse_material_displacement(self, material, c, defs, tree, displace_node, 1.0) # No albedo color parsed, append white if parse.const_color == None: make_albedo_const([1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], c) if parse.const_occlusion == None and '_OccTex' not in defs: make_occlusion_const(1.0, c) if parse.const_roughness == None and '_RoughTex' not in defs: make_roughness_const(0.0, c) if parse.const_metalness == None and '_MetTex' not in defs: make_metalness_const(0.0, c) # Enable texcoords if '_Tex' not in defs: for d in defs: if d == '_BaseTex' or d == '_NorTex' or d == '_OccTex' or d == '_RoughTex' or d == '_MetTex' or d == '_HeightTex': defs.append('_Tex') break def make_albedo_const(col, c): const = {} parse.const_color = const c['bind_constants'].append(const) const['name'] = 'baseCol' const['vec4'] = [col[0], col[1], col[2], col[3]] def make_roughness_const(f, c): const = {} parse.const_roughness = const c['bind_constants'].append(const) const['name'] = 'roughness' const['float'] = f def make_occlusion_const(f, c): const = {} parse.const_occlusion = const c['bind_constants'].append(const) const['name'] = 'occlusion' const['float'] = f def make_metalness_const(f, c): const = {} parse.const_metalness = const c['bind_constants'].append(const) const['name'] = 'metalness' const['float'] = f # Manualy set starting material point def parse_from(self, material, c, defs, surface_node): parse.const_color = None parse.const_occlusion = None parse.const_roughness = None parse.const_metalness = None tree = material.node_tree parse_material_surface(self, material, c, defs, tree, surface_node, 1.0) def make_texture(self, id, image_node, material, image_format='RGBA32'): tex = {} tex['name'] = id image = image_node.image if image != None: if image.packed_file != None: # Extract packed data unpack_path = utils.get_fp() + '/build/compiled/Assets/unpacked' if not os.path.exists(unpack_path): os.makedirs(unpack_path) unpack_filepath = unpack_path + '/' + # Write bytes if size is different or file does not exist yet if os.path.isfile(unpack_filepath) == False or os.path.getsize(unpack_filepath) != image.packed_file.size: with open(unpack_filepath, 'wb') as f: f.write( # Add asset assets.add(unpack_filepath) else: # Link image path to assets assets.add(utils.safe_assetpath(image.filepath)) # Reference image name tex['file'] = utils.extract_filename(image.filepath) tex['file'] = utils.safe_filename(tex['file']) if image_format != 'RGBA32': tex['format'] = image_format interpolation = image_node.interpolation if['Arm'].force_anisotropic_filtering: interpolation = 'Smart' if interpolation == 'Cubic': # Mipmap linear tex['mipmap_filter'] = 'linear' tex['generate_mipmaps'] = True elif interpolation == 'Smart': # Mipmap anisotropic tex['min_filter'] = 'anisotropic' tex['mipmap_filter'] = 'linear' tex['generate_mipmaps'] = True if image_node.extension != 'REPEAT': # Extend or clip tex['u_addressing'] = 'clamp' tex['v_addressing'] = 'clamp' else: if['Arm'].npot_texture_repeat == False and (is_pow(image.size[0]) == False or is_pow(image.size[1]) == False): print('Armory Warning: ' + + '/' + + ' - non power of 2 texture can not use repeat mode') tex['u_addressing'] = 'clamp' tex['v_addressing'] = 'clamp' if image.source == 'MOVIE': # Just append movie texture trait for now movie_trait = {} movie_trait['type'] = 'Script' movie_trait['class_name'] = 'armory.trait.internal.MovieTexture' movie_trait['parameters'] = [tex['file']] for o in self.materialToGameObjectDict[material]: o['traits'].append(movie_trait) tex['source'] = 'movie' tex['file'] = '' # MovieTexture will load the video else: tex['file'] = '' return tex def parse_value_node(node): return node.outputs[0].default_value def parse_float_input(tree, node, inp): if inp.is_linked: float_node = find_node_by_link(tree, node, inp) if float_node.type == 'VALUE': return parse_value_node(float_node) else: return inp.default_value def parse_material_displacement(self, material, c, defs, tree, node, factor): # Normal if node.type == 'NORMAL_MAP': normal_map_input = node.inputs[1] parse_normal_map_socket(self, normal_map_input, material, c, defs, tree, node, factor) def parse_material_surface(self, material, c, defs, tree, node, factor): if node.type == 'GROUP' and'.', 1)[0] == 'Armory PBR': parse_pbr_group(self, material, c, defs, tree, node, factor) elif node.type == 