import bpy import json import os import glob import lib.umsgpack import platform import zipfile def write_arm(filepath, output): if filepath.endswith('.zip'): with zipfile.ZipFile(filepath, 'w', zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) as zip_file: if['Arm'].arm_minimize: zip_file.writestr('data.arm', lib.umsgpack.dumps(output)) else: zip_file.writestr('data.arm', json.dumps(output, sort_keys=True, indent=4)) else: if['Arm'].arm_minimize: with open(filepath, 'wb') as f: f.write(lib.umsgpack.dumps(output)) else: with open(filepath, 'w') as f: f.write(json.dumps(output, sort_keys=True, indent=4)) def get_fp(): s = s.pop() return os.path.sep.join(s) def get_os(): s = platform.system() if s == 'Windows': return 'win' elif s == 'Darwin': return 'mac' else: return 'linux' def get_sdk_path(): user_preferences = bpy.context.user_preferences addon_prefs = user_preferences.addons['armory'].preferences if with_chromium() and addon_prefs.sdk_bundled: if get_os() == 'mac': return bpy.path.abspath(os.__file__[:-5] + '../../../armory_sdk/') else: return bpy.path.abspath(os.__file__[:-5] + '../../armory_sdk/') else: return addon_prefs.sdk_path def get_ffmpeg_path(): user_preferences = bpy.context.user_preferences addon_prefs = user_preferences.addons['armory'].preferences return addon_prefs.ffmpeg_path def fetch_script_names(): sdk_path = get_sdk_path() wrd =['Arm'] wrd.bundled_scripts_list.clear() os.chdir(sdk_path + '/armory/Sources/armory/trait') for file in glob.glob('*.hx'): wrd.bundled_scripts_list.add().name = file.rsplit('.')[0] wrd.scripts_list.clear() sources_path = get_fp() + '/Sources/' + wrd.arm_project_package if os.path.isdir(sources_path): os.chdir(sources_path) for file in glob.glob('*.hx'): wrd.scripts_list.add().name = file.rsplit('.')[0] os.chdir(get_fp()) def to_hex(val): return '#%02x%02x%02x%02x' % (int(val[3] * 255), int(val[0] * 255), int(val[1] * 255), int(val[2] * 255)) def color_to_int(val): return (int(val[3] * 255) << 24) + (int(val[0] * 255) << 16) + (int(val[1] * 255) << 8) + int(val[2] * 255) def safe_filename(s): # s = s.replace('.', '_').replace('-', '_').replace(' ', '_') # if s[0].isdigit(): # Prefix _ if first char is digit # s = '_' + s return s def safe_assetpath(s): return s[2:] # Remove leading '//' def extract_filename(s): return s.rsplit('/', 1)[1] def get_render_resolution(scene_index=0): render =[scene_index].render scale = render.resolution_percentage / 100 return int(render.resolution_x * scale), int(render.resolution_y * scale) def get_project_scene_name(): wrd =['Arm'] if wrd.arm_play_active_scene: return safe_filename( else: return safe_filename(wrd.arm_project_scene) chromium_found = False def with_chromium(): global chromium_found return chromium_found def register(): global chromium_found import importlib.util if importlib.util.find_spec('barmory') != None: chromium_found = True def unregister(): pass