# Convert Python logic node definition to Haxe import json import glob def socket_type(s): if s == 'ArmNodeSocketAction': return 'ACTION' elif s == 'ArmNodeSocketObject': return 'OBJECT' elif s == 'ArmNodeSocketAnimAction': return 'ANIMACTION' elif s == 'NodeSocketShader': return 'SHADER' elif s == 'NodeSocketInt': return 'INTEGER' elif s == 'NodeSocketFloat': return 'VALUE' elif s == 'NodeSocketString': return 'STRING' elif s == 'NodeSocketBool': return 'BOOL' elif s == 'NodeSocketVector': return 'VECTOR' elif s == 'NodeSocketColor': return 'RGBA' else: return s path = '/Users/lubos/Documents/GitHub/blender-build/build/bin/Release/blender.app/armsdk/armory/blender/arm/logicnode' modules = glob.glob(path + "/*.py") out = {} out['categories'] = [] for m in modules: if m == '__init__.py': continue if m == 'arm_nodes.py': continue with open(m) as f: n = {} n['inputs'] = [] n['outputs'] = [] n['buttons'] = [] but = None lines = f.read().splitlines() for l in lines: l = l.strip() # if l.startswith('property'): if 'EnumProperty' in l: # TODO: enum only for now but = {} but['name'] = 'property' + l[8] but['type'] = 'ENUM' but['default_value'] = 0 but['data'] = [] n['buttons'].append(but) continue elif but != None: if l.endswith(')'): but = None continue ar = l.split("'") but['data'].append(ar[1]) if l.startswith('bl_idname'): ar = l.split("'") n['type'] = ar[1][2:] if l.startswith('bl_label'): ar = l.split("'") n['name'] = ar[1] if l.startswith('self.inputs.new('): ar = l.split("'") soc = {} soc['type'] = socket_type(ar[1]) soc['name'] = ar[3] n['inputs'].append(soc) if l.startswith('self.outputs.new('): ar = l.split("'") soc = {} soc['type'] = socket_type(ar[1]) soc['name'] = ar[3] n['outputs'].append(soc) if l.startswith('add_node('): ar = l.split("'") cat = None for c in out['categories']: if c['name'] == ar[1]: cat = c break if cat == None: cat = {} cat['name'] = ar[1] cat['nodes'] = [] out['categories'].append(cat) cat['nodes'].append(n) print(json.dumps(out))