# Armory Scene Exporter # http://armory3d.org/ # # Based on Open Game Engine Exchange # http://opengex.org/ # Export plugin for Blender by Eric Lengyel # Copyright 2015, Terathon Software LLC # # This software is licensed under the Creative Commons # Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License: # http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/deed.en_US import os import bpy import math from mathutils import * import time import subprocess import shutil import arm.utils import arm.write_probes as write_probes import arm.assets as assets import arm.log as log import arm.material.make as make_material import arm.material.mat_batch as mat_batch import arm.nodes as nodes import arm.make_renderer as make_renderer import arm.make_renderpath as make_renderpath NodeTypeNode = 0 NodeTypeBone = 1 NodeTypeMesh = 2 NodeTypeLamp = 3 NodeTypeCamera = 4 NodeTypeSpeaker = 5 NodeTypeDecal = 6 AnimationTypeSampled = 0 AnimationTypeLinear = 1 AnimationTypeBezier = 2 ExportEpsilon = 1.0e-6 structIdentifier = ["object", "bone_object", "mesh_object", "lamp_object", "camera_object", "speaker_object", "decal_object"] subtranslationName = ["xloc", "yloc", "zloc"] subrotationName = ["xrot", "yrot", "zrot"] subscaleName = ["xscl", "yscl", "zscl"] deltaSubtranslationName = ["dxloc", "dyloc", "dzloc"] deltaSubrotationName = ["dxrot", "dyrot", "dzrot"] deltaSubscaleName = ["dxscl", "dyscl", "dzscl"] axisName = ["x", "y", "z"] class Vertex: __slots__ = ("co", "normal", "uvs", "col", "loop_indices", "index", "bone_weights", "bone_indices", "bone_count", "vertex_index") def __init__(self, mesh, loop): self.vertex_index = loop.vertex_index i = loop.index self.co = mesh.vertices[self.vertex_index].co.freeze() self.normal = loop.normal.freeze() self.uvs = tuple(layer.data[i].uv.freeze() for layer in mesh.uv_layers) self.col = [0, 0, 0] if len(mesh.vertex_colors) > 0: self.col = mesh.vertex_colors[0].data[i].color.freeze() self.loop_indices = [i] # Take the four most influential groups # groups = sorted(mesh.vertices[self.vertex_index].groups, key=lambda group: group.weight, reverse=True) # if len(groups) > 4: # groups = groups[:4] # self.bone_weights = [group.weight for group in groups] # self.bone_indices = [group.group for group in groups] # self.bone_count = len(self.bone_weights) self.index = 0 def __hash__(self): return hash((self.co, self.normal, self.uvs)) def __eq__(self, other): eq = ( (self.co == other.co) and (self.normal == other.normal) and (self.uvs == other.uvs) ) if eq: indices = self.loop_indices + other.loop_indices self.loop_indices = indices other.loop_indices = indices return eq class ExportVertex: __slots__ = ("hash", "vertex_index", "face_index", "position", "normal", "color", "texcoord0", "texcoord1") def __init__(self): self.color = [1.0, 1.0, 1.0] self.texcoord0 = [0.0, 0.0] self.texcoord1 = [0.0, 0.0] def __eq__(self, v): if self.hash != v.hash: return False if self.position != v.position: return False if self.normal != v.normal: return False if self.texcoord0 != v.texcoord0: return False if self.color != v.color: return False if self.texcoord1 != v.texcoord1: return False return True def Hash(self): h = hash(self.position[0]) h = h * 21737 + hash(self.position[1]) h = h * 21737 + hash(self.position[2]) h = h * 21737 + hash(self.normal[0]) h = h * 21737 + hash(self.normal[1]) h = h * 21737 + hash(self.normal[2]) h = h * 21737 + hash(self.color[0]) h = h * 21737 + hash(self.color[1]) h = h * 21737 + hash(self.color[2]) h = h * 21737 + hash(self.texcoord0[0]) h = h * 21737 + hash(self.texcoord0[1]) h = h * 21737 + hash(self.texcoord1[0]) h = h * 21737 + hash(self.texcoord1[1]) self.hash = h class ArmoryExporter: '''Export to Armory format''' def write_matrix(self, matrix): return [matrix[0][0], matrix[0][1], matrix[0][2], matrix[0][3], matrix[1][0], matrix[1][1], matrix[1][2], matrix[1][3], matrix[2][0], matrix[2][1], matrix[2][2], matrix[2][3], matrix[3][0], matrix[3][1], matrix[3][2], matrix[3][3]] def write_vector2d(self, vector): return [vector[0], vector[1]] def write_vector3d(self, vector): return [vector[0], vector[1], vector[2]] def write_va2d(self, vertexArray, attrib): va = [] count = len(vertexArray) k = 0 lineCount = count >> 3 for i in range(lineCount): for j in range(7): va += self.write_vector2d(getattr(vertexArray[k], attrib)) k += 1 va += self.write_vector2d(getattr(vertexArray[k], attrib)) k += 1 count &= 7 if count != 0: for j in range(count - 1): va += self.write_vector2d(getattr(vertexArray[k], attrib)) k += 1 va += self.write_vector2d(getattr(vertexArray[k], attrib)) return va def write_va3d(self, vertex_array, attrib): va = [] count = len(vertex_array) k = 0 lineCount = count >> 3 for i in range(lineCount): for j in range(7): va += self.write_vector3d(getattr(vertex_array[k], attrib)) k += 1 va += self.write_vector3d(getattr(vertex_array[k], attrib)) k += 1 count &= 7 if count != 0: for j in range(count - 1): va += self.write_vector3d(getattr(vertex_array[k], attrib)) k += 1 va += self.write_vector3d(getattr(vertex_array[k], attrib)) return va def write_triangle(self, triangle_index, index_table): i = triangle_index * 3 return [index_table[i], index_table[i + 1], index_table[i + 2]] def write_triangle_array(self, count, index_table): va = [] triangle_index = 0 line_count = count >> 4 for i in range(line_count): for j in range(15): va += self.write_triangle(triangle_index, index_table) triangle_index += 1 va += self.write_triangle(triangle_index, index_table) triangle_index += 1 count &= 15 if count != 0: for j in range(count - 1): va += self.write_triangle(triangle_index, index_table) triangle_index += 1 va += self.write_triangle(triangle_index, index_table) return va def get_meshes_file_path(self, object_id, compressed=False): index = self.filepath.rfind('/') mesh_fp = self.filepath[:(index + 1)] + 'meshes/' if not os.path.exists(mesh_fp): os.makedirs(mesh_fp) ext = '.zip' if compressed else '.arm' return mesh_fp + object_id + ext def get_greasepencils_file_path(self, object_id, compressed=False): index = self.filepath.rfind('/') gp_fp = self.filepath[:(index + 1)] + 'greasepencils/' if not os.path.exists(gp_fp): os.makedirs(gp_fp) ext = '.zip' if compressed else '.arm' return gp_fp + object_id + ext @staticmethod def get_bobject_type(bobject): if bobject.type == "MESH": if len(bobject.data.polygons) != 0: return NodeTypeMesh elif bobject.type == "FONT": return NodeTypeMesh elif bobject.type == "META": # Metaball return NodeTypeMesh elif bobject.type == "LAMP": return NodeTypeLamp elif bobject.type == "CAMERA": return NodeTypeCamera elif bobject.type == "SPEAKER": return NodeTypeSpeaker return NodeTypeNode @staticmethod def get_shape_keys(mesh): if not hasattr(mesh, 'shape_keys'): # Metaball return None shape_keys = mesh.shape_keys if shape_keys and len(shape_keys.key_blocks) > 1: return shape_keys return None def find_node(self, name): for bobject_ref in self.bobjectArray.items(): if bobject_ref[0].name == name: return bobject_ref return None @staticmethod def classify_animation_curve(fcurve): linear_count = 0 bezier_count = 0 for key in fcurve.keyframe_points: interp = key.interpolation if interp == "LINEAR": linear_count += 1 elif interp == "BEZIER": bezier_count += 1 else: return AnimationTypeSampled if bezier_count == 0: return AnimationTypeLinear elif linear_count == 0: return AnimationTypeBezier return AnimationTypeSampled @staticmethod def animation_keys_different(fcurve): key_count = len(fcurve.keyframe_points) if key_count > 0: key1 = fcurve.keyframe_points[0].co[1] for i in range(1, key_count): key2 = fcurve.keyframe_points[i].co[1] if math.fabs(key2 - key1) > ExportEpsilon: return True return False @staticmethod def animation_tangents_nonzero(fcurve): key_count = len(fcurve.keyframe_points) if key_count > 0: key = fcurve.keyframe_points[0].co[1] left = fcurve.keyframe_points[0].handle_left[1] right = fcurve.keyframe_points[0].handle_right[1] if (math.fabs(key - left) > ExportEpsilon) or (math.fabs(right - key) > ExportEpsilon): return True for i in range(1, key_count): key = fcurve.keyframe_points[i].co[1] left = fcurve.keyframe_points[i].handle_left[1] right = fcurve.keyframe_points[i].handle_right[1] if (math.fabs(key - left) > ExportEpsilon) or (math.fabs(right - key) > ExportEpsilon): return True return False @staticmethod def matrices_different(m1, m2): for i in range(4): for j in range(4): if math.fabs(m1[i][j] - m2[i][j]) > ExportEpsilon: return True return False @staticmethod def collect_bone_animation(armature, name): path = "pose.bones[\"" + name + "\"]." curve_array = [] if armature.animation_data: action = armature.animation_data.action if action: for fcurve in action.fcurves: if fcurve.data_path.startswith(path): curve_array.append(fcurve) return curve_array @staticmethod def animation_present(fcurve, kind): if kind != AnimationTypeBezier: return ArmoryExporter.animation_keys_different(fcurve) return ((ArmoryExporter.animation_keys_different(fcurve)) or (ArmoryExporter.animation_tangents_nonzero(fcurve))) @staticmethod def calc_tangent(v0, v1, v2, uv0, uv1, uv2): deltaPos1 = v1 - v0 deltaPos2 = v2 - v0 deltaUV1 = uv1 - uv0 deltaUV2 = uv2 - uv0 d = (deltaUV1.x * deltaUV2.y - deltaUV1.y * deltaUV2.x) if d != 0: r = 1.0 / d else: r = 1.0 tangent = (deltaPos1 * deltaUV2.y - deltaPos2 * deltaUV1.y) * r # bitangent = (deltaPos2 * deltaUV1.x - deltaPos1 * deltaUV2.x) * r return tangent @staticmethod def deindex_mesh(mesh, material_table): # This function deindexes all vertex positions, colors, and texcoords. # Three separate ExportVertex structures are created for each triangle. vertexArray = mesh.vertices export_vertex_array = [] face_index = 0 for face in mesh.tessfaces: k1 = face.vertices[0] k2 = face.vertices[1] k3 = face.vertices[2] v1 = vertexArray[k1] v2 = vertexArray[k2] v3 = vertexArray[k3] exportVertex = ExportVertex() exportVertex.vertex_index = k1 exportVertex.face_index = face_index exportVertex.position = v1.co exportVertex.normal = v1.normal if (face.use_smooth) else face.normal export_vertex_array.append(exportVertex) exportVertex = ExportVertex() exportVertex.vertex_index = k2 exportVertex.face_index = face_index exportVertex.position = v2.co exportVertex.normal = v2.normal if (face.use_smooth) else face.normal export_vertex_array.append(exportVertex) exportVertex = ExportVertex() exportVertex.vertex_index = k3 exportVertex.face_index = face_index exportVertex.position = v3.co exportVertex.normal = v3.normal if (face.use_smooth) else face.normal export_vertex_array.append(exportVertex) material_table.append(face.material_index) if len(face.vertices) == 4: k1 = face.vertices[0] k2 = face.vertices[2] k3 = face.vertices[3] v1 = vertexArray[k1] v2 = vertexArray[k2] v3 = vertexArray[k3] exportVertex = ExportVertex() exportVertex.vertex_index = k1 exportVertex.face_index = face_index exportVertex.position = v1.co exportVertex.normal = v1.normal if (face.use_smooth) else face.normal export_vertex_array.append(exportVertex) exportVertex = ExportVertex() exportVertex.vertex_index = k2 exportVertex.face_index = face_index exportVertex.position = v2.co exportVertex.normal = v2.normal if (face.use_smooth) else face.normal export_vertex_array.append(exportVertex) exportVertex = ExportVertex() exportVertex.vertex_index = k3 exportVertex.face_index = face_index exportVertex.position = v3.co exportVertex.normal = v3.normal if (face.use_smooth) else face.normal export_vertex_array.append(exportVertex) material_table.append(face.material_index) face_index += 1 color_count = len(mesh.tessface_vertex_colors) if color_count > 0: colorFace = mesh.tessface_vertex_colors[0].data vertex_index = 0 face_index = 0 for face in mesh.tessfaces: cf = colorFace[face_index] export_vertex_array[vertex_index].color = cf.color1 vertex_index += 1 export_vertex_array[vertex_index].color = cf.color2 vertex_index += 1 export_vertex_array[vertex_index].color = cf.color3 vertex_index += 1 if len(face.vertices) == 4: export_vertex_array[vertex_index].color = cf.color1 vertex_index += 1 export_vertex_array[vertex_index].color = cf.color3 vertex_index += 1 export_vertex_array[vertex_index].color = cf.color4 vertex_index += 1 face_index += 1 texcoordCount = len(mesh.tessface_uv_textures) if texcoordCount > 0: texcoordFace = mesh.tessface_uv_textures[0].data vertex_index = 0 face_index = 0 for face in mesh.tessfaces: tf = texcoordFace[face_index] export_vertex_array[vertex_index].texcoord0 = [tf.uv1[0], 1.0 - tf.uv1[1]] # Reverse TCY vertex_index += 1 export_vertex_array[vertex_index].texcoord0 = [tf.uv2[0], 1.0 - tf.uv2[1]] vertex_index += 1 export_vertex_array[vertex_index].texcoord0 = [tf.uv3[0], 1.0 - tf.uv3[1]] vertex_index += 1 if len(face.vertices) == 4: export_vertex_array[vertex_index].texcoord0 = [tf.uv1[0], 1.0 - tf.uv1[1]] vertex_index += 1 export_vertex_array[vertex_index].texcoord0 = [tf.uv3[0], 1.0 - tf.uv3[1]] vertex_index += 1 export_vertex_array[vertex_index].texcoord0 = [tf.uv4[0], 1.0 - tf.uv4[1]] vertex_index += 1 face_index += 1 if texcoordCount > 1: texcoordFace = mesh.tessface_uv_textures[1].data vertex_index = 0 face_index = 0 for face in mesh.tessfaces: tf = texcoordFace[face_index] export_vertex_array[vertex_index].texcoord1 = [tf.uv1[0], 1.0 - tf.uv1[1]] vertex_index += 1 export_vertex_array[vertex_index].texcoord1 = [tf.uv2[0], 1.0 - tf.uv2[1]] vertex_index += 1 export_vertex_array[vertex_index].texcoord1 = [tf.uv3[0], 1.0 - tf.uv3[1]] vertex_index += 1 if len(face.vertices) == 4: export_vertex_array[vertex_index].texcoord1 = [tf.uv1[0], 1.0 - tf.uv1[1]] vertex_index += 1 export_vertex_array[vertex_index].texcoord1 = [tf.uv3[0], 1.0 - tf.uv3[1]] vertex_index += 1 export_vertex_array[vertex_index].texcoord1 = [tf.uv4[0], 1.0 - tf.uv4[1]] vertex_index += 1 face_index += 1 for ev in export_vertex_array: ev.Hash() return export_vertex_array @staticmethod def unify_vertices(export_vertex_array, indexTable): # This function looks for identical vertices having exactly the same position, normal, # color, and texcoords. Duplicate vertices are unified, and a new index table is returned. bucketCount = len(export_vertex_array) >> 3 if bucketCount > 1: # Round down to nearest power of two. while True: count = bucketCount & (bucketCount - 1) if count == 0: break bucketCount = count else: bucketCount = 1 hashTable = [[] for i in range(bucketCount)] unifiedVA = [] for i in range(len(export_vertex_array)): ev = export_vertex_array[i] bucket = ev.hash & (bucketCount - 1) index = -1 for b in hashTable[bucket]: if export_vertex_array[b] == ev: index = b break if index < 0: indexTable.append(len(unifiedVA)) unifiedVA.append(ev) hashTable[bucket].append(i) else: indexTable.append(indexTable[index]) return unifiedVA def export_bone(self, armature, bone, scene, o, action): bobjectRef = self.bobjectArray.get(bone) if bobjectRef: o['type'] = structIdentifier[bobjectRef["objectType"]] o['name'] = bobjectRef["structName"] self.export_bone_transform(armature, bone, scene, o, action) o['children'] = [] for subbobject in bone.children: so = {} self.export_bone(armature, subbobject, scene, so, action) o['children'].append(so) # Export any ordinary objects that are parented to this bone boneSubbobjectArray = self.boneParentArray.get(bone.name) if boneSubbobjectArray: poseBone = None if not bone.use_relative_parent: poseBone = armature.pose.bones.get(bone.name) for subbobject in boneSubbobjectArray: self.export_object(subbobject, scene, poseBone, o) def export_object_sampled_animation(self, bobject, scene, o): # This function exports animation as full 4x4 matrices for each frame currentFrame = scene.frame_current currentSubframe = scene.frame_subframe animationFlag = False m1 = bobject.matrix_local.copy() # Font in for i in range(self.beginFrame, self.endFrame): scene.frame_set(i) m2 = bobject.matrix_local if ArmoryExporter.matrices_different(m1, m2): animationFlag = True break # Font out if animationFlag: o['animation'] = {} tracko = {} tracko['target'] = "transform" tracko['times'] = [] for i in range(self.beginFrame, self.endFrame): tracko['times'].append(((i - self.beginFrame) * self.frameTime)) tracko['times'].append((self.endFrame * self.frameTime)) tracko['values'] = [] for i in range(self.beginFrame, self.endFrame): scene.frame_set(i) tracko['values'] += self.write_matrix(bobject.matrix_local) # Continuos array of matrix transforms scene.frame_set(self.endFrame) tracko['values'] += self.write_matrix(bobject.matrix_local) o['animation']['tracks'] = [tracko] scene.frame_set(currentFrame, currentSubframe) def get_action_framerange(self, action): begin_frame = int(action.frame_range[0]) # Action frames end_frame = int(action.frame_range[1]) if self.beginFrame > begin_frame: # Cap frames to timeline bounds begin_frame = self.beginFrame if self.endFrame < end_frame: end_frame = self.endFrame return begin_frame, end_frame def export_bone_sampled_animation(self, poseBone, scene, o, action): # This function exports bone animation as full 4x4 matrices for each frame. currentFrame = scene.frame_current currentSubframe = scene.frame_subframe # Frame range begin_frame, end_frame = self.get_action_framerange(action) animationFlag = False m1 = poseBone.matrix.copy() for i in range(begin_frame, end_frame): scene.frame_set(i) m2 = poseBone.matrix if ArmoryExporter.matrices_different(m1, m2): animationFlag = True break if animationFlag: o['animation'] = {} tracko = {} tracko['target'] = "transform" tracko['times'] = [] for i in range(begin_frame, end_frame): tracko['times'].append(((i - begin_frame) * self.frameTime)) tracko['times'].append((end_frame * self.frameTime)) tracko['values'] = [] parent = poseBone.parent if parent: for i in range(begin_frame, end_frame): scene.frame_set(i) tracko['values'] += self.write_matrix(parent.matrix.inverted() * poseBone.matrix) scene.frame_set(end_frame) tracko['values'] += self.write_matrix(parent.matrix.inverted() * poseBone.matrix) else: for i in range(begin_frame, end_frame): scene.frame_set(i) tracko['values'] += self.write_matrix(poseBone.matrix) scene.frame_set(end_frame) tracko['values'] += self.write_matrix(poseBone.matrix) o['animation']['tracks'] = [tracko] scene.frame_set(currentFrame, currentSubframe) def export_key_times(self, fcurve): keyo = [] keyCount = len(fcurve.keyframe_points) for i in range(keyCount): time = fcurve.keyframe_points[i].co[0] - self.beginFrame keyo.append(time * self.frameTime) return keyo def export_key_time_control_points(self, fcurve): keyminuso = {} keyminuso['values'] = [] keyCount = len(fcurve.keyframe_points) for i in range(keyCount): ctrl = fcurve.keyframe_points[i].handle_left[0] - self.beginFrame keyminuso['values'].append(ctrl * self.frameTime) keypluso = {} keypluso['values'] = [] for i in range(keyCount): ctrl = fcurve.keyframe_points[i].handle_right[0] - self.beginFrame keypluso['values'].append(ctrl * self.frameTime) return keyminuso, keypluso def export_key_values(self, fcurve): keyo = [] keyCount = len(fcurve.keyframe_points) for i in range(keyCount): value = fcurve.keyframe_points[i].co[1] keyo.append(value) return keyo def export_key_value_control_points(self, fcurve): keyminuso = [] keyCount = len(fcurve.keyframe_points) for i in range(keyCount): ctrl = fcurve.keyframe_points[i].handle_left[1] keyminuso.append(ctrl) keypluso = [] for i in range(keyCount): ctrl = fcurve.keyframe_points[i].handle_right[1] keypluso.append(ctrl) return keypluso, keypluso def export_animation_track(self, fcurve, kind, target, newline): # This function exports a single animation track. The curve types for the # Time and Value structures are given by the kind parameter. tracko = {} tracko['target'] = target if kind != AnimationTypeBezier: tracko['times'] = self.export_key_times(fcurve) tracko['values'] = self.export_key_values(fcurve) else: tracko['curve'] = 'bezier' tracko['times'] = self.export_key_times(fcurve) tracko['times_control_plus'], tracko['times_control_minus'] = self.export_key_time_control_points(fcurve) tracko['values'] = self.export_key_values(fcurve) tracko['values_control_plus'], tracko['values_control_minus'] = self.export_key_value_control_points(fcurve) return tracko def export_object_transform(self, bobject, scene, o): locAnimCurve = [None, None, None] rotAnimCurve = [None, None, None] sclAnimCurve = [None, None, None] locAnimKind = [0, 0, 0] rotAnimKind = [0, 0, 0] sclAnimKind = [0, 0, 0] deltaPosAnimCurve = [None, None, None] deltaRotAnimCurve = [None, None, None] deltaSclAnimCurve = [None, None, None] deltaPosAnimKind = [0, 0, 0] deltaRotAnimKind = [0, 0, 0] deltaSclAnimKind = [0, 0, 0] locationAnimated = False rotationAnimated = False scaleAnimated = False locAnimated = [False, False, False] rotAnimated = [False, False, False] sclAnimated = [False, False, False] deltaPositionAnimated = False deltaRotationAnimated = False deltaScaleAnimated = False deltaPosAnimated = [False, False, False] deltaRotAnimated = [False, False, False] deltaSclAnimated = [False, False, False] mode = bobject.rotation_mode sampledAnimation = (ArmoryExporter.sample_animation_flag or mode == "QUATERNION" or mode == "AXIS_ANGLE") if (not sampledAnimation) and (bobject.animation_data): action = bobject.animation_data.action # TODO: Collect all strips # action = bpy.data.objects['Gate'].animation_data.nla_tracks[0].strips[0] # bpy.data.objects['Gate'].animation_data.nla_tracks["[Action Stash]"].strips["GateActionOpen"] if action: for fcurve in action.fcurves: kind = ArmoryExporter.classify_animation_curve(fcurve) if kind != AnimationTypeSampled: if fcurve.data_path == "location": for i in range(3): if (fcurve.array_index == i) and (not locAnimCurve[i]): locAnimCurve[i] = fcurve locAnimKind[i] = kind if ArmoryExporter.animation_present(fcurve, kind): locAnimated[i] = True elif fcurve.data_path == "delta_location": for i in range(3): if (fcurve.array_index == i) and (not deltaPosAnimCurve[i]): deltaPosAnimCurve[i] = fcurve deltaPosAnimKind[i] = kind if ArmoryExporter.animation_present(fcurve, kind): deltaPosAnimated[i] = True elif fcurve.data_path == "rotation_euler": for i in range(3): if (fcurve.array_index == i) and (not rotAnimCurve[i]): rotAnimCurve[i] = fcurve rotAnimKind[i] = kind if ArmoryExporter.animation_present(fcurve, kind): rotAnimated[i] = True elif fcurve.data_path == "delta_rotation_euler": for i in range(3): if (fcurve.array_index == i) and (not deltaRotAnimCurve[i]): deltaRotAnimCurve[i] = fcurve deltaRotAnimKind[i] = kind if ArmoryExporter.animation_present(fcurve, kind): deltaRotAnimated[i] = True elif fcurve.data_path == "scale": for i in range(3): if (fcurve.array_index == i) and (not sclAnimCurve[i]): sclAnimCurve[i] = fcurve sclAnimKind[i] = kind if