'BSDF_TRANSPARENT': parse_bsdf_transparent(self, material, c, defs, tree, node, factor) elif node.type == 'BSDF_DIFFUSE': parse_bsdf_diffuse(self, material, c, defs, tree, node, factor) elif node.type == 'EMISSION': parse_emission(self, material, c, defs, tree, node, factor) elif node.type == 'BSDF_GLOSSY': parse_bsdf_glossy(self, material, c, defs, tree, node, factor) # elif node.type == 'BSDF_TRANSLUCENT': # parse_bsdf_translucent(self, material, c, defs, tree, node, factor) elif node.type == 'BSDF_GLASS': parse_bsdf_glass(self, material, c, defs, tree, node, factor) elif node.type == 'SUBSURFACE_SCATTERING': parse_sss(self, material, c, defs, tree, node, factor) elif node.type == 'BSDF_TOON': parse_bsdf_toon(self, material, c, defs, tree, node, factor) elif node.type == 'MIX_SHADER': parse_mix_shader(self, material, c, defs, tree, node, factor) else: print('Armory Warning: Material node ' + node.type + ' in ' + + ' is not yet supported! Please use "Armory PBR" node group for now.') def parse_mix_shader(self, material, c, defs, tree, node, factor): mixfactor = node.inputs[0].default_value * factor if node.inputs[1].is_linked: mixfactor0 = 1.0 - mixfactor surface1_node = find_node_by_link(tree, node, node.inputs[1]) parse_material_surface(self, material, c, defs, tree, surface1_node, mixfactor0) if node.inputs[2].is_linked: surface2_node = find_node_by_link(tree, node, node.inputs[2]) parse_material_surface(self, material, c, defs, tree, surface2_node, mixfactor) def parse_bsdf_transparent(self, material, c, defs, tree, node, factor): defs.append('_AlphaTest') def parse_sss(self, material, c, defs, tree, node, factor): # Set stencil mask # append '_SSS' to deferred_light pass def parse_bsdf_toon(self, material, c, defs, tree, node, factor): # set pipe pass defs.append('_Toon') pass def parse_bsdf_diffuse(self, material, c, defs, tree, node, factor): # Color base_color_input = node.inputs[0] parse_base_color_socket(self, base_color_input, material, c, defs, tree, node, factor) # Parse roughness but force 0.4 as minimum, set 0.0 metalness add_metalness_const(0.0, c, factor) roughness_input = node.inputs[1] parse_roughness_socket(self, roughness_input, material, c, defs, tree, node, factor, minimum_val=0.4) # Normal normal_input = node.inputs[2] if normal_input.is_linked: normal_map_node = find_node_by_link(tree, node, normal_input) if normal_map_node.type == 'NORMAL_MAP': normal_map_input = normal_map_node.inputs[1] parse_normal_map_socket(self, normal_map_input, material, c, defs, tree, node, factor) def parse_emission(self, material, c, defs, tree, node, factor): # Color base_color_input = node.inputs[0] parse_base_color_socket(self, base_color_input, material, c, defs, tree, node, factor) # Multiply color by strength strength_input = node.inputs[1] strength = strength_input.default_value * 50.0 + 1.0 col = parse.const_color['vec4'] col[0] *= strength col[1] *= strength col[2] *= strength parse.const_color['vec4'] = [col[0], col[1], col[2], col[3]] def parse_bsdf_glossy(self, material, c, defs, tree, node, factor): # Mix with current color base_color_input = node.inputs[0] parse_base_color_socket(self, base_color_input, material, c, defs, tree, node, factor) # Parse sqrt roughness and set 1.0 metalness add_metalness_const(1.0, c, factor) roughness_input = node.inputs[1] parse_roughness_socket(self, roughness_input, material, c, defs, tree, node, factor, sqrt_val=True) def parse_bsdf_glass(self, material, c, defs, tree, node, factor): # Mix with current color base_color_input = node.inputs[0] parse_base_color_socket(self, base_color_input, material, c, defs, tree, node, factor) # Calculate alpha, TODO: take only glass color into account, separate getSocketColor method col = parse.const_color['vec4'] sum = (col[0] + col[1] + col[2]) / 3 # Roughly guess color to match cycles mincol = min(col[:3]) parse.const_color['vec4'] = [col[0] - mincol, col[1] - mincol, col[2] - mincol, 1.0 - (sum * 0.7)] # Parse sqrt roughness and set 0.0 metalness add_metalness_const(0.0, c, factor) roughness_input = node.inputs[1] parse_roughness_socket(self, roughness_input, material, c, defs, tree, node, factor, sqrt_val=True) # Append translucent defs.append('_Translucent') def mix_float(f1, f2, factor=0.5): return (f1 + f2) * factor def mix_color_vec4(col1, col2, factor=0.5): return [mix_float(col1[0], col2[0], factor), mix_float(col1[1], col2[1], factor), mix_float(col1[2], col2[2], factor), mix_float(col1[3], col2[3], factor)] def