import bpy from bpy.props import * from bpy.types import NodeSocket import arm.utils if "DO_RELOAD_MODULE" in locals(): arm.utils = arm.reload_module(arm.utils) else: DO_RELOAD_MODULE = True def _on_update_socket(self, context): self.node.on_socket_val_update(context, self) class ArmCustomSocket(NodeSocket): """ A custom socket that can be used to define more socket types for logic node packs. Do not use this type directly (it is not registered)! """ bl_idname = 'ArmCustomSocket' bl_label = 'Custom Socket' # note: trying to use the `type` property will fail. All custom nodes will have "VALUE" as a type, because it is the default. arm_socket_type = 'NONE' # please also declare a property named "default_value_raw" of arm_socket_type isn't "NONE" def get_default_value(self): """Override this for values of unconnected input sockets.""" return None class ArmActionSocket(ArmCustomSocket): bl_idname = 'ArmNodeSocketAction' bl_label = 'Action Socket' arm_socket_type = 'NONE' def draw(self, context, layout, node, text): layout.label( def draw_color(self, context, node): return 0.8, 0.3, 0.3, 1 class ArmAnimActionSocket(ArmCustomSocket): bl_idname = 'ArmNodeSocketAnimAction' bl_label = 'Action Socket' arm_socket_type = 'STRING' default_value_get: PointerProperty(name='Action', type=bpy.types.Action) # legacy version of the line after this one default_value_raw: PointerProperty(name='Action', type=bpy.types.Action, update=_on_update_socket) def __init__(self): super().__init__() if self.default_value_get is not None: self.default_value_raw = self.default_value_get self.default_value_get = None def get_default_value(self): if self.default_value_raw is None: return '' if not in return name = arm.utils.asset_name([]) return arm.utils.safestr(name) def draw(self, context, layout, node, text): if self.is_output: layout.label( elif self.is_linked: layout.label( else: layout.prop_search(self, 'default_value_raw',, 'actions', icon='NONE', text='') def draw_color(self, context, node): return 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 1 class ArmArraySocket(ArmCustomSocket): bl_idname = 'ArmNodeSocketArray' bl_label = 'Array Socket' arm_socket_type = 'NONE' def draw(self, context, layout, node, text): layout.label( def draw_color(self, context, node): return 0.8, 0.4, 0.0, 1 class ArmBoolSocket(ArmCustomSocket): bl_idname = 'ArmBoolSocket' bl_label = 'Boolean Socket' arm_socket_type = 'BOOLEAN' default_value_raw: BoolProperty( name='Value', description='Input value used for unconnected socket', update=_on_update_socket ) def draw(self, context, layout, node, text): draw_socket_layout(self, layout) def draw_color(self, context, node): return 0.8, 0.651, 0.839, 1 def get_default_value(self): return self.default_value_raw class ArmColorSocket(ArmCustomSocket): bl_idname = 'ArmColorSocket' bl_label = 'Color Socket' arm_socket_type = 'RGBA' default_value_raw: FloatVectorProperty( name='Value', size=4, subtype='COLOR', min=0.0, max=1.0, description='Input value used for unconnected socket', update=_on_update_socket ) def draw(self, context, layout, node, text): draw_socket_layout(self, layout) def draw_color(self, context, node): return 0.78, 0.78, 0.161, 1 def get_default_value(self): return self.default_value_raw class ArmDynamicSocket(ArmCustomSocket): bl_idname = 'ArmDynamicSocket' bl_label = 'Dynamic Socket' arm_socket_type = 'NONE' def draw(self, context, layout, node, text): layout.label( def draw_color(self, context, node): return 0.388, 0.78, 0.388, 1 class ArmFloatSocket(ArmCustomSocket): bl_idname = 'ArmFloatSocket' bl_label = 'Float Socket' arm_socket_type = 'VALUE' default_value_raw: FloatProperty( name='Value', description='Input value used for unconnected socket', precision=3, update=_on_update_socket ) def draw(self, context, layout, node, text): draw_socket_layout(self, layout) def draw_color(self, context, node): return 0.631, 0.631, 0.631, 1 def get_default_value(self): return self.default_value_raw class ArmIntSocket(ArmCustomSocket): bl_idname = 'ArmIntSocket' bl_label = 'Integer Socket' arm_socket_type = 'INT' default_value_raw: IntProperty( name='Value', description='Input value used for unconnected socket', update=_on_update_socket ) def draw(self, context, layout, node, text): draw_socket_layout(self, layout) def draw_color(self, context, node): return 0.059, 0.522, 0.149, 1 def get_default_value(self): return self.default_value_raw class ArmObjectSocket(ArmCustomSocket): bl_idname = 'ArmNodeSocketObject' bl_label = 'Object Socket' arm_socket_type = 'OBJECT' default_value_get: PointerProperty(name='Object', type=bpy.types.Object) # legacy version of the line after this one default_value_raw: PointerProperty(name='Object', type=bpy.types.Object, update=_on_update_socket) def __init__(self): super().__init__() if self.default_value_get is not None: self.default_value_raw = self.default_value_get self.default_value_get = None def get_default_value(self): if self.default_value_raw is None: return '' if not in return return arm.utils.asset_name([]) def draw(self, context, layout, node, text): if self.is_output: layout.label( elif self.is_linked: layout.label( else: row = layout.row(align=True) row.prop_search(self, 'default_value_raw', context.scene, 'objects', icon='NONE', def draw_color(self, context, node): return 0.15, 0.55, 0.75, 1 class ArmStringSocket(ArmCustomSocket): bl_idname = 'ArmStringSocket' bl_label = 'String Socket' arm_socket_type = 'STRING' default_value_raw: StringProperty( name='Value', description='Input value used for unconnected socket', update=_on_update_socket ) def draw(self, context, layout, node, text): draw_socket_layout_split(self, layout) def draw_color(self, context, node): return 0.439, 0.698, 1, 1 def get_default_value(self): return self.default_value_raw class ArmVectorSocket(ArmCustomSocket): bl_idname = 'ArmVectorSocket' bl_label = 'Vector Socket' arm_socket_type = 'VECTOR' default_value_raw: FloatVectorProperty( name='Value', size=3, description='Input value used for unconnected socket', update=_on_update_socket ) def draw(self, context, layout, node, text): if not self.is_output and not self.is_linked: col = layout.column(align=True) col.prop(self, 'default_value_raw', text='') else: layout.label( def draw_color(self, context, node): return 0.388, 0.388, 0.78, 1 def get_default_value(self): return self.default_value_raw def draw_socket_layout(socket: bpy.types.NodeSocket, layout: bpy.types.UILayout, prop_name='default_value_raw'): if not socket.is_output and not socket.is_linked: layout.prop(socket, prop_name, else: layout.label( def draw_socket_layout_split(socket: bpy.types.NodeSocket, layout: bpy.types.UILayout, prop_name='default_value_raw'): if not socket.is_output and not socket.is_linked: # Blender layouts use 0.4 splits layout = layout.split(factor=0.4, align=True) layout.label( if not socket.is_output and not socket.is_linked: layout.prop(socket, prop_name, text='') REG_CLASSES = ( ArmActionSocket, ArmAnimActionSocket, ArmArraySocket, ArmBoolSocket, ArmColorSocket, ArmDynamicSocket, ArmFloatSocket, ArmIntSocket, ArmObjectSocket, ArmStringSocket, ArmVectorSocket, ) register, unregister = bpy.utils.register_classes_factory(REG_CLASSES)