ArmoryExporter.animation_present(fcurve, kind): sclAnimated[i] = True elif fcurve.data_path == "delta_scale": for i in range(3): if (fcurve.array_index == i) and (not deltaSclAnimCurve[i]): deltaSclAnimCurve[i] = fcurve deltaSclAnimKind[i] = kind if ArmoryExporter.animation_present(fcurve, kind): deltaSclAnimated[i] = True elif (fcurve.data_path == "rotation_axis_angle") or (fcurve.data_path == "rotation_quaternion") or (fcurve.data_path == "delta_rotation_quaternion"): sampledAnimation = True break else: sampledAnimation = True break locationAnimated = locAnimated[0] | locAnimated[1] | locAnimated[2] rotationAnimated = rotAnimated[0] | rotAnimated[1] | rotAnimated[2] scaleAnimated = sclAnimated[0] | sclAnimated[1] | sclAnimated[2] deltaPositionAnimated = deltaPosAnimated[0] | deltaPosAnimated[1] | deltaPosAnimated[2] deltaRotationAnimated = deltaRotAnimated[0] | deltaRotAnimated[1] | deltaRotAnimated[2] deltaScaleAnimated = deltaSclAnimated[0] | deltaSclAnimated[1] | deltaSclAnimated[2] if (sampledAnimation) or ((not locationAnimated) and (not rotationAnimated) and (not scaleAnimated) and (not deltaPositionAnimated) and (not deltaRotationAnimated) and (not deltaScaleAnimated)): # If there's no keyframe animation at all, then write the object transform as a single 4x4 matrix. # We might still be exporting sampled animation below. o['transform'] = {} if sampledAnimation: o['transform']['target'] = "transform" o['transform']['values'] = self.write_matrix(bobject.matrix_local) if sampledAnimation: self.export_object_sampled_animation(bobject, scene, o) else: structFlag = False o['transform'] = {} o['transform']['values'] = self.write_matrix(bobject.matrix_local) o['animation_transforms'] = [] deltaTranslation = bobject.delta_location if deltaPositionAnimated: # When the delta location is animated, write the x, y, and z components separately # so they can be targeted by different tracks having different sets of keys. for i in range(3): pos = deltaTranslation[i] if (deltaPosAnimated[i]) or (math.fabs(pos) > ExportEpsilon): animo = {} o['animation_transforms'].append(animo) animo['type'] = 'translation_' + axisName[i] animo['name'] = deltaSubtranslationName[i] animo['value'] = pos # self.IndentWrite(B"Translation %", 0, structFlag) # self.Write(deltaSubtranslationName[i]) # self.Write(B" (kind = \"") # self.Write(axisName[i]) # self.Write(B"\")\n") # self.IndentWrite(B"{\n") # self.IndentWrite(B"float {", 1) # self.WriteFloat(pos) # self.Write(B"}") # self.IndentWrite(B"}\n", 0, True) structFlag = True elif (math.fabs(deltaTranslation[0]) > ExportEpsilon) or (math.fabs(deltaTranslation[1]) > ExportEpsilon) or (math.fabs(deltaTranslation[2]) > ExportEpsilon): animo = {} o['animation_transforms'].append(animo) animo['type'] = 'translation' animo['values'] = self.write_vector3d(deltaTranslation) structFlag = True translation = bobject.location if locationAnimated: # When the location is animated, write the x, y, and z components separately # so they can be targeted by different tracks having different sets of keys. for i in range(3): pos = translation[i] if (locAnimated[i]) or (math.fabs(pos) > ExportEpsilon): animo = {} o['animation_transforms'].append(animo) animo['type'] = 'translation_' + axisName[i] animo['name'] = subtranslationName[i] animo['value'] = pos structFlag = True elif (math.fabs(translation[0]) > ExportEpsilon) or (math.fabs(translation[1]) > ExportEpsilon) or (math.fabs(translation[2]) > ExportEpsilon): animo = {} o['animation_transforms'].append(animo) animo['type'] = 'translation' animo['values'] = self.write_vector3d(translation) structFlag = True if deltaRotationAnimated: # When the delta rotation is animated, write three separate Euler angle rotations # so they can be targeted by different tracks having different sets of keys. for i in range(3): axis = ord(mode[2 - i]) - 0x58 angle = bobject.delta_rotation_euler[axis] if (deltaRotAnimated[axis]) or (math.fabs(angle) > ExportEpsilon): animo = {} o['animation_transforms'].append(animo) animo['type'] = 'rotation_' + axisName[axis] animo['name'] = deltaSubrotationName[axis] animo['value'] = angle structFlag = True else: # When the delta rotation is not animated, write it in the representation given by # the object's current rotation mode. (There is no axis-angle delta rotation.) if mode == "QUATERNION": quaternion = bobject.delta_rotation_quaternion if (math.fabs(quaternion[0] - 1.0) > ExportEpsilon) or (math.fabs(quaternion[1]) > ExportEpsilon) or (math.fabs(quaternion[2]) > ExportEpsilon) or (math.fabs(quaternion[3]) > ExportEpsilon): animo = {} o['animation_transforms'].append(animo) animo['type'] = 'rotation_quaternion' animo['values'] = self.WriteQuaternion(quaternion) structFlag = True else: for i in range(3): axis = ord(mode[2 - i]) - 0x58 angle = bobject.delta_rotation_euler[axis] if math.fabs(angle) > ExportEpsilon: animo = {} o['animation_transforms'].append(animo) animo['type'] = 'rotation_' + axisName[axis] animo['value'] = angle structFlag = True if rotationAnimated: # When the rotation is animated, write three separate Euler angle rotations # so they can be targeted by different tracks having different sets of keys. for i in range(3): axis = ord(mode[2 - i]) - 0x58 angle = bobject.rotation_euler[axis] if (rotAnimated[axis]) or (math.fabs(angle) > ExportEpsilon): animo = {} o['animation_transforms'].append(animo) animo['type'] = 'rotation_' + axisName[axis] animo['name'] = subrotationName[axis] animo['value'] = angle structFlag = True else: # When the rotation is not animated, write it in the representation given by # the object's current rotation mode. if mode == "QUATERNION": quaternion = bobject.rotation_quaternion if (math.fabs(quaternion[0] - 1.0) > ExportEpsilon) or (math.fabs(quaternion[1]) > ExportEpsilon) or (math.fabs(quaternion[2]) > ExportEpsilon) or (math.fabs(quaternion[3]) > ExportEpsilon): animo = {} o['animation_transforms'].append(animo) animo['type'] = 'rotation_quaternion' animo['values'] = self.WriteQuaternion(quaternion) structFlag = True elif mode == "AXIS_ANGLE": if math.fabs(bobject.rotation_axis_angle[0]) > ExportEpsilon: animo = {} o['animation_transforms'].append(animo) animo['type'] = 'rotation_axis' animo['values'] = self.WriteVector4D(bobject.rotation_axis_angle) structFlag = True else: for i in range(3): axis = ord(mode[2 - i]) - 0x58 angle = bobject.rotation_euler[axis] if math.fabs(angle) > ExportEpsilon: animo = {} o['animation_transforms'].append(animo) animo['type'] = 'rotation_' + axisName[axis] animo['value'] = angle structFlag = True deltaScale = bobject.delta_scale if deltaScaleAnimated: # When the delta scale is animated, write the x, y, and z components separately # so they can be targeted by different tracks having different sets of keys. for i in range(3): scl = deltaScale[i] if (deltaSclAnimated[i]) or (math.fabs(scl) > ExportEpsilon): animo = {} o['animation_transforms'].append(animo) animo['type'] = 'scale_' + axisName[i] animo['name'] = deltaSubscaleName[i] animo['value'] = scl structFlag = True elif (math.fabs(deltaScale[0] - 1.0) > ExportEpsilon) or (math.fabs(deltaScale[1] - 1.0) > ExportEpsilon) or (math.fabs(deltaScale[2] - 1.0) > ExportEpsilon): animo = {} o['animation_transforms'].append(animo) animo['type'] = 'scale' animo['values'] = self.write_vector3d(deltaScale) structFlag = True scale = bobject.scale if scaleAnimated: # When the scale is animated, write the x, y, and z components separately # so they can be targeted by different tracks having different sets of keys. for i in range(3): scl = scale[i] if (sclAnimated[i]) or (math.fabs(scl) > ExportEpsilon): animo = {} o['animation_transforms'].append(animo) animo['type'] = 'scale_' + axisName[i] animo['name'] = subscaleName[i] animo['value'] = scl structFlag = True elif (math.fabs(scale[0] - 1.0) > ExportEpsilon) or (math.fabs(scale[1] - 1.0) > ExportEpsilon) or (math.fabs(scale[2] - 1.0) > ExportEpsilon): animo = {} o['animation_transforms'].append(animo) animo['type'] = 'scale' animo['values'] = self.write_vector3d(scale) structFlag = True # Export the animation tracks o['animation'] = {} o['animation']['begin'] = (action.frame_range[0] - self.beginFrame) * self.frameTime o['animation']['end'] = (action.frame_range[1] - self.beginFrame) * self.frameTime o['animation']['tracks'] = [] if locationAnimated: for i in range(3): if locAnimated[i]: tracko = self.export_animation_track(locAnimCurve[i], locAnimKind[i], subtranslationName[i], structFlag) o['animation']['tracks'].append(tracko) structFlag = True if rotationAnimated: for i in range(3): if rotAnimated[i]: tracko = self.export_animation_track(rotAnimCurve[i], rotAnimKind[i], subrotationName[i], structFlag) o['animation']['tracks'].append(tracko) structFlag = True if scaleAnimated: for i in range(3): if sclAnimated[i]: tracko = self.export_animation_track(sclAnimCurve[i], sclAnimKind[i], subscaleName[i], structFlag) o['animation']['tracks'].append(tracko) structFlag = True if deltaPositionAnimated: for i in range(3): if deltaPosAnimated[i]: tracko = self.export_animation_track(deltaPosAnimCurve[i], deltaPosAnimKind[i], deltaSubtranslationName[i], structFlag) o['animation']['tracks'].append(tracko) structFlag = True if deltaRotationAnimated: for i in range(3): if deltaRotAnimated[i]: tracko = self.export_animation_track(deltaRotAnimCurve[i], deltaRotAnimKind[i], deltaSubrotationName[i], structFlag) o['animation']['tracks'].append(tracko) structFlag = True if deltaScaleAnimated: for i in range(3): if deltaSclAnimated[i]: tracko = self.export_animation_track(deltaSclAnimCurve[i], deltaSclAnimKind[i], deltaSubscaleName[i], structFlag) o['animation']['tracks'].append(tracko) structFlag = True def process_bone(self, bone): if ArmoryExporter.export_all_flag or bone.select: self.bobjectArray[bone] = {"objectType" : NodeTypeBone, "structName" : bone.name} for subbobject in bone.children: self.process_bone(subbobject) def process_bobject(self, bobject): if ArmoryExporter.export_all_flag or bobject.select: btype = ArmoryExporter.get_bobject_type(bobject) if ArmoryExporter.option_mesh_only and btype != NodeTypeMesh: return self.bobjectArray[bobject] = {"objectType" : btype, "structName" : self.asset_name(bobject)} if bobject.parent_type == "BONE": boneSubbobjectArray = self.boneParentArray.get(bobject.parent_bone) if boneSubbobjectArray: boneSubbobjectArray.append(bobject) else: self.boneParentArray[bobject.parent_bone] = [bobject] if bobject.type == "ARMATURE": skeleton = bobject.data if skeleton: for bone in skeleton.bones: if not bone.parent: self.process_bone(bone) if bobject.type != 'MESH' or bobject.arm_instanced == False: for subbobject in bobject.children: self.process_bobject(subbobject) def process_skinned_meshes(self): for bobjectRef in self.bobjectArray.items(): if bobjectRef[1]["objectType"] == NodeTypeMesh: armature = bobjectRef[0].find_armature() if armature: for bone in armature.data.bones: boneRef = self.find_node(bone.name) if boneRef: # If an object is used as a bone, then we force its type to be a bone boneRef[1]["objectType"] = NodeTypeBone def export_bone_transform(self, armature, bone, scene, o, action): curveArray = self.collect_bone_animation(armature, bone.name) animation = ((len(curveArray) != 0) or ArmoryExporter.sample_animation_flag) transform = bone.matrix_local.copy() parentBone = bone.parent if