parse_val_to_rgb(node, c, defs): factor = node.inputs[0].default_value if not node.inputs[0].is_linked: # Take ramp color return node.color_ramp.evaluate(factor) else: # Assume 2 colors interpolated by id for now defs.append('_RampID') # Link baseCol2 as color 2 const = {} c['bind_constants'].append(const) const['name'] = 'baseCol2' res = node.color_ramp.elements[1].color const['vec4'] = [res[0], res[1], res[2], res[3]] # Return color 1 return node.color_ramp.elements[0].color def add_base_color(c, col): if parse.const_color == None: make_albedo_const(col, c) else: const = parse.const_color res = mix_color_vec4(col, const['vec4']) const['vec4'] = [res[0], res[1], res[2], res[3]] def parse_mix_rgb(self, material, c, defs, tree, node, factor): # blend_type = MULTIPLY # use_clamp = False # Factor, col1, col2 parse_base_color_socket(self, node.inputs[1], material, c, defs, tree, node, factor) # Assume color 2 as occlusion parse_occlusion_socket(self, node.inputs[2], material, c, defs, tree, node, factor) def add_albedo_tex(self, node, material, c, defs): if '_BaseTex' not in defs: defs.append('_BaseTex') tex = make_texture(self, 'sbase', node, material) c['bind_textures'].append(tex) def add_metalness_tex(self, node, material, c, defs): if '_MetTex' not in defs: defs.append('_MetTex') tex = make_texture(self, 'smetal', node, material, image_format='R8') c['bind_textures'].append(tex) if parse.const_metalness != None: # If texture is used, remove constant c['bind_constants'].remove(parse.const_metalness) def add_roughness_tex(self, node, material, c, defs): if '_RoughTex' not in defs: defs.append('_RoughTex') tex = make_texture(self, 'srough', node, material, image_format='R8') c['bind_textures'].append(tex) if parse.const_roughness != None: c['bind_constants'].remove(parse.const_roughness) def add_roughness_strength(self, c, defs, f): if '_RoughStr' not in defs: defs.append('_RoughStr') const = {} c['bind_constants'].append(const) const['name'] = 'roughnessStrength' const['float'] = f def add_occlusion_tex(self, node, material, c, defs): if '_OccTex' not in defs: defs.append('_OccTex') tex = make_texture(self, 'socclusion', node, material, image_format='R8') c['bind_textures'].append(tex) def add_height_tex(self, node, material, c, defs): if '_HeightTex' not in defs: defs.append('_HeightTex') tex = make_texture(self, 'sheight', node, material, image_format='R8') c['bind_textures'].append(tex) def add_height_strength(self, c, f): const = {} c['bind_constants'].append(const) const['name'] = 'heightStrength' const['float'] = f def add_normal_tex(self, node, material, c, defs): if '_NorTex' not in defs: defs.append('_NorTex') tex = make_texture(self, 'snormal', node, material) c['bind_textures'].append(tex) def add_normal_strength(self, c, defs, f): if '_NorStr' not in defs: defs.append('_NorStr') const = {} c['bind_constants'].append(const) const['name'] = 'normalStrength' const['float'] = f def parse_base_color_socket(self, base_color_input, material, c, defs, tree, node, factor): if base_color_input.is_linked: color_node = find_node_by_link(tree, node, base_color_input) if color_node.type == 'TEX_IMAGE': add_albedo_tex(self, color_node, material, c, defs) elif color_node.type == 'TEX_CHECKER': pass elif color_node.type == 'ATTRIBUTE': # Assume vcols for now defs.append('_VCols') elif color_node.type == 'VALTORGB': col = parse_val_to_rgb(color_node, c, defs) add_base_color(c, col) elif color_node.type == 'MIX_RGB': parse_mix_rgb(self, material, c, defs, tree, color_node, factor) else: # Take node color add_base_color(c, base_color_input.default_value) def add_metalness_const(res, c, factor, minimum_val=0.0, sqrt_val=False): if res < minimum_val: res = minimum_val if sqrt_val: res = math.sqrt(res) if parse.const_metalness == None: make_metalness_const(res * factor, c) else: const = parse.const_metalness const['float'] = mix_float(res, const['float'], factor=factor) def parse_metalness_socket(self, metalness_input, material, c, defs, tree, node, factor, minimum_val=0.0, sqrt_val=False): if metalness_input.is_linked: metalness_node = find_node_by_link(tree, node, metalness_input) add_metalness_tex(self, metalness_node, material, c, defs) elif '_MetTex' not in defs: res = metalness_input.default_value add_metalness_const(res, c, factor, minimum_val, sqrt_val) def