package armory.trait.physics.bullet; #if arm_bullet import iron.math.Vec4; import iron.math.Quat; import iron.object.Transform; import iron.object.MeshObject; import; /** * RigidBody is used to allow objects to interact with Physics in your game including collisions and gravity. * RigidBody can also be used with the getContacts method to detect collisions and run appropriate code. * The Bullet physics engine is used for these calculations. */ @:access(armory.trait.physics.bullet.PhysicsWorld) class RigidBody extends iron.Trait { var shape:Shape; public var physics:PhysicsWorld; public var transform:Transform = null; public var mass:Float; public var friction:Float; public var restitution:Float; public var collisionMargin:Float; public var linearDamping:Float; public var angularDamping:Float; public var animated:Bool; public var staticObj:Bool; public var destroyed = false; var linearFactors:Array; var angularFactors:Array; var deactivationParams:Array; var ccd = false; // Continuous collision detection public var group = 1; public var mask = 1; var trigger = false; var bodyScaleX:Float; // Transform scale at creation time var bodyScaleY:Float; var bodyScaleZ:Float; var currentScaleX:Float; var currentScaleY:Float; var currentScaleZ:Float; public var body:bullet.Bt.RigidBody = null; public var motionState:bullet.Bt.MotionState; public var btshape:bullet.Bt.CollisionShape; public var ready = false; static var nextId = 0; public var id = 0; public var onReady:Void->Void = null; public var onContact:ArrayVoid> = null; public var = null; #if js static var ammoArray:Int = -1; #end static var nullvec = true; static var vec1:bullet.Bt.Vector3; static var vec2:bullet.Bt.Vector3; static var vec3:bullet.Bt.Vector3; static var quat1:bullet.Bt.Quaternion; static var trans1:bullet.Bt.Transform; static var trans2:bullet.Bt.Transform; static var quat = new Quat(); static var CF_STATIC_OBJECT= 1; static var CF_KINEMATIC_OBJECT= 2; static var CF_NO_CONTACT_RESPONSE = 4; static var CF_CHARACTER_OBJECT = 16; static var convexHullCache = new Map(); static var triangleMeshCache = new Map(); static var usersCache = new Map(); public function new(shape = Shape.Box, mass = 1.0, friction = 0.5, restitution = 0.0, group = 1, mask=1, params:Array = null, flags:Array = null) { super(); if (nullvec) { nullvec = false; vec1 = new bullet.Bt.Vector3(0, 0, 0); vec2 = new bullet.Bt.Vector3(0, 0, 0); vec3 = new bullet.Bt.Vector3(0, 0, 0); quat1 = new bullet.Bt.Quaternion(0, 0, 0, 0); trans1 = new bullet.Bt.Transform(); trans2 = new bullet.Bt.Transform(); } this.shape = shape; this.mass = mass; this.friction = friction; this.restitution = restitution; = group; this.mask = mask; if (params == null) params = [0.04, 0.1, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]; if (flags == null) flags = [false, false, false]; this.linearDamping = params[0]; this.angularDamping = params[1]; this.linearFactors = [params[2], params[3], params[4]]; this.angularFactors = [params[5], params[6], params[7]]; this.collisionMargin = params[8]; this.deactivationParams = [params[9], params[10], params[11]]; this.animated = flags[0]; this.trigger = flags[1]; this.ccd = flags[2]; this.staticObj = flags[3]; notifyOnAdd(init); } inline function withMargin(f:Float) { return f - f * collisionMargin; } public function notifyOnReady(f:Void->Void) { onReady = f; if (ready) onReady(); } public function init() { if (ready) return; ready = true; if (!, MeshObject)) return; // No mesh data transform = object.transform; physics =; if (shape == Shape.Box) { vec1.setX(withMargin(transform.dim.x / 2)); vec1.setY(withMargin(transform.dim.y / 2)); vec1.setZ(withMargin(transform.dim.z / 2)); btshape = new bullet.Bt.BoxShape(vec1); } else if (shape == Shape.Sphere) { btshape = new bullet.Bt.SphereShape(withMargin(transform.dim.x / 2)); } else if (shape == Shape.ConvexHull) { var shapeConvex = fillConvexHull(transform.scale, collisionMargin); btshape = shapeConvex; } else if (shape == Shape.Cone) { var coneZ = new bullet.Bt.ConeShapeZ( withMargin(transform.dim.x / 2), // Radius withMargin(transform.dim.z)); // Height var cone:bullet.Bt.ConeShape = coneZ; btshape = cone; } else if (shape == Shape.Cylinder) { vec1.setX(withMargin(transform.dim.x / 2)); vec1.setY(withMargin(transform.dim.y / 2)); vec1.setZ(withMargin(transform.dim.z / 2)); var cylZ = new bullet.Bt.CylinderShapeZ(vec1); var cyl:bullet.Bt.CylinderShape = cylZ; btshape = cyl; } else if (shape == Shape.Capsule) { var r = transform.dim.x / 2; var capsZ = new bullet.Bt.CapsuleShapeZ( withMargin(r), // Radius withMargin(transform.dim.z - r * 2)); // Height between 2 sphere centers var caps:bullet.Bt.CapsuleShape = capsZ; btshape = caps; } else if (shape == Shape.Mesh) { var meshInterface = fillTriangleMesh(transform.scale); if (mass > 0) { var shapeGImpact = new bullet.Bt.GImpactMeshShape(meshInterface); shapeGImpact.updateBound(); var shapeConcave:bullet.Bt.ConcaveShape = shapeGImpact; btshape = shapeConcave; if (!physics.gimpactRegistered) { #if js new bullet.Bt.GImpactCollisionAlgorithm().registerAlgorithm(physics.dispatcher); #else shapeGImpact.registerAlgorithm(physics.dispatcher); #end physics.gimpactRegistered = true; } } else { var shapeBvh = new bullet.Bt.BvhTriangleMeshShape(meshInterface, true, true); var shapeTri:bullet.Bt.TriangleMeshShape = shapeBvh; var shapeConcave:bullet.Bt.ConcaveShape = shapeTri; btshape = shapeConcave; } } else if (shape == Shape.Terrain) { #if js var length = heightData.length; if (ammoArray == -1) { ammoArray = bullet.Bt.Ammo._malloc(length); } // From texture bytes for (i in 0...length) { bullet.Bt.Ammo.HEAPU8[ammoArray + i] = heightData.get(i); } var slice =; // Assuming square terrain data var axis = 2; // z var dataType = 5; // u8 btshape = new bullet.Bt.HeightfieldTerrainShape(slice, slice, ammoArray, 1 / 255, 0, 1, axis, dataType, false); vec1.setX(transform.dim.x / slice); vec1.setY(transform.dim.y / slice); vec1.setZ(transform.dim.z); btshape.setLocalScaling(vec1); #end } trans1.setIdentity(); vec1.setX(transform.worldx()); vec1.setY(transform.worldy()); vec1.setZ(transform.worldz()); trans1.setOrigin(vec1); quat.fromMat(; quat1.setValue(quat.x, quat.y, quat.z, quat.w); trans1.setRotation(quat1); var centerOfMassOffset = trans2; centerOfMassOffset.setIdentity(); motionState = new bullet.Bt.DefaultMotionState(trans1, centerOfMassOffset); vec1.setX(0); vec1.setY(0); vec1.setZ(0); var inertia = vec1; if(staticObj || animated) mass = 0; if (mass > 0) btshape.calculateLocalInertia(mass, inertia); var bodyCI = new bullet.Bt.RigidBodyConstructionInfo(mass, motionState, btshape, inertia); body = new bullet.Bt.RigidBody(bodyCI); var bodyColl:bullet.Bt.CollisionObject = body; bodyColl.setFriction(friction); // body.setRollingFriction(friction); // This causes bodies to get stuck, apply angular damping instead if (shape == Shape.Sphere || shape == Shape.Cylinder || shape == Shape.Cone || shape == Shape.Capsule) { angularDamping += friction; } bodyColl.setRestitution(restitution); if (deactivationParams != null) { setDeactivationParams(deactivationParams[0], deactivationParams[1], deactivationParams[2]); } else { setActivationState(ActivationState.NoDeactivation); } if (linearDamping != 0.04 || angularDamping != 0.1) { body.setDamping(linearDamping, angularDamping); } if (linearFactors != null) { setLinearFactor(linearFactors[0], linearFactors[1], linearFactors[2]); } if (angularFactors != null) { setAngularFactor(angularFactors[0], angularFactors[1], angularFactors[2]); } if (trigger) bodyColl.setCollisionFlags(bodyColl.getCollisionFlags() | CF_NO_CONTACT_RESPONSE); if (animated){ bodyColl.setCollisionFlags(bodyColl.getCollisionFlags() | CF_KINEMATIC_OBJECT); bodyColl.setCollisionFlags(bodyColl.getCollisionFlags() & ~CF_STATIC_OBJECT); } if (staticObj && !animated) bodyColl.setCollisionFlags(bodyColl.getCollisionFlags() | CF_STATIC_OBJECT); if (ccd) setCcd(transform.radius); bodyScaleX = currentScaleX = transform.scale.x; bodyScaleY = currentScaleY = transform.scale.y; bodyScaleZ = currentScaleZ = transform.scale.z; id = nextId; nextId++; #if js //body.setUserIndex(nextId); untyped body.userIndex = id; #else bodyColl.setUserIndex(id); #end physics.addRigidBody(this); notifyOnRemove(removeFromWorld); if (onReady != null) onReady(); #if js bullet.Bt.Ammo.destroy(bodyCI); #else bodyCI.delete(); #end } function physicsUpdate() { if (!ready) return; if (animated) { syncTransform(); } else { var bodyColl:bullet.Bt.CollisionObject = body; var trans = bodyColl.getWorldTransform(); var p = trans.getOrigin(); var q = trans.getRotation(); var qw:bullet.Bt.QuadWord = q; transform.loc.set(p.x(), p.y(), p.z()); transform.rot.set(qw.x(), qw.y(), qw.z(), qw.w()); if (object.parent != null) { var ptransform = object.parent.transform; transform.loc.x -= ptransform.worldx(); transform.loc.y -= ptransform.worldy(); transform.loc.z -= ptransform.worldz(); } transform.buildMatrix(); } if (onContact != null) { var rbs = physics.getContacts(this); if (rbs != null) for (rb in rbs) for (f in onContact) f(rb); } } public function removeFromWorld() { if (physics != null) physics.removeRigidBody(this); } public function activate() { var bodyColl:bullet.Bt.CollisionObject = body; bodyColl.activate(false); } public function disableGravity() { vec1.setValue(0, 0, 0); body.setGravity(vec1); } public function enableGravity() { body.setGravity(; } public function setGravity(v:Vec4) { vec1.setValue(v.x, v.y, v.z); body.setGravity(vec1); } public function setActivationState(newState:Int) { var bodyColl:bullet.Bt.CollisionObject = body; bodyColl.setActivationState(newState); } public function setDeactivationParams(linearThreshold:Float, angularThreshold:Float, time:Float) { body.setSleepingThresholds(linearThreshold, angularThreshold); // body.setDeactivationTime(time); // not available in ammo } public function applyForce(force:Vec4, loc:Vec4 = null) { activate(); vec1.setValue(force.x, force.y, force.z); if (loc == null) { body.applyCentralForce(vec1); } else { vec2.setValue(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z); body.applyForce(vec1, vec2); } } public function applyImpulse(impulse:Vec4, loc:Vec4 = null) { activate(); vec1.setValue(impulse.x, impulse.y, impulse.z); if (loc == null) { body.applyCentralImpulse(vec1); } else { vec2.setValue(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z); body.applyImpulse(vec1, vec2); } } public function applyTorque(torque:Vec4) { activate(); vec1.setValue(torque.x, torque.y, torque.z); body.applyTorque(vec1); } public function applyTorqueImpulse(torque:Vec4) { activate(); vec1.setValue(torque.x, torque.y, torque.z); body.applyTorqueImpulse(vec1); } public function setLinearFactor(x:Float, y:Float, z:Float) { vec1.setValue(x, y, z); body.setLinearFactor(vec1); } public function setAngularFactor(x:Float, y:Float, z:Float) { vec1.setValue(x, y, z); body.setAngularFactor(vec1); } public function getLinearVelocity():Vec4 { var v = body.getLinearVelocity(); return new Vec4(v.x(), v.y(), v.z()); } public function setLinearVelocity(x:Float, y:Float, z:Float) { vec1.setValue(x, y, z); body.setLinearVelocity(vec1); } public function getAngularVelocity():Vec4 { var v = body.getAngularVelocity(); return new Vec4(v.x(), v.y(), v.z()); } public function setAngularVelocity(x:Float, y:Float, z:Float) { vec1.setValue(x, y, z); body.setAngularVelocity(vec1); } public function setFriction(f:Float) { var bodyColl:bullet.Bt.CollisionObject = body; bodyColl.setFriction(f); // bodyColl.setRollingFriction(f); this.friction = f; } public function notifyOnContact(f:RigidBody->Void) { if (onContact == null) onContact = []; onContact.push(f); } public function removeContact(f:RigidBody->Void) { onContact.remove(f); } function setScale(v:Vec4) { currentScaleX = v.x; currentScaleY = v.y; currentScaleZ = v.z; vec1.setX(v.x / bodyScaleX); vec1.setY(v.y / bodyScaleY); vec1.setZ(v.z / bodyScaleZ); btshape.setLocalScaling(vec1); var worldDyn:bullet.Bt.DynamicsWorld =; var worldCol:bullet.Bt.CollisionWorld = worldDyn; worldCol.updateSingleAabb(body); } public function syncTransform() { var t = transform; t.buildMatrix(); vec1.setValue(t.worldx(), t.worldy(), t.worldz()); trans1.setOrigin(vec1); quat.fromMat(; quat1.setValue(quat.x, quat.y, quat.z, quat.w); trans1.setRotation(quat1); if(animated) body.getMotionState().setWorldTransform(trans1); else body.setCenterOfMassTransform(trans1); if (currentScaleX != t.scale.x || currentScaleY != t.scale.y || currentScaleZ != t.scale.z) setScale(t.scale); activate(); } // Continuous collision detection public function setCcd(sphereRadius:Float, motionThreshold = 1e-7) { var bodyColl:bullet.Bt.CollisionObject = body; bodyColl.setCcdSweptSphereRadius(sphereRadius); bodyColl.setCcdMotionThreshold(motionThreshold); } function fillConvexHull(scale:Vec4, margin:kha.FastFloat):bullet.Bt.ConvexHullShape { // Check whether shape already exists var data = cast(object, MeshObject).data; var shape = convexHullCache.get(data); if (shape != null) { usersCache.set(data, usersCache.get(data) + 1); return shape; } shape = new bullet.Bt.ConvexHullShape(); convexHullCache.set(data, shape); usersCache.set(data, 1); var positions = data.geom.positions; var sx:kha.FastFloat = scale.x * (1.0 - margin) * (1 / 32767); var sy:kha.FastFloat = scale.y * (1.0 - margin) * (1 / 32767); var sz:kha.FastFloat = scale.z * (1.0 - margin) * (1 / 32767); if (data.raw.scale_pos != null) { sx *= data.raw.scale_pos; sy *= data.raw.scale_pos; sz *= data.raw.scale_pos; } for (i in / 4)) { vec1.setX(positions[i * 4 ] * sx); vec1.setY(positions[i * 4 + 1] * sy); vec1.setZ(positions[i * 4 + 2] * sz); shape.addPoint(vec1, true); } return shape; } function fillTriangleMesh(scale:Vec4):bullet.Bt.TriangleMesh { // Check whether shape already exists var data = cast(object, MeshObject).data; var triangleMesh = triangleMeshCache.get(data); if (triangleMesh != null) { usersCache.set(data, usersCache.get(data) + 1); return triangleMesh; } triangleMesh = new bullet.Bt.TriangleMesh(true, true); triangleMeshCache.set(data, triangleMesh); usersCache.set(data, 1); var positions = data.geom.positions; var indices = data.geom.indices; var sx:kha.FastFloat = scale.x * (1 / 32767); var sy:kha.FastFloat = scale.y * (1 / 32767); var sz:kha.FastFloat = scale.z * (1 / 32767); if (data.raw.scale_pos != null) { sx *= data.raw.scale_pos; sy *= data.raw.scale_pos; sz *= data.raw.scale_pos; } for (ar in indices) { for (i in / 3)) { vec1.setX(positions[ar[i * 3 ] * 4 ] * sx); vec1.setY(positions[ar[i * 3 ] * 4 + 1] * sy); vec1.setZ(positions[ar[i * 3 ] * 4 + 2] * sz); vec2.setX(positions[ar[i * 3 + 1] * 4 ] * sx); vec2.setY(positions[ar[i * 3 + 1] * 4 + 1] * sy); vec2.setZ(positions[ar[i * 3 + 1] * 4 + 2] * sz); vec3.setX(positions[ar[i * 3 + 2] * 4 ] * sx); vec3.setY(positions[ar[i * 3 + 2] * 4 + 1] * sy); vec3.setZ(positions[ar[i * 3 + 2] * 4 + 2] * sz); triangleMesh.addTriangle(vec1, vec2, vec3); } } return triangleMesh; } public function delete() { #if js bullet.Bt.Ammo.destroy(motionState); bullet.Bt.Ammo.destroy(body); #else motionState.delete(); body.delete(); #end // Delete shape if no other user is found if (shape == Shape.ConvexHull || shape == Shape.Mesh) { var data = cast(object, MeshObject).data; var i = usersCache.get(data) - 1; usersCache.set(data, i); if (i <= 0) { deleteShape(); shape == Shape.ConvexHull ? convexHullCache.remove(data) : triangleMeshCache.remove(data); } } else deleteShape(); } inline function deleteShape() { #if js bullet.Bt.Ammo.destroy(btshape); #else btshape.delete(); #end } } @:enum abstract Shape(Int) from Int to Int { var Box = 0; var Sphere = 1; var ConvexHull = 2; var Mesh = 3; var Cone = 4; var Cylinder = 5; var Capsule = 6; var Terrain = 7; } @:enum abstract ActivationState(Int) from Int to Int { var Active = 1; var NoDeactivation = 4; var NoSimulation = 5; } #end