parentBone: transform = parentBone.matrix_local.inverted() * transform poseBone = armature.pose.bones.get(bone.name) if poseBone: transform = poseBone.matrix.copy() parentPoseBone = poseBone.parent if parentPoseBone: transform = parentPoseBone.matrix.inverted() * transform o['transform'] = {} o['transform']['values'] = self.write_matrix(transform) if animation and poseBone: self.export_bone_sampled_animation(poseBone, scene, o, action) def asset_name(self, bdata): s = bdata.name # Append library name if linked if bdata.library != None: s += '_' + bdata.library.name return s def use_default_material(self, bobject, o): if arm.utils.export_bone_data(bobject): o['material_refs'].append('armdefaultskin') self.defaultSkinMaterialObjects.append(bobject) else: o['material_refs'].append('armdefault') self.defaultMaterialObjects.append(bobject) def export_material_ref(self, bobject, material, index, o): if material == None: # Use default for empty mat slots self.use_default_material(bobject, o) return if not material in self.materialArray: self.materialArray[material] = {"structName" : self.asset_name(material)} o['material_refs'].append(self.materialArray[material]["structName"]) def export_particle_system_ref(self, psys, index, o): if psys.settings in self.particleSystemArray: # or not modifier.show_render: return self.particleSystemArray[psys.settings] = {"structName" : psys.settings.name} pref = {} pref['name'] = psys.name pref['seed'] = psys.seed pref['particle'] = psys.settings.name o['particle_refs'].append(pref) def get_viewport_view_matrix(self): screen = bpy.context.window.screen for area in screen.areas: if area.type == 'VIEW_3D': for space in area.spaces: if space.type == 'VIEW_3D': return space.region_3d.view_matrix return None def get_viewport_projection_matrix(self): screen = bpy.context.window.screen for area in screen.areas: if area.type == 'VIEW_3D': for space in area.spaces: if space.type == 'VIEW_3D': # return space.region_3d.perspective_matrix # pesp = window * view return space.region_3d.window_matrix, space.region_3d.is_perspective return None, False def get_viewport_panels_w(self): w = 0 screen = bpy.context.window.screen for area in screen.areas: if area.type == 'VIEW_3D': for region in area.regions: if region.type == 'TOOLS' or region.type == 'UI': if region.width > 1: w += region.width return w def get_viewport_w(self): screen = bpy.context.window.screen for area in screen.areas: if area.type == 'VIEW_3D': for region in area.regions: if region.type == 'HEADER': # Use header to report full width, panels included return region.width return 0 def export_object(self, bobject, scene, poseBone = None, parento = None): # This function exports a single object in the scene and includes its name, # object reference, material references (for meshes), and transform. # Subobjects are then exported recursively. if self.preprocess_object(bobject) == False: return bobjectRef = self.bobjectArray.get(bobject) if bobjectRef: type = bobjectRef["objectType"] # Linked object, not present in scene if bobject not in self.objectToArmObjectDict: o = {} o['traits'] = [] o['spawn'] = False self.objectToArmObjectDict[bobject] = o o = self.objectToArmObjectDict[bobject] o['type'] = structIdentifier[type] o['name'] = bobjectRef["structName"] if bobject.hide_render: o['visible'] = False if not bobject.cycles_visibility.camera: o['visible_mesh'] = False if not bobject.cycles_visibility.shadow: o['visible_shadow'] = False if bobject.arm_spawn == False: o['spawn'] = False if bobject.arm_mobile == False: o['mobile'] = False if bobject.dupli_type == 'GROUP' and bobject.dupli_group != None: o['group_ref'] = bobject.dupli_group.name if bobject.arm_tilesheet != '': o['tilesheet_ref'] = bobject.arm_tilesheet o['tilesheet_action_ref'] = bobject.arm_tilesheet_action layer_found = False for l in self.active_layers: if bobject.layers[l] == True: layer_found = True break if bpy.app.version >= (2, 80, 1): # 2.8 Spawn all layers for now layer_found = True if layer_found == False: o['spawn'] = False # Export the object reference and material references objref = bobject.data if objref != None: objname = self.asset_name(objref) # Lods if bobject.type == 'MESH' and hasattr(objref, 'arm_lodlist') and len(objref.arm_lodlist) > 0: o['lods'] = [] for l in objref.arm_lodlist: if l.enabled_prop == False: continue lod = {} lod['object_ref'] = l.name lod['screen_size'] = l.screen_size_prop o['lods'].append(lod) if objref.arm_lod_material: o['lod_material'] = True if type == NodeTypeMesh: if not objref in self.meshArray: self.meshArray[objref] = {"structName" : objname, "objectTable" : [bobject]} else: self.meshArray[objref]["objectTable"].append(bobject) oid = arm.utils.safestr(self.meshArray[objref]["structName"]) if ArmoryExporter.option_mesh_per_file: ext = '' if self.is_compress(objref): ext = '.zip' o['data_ref'] = 'mesh_' + oid + ext + '/' + oid else: o['data_ref'] = oid o['material_refs'] = [] for i in range(len(bobject.material_slots)): self.export_material_ref(bobject, bobject.material_slots[i].material, i, o) if bobject.material_slots[i].material != None and bobject.material_slots[i].material.arm_decal: o['type'] = 'decal_object' # No material, mimic cycles and assign default if len(o['material_refs']) == 0: self.use_default_material(bobject, o) num_psys = len(bobject.particle_systems) if num_psys > 0: o['particle_refs'] = [] for i in range(0, num_psys): self.export_particle_system_ref(bobject.particle_systems[i], i, o) o['dimensions'] = [bobject.dimensions[0], bobject.dimensions[1], bobject.dimensions[2]] # Origin not in geometry center if hasattr(bobject.data, 'arm_aabb'): dx = bobject.data.arm_aabb[0] * bobject.scale[0] dy = bobject.data.arm_aabb[1] * bobject.scale[1] dz = bobject.data.arm_aabb[2] * bobject.scale[2] if dx > o['dimensions'][0]: o['dimensions'][0] = dx if dy > o['dimensions'][1]: o['dimensions'][1] = dy if dz > o['dimensions'][2]: o['dimensions'][2] = dz #shapeKeys = ArmoryExporter.get_shape_keys(objref) #if shapeKeys: # self.ExportMorphWeights(bobject, shapeKeys, scene, o) # TODO elif type == NodeTypeLamp: if not objref in self.lampArray: self.lampArray[objref] = {"structName" : objname, "objectTable" : [bobject]} else: self.lampArray[objref]["objectTable"].append(bobject) o['data_ref'] = self.lampArray[objref]["structName"] elif type == NodeTypeCamera: if 'spawn' in o and o['spawn'] == False: self.camera_spawned = False else: self.camera_spawned = True if not objref in self.cameraArray: self.cameraArray[objref] = {"structName" : objname, "objectTable" : [bobject]} else: self.cameraArray[objref]["objectTable"].append(bobject) o['data_ref'] = self.cameraArray[objref]["structName"] elif type == NodeTypeSpeaker: if not objref in self.speakerArray: self.speakerArray[objref] = {"structName" : objname, "objectTable" : [bobject]} else: self.speakerArray[objref]["objectTable"].append(bobject) o['data_ref'] = self.speakerArray[objref]["structName"] if poseBone: # If the object is parented to a bone and is not relative, then undo the bone's transform o['transform'] = {} o['transform']['values'] = self.write_matrix(poseBone.matrix.inverted()) # Export the transform. If object is animated, then animation tracks are exported here self.export_object_transform(bobject, scene, o) # Viewport Camera - overwrite active camera matrix with viewport matrix if type == NodeTypeCamera and bpy.data.worlds['Arm'].arm_play_camera != 'Scene' and self.scene.camera != None and bobject.name == self.scene.camera.name: viewport_matrix = self.get_viewport_view_matrix() if viewport_matrix != None: o['transform']['values'] = self.write_matrix(viewport_matrix.inverted()) # Do not apply parent matrix o['local_transform_only'] = True if bobject.type == 'ARMATURE' and bobject.data != None: bdata = bobject.data # Armature data action = None # Reference start action adata = bobject.animation_data # Active action if adata != None: action = adata.action if action == None: log.warn('Object ' + bobject.name + ' - No action assigned, setting to pose') bobject.animation_data_create() actions = bpy.data.actions action = actions.get('armorypose') if action == None: action = actions.new(name='armorypose') # Export actions export_actions = [action] if adata.nla_tracks != None: for track in adata.nla_tracks: if track.strips == None: continue for strip in track.strips: if strip.action == None: continue if strip.action.name == action.name: continue export_actions.append(strip.action) armatureid = arm.utils.safestr(self.asset_name(bdata)) ext = '.zip' if self.is_compress(bdata) else '' o['action_refs'] = [] for a in export_actions: o['action_refs'].append('action_' + armatureid + '_' + a.name + ext) orig_action = bobject.animation_data.action for action in export_actions: bobject.animation_data.action = action fp = self.get_meshes_file_path('action_' + armatureid + '_' + action.name, compressed=self.is_compress(bdata)) assets.add(fp) if bdata.arm_data_cached == False or not os.path.exists(fp): bones = [] for bone in bdata.bones: if not bone.parent: boneo = {} self.export_bone(bobject, bone, scene, boneo, action) bones.append(boneo) # Save action separately action_obj = {} action_obj['name'] = action.name action_obj['objects'] = bones arm.utils.write_arm(fp, action_obj) bobject.animation_data.action = orig_action bdata.arm_data_cached = True if parento == None: self.output['objects'].append(o) else: parento['children'].append(o) self.post_export_object(bobject, o, type) if not hasattr(o, 'children') and len(bobject.children) > 0: o['children'] = [] if bobject.type != 'MESH' or bobject.arm_instanced == False: for subbobject in bobject.children: if subbobject.parent_type != "BONE": self.export_object(subbobject, scene, None, o) def export_skin_quality(self, bobject, armature, export_vertex_array, o): # This function exports all skinning data, which includes the skeleton # and per-vertex bone influence data oskin = {} o['skin'] = oskin # Write the skin bind pose transform otrans = {} oskin['transform'] = otrans otrans['values'] = self.write_matrix(bobject.matrix_world) # Export the skeleton, which includes an array of bone object references # and and array of per-bone bind pose transforms oskel = {} oskin['skeleton'] = oskel # Write the bone object reference array oskel['bone_ref_array'] = [] bone_array = armature.data.bones bone_count = len(bone_array) max_bones = bpy.data.worlds['Arm'].arm_gpu_skin_max_bones if bone_count > max_bones: log.warn(bobject.name + ' - ' + str(bone_count) + ' bones found, exceeds maximum of ' + str(max_bones) + ' bones defined - raise the value in Camera Data - Armory Render Props - Max Bones') for i in range(bone_count): boneRef = self.find_node(bone_array[i].name) if boneRef: oskel['bone_ref_array'].append(boneRef[1]["structName"]) else: oskel['bone_ref_array'].append("null") # Write the bind pose transform array oskel['transforms'] = [] for i in range(bone_count): oskel['transforms'].append(self.write_matrix(armature.matrix_world * bone_array[i].matrix_local)) # Export the per-vertex bone influence data group_remap = [] for group in bobject.vertex_groups: group_name = group.name for i in range(bone_count): if bone_array[i].name == group_name: group_remap.append(i) break else: group_remap.append(-1) bone_count_array = [] bone_index_array = [] bone_weight_array = [] warn_bones = False