add_roughness_const(res, c, factor, minimum_val=0.0, sqrt_val=False): if res < minimum_val: res = minimum_val if sqrt_val: res = math.sqrt(res) if parse.const_roughness == None: make_roughness_const(res * factor, c) else: const = parse.const_roughness const['float'] = mix_float(res, const['float'], factor=factor) def parse_roughness_socket(self, roughness_input, material, c, defs, tree, node, factor, minimum_val=0.0, sqrt_val=False): if roughness_input.is_linked: roughness_node = find_node_by_link(tree, node, roughness_input) add_roughness_tex(self, roughness_node, material, c, defs) elif '_RoughTex' not in defs: res = parse_float_input(tree, node, roughness_input) add_roughness_const(res, c, factor, minimum_val, sqrt_val) def parse_normal_map_socket(self, normal_input, material, c, defs, tree, node, factor): if normal_input.is_linked: normal_node = find_node_by_link(tree, node, normal_input) add_normal_tex(self, normal_node, material, c, defs) def add_occlusion_const(res, c, factor): if parse.const_occlusion == None: make_occlusion_const(res * factor, c) else: const = parse.const_occlusion const['float'] = mix_float(res, const['float'], factor=factor) def parse_occlusion_socket(self, occlusion_input, material, c, defs, tree, node, factor): if occlusion_input.is_linked: occlusion_node = find_node_by_link(tree, node, occlusion_input) add_occlusion_tex(self, occlusion_node, material, c, defs) elif '_OccTex' not in defs: res = occlusion_input.default_value[0] # Take only one channel add_occlusion_const(res, c, factor) def parse_height_socket(self, height_input, material, c, defs, tree, node, factor): if height_input.is_linked: height_node = find_node_by_link(tree, node, height_input) add_height_tex(self, height_node, material, c, defs) def parse_pbr_group(self, material, c, defs, tree, node, factor): # Albedo Map base_color_input = node.inputs[0] parse_base_color_socket(self, base_color_input, material, c, defs, tree, node, factor) # Occlusion Map occlusion_input = node.inputs[1] # occlusion_strength_input = node.inputs[2] # occlusion_strength = occlusion_strength_input.default_value parse_occlusion_socket(self, occlusion_input, material, c, defs, tree, node, factor) # Roughness Map roughness_input = node.inputs[3] parse_roughness_socket(self, roughness_input, material, c, defs, tree, node, factor) roughness_strength_input = node.inputs[4] roughness_strength = roughness_strength_input.default_value if roughness_strength != 1.0: add_roughness_strength(self, c, defs, roughness_strength) # Metalness Map metalness_input = node.inputs[5] parse_metalness_socket(self, metalness_input, material, c, defs, tree, node, factor) # Normal Map normal_map_input = node.inputs[6] parse_normal_map_socket(self, normal_map_input, material, c, defs, tree, node, factor) normal_strength_input = node.inputs[7] normal_strength = normal_strength_input.default_value if normal_strength != 1.0: add_normal_strength(self, c, defs, normal_strength) # Emission emission_input = node.inputs[8] emission_strength_input = node.inputs[9] emission_strength = emission_strength_input.default_value if emission_strength != 1.0: # Just multiply base color for now if parse.const_color == None: make_albedo_const([1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], c) col = parse.const_color['vec4'] col[0] *= emission_strength col[1] *= emission_strength col[2] *= emission_strength parse.const_color['vec4'] = [col[0], col[1], col[2], col[3]] # Height Map height_input = node.inputs[10] parse_height_socket(self, height_input, material, c, defs, tree, node, factor) # Height Strength if height_input.is_linked: height_strength_input = node.inputs[11] add_height_strength(self, c, height_strength_input.default_value) # Opacity opacity_input = node.inputs[12] opacity = opacity_input.default_value opacity_strength_input = node.inputs[13] opacity_strength = opacity_strength_input.default_value opacity_val = opacity * opacity_strength if opacity_val != 1.0: if parse.const_color == None: make_albedo_const([1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], c) col = parse.const_color['vec4'] # sum = (col[0] + col[1] + col[2]) / 3 # mincol = min(col[:3]) # parse.const_color['vec4'] = [col[0] - mincol, col[1] - mincol, col[2] - mincol, 1.0 - (sum * 0.7)] parse.const_color['vec4'] = [col[0], col[1], col[2], opacity_val] # Append translucent defs.append('_Translucent')