import bpy import json import os import glob import platform import zipfile import re import arm.lib.armpack import arm.make_state as state import arm.make_utils as make_utils def write_arm(filepath, output): if filepath.endswith('.zip'): with zipfile.ZipFile(filepath, 'w', zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) as zip_file: if['Arm'].arm_minimize: zip_file.writestr('data.arm', arm.lib.armpack.packb(output)) else: zip_file.writestr('data.arm', json.dumps(output, sort_keys=True, indent=4)) else: if['Arm'].arm_minimize: with open(filepath, 'wb') as f: f.write(arm.lib.armpack.packb(output)) else: with open(filepath, 'w') as f: f.write(json.dumps(output, sort_keys=True, indent=4)) def write_image(image, path, file_format='JPEG'): # Convert image to compatible format print('Armory Info: Writing ' + path) ren = bpy.context.scene.render orig_quality = ren.image_settings.quality orig_file_format = ren.image_settings.file_format ren.image_settings.quality = 90 ren.image_settings.file_format = file_format image.save_render(path, bpy.context.scene) ren.image_settings.quality = orig_quality ren.image_settings.file_format = orig_file_format def blend_name(): return bpy.path.basename(bpy.context.blend_data.filepath).rsplit('.')[0] def build_dir(): return 'build_' + safestr(blend_name()) def get_fp(): wrd =['Arm'] if wrd.arm_project_root != '': return bpy.path.abspath(wrd.arm_project_root) else: s = s.pop() return os.path.sep.join(s) def get_fp_build(): return get_fp() + '/' + build_dir() def get_os(): s = platform.system() if s == 'Windows': return 'win' elif s == 'Darwin': return 'mac' else: return 'linux' def get_gapi(): wrd =['Arm'] if state.is_export: item = wrd.arm_exporterlist[wrd.arm_exporterlist_index] return getattr(item, make_utils.target_to_gapi(item.arm_project_target)) else: if wrd.arm_play_runtime == 'Browser': return 'webgl' else: return 'opengl' def get_rp(): wrd =['Arm'] return wrd.arm_rplist[wrd.arm_rplist_index] def get_sdk_path(): user_preferences = bpy.context.user_preferences addon_prefs = user_preferences.addons['armory'].preferences if with_krom() and addon_prefs.sdk_bundled: if get_os() == 'mac': # SDK on MacOS is located in .app folder due to security p = if p.endswith('Contents/MacOS/blender'): return p[:-len('Contents/MacOS/blender')] + '/armsdk/' else: return p[:-len('Contents/MacOS/./blender')] + '/armsdk/' elif get_os() == 'linux': # /blender return'/', 1)[0] + '/armsdk/' else: # /blender.exe return'\\', '/').rsplit('/', 1)[0] + '/armsdk/' else: return addon_prefs.sdk_path def get_ffmpeg_path(): user_preferences = bpy.context.user_preferences addon_prefs = user_preferences.addons['armory'].preferences return addon_prefs.ffmpeg_path def get_ease_viewport_camera(): return True def get_save_on_build(): user_preferences = bpy.context.user_preferences addon_prefs = user_preferences.addons['armory'].preferences return True if not hasattr(addon_prefs, 'save_on_build') else addon_prefs.save_on_build def get_viewport_controls(): user_preferences = bpy.context.user_preferences addon_prefs = user_preferences.addons['armory'].preferences return 'qwerty' if not hasattr(addon_prefs, 'viewport_controls') else addon_prefs.viewport_controls def get_node_path(): if get_os() == 'win': return get_sdk_path() + '/nodejs/node.exe' elif get_os() == 'mac': return get_sdk_path() + '/nodejs/node-osx' else: return get_sdk_path() + '/nodejs/node-linux64' def get_kha_path(): if os.path.exists('Kha'): return 'Kha' if get_os() == 'win': return get_sdk_path() + '/win32/Kha' # Using symlink on Windows elif get_os() == 'mac': return get_sdk_path() + '/Kode' else: return get_sdk_path() + '/linux64/resources/app/extensions/kha/Kha' def get_haxe_path(): if get_os() == 'win': return get_kha_path() + '/Tools/haxe/haxe.exe' elif get_os() == 'mac': return get_kha_path() + '/Tools/haxe/haxe-osx' else: return get_kha_path() + '/Tools/haxe/haxe-linux64' def get_khamake_path(): return get_kha_path() + '/make' def krom_paths(): sdk_path = get_sdk_path() if arm.utils.get_os() == 'win': krom_location = sdk_path + '/win32/Krom/win32' # Using symlink on Windows krom_path = krom_location + '/Krom.exe' elif arm.utils.get_os() == 'mac': krom_location = sdk_path + '/Kode' krom_path = krom_location + '/Krom' else: krom_location = sdk_path + '/linux64/resources/app/extensions/krom/Krom/linux' krom_path = krom_location + '/Krom' return krom_location, krom_path def fetch_bundled_script_names(): wrd =['Arm'] wrd.arm_bundled_scripts_list.clear() os.chdir(get_sdk_path() + '/armory/Sources/armory/trait') for file in glob.glob('*.hx'): wrd.arm_bundled_scripts_list.add().name = file.rsplit('.')[0] script_props = {} script_props_defaults = {} def fetch_script_props(file): with open(file) as f: if '/' in file: file = file.split('/')[-1] if '\\' in file: file = file.split('\\')[-1] name = file.rsplit('.')[0] script_props[name] = [] script_props_defaults[name] = [] lines = read_prop = False for l in lines: if not read_prop: read_prop = '@prop' in l if read_prop and 'var ' in l: p = l.split('var ')[1] valid_prop = False # Has type if ':' in p: # Fetch default value if '=' in p: s = p.split('=') ps = s[0].split(':') prop = (ps[0].strip(), ps[1].split(';')[0].strip()) prop_value = s[1].split(';')[0].replace('\'', '').replace('"', '').strip() valid_prop = True else: ps = p.split(':') prop = (ps[0].strip(), ps[1].split(';')[0].strip()) prop_value = '' valid_prop = True # Fetch default value elif '=' in p: s = p.split('=') prop = (s[0].strip(), None) prop_value = s[1].split(';')[0].replace('\'', '').replace('"', '').strip() valid_prop = True # Register prop if valid_prop: script_props[name].append(prop) script_props_defaults[name].append(prop_value) read_prop = False def fetch_script_names(): if == "": return wrd =['Arm'] # Sources wrd.arm_scripts_list.clear() sources_path = get_fp() + '/Sources/' + safestr(wrd.arm_project_package) if os.path.isdir(sources_path): os.chdir(sources_path) for file in glob.glob('*.hx'): name = file.rsplit('.')[0] wrd.arm_scripts_list.add().name = name fetch_script_props(file) # Canvas wrd.arm_canvas_list.clear() canvas_path = get_fp() + '/Bundled/canvas' if os.path.isdir(canvas_path): os.chdir(canvas_path) for file in glob.glob('*.json'): wrd.arm_canvas_list.add().name = file.rsplit('.')[0] os.chdir(get_fp()) def fetch_trait_props(): for o in fetch_prop(o) for o in fetch_prop(o) def fetch_prop(o): for item in o.arm_traitlist: if not in script_props: continue props = script_props[] defaults = script_props_defaults[] # Remove old props for i in range(len(item.arm_traitpropslist) - 1, -1, -1): ip = item.arm_traitpropslist[i] # if not in props: if'(')[0] not in [p[0] for p in props]: item.arm_traitpropslist.remove(i) # Add new props for i in range(0, len(props)): p = props[i] found = False for ip in item.arm_traitpropslist: if')', '').split('(')[0] == p[0]: found = ip break # Not in list if not found: prop = item.arm_traitpropslist.add() = p[0] + ('(' + p[1] + ')' if p[1] else '') prop.value = defaults[i] if found: prop = item.arm_traitpropslist[] f =')', '').split('(') # Default value added and current value is blank (no override) if(not found.value and defaults[i]): prop.value = defaults[i] # Type has changed, update displayed name if(len(f) == 1 or (len(f) > 1 and f[1] != p[1])): = p[0] + ('(' + p[1] + ')' if p[1] else '') def to_hex(val): return '#%02x%02x%02x%02x' % (int(val[3] * 255), int(val[0] * 255), int(val[1] * 255), int(val[2] * 255)) def color_to_int(val): return (int(val[3] * 255) << 24) + (int(val[0] * 255) << 16) + (int(val[1] * 255) << 8) + int(val[2] * 255) def safesrc(s): s = safestr(s).replace('.', '_').replace('-', '_').replace(' ', '') if s[0].isdigit(): s = '_' + s return s def safestr(s): for c in r'[]/\;,><&*:%=+@!#^()|?^': s = s.replace(c, '_') return ''.join([i if ord(i) < 128 else '_' for i in s]) def asset_name(bdata): s = # Append library name if linked if bdata.library != None: s += '_' + return s def asset_path(s): return s[2:] if s[:2] == '//' else s # Remove leading '//' def extract_filename(s): return os.path.basename(asset_path(s)) def get_render_resolution(scene): render = scene.render scale = render.resolution_percentage / 100 return int(render.resolution_x * scale), int(render.resolution_y * scale) def get_project_scene_name(): return get_active_scene().name def get_active_scene(): if not state.is_export: return bpy.context.scene else: wrd =['Arm'] item = wrd.arm_exporterlist[wrd.arm_exporterlist_index] return[item.arm_project_scene] def logic_editor_space(): if hasattr(bpy.context, 'window') and bpy.context.window != None: areas = bpy.context.window.screen.areas for area in areas: if area.type == 'NODE_EDITOR': for space in area.spaces: if space.type == 'NODE_EDITOR': if space.node_tree != None and space.node_tree.bl_idname == 'ArmLogicTreeType': # and space.node_tree.is_updated: return space return None krom_found = False def with_krom(): global krom_found return krom_found glslver = 110 def glsl_version(): global glslver return glslver def check_saved(self): if == "":{"ERROR"}, "Save blend file first") return False return True def check_path(s): for c in r'[];><&*%=+@!#^()|?^': if c in s: return False for c in s: if ord(c) > 127: return False return True def check_sdkpath(self): s = get_sdk_path() if check_path(s) == False:{"ERROR"}, "SDK path '{0}' contains special characters. Please move SDK to different path for now.".format(s)) return False else: return True def check_projectpath(self): s = get_fp() if check_path(s) == False:{"WARNING"}, "Project path '{0}' contains special characters, build process may fail.".format(s)) return False else: return True def check_engine(self): if bpy.context == None or bpy.context.scene == None: return if >= (2, 80, 1): engine = bpy.context.scene.view_render.engine else: engine = bpy.context.scene.render.engine if engine != 'CYCLES' and engine != 'BLENDER_EEVEE':{"ERROR"}, "Switch to Cycles or Eevee engine first") return False return True def tess_enabled(target): rpdat = get_rp() return (target == 'krom' or target == 'native') and rpdat.arm_tessellation def is_object_animation_enabled(bobject): # Checks if animation is present and enabled if bobject.arm_animation_enabled == False or bobject.type == 'BONE' or bobject.type == 'ARMATURE': return False if bobject.animation_data and bobject.animation_data.action: return True return False def is_bone_animation_enabled(bobject): # Checks if animation is present and enabled for parented armature if bobject.parent and bobject.parent.type == 'ARMATURE': if bobject.parent.arm_animation_enabled == False: return False if bobject.parent.animation_data and bobject.parent.animation_data.action: return True return False def export_bone_data(bobject): return bobject.find_armature() and is_bone_animation_enabled(bobject) and['Arm'].arm_skin.startswith('GPU') def register(): global krom_found global glslver import importlib.util if importlib.util.find_spec('barmory') != None: krom_found = True import bgl glslver = int(bgl.glGetString(bgl.GL_SHADING_LANGUAGE_VERSION).split(' ', 1)[0].replace('.', '')) def unregister(): pass