mesh_vertex_array = bobject.data.vertices for ev in export_vertex_array: bone_count = 0 total_weight = 0.0 bone_values = [] for element in mesh_vertex_array[ev.vertex_index].groups: bone_index = group_remap[element.group] bone_weight = element.weight if bone_index >= 0 and bone_weight != 0.0: bone_values.append((bone_weight, bone_index)) total_weight += bone_weight bone_count += 1 if bone_count > 4: # Four bones max bone_count = 4 bone_values = bone_values[:4] warn_bones = True bone_count_array.append(bone_count) # Take highest weights for bv in reversed(sorted(bone_values)): bone_index_array.append(bv[1]) bone_weight_array.append(bv[0]) if total_weight != 0.0: normalizer = 1.0 / total_weight for i in range(0, bone_count): bone_weight_array[-i] *= normalizer if warn_bones: log.warn(bobject.name + ' - more than 4 bones influence single vertex - taking highest weights') # Write the bone count array. There is one entry per vertex. oskin['bone_count_array'] = bone_count_array # Write the bone index array. The number of entries is the sum of the bone counts for all vertices. oskin['bone_index_array'] = bone_index_array # Write the bone weight array. The number of entries is the sum of the bone counts for all vertices. oskin['bone_weight_array'] = bone_weight_array # def export_skin_fast(self, bobject, armature, vert_list, o): # oskin = {} # o['skin'] = oskin # otrans = {} # oskin['transform'] = otrans # otrans['values'] = self.write_matrix(bobject.matrix_world) # oskel = {} # oskin['skeleton'] = oskel # oskel['bone_ref_array'] = [] # bone_array = armature.data.bones # bone_count = len(bone_array) # for i in range(bone_count): # boneRef = self.find_node(bone_array[i].name) # if boneRef: # oskel['bone_ref_array'].append(boneRef[1]["structName"]) # else: # oskel['bone_ref_array'].append("null") # oskel['transforms'] = [] # for i in range(bone_count): # oskel['transforms'].append(self.write_matrix(armature.matrix_world * bone_array[i].matrix_local)) # bone_count_array = [] # bone_index_array = [] # bone_weight_array = [] # for vtx in vert_list: # bone_count_array.append(vtx.bone_count) # bone_index_array += vtx.bone_indices # bone_weight_array += vtx.bone_weights # oskin['bone_count_array'] = bone_count_array # oskin['bone_index_array'] = bone_index_array # oskin['bone_weight_array'] = bone_weight_array def calc_tangents(self, posa, nora, uva, ia): triangle_count = int(len(ia) / 3) vertex_count = int(len(posa) / 3) tangents = [0] * vertex_count * 3 # bitangents = [0] * vertex_count * 3 for i in range(0, triangle_count): i0 = ia[i * 3 + 0] i1 = ia[i * 3 + 1] i2 = ia[i * 3 + 2] # TODO: Slow v0 = Vector((posa[i0 * 3 + 0], posa[i0 * 3 + 1], posa[i0 * 3 + 2])) v1 = Vector((posa[i1 * 3 + 0], posa[i1 * 3 + 1], posa[i1 * 3 + 2])) v2 = Vector((posa[i2 * 3 + 0], posa[i2 * 3 + 1], posa[i2 * 3 + 2])) uv0 = Vector((uva[i0 * 2 + 0], uva[i0 * 2 + 1])) uv1 = Vector((uva[i1 * 2 + 0], uva[i1 * 2 + 1])) uv2 = Vector((uva[i2 * 2 + 0], uva[i2 * 2 + 1])) tangent = ArmoryExporter.calc_tangent(v0, v1, v2, uv0, uv1, uv2) tangents[i0 * 3 + 0] += tangent.x tangents[i0 * 3 + 1] += tangent.y tangents[i0 * 3 + 2] += tangent.z tangents[i1 * 3 + 0] += tangent.x tangents[i1 * 3 + 1] += tangent.y tangents[i1 * 3 + 2] += tangent.z tangents[i2 * 3 + 0] += tangent.x tangents[i2 * 3 + 1] += tangent.y tangents[i2 * 3 + 2] += tangent.z # bitangents[i0 * 3 + 0] += bitangent.x # bitangents[i0 * 3 + 1] += bitangent.y # bitangents[i0 * 3 + 2] += bitangent.z # bitangents[i1 * 3 + 0] += bitangent.x # bitangents[i1 * 3 + 1] += bitangent.y # bitangents[i1 * 3 + 2] += bitangent.z # bitangents[i2 * 3 + 0] += bitangent.x # bitangents[i2 * 3 + 1] += bitangent.y # bitangents[i2 * 3 + 2] += bitangent.z # Orthogonalize for i in range(0, vertex_count): # Slow t = Vector((tangents[i * 3], tangents[i * 3 + 1], tangents[i * 3 + 2])) # b = Vector((bitangents[i * 3], bitangents[i * 3 + 1], bitangents[i * 3 + 2])) n = Vector((nora[i * 3], nora[i * 3 + 1], nora[i * 3 + 2])) v = t - n * n.dot(t) v.normalize() # Calculate handedness # cnv = n.cross(v) # if cnv.dot(b) < 0.0: # v = v * -1.0 tangents[i * 3] = v.x tangents[i * 3 + 1] = v.y tangents[i * 3 + 2] = v.z return tangents def write_mesh(self, bobject, fp, o): # One mesh data per file if ArmoryExporter.option_mesh_per_file: mesh_obj = {} mesh_obj['mesh_datas'] = [o] arm.utils.write_arm(fp, mesh_obj) bobject.data.arm_cached = True if bobject.type != 'FONT' and bobject.type != 'META': bobject.data.arm_cached_verts = len(bobject.data.vertices) bobject.data.arm_cached_edges = len(bobject.data.edges) else: self.output['mesh_datas'].append(o) def make_va(self, attrib, size, values): va = {} va['attrib'] = attrib va['size'] = size va['values'] = values return va def export_mesh_fast(self, exportMesh, bobject, fp, o): # Much faster export but produces slightly less efficient data exportMesh.calc_normals_split() exportMesh.calc_tessface() vert_list = { Vertex(exportMesh, loop) : 0 for loop in exportMesh.loops}.keys() num_verts = len(vert_list) num_uv_layers = len(exportMesh.uv_layers) has_tex = self.get_export_uvs(exportMesh) == True and num_uv_layers > 0 has_tex1 = has_tex == True and num_uv_layers > 1 num_colors = len(exportMesh.vertex_colors) has_col = self.get_export_vcols(exportMesh) == True and num_colors > 0 has_tang = self.has_tangents(exportMesh) vdata = [0] * num_verts * 3 ndata = [0] * num_verts * 3 if has_tex: t0data = [0] * num_verts * 2 if has_tex1: t1data = [0] * num_verts * 2 if has_col: cdata = [0] * num_verts * 3 # va_stride = 3 + 3 # pos + nor # va_name = 'pos_nor' # if has_tex: # va_stride += 2 # va_name += '_tex' # if has_tex1: # va_stride += 2 # va_name += '_tex1' # if has_col > 0: # va_stride += 3 # va_name += '_col' # if has_tang: # va_stride += 3 # va_name += '_tang' # vdata = [0] * num_verts * va_stride # Make arrays for i, vtx in enumerate(vert_list): vtx.index = i co = vtx.co normal = vtx.normal for j in range(3): vdata[(i * 3) + j] = co[j] ndata[(i * 3) + j] = normal[j] if has_tex: t0data[i * 2] = vtx.uvs[0].x t0data[i * 2 + 1] = 1.0 - vtx.uvs[0].y # Reverse TCY if has_tex1: t1data[i * 2] = vtx.uvs[1].x t1data[i * 2 + 1] = 1.0 - vtx.uvs[1].y if has_col > 0: cdata[i * 3] = vtx.col[0] cdata[i * 3 + 1] = vtx.col[1] cdata[i * 3 + 2] = vtx.col[2] # Output o['vertex_arrays'] = [] pa = self.make_va('pos', 3, vdata) o['vertex_arrays'].append(pa) na = self.make_va('nor', 3, ndata) o['vertex_arrays'].append(na) if has_tex: ta = self.make_va('tex', 2, t0data) o['vertex_arrays'].append(ta) if has_tex1: ta1 = self.make_va('tex1', 2, t1data) o['vertex_arrays'].append(ta1) if has_col: ca = self.make_va('col', 3, cdata) o['vertex_arrays'].append(ca) # Indices prims = {ma.name if ma else '': [] for ma in exportMesh.materials} if not prims: prims = {'': []} vert_dict = {i : v for v in vert_list for i in v.loop_indices} for poly in exportMesh.polygons: first = poly.loop_start if len(exportMesh.materials) == 0: prim = prims[''] else: mat = exportMesh.materials[min(poly.material_index, len(exportMesh.materials) - 1)] prim = prims[mat.name if mat else ''] indices = [vert_dict[i].index for i in range(first, first+poly.loop_total)] if poly.loop_total == 3: prim += indices elif poly.loop_total > 3: for i in range(poly.loop_total-2): prim += (indices[-1], indices[i], indices[i + 1]) # Write indices o['index_arrays'] = [] for mat, prim in prims.items(): idata = [0] * len(prim) for i, v in enumerate(prim): idata[i] = v ia = {} ia['size'] = 3 ia['values'] = idata ia['material'] = 0 # Find material index for multi-mat mesh if len(exportMesh.materials) > 1: for i in range(0, len(exportMesh.materials)): if (exportMesh.materials[i] != None and mat == exportMesh.materials[i].name) or \ (exportMesh.materials[i] == None and mat == ''): # Default material for empty slots ia['material'] = i break o['index_arrays'].append(ia) # Make tangents if has_tang: tanga_vals = self.calc_tangents(pa['values'], na['values'], ta['values'], o['index_arrays'][0]['values']) tanga = self.make_va('tang', 3, tanga_vals) o['vertex_arrays'].append(tanga) return vert_list def has_tangents(self, exportMesh): return self.get_export_uvs(exportMesh) == True and self.get_export_tangents(exportMesh) == True and len(exportMesh.uv_layers) > 0 def do_export_mesh(self, objectRef, scene): # This function exports a single mesh object bobject = objectRef[1]["objectTable"][0] oid = arm.utils.safestr(objectRef[1]["structName"]) # Check if mesh is using instanced rendering is_instanced, instance_offsets = self.object_process_instancing(bobject, objectRef[1]["objectTable"]) # No export necessary if ArmoryExporter.option_mesh_per_file: fp = self.get_meshes_file_path('mesh_' + oid, compressed=self.is_compress(bobject.data)) assets.add(fp) if hasattr(bobject.data, 'arm_sdfgen') and bobject.data.arm_sdfgen: sdf_path = fp.replace('/mesh_', '/sdf_') assets.add(sdf_path) if self.object_is_cached(bobject) == True and os.path.exists(fp): return print('Exporting mesh ' + self.asset_name(bobject.data)) o = {} o['name'] = oid mesh = objectRef[0] structFlag = False; # Save the morph state if necessary activeShapeKeyIndex = bobject.active_shape_key_index showOnlyShapeKey = bobject.show_only_shape_key currentMorphValue = [] shapeKeys = ArmoryExporter.get_shape_keys(mesh) if shapeKeys: bobject.active_shape_key_index = 0 bobject.show_only_shape_key = True baseIndex = 0 relative = shapeKeys.use_relative if relative: morphCount = 0 baseName = shapeKeys.reference_key.name for block in shapeKeys.key_blocks: if block.name == baseName: baseIndex = morphCount break morphCount += 1 morphCount = 0 for block in shapeKeys.key_blocks: currentMorphValue.append(block.value) block.value = 0.0 if block.name != "": # self.IndentWrite(B"Morph (index = ", 0, structFlag) # self.WriteInt(morphCount) # if (relative) and (morphCount != baseIndex): # self.Write(B", base = ") # self.WriteInt(baseIndex) # self.Write(B")\n") # self.IndentWrite(B"{\n") # self.IndentWrite(B"Name {string {\"", 1) # self.Write(bytes(block.name, "UTF-8")) # self.Write(B"\"}}\n") # self.IndentWrite(B"}\n") # TODO structFlag = True morphCount += 1 shapeKeys.key_blocks[0].value = 1.0 mesh.update() armature = bobject.find_armature() apply_modifiers = not armature # Apply all modifiers to create a new mesh with tessfaces if bpy.app.version >= (2, 80, 1): # 2.8 exportMesh = bobject.to_mesh(scene, bpy.context.workspace.render_layer, apply_modifiers, "RENDER", True, False) else: exportMesh = bobject.to_mesh(scene, apply_modifiers, "RENDER", True, False) if exportMesh == None: log.warn(oid + ' was not exported') return if len(exportMesh.uv_layers) > 2: log.warn(oid + ' exceeds maximum of 2 UV Maps supported') # Process meshes if ArmoryExporter.option_optimize_mesh: vert_list = self.export_mesh_quality(exportMesh, bobject, fp, o) if armature: self.export_skin_quality(bobject, armature, vert_list, o) else: vert_list = self.export_mesh_fast(exportMesh, bobject, fp, o) if armature: self.export_skin_quality(bobject, armature, vert_list, o) # self.export_skin_fast(bobject, armature, vert_list, o) # Save aabb for va in o['vertex_arrays']: if va['attrib'].startswith('pos'): positions = va['values'] stride = 0 ar = va['attrib'].split('_') for a in ar: if a == 'pos' or a == 'nor' or a == 'col' or a == 'tang': stride += 3 elif a == 'tex' or a == 'tex1': stride += 2 elif a == 'bone' or a == 'weight': stride += 4 aabb_min = [-0.01, -0.01, -0.01] aabb_max = [0.01, 0.01, 0.01] i = 0 while i < len(positions): if positions[i] > aabb_max[0]: aabb_max[0] = positions[i]; if positions[i + 1] > aabb_max[1]: aabb_max[1] = positions[i + 1]; if positions[i + 2] > aabb_max[2]: aabb_max[2] = positions[i + 2]; if positions[i] < aabb_min[0]: aabb_min[0] = positions[i]; if positions[i + 1] < aabb_min[1]: aabb_min[1] = positions[i + 1]; if positions[i + 2] < aabb_min[2]: aabb_min[2] = positions[i + 2]; i += stride; if hasattr(bobject.data, 'arm_aabb'): bobject.data.arm_aabb = [abs(aabb_min[0]) + abs(aabb_max[0]), abs(aabb_min[1]) + abs(aabb_max[1]), abs(aabb_min[2]) + abs(aabb_max[2])] break # Restore the morph state if shapeKeys: bobject.active_shape_key_index = activeShapeKeyIndex bobject.show_only_shape_key = showOnlyShapeKey for m in range(len(currentMorphValue)): shapeKeys.key_blocks[m].value = currentMorphValue[m] mesh.update() # Save offset data for instanced rendering if is_instanced == True: o['instance_offsets'] = instance_offsets # Export usage if bobject.data.arm_dynamic_usage: o['dynamic_usage'] = bobject.data.arm_dynamic_usage if hasattr(bobject.data, 'arm_sdfgen') and bobject.data.arm_sdfgen: o['sdf_ref'] = 'sdf_' + oid self.write_mesh(bobject, fp, o) if hasattr(bobject.data, 'arm_sdfgen') and bobject.data.arm_sdfgen: # Copy input sdk_path = arm.utils.get_sdk_path() sdfgen_path = sdk_path + '/armory/tools/sdfgen' shutil.copy(fp, sdfgen_path + '/krom/mesh.arm') # Extract basecolor # Assume Armpry PBR with linked texture for now # mat = bobject.material_slots[0].material # img = None # for n in mat.node_tree.nodes: # if n.type == 'GROUP' and n.node_tree.name.startswith('Armory PBR') and n.inputs[0].is_linked: # img = n.inputs[0].links[0].from_node.image # fp_img = bpy.path.abspath(img.filepath) # shutil.copy(fp_img, sdfgen_path + '/krom/mesh.png') # Run krom_location, krom_path = arm.utils.krom_paths() krom_dir = sdfgen_path + '/krom' krom_res = sdfgen_path + '/krom' subprocess.check_output([krom_path, krom_dir, krom_res, '--nosound', '--nowindow']) # Copy output sdf_path = fp.replace('/mesh_', '/sdf_') shutil.copy('out.bin', sdf_path) assets.add(sdf_path) os.remove('out.bin') os.remove(sdfgen_path + '/krom/mesh.arm') # if img != None: # os.remove(sdfgen_path + '/krom/mesh.png') def export_mesh_quality(self, exportMesh, bobject, fp, o): # Triangulate mesh and remap vertices to eliminate duplicates material_table = [] export_vertex_array = ArmoryExporter.deindex_mesh(exportMesh, material_table) triangleCount = len(material_table) indexTable = [] unifiedVA = ArmoryExporter.unify_vertices(export_vertex_array, indexTable) # Write the position array o['vertex_arrays'] = [] pa = self.make_va('pos', 3, self.write_va3d(unifiedVA, "position")) o['vertex_arrays'].append(pa) # Write the normal array na = self.make_va('nor', 3, self.write_va3d(unifiedVA, "normal")) o['vertex_arrays'].append(na) # Write the color array if it exists color_count = len(exportMesh.tessface_vertex_colors) if self.get_export_vcols(exportMesh) == True and color_count > 0: ca = self.make_va('col', 3, self.write_va3d(unifiedVA, "color")) o['vertex_arrays'].append(ca) # Write the texcoord arrays texcoordCount = len(exportMesh.tessface_uv_textures) if self.get_export_uvs(exportMesh) == True and texcoordCount > 0: ta = self.make_va('tex', 2, self.write_va2d(unifiedVA, "texcoord0")) o['vertex_arrays'].append(ta) if texcoordCount > 1: ta2 = self.make_va('tex1', 2, self.write_va2d(unifiedVA, "texcoord1")) o['vertex_arrays'].append(ta2) # If there are multiple morph targets, export them here # if shapeKeys: # shapeKeys.key_blocks[0].value = 0.0 # for m in range(1, len(currentMorphValue)): # shapeKeys.key_blocks[m].value = 1.0 # mesh.update() # bobject.active_shape_key_index = m # morphMesh = bobject.to_mesh(scene, apply_modifiers, "RENDER", True, False) # # Write the morph target position array. # self.IndentWrite(B"VertexArray (attrib = \"position\", morph = ", 0, True) # self.WriteInt(m) # self.Write(B")\n") # self.IndentWrite(B"{\n") # self.indentLevel += 1 # self.IndentWrite(B"float[3]\t\t// ") # self.IndentWrite(B"{\n", 0, True) # self.WriteMorphPositionArray3D(unifiedVA, morphMesh.vertices) # self.IndentWrite(B"}\n") # self.indentLevel -= 1 # self.IndentWrite(B"}\n\n") # # Write the morph target normal array. # self.IndentWrite(B"VertexArray (attrib = \"normal\", morph = ") # self.WriteInt(m) # self.Write(B")\n") # self.IndentWrite(B"{\n") # self.indentLevel += 1 # self.IndentWrite(B"float[3]\t\t// ") # self.IndentWrite(B"{\n", 0, True) # self.WriteMorphNormalArray3D(unifiedVA, morphMesh.vertices, morphMesh.tessfaces) # self.IndentWrite(B"}\n") # self.indentLevel -= 1 # self.IndentWrite(B"}\n") # bpy.data.meshes.remove(morphMesh) # Write the index arrays o['index_arrays'] = [] maxMaterialIndex = 0 for i in range(len(material_table)): index = material_table[i] if index > maxMaterialIndex: maxMaterialIndex = index if maxMaterialIndex == 0: # There is only one material, so write a single index array. ia = {} ia['size'] = 3 ia['values'] = self.write_triangle_array(triangleCount, indexTable) ia['material'] = 0 o['index_arrays'].append(ia) else: # If there are multiple material indexes, then write a separate index array for each one. materialTriangleCount = [0 for i in range(maxMaterialIndex + 1)] for i in range(len(material_table)): materialTriangleCount[material_table[i]] += 1 for m in range(maxMaterialIndex + 1): if materialTriangleCount[m] != 0: materialIndexTable = [] for i in range(len(material_table)): if material_table[i] == m: k = i * 3 materialIndexTable.append(indexTable[k]) materialIndexTable.append(indexTable[k + 1]) materialIndexTable.append(indexTable[k + 2]) ia = {} ia['size'] = 3 ia['values'] = self.write_triangle_array(materialTriangleCount[m], materialIndexTable) ia['material'] = m o['index_arrays'].append(ia) # Export tangents if self.has_tangents(exportMesh): tanga_vals = self.calc_tangents(pa['values'], na['values'], ta['values'], o['index_arrays'][0]['values']) tanga = self.make_va('tang', 3, tanga_vals) o['vertex_arrays'].append(tanga) # Delete the new mesh that we made earlier bpy.data.meshes.remove(exportMesh) return unifiedVA def export_lamp(self, objectRef): # This function exports a single lamp object o = {} o['name'] = objectRef[1]["structName"] objref = objectRef[0] objtype = objref.type if objtype == 'SUN': o['type'] = 'sun' elif objtype == 'POINT': o['type'] = 'point' elif objtype == 'SPOT': o['type'] = 'spot' o['spot_size'] = math.cos(objref.spot_size / 2) o['spot_blend'] = objref.spot_blend / 10 # Cycles defaults to 0.15 elif objtype == 'AREA': o['type'] = 'area' o['size'] = objref.size o['size_y'] = objref.size_y else: # Hemi o['type'] = 'sun' o['cast_shadow'] = objref.cycles.cast_shadow o['near_plane'] = objref.arm_clip_start o['far_plane'] = objref.arm_clip_end o['fov'] = objref.arm_fov o['shadows_bias'] = objref.arm_shadows_bias rpdat = arm.utils.get_rp() if rpdat.rp_shadowmap == 'None': o['shadowmap_size'] = 0 else: o['shadowmap_size'] = int(rpdat.rp_shadowmap) if o['type'] == 'sun': # Scale bias for ortho light matrix o['shadows_bias'] *= 10.0 if (objtype == 'POINT' or objtype == 'SPOT') and objref.shadow_soft_size > 0.1: # No sun for now lamp_size = objref.shadow_soft_size # Slightly higher bias for high sizes if lamp_size > 1: o['shadows_bias'] += 0.00001 * lamp_size o['lamp_size'] = lamp_size * 10 # Match to Cycles gapi = arm.utils.get_gapi() restricted = rpdat.arm_material_model == 'Restricted' if objtype == 'POINT' and objref.arm_omni_shadows and not gapi.startswith('direct3d') and not restricted: o['fov'] = 1.5708 # 90 deg o['shadowmap_cube'] = True o['shadows_bias'] *= 4.0 # Parse nodes # Emission only for now tree = objref.node_tree if tree != None: for n in tree.nodes: if n.type == 'EMISSION': col = n.inputs[0].default_value o['color'] = [col[0], col[1], col[2]] o['strength'] = n.inputs[1].default_value # Normalize lamp strength if o['type'] == 'point' or o['type'] == 'spot': o['strength'] *= 0.026 elif o['type'] == 'area': o['strength'] *= 0.26 elif o['type'] == 'sun': o['strength'] *= 0.325 # TODO: Lamp texture test.. if n.inputs[0].is_linked: color_node = n.inputs[0].links[0].from_node if color_node.type == 'TEX_IMAGE': o['color_texture'] = color_node.image.name break else: o['color'] = [1.0, 1.0, 1.0] o['strength'] = 100.0 * 0.026 o['type'] = 'point' self.output['lamp_datas'].append(o) def get_camera_clear_color(self): if self.scene.world != None and self.scene.world.node_tree != None and 'Background' in self.scene.world.node_tree.nodes: # TODO: parse node tree background_node = self.scene.world.node_tree.nodes['Background'] col = background_node.inputs[0].default_value strength = background_node.inputs[1].default_value ar = [col[0] * strength, col[1] * strength, col[2] * strength, col[3]] ar[0] = max(min(ar[0], 1.0), 0.0) ar[1] = max(min(ar[1], 1.0), 0.0) ar[2] = max(min(ar[2], 1.0), 0.0) ar[3] = max(min(ar[3], 1.0), 0.0) return ar else: return [0.051, 0.051, 0.051, 1.0] def export_camera(self, objectRef): o = {} o['name'] = objectRef[1]["structName"] objref = objectRef[0] o['near_plane'] = objref.clip_start o['far_plane'] = objref.clip_end o['fov'] = objref.angle wrd = bpy.data.worlds['Arm'] if wrd.arm_play_camera != 'Scene' and ArmoryExporter.in_viewport: pw = self.get_viewport_panels_w() # Tool shelf and properties hidden proj, is_persp = self.get_viewport_projection_matrix() if pw == 0 and is_persp: o['projection'] = self.write_matrix(proj) # if pw > 0: # w = self.get_viewport_w() # o['projection'][0] *= aspect if objref.type == 'PERSP': o['type'] = 'perspective' else: o['type'] = 'orthographic' if objref.arm_render_to_texture: o['render_to_texture'] = True o['texture_resolution_x'] = int(objref.arm_texture_resolution_x) o['texture_resolution_y'] = int(objref.arm_texture_resolution_y) o['frustum_culling'] = objref.arm_frustum_culling o['render_path'] = 'armory_default/armory_default' o['clear_color'] = self.get_camera_clear_color() self.output['camera_datas'].append(o) def export_speaker(self, objectRef): # This function exports a single speaker object o = {} o['name'] = objectRef[1]["structName"] objref = objectRef[0] if objref.sound: # Packed if objref.sound.packed_file != None: unpack_path = arm.utils.get_fp_build() + '/compiled/Assets/unpacked' if not os.path.exists(unpack_path): os.makedirs(unpack_path) unpack_filepath = unpack_path + '/' + objref.sound.name if os.path.isfile(unpack_filepath) == False or os.path.getsize(unpack_filepath) != objref.sound.packed_file.size: with open(unpack_filepath, 'wb') as f: f.write(objref.sound.packed_file.data) assets.add(unpack_filepath) # External else: assets.add(arm.utils.asset_path(objref.sound.filepath)) # Link sound to assets o['sound'] = arm.utils.extract_filename(objref.sound.filepath) else: o['sound'] = '' o['muted'] = objref.muted o['loop'] = objref.arm_loop o['stream'] = objref.arm_stream o['volume'] = objref.volume o['pitch'] = objref.pitch o['attenuation'] = objref.attenuation self.output['speaker_datas'].append(o) def make_default_mat(self, mat_name, mat_objs): if mat_name in bpy.data.materials: return mat = bpy.data.materials.new(name=mat_name) mat.use_nodes = True o = {} o['name'] = mat.name o['contexts'] = [] mat_users = dict() mat_users[mat] = mat_objs mat_armusers = dict() mat_armusers[mat] = [o] make_material.parse(mat, o, mat_users, mat_armusers) self.output['material_datas'].append(o) bpy.data.materials.remove(mat) if bpy.data.worlds['Arm'].arm_culling == False: o['override_context'] = {} o['override_context']['cull_mode'] = 'none' def export_materials(self): wrd = bpy.data.worlds['Arm'] if wrd.arm_batch_materials: mat_users = self.materialToObjectDict mat_armusers = self.materialToArmObjectDict mat_batch.build(self.materialArray, mat_users, mat_armusers) transluc_used = False overlays_used = False decals_used = False # sss_used = False for materialRef in self.materialArray.items(): material = materialRef[0] # If the material is unlinked, material becomes None if material == None: continue o = {} o['name'] = materialRef[1]["structName"] if material.arm_two_sided or wrd.arm_culling == False: o['override_context'] = {} o['override_context']['cull_mode'] = 'none' elif material.arm_cull_mode != 'clockwise': o['override_context'] = {} o['override_context']['cull_mode'] = material.arm_cull_mode o['contexts'] = [] if not material.use_nodes: material.use_nodes = True mat_users = self.materialToObjectDict mat_armusers = self.materialToArmObjectDict sd, rpasses = make_material.parse(material, o, mat_users, mat_armusers) if 'translucent' in rpasses: transluc_used = True if 'overlay' in rpasses: overlays_used = True if 'decal' in rpasses: decals_used = True uv_export = False tang_export = False vcol_export = False vs_str = '' for con in sd['contexts']: for elem in con['vertex_structure']: if len(vs_str) > 0: vs_str += ',' vs_str += elem['name'] if elem['name'] == 'tang': tang_export = True elif elem['name'] == 'tex': uv_export = True elif elem['name'] == 'col': vcol_export = True # TODO: use array and remove duplis to ensure correctness material.vertex_structure = vs_str if (material.export_tangents != tang_export) or \ (material.export_uvs != uv_export) or \ (material.export_vcols != vcol_export): material.export_uvs = uv_export material.export_vcols = vcol_export material.export_tangents = tang_export mat_users = self.materialToObjectDict[material] for ob in mat_users: ob.data.arm_cached = False self.output['material_datas'].append(o) material.is_cached = True # Object with no material assigned in the scene if len(self.defaultMaterialObjects) > 0: self.make_default_mat('armdefault', self.defaultMaterialObjects) if len(self.defaultSkinMaterialObjects) > 0: self.make_default_mat('armdefaultskin', self.defaultSkinMaterialObjects) # Auto-enable render-path featues rebuild_rp = False rpdat = arm.utils.get_rp() if rpdat.rp_translucency_state == 'Auto' and rpdat.rp_translucency != transluc_used: rpdat.rp_translucency = transluc_used rebuild_rp = True if rpdat.rp_overlays_state == 'Auto' and rpdat.rp_overlays != overlays_used: rpdat.rp_overlays = overlays_used rebuild_rp = True if rpdat.rp_decals_state == 'Auto' and rpdat.rp_decals != decals_used: rpdat.rp_decals = decals_used rebuild_rp = True # if rpdat.rp_sss_state == 'Auto' and rpdat.rp_sss != sss_used: # rpdat.rp_sss = sss_used # rebuild_rp = True if rebuild_rp: self.rebuild_render_path(rpdat) def rebuild_render_path(self, rpdat): # No shader invalidate required? make_renderer.make_renderer(rpdat) # Rebuild modified path assets_path = arm.utils.get_sdk_path() + 'armory/Assets/' make_renderpath.build_node_trees(assets_path) def export_particle_systems(self): if len(self.particleSystemArray) > 0: self.output['particle_datas'] = [] for particleRef in self.particleSystemArray.items(): o = {} psettings = particleRef[0] if psettings == None: continue o['name'] = particleRef[1]["structName"] o['type'] = 0 if psettings.type == 'Emitter' else 1 # Hair o['count'] = psettings.count o['lifetime'] = psettings.lifetime o['normal_factor'] = psettings.normal_factor; o['object_align_factor'] = [psettings.object_align_factor[0], psettings.object_align_factor[1], psettings.object_align_factor[2]] o['factor_random'] = psettings.factor_random if psettings.render_type == 'OBJECT': o['dupli_object'] = psettings.dupli_object.name o['particle_size'] = psettings.particle_size o['size_random'] = psettings.size_random self.objectToArmObjectDict[psettings.dupli_object]['is_particle'] = True else: o['dupli_object'] = '' o['particle_size'] = 1.0 o['size_random'] = 0.0 self.output['particle_datas'].append(o) def export_tilesheets(self): wrd = bpy.data.worlds['Arm'] if len(wrd.arm_tilesheetlist) > 0: self.output['tilesheet_datas'] = [] for ts in wrd.arm_tilesheetlist: o = {} o['name'] = ts.name o['tilesx'] = ts.tilesx_prop o['tilesy'] = ts.tilesy_prop o['framerate'] = ts.framerate_prop o['actions'] = [] for tsa in ts.arm_tilesheetactionlist: ao = {} ao['name'] = tsa.name ao['start'] = tsa.start_prop ao['end'] = tsa.end_prop ao['loop'] = tsa.loop_prop o['actions'].append(ao) self.output['tilesheet_datas'].append(o) def export_worlds(self): worldRef = self.scene.world if worldRef != None: o = {} w = worldRef o['name'] = w.name self.post_export_world(w, o) self.output['world_datas'].append(o) def export_grease_pencils(self): gpRef = self.scene.grease_pencil if gpRef == None or self.scene.arm_gp_export == False: return # ArmoryExporter.option_mesh_per_file # Currently always exports to separate file fp = self.get_greasepencils_file_path('greasepencil_' + gpRef.name, compressed=self.is_compress(gpRef)) assets.add(fp) ext = '' if self.is_compress(gpRef): ext = '.zip' self.output['grease_pencil_ref'] = 'greasepencil_' + gpRef.name + ext + '/' + gpRef.name assets.add_shader_data(arm.utils.build_dir() + '/compiled/Shaders/grease_pencil/grease_pencil.arm') assets.add_shader(arm.utils.build_dir() + '/compiled/Shaders/grease_pencil/grease_pencil.frag.glsl') assets.add_shader(arm.utils.build_dir() + '/compiled/Shaders/grease_pencil/grease_pencil.vert.glsl') assets.add_shader(arm.utils.build_dir() + '/compiled/Shaders/grease_pencil/grease_pencil_shadows.frag.glsl') assets.add_shader(arm.utils.build_dir() + '/compiled/Shaders/grease_pencil/grease_pencil_shadows.vert.glsl') if gpRef.arm_data_cached == True and os.path.exists(fp): return gpo = self.post_export_grease_pencil(gpRef) gp_obj = {} gp_obj['grease_pencil_datas'] = [gpo] arm.utils.write_arm(fp, gp_obj) gpRef.arm_data_cached = True def is_compress(self, obj): return ArmoryExporter.compress_enabled and obj.arm_compress def export_objects(self, scene): if not ArmoryExporter.option_mesh_only: self.output['lamp_datas'] = [] self.output['camera_datas'] = [] self.output['speaker_datas'] = [] for objectRef in self.lampArray.items(): self.export_lamp(objectRef) for objectRef in self.cameraArray.items(): self.export_camera(objectRef) for objectRef in self.speakerArray.items(): self.export_speaker(objectRef) for objectRef in self.meshArray.items(): self.output['mesh_datas'] = []; self.do_export_mesh(objectRef, scene) def execute(self, context, filepath, scene=None): profile_time = time.time() self.output = {} self.filepath = filepath self.scene = context.scene if scene == None else scene originalFrame = self.scene.frame_current originalSubframe = self.scene.frame_subframe self.restoreFrame = False self.beginFrame = self.scene.frame_start self.endFrame = self.scene.frame_end self.frameTime = 1.0 / (self.scene.render.fps_base * self.scene.render.fps) self.bobjectArray = {} self.meshArray = {} self.lampArray = {} self.cameraArray = {} self.camera_spawned = False self.speakerArray = {} self.materialArray = {} self.particleSystemArray = {} self.worldArray = {} # Export all worlds self.boneParentArray = {} self.materialToObjectDict = dict() self.defaultMaterialObjects = [] # If no material is assigned, provide default to mimick cycles self.defaultSkinMaterialObjects = [] self.materialToArmObjectDict = dict() self.objectToArmObjectDict = dict() self.active_layers = [] for i in range(0, len(self.scene.layers)): if self.scene.layers[i] == True: self.active_layers.append(i) self.preprocess() if bpy.app.version >= (2, 80, 1): # 2.8 scene_objects = self.scene.master_collection.collections[0].objects else: scene_objects = self.scene.objects for bobject in scene_objects: # Map objects to game objects o = {} o['traits'] = [] self.objectToArmObjectDict[bobject] = o # Process if not bobject.parent: self.process_bobject(bobject) self.process_skinned_meshes() self.output['name'] = arm.utils.safestr(self.scene.name) if self.filepath.endswith('.zip'): self.output['name'] += '.zip' # Fix material variants # Skinned and non-skined objects can not share material matvars = [] matvars_boskin = [] for bo in scene_objects: if arm.utils.export_bone_data(bo): matvars_boskin.append(bo) for slot in bo.material_slots: mat_name = slot.material.name + '_armskin' mat = bpy.data.materials.get(mat_name) if mat == None: mat = slot.material.copy() mat.name = mat_name matvars.append(mat) slot.material = mat # Auto-bones wrd = bpy.data.worlds['Arm'] if wrd.arm_gpu_skin_max_bones_auto: max_bones = 8 for armature in bpy.data.armatures: if max_bones < len(armature.bones): max_bones = len(armature.bones) wrd.arm_gpu_skin_max_bones = max_bones self.output['objects'] = [] for bo in scene_objects: if not bo.parent: self.export_object(bo, self.scene) if len(bpy.data.groups) > 0: self.output['groups'] = [] for group in bpy.data.groups: o = {} o['name'] = group.name o['object_refs'] = [] # Add unparented objects only, then instantiate full object child tree for bobject in group.objects: if bobject.parent == None: # Add external linked objects if bobject.name not in scene_objects: self.process_bobject(bobject) self.export_object(bobject, self.scene) o['object_refs'].append(bobject.name + '_Lib') else: o['object_refs'].append(bobject.name) self.output['groups'].append(o) if not ArmoryExporter.option_mesh_only: if self.scene.camera != None: self.output['camera_ref'] = self.scene.camera.name else: if self.scene.name == arm.utils.get_project_scene_name(): log.warn('Armory Warning: No camera found in active scene') self.output['material_datas'] = [] self.export_materials() # Ensure same vertex structure for object materials if not wrd.arm_deinterleaved_buffers: for bobject in scene_objects: if len(bobject.material_slots) > 1: mat = bobject.material_slots[0].material if mat == None: continue vs = mat.vertex_structure for i in range(len(bobject.material_slots)): nmat = bobject.material_slots[i].material if nmat == None: continue if vs != nmat.vertex_structure: log.warn('Object ' + bobject.name + ' - unable to bind materials to vertex data, please separate object by material (select object - edit mode - P - By Material) or enable Deinterleaved Buffers in Armory Player') break self.export_particle_systems() self.output['world_datas'] = [] self.export_worlds() self.export_grease_pencils() self.export_tilesheets() if self.scene.world != None: self.output['world_ref'] = self.scene.world.name if self.scene.use_gravity: self.output['gravity'] = [self.scene.gravity[0], self.scene.gravity[1], self.scene.gravity[2]] else: self.output['gravity'] = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] self.export_objects(self.scene) if not self.camera_spawned: log.warn('No camera found in active scene layers') if (len(self.output['camera_datas']) == 0 and len(bpy.data.cameras) == 0) or not self.camera_spawned: log.warn('Creating default camera') o = {} o['name'] = 'DefaultCamera' o['near_plane'] = 0.1 o['far_plane'] = 200.0 o['fov'] = 0.85 # if ArmoryExporter.in_viewport: # pw = self.get_viewport_panels_w() # proj, is_persp = self.get_viewport_projection_matrix() # if pw == 0 and is_persp: # o['projection'] = self.write_matrix(proj) # o['projection'][5] = 2.027726888656616 # Wrong val returned when no camera present? o['type'] = 'perspective' o['frustum_culling'] = True o['render_path'] = 'armory_default/armory_default' o['clear_color'] = self.get_camera_clear_color() self.output['camera_datas'].append(o) o = {} o['name'] = 'DefaultCamera' o['type'] = 'camera_object' o['data_ref'] = 'DefaultCamera' o['material_refs'] = [] o['transform'] = {} viewport_matrix = self.get_viewport_view_matrix() if viewport_matrix != None: o['transform']['values'] = self.write_matrix(viewport_matrix.inverted()) o['local_transform_only'] = True else: o['transform']['values'] = [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0] o['traits'] = [] navigation_trait = {} navigation_trait['type'] = 'Script' navigation_trait['class_name'] = 'armory.trait.WalkNavigation' navigation_trait['parameters'] = [str(arm.utils.get_ease_viewport_camera()).lower()] o['traits'].append(navigation_trait) self.output['objects'].append(o) self.output['camera_ref'] = 'DefaultCamera' if self.restoreFrame: self.scene.frame_set(originalFrame, originalSubframe) # Scene root traits if wrd.arm_physics != 'Disabled' and ArmoryExporter.export_physics: if not 'traits' in self.output: self.output['traits'] = [] x = {} x['type'] = 'Script' x['class_name'] = 'armory.trait.internal.PhysicsWorld' self.output['traits'].append(x) if wrd.arm_navigation != 'Disabled' and ArmoryExporter.export_navigation: if not 'traits' in self.output: self.output['traits'] = [] x = {} x['type'] = 'Script' x['class_name'] = 'armory.trait.internal.Navigation' self.output['traits'].append(x) if wrd.arm_play_console: if not 'traits' in self.output: self.output['traits'] = [] ArmoryExporter.export_ui = True x = {} x['type'] = 'Script' x['class_name'] = 'armory.trait.internal.DebugConsole' x['parameters'] = [] self.output['traits'].append(x) if len(self.scene.arm_traitlist) > 0: if not 'traits' in self.output: self.output['traits'] = [] self.export_traits(self.scene, self.output) if 'traits' in self.output: for x in self.output['traits']: ArmoryExporter.import_traits.append(x['class_name']) # Write embedded data references if len(assets.embedded_data) > 0: self.output['embedded_datas'] = [] for file in assets.embedded_data: self.output['embedded_datas'].append(file) # Write scene file arm.utils.write_arm(self.filepath, self.output) # Remove created material variants for bo in matvars_boskin: for slot in bo.material_slots: # Set back to original material orig_mat = slot.material.name[:-len('_armskin')] slot.material = bpy.data.materials[orig_mat] for mat in matvars: bpy.data.materials.remove(mat, do_unlink=True) print('Scene built in ' + str(time.time() - profile_time)) return {'FINISHED'} # Callbacks def object_is_cached(self, bobject): if bobject.type == 'FONT' or bobject.type == 'META': # No verts return bobject.data.arm_cached if bobject.data.arm_cached_verts != len(bobject.data.vertices): return False if bobject.data.arm_cached_edges != len(bobject.data.edges): return False return bobject.data.arm_cached def get_export_tangents(self, mesh): for m in mesh.materials: if m != None and m.export_tangents == True: return True return False def get_export_vcols(self, mesh): for m in mesh.materials: if m != None and m.export_vcols == True: return True return False def get_export_uvs(self, mesh): for m in mesh.materials: if m != None and m.export_uvs == True: return True return False def object_process_instancing(self, bobject, refs): is_instanced = False instance_offsets = None for n in refs: if n.arm_instanced == True: is_instanced = True # Save offset data instance_offsets = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] # Include parent for sn in n.children: # Child hidden if sn.arm_export == False: continue # Do not take parent matrix into account loc = sn.matrix_local.to_translation() instance_offsets.append(loc.x) instance_offsets.append(loc.y) instance_offsets.append(loc.z) # m = sn.matrix_local # instance_offsets.append(m[0][3]) #* m[0][0]) # Scale # instance_offsets.append(m[1][3]) #* m[1][1]) # instance_offsets.append(m[2][3]) #* m[2][2]) break # Instance render groups with same children? # elif n.dupli_type == 'GROUP' and n.dupli_group != None: # is_instanced = True # instance_offsets = [] # for sn in bpy.data.groups[n.dupli_group].objects: # loc = sn.matrix_local.to_translation() # instance_offsets.append(loc.x) # instance_offsets.append(loc.y) # instance_offsets.append(loc.z) # break return is_instanced, instance_offsets def preprocess(self): wrd = bpy.data.worlds['Arm'] ArmoryExporter.export_all_flag = True ArmoryExporter.export_physics = False # Indicates whether rigid body is exported ArmoryExporter.export_navigation = False ArmoryExporter.export_ui = False if not hasattr(ArmoryExporter, 'compress_enabled'): ArmoryExporter.compress_enabled = False if not hasattr(ArmoryExporter, 'in_viewport'): ArmoryExporter.in_viewport = False if not hasattr(ArmoryExporter, 'import_traits'): ArmoryExporter.import_traits = [] # Referenced traits ArmoryExporter.option_mesh_only = False ArmoryExporter.option_mesh_per_file = True ArmoryExporter.option_optimize_mesh = wrd.arm_optimize_mesh ArmoryExporter.option_minimize = wrd.arm_minimize ArmoryExporter.option_sample_animation = wrd.arm_sampled_animation ArmoryExporter.sample_animation_flag = ArmoryExporter.option_sample_animation # Used for material shader export and khafile ArmoryExporter.mesh_context = 'mesh' ArmoryExporter.mesh_context_empty = '' ArmoryExporter.shadows_context = 'shadowmap' ArmoryExporter.translucent_context = 'translucent' ArmoryExporter.overlay_context = 'overlay' def preprocess_object(self, bobject): # Returns false if object should not be exported export_object = True # Disabled object if bobject.arm_export == False: return False for m in bobject.modifiers: if m.type == 'OCEAN': # Do not export ocean mesh, just take specified constants export_object = False rdpat = arm.utils.get_rp() wrd = bpy.data.worlds['Arm'] rdpat.rp_ocean = True # Take position and bounds wrd.arm_ocean_level = 0.0#bobject.location.z return export_object def post_export_object(self, bobject, o, type): # Export traits self.export_traits(bobject, o) # Rigid body trait if bobject.rigid_body != None: ArmoryExporter.export_physics = True rb = bobject.rigid_body shape = 0 # BOX if rb.collision_shape == 'SPHERE': shape = 1 elif rb.collision_shape == 'CONVEX_HULL': shape = 2 elif rb.collision_shape == 'MESH': if rb.enabled: shape = 3 # Mesh else: shape = 8 # Static Mesh elif rb.collision_shape == 'CONE': shape = 4 elif rb.collision_shape == 'CYLINDER': shape = 5 elif rb.collision_shape == 'CAPSULE': shape = 6 body_mass = 0 if rb.enabled: body_mass = rb.mass x = {} x['type'] = 'Script' x['class_name'] = 'armory.trait.internal.RigidBody' x['parameters'] = [str(body_mass), str(shape), str(rb.friction), str(rb.restitution)] if rb.use_margin: x['parameters'].append(str(rb.collision_margin)) else: x['parameters'].append('0.0') x['parameters'].append(str(rb.linear_damping)) x['parameters'].append(str(rb.angular_damping)) x['parameters'].append(str(rb.type == 'PASSIVE').lower()) o['traits'].append(x) # Soft bodies modifier soft_type = -1 soft_mod = None for m in bobject.modifiers: if m.type == 'CLOTH': soft_type = 0 soft_mod = m break elif m.type == 'SOFT_BODY': soft_type = 1 # Volume soft_mod = m break if soft_type >= 0: ArmoryExporter.export_physics = True assets.add_khafile_def('arm_physics_soft') cloth_trait = {} cloth_trait['type'] = 'Script' cloth_trait['class_name'] = 'armory.trait.internal.SoftBody' if soft_type == 0: bend = soft_mod.settings.bending_stiffness elif soft_type == 1: bend = (soft_mod.settings.bend + 1.0) * 10 cloth_trait['parameters'] = [str(soft_type), str(bend), str(soft_mod.settings.mass), str(bobject.arm_soft_body_margin)] o['traits'].append(cloth_trait) if soft_type == 0 and soft_mod.settings.use_pin_cloth: self.add_hook_trait(o, bobject, '', soft_mod.settings.vertex_group_mass) # RB Constraint if bobject.rigid_body_constraint != None: rbc = bobject.rigid_body_constraint target = rbc.object1 if rbc.object2.name == bobject.name else rbc.object2 to = self.objectToArmObjectDict[target] if rbc.type == 'HINGE': self.add_constraint_trait(o, rbc.object1, rbc.object2) else: self.add_hook_trait(to, target, bobject.name, '') # Hook modifier # hook_mod = None # for m in bobject.modifiers: # if m.type == 'HOOK': # hook_mod = m # break # if hook_mod != None: # group_name = hook_mod.vertex_group # target_name = hook_mod.object.name # self.add_hook_trait(o, bobject, target_name, group_name) # Camera traits if type == NodeTypeCamera: # Viewport camera enabled, attach navigation to active camera if self.scene.camera != None and bobject.name == self.scene.camera.name and bpy.data.worlds['Arm'].arm_play_camera != 'Scene': navigation_trait = {} navigation_trait['type'] = 'Script' navigation_trait['class_name'] = 'armory.trait.WalkNavigation' navigation_trait['parameters'] = [str(arm.utils.get_ease_viewport_camera()).lower()] o['traits'].append(navigation_trait) # Map objects to materials, can be used in later stages for i in range(len(bobject.material_slots)): mat = bobject.material_slots[i].material if mat in self.materialToObjectDict: self.materialToObjectDict[mat].append(bobject) self.materialToArmObjectDict[mat].append(o) else: self.materialToObjectDict[mat] = [bobject] self.materialToArmObjectDict[mat] = [o] # Export constraints if len(bobject.constraints) > 0: o['constraints'] = [] for constr in bobject.constraints: if constr.mute: continue co = {} co['name'] = constr.name co['type'] = constr.type if constr.type == 'COPY_LOCATION': co['target'] = constr.target.name co['use_x'] = constr.use_x co['use_y'] = constr.use_y co['use_z'] = constr.use_z co['invert_x'] = constr.invert_x co['invert_y'] = constr.invert_y co['invert_z'] = constr.invert_z co['use_offset'] = constr.use_offset co['influence'] = constr.influence o['constraints'].append(co) for x in o['traits']: ArmoryExporter.import_traits.append(x['class_name']) def export_traits(self, bobject, o): if hasattr(bobject, 'arm_traitlist'): for t in bobject.arm_traitlist: if t.enabled_prop == False: continue x = {} if t.type_prop == 'Logic Nodes' and t.nodes_name_prop != '': x['type'] = 'Script' x['class_name'] = arm.utils.safestr(bpy.data.worlds['Arm'].arm_project_package) + '.node.' + arm.utils.safesrc(t.nodes_name_prop) elif t.type_prop == 'WebAssembly': pass # basename = t.jsscript_prop.split('.')[0] # x['type'] = 'Script' # x['class_name'] = 'armory.trait.internal.JSScript' # x['parameters'] = ["'" + basename + "'"] # scriptspath = arm.utils.get_fp_build() + '/compiled/scripts/' # if not os.path.exists(scriptspath): # os.makedirs(scriptspath) # # Write js to file # assetpath = arm.utils.build_dir() + '/compiled/scripts/' + t.jsscript_prop + '.js' # targetpath = arm.utils.get_fp() + '/' + assetpath # with open(targetpath, 'w') as f: # f.write(bpy.data.texts[t.jsscript_prop].as_string()) # assets.add(assetpath) elif t.type_prop == 'UI Canvas': ArmoryExporter.export_ui = True x['type'] = 'Script' x['class_name'] = 'armory.trait.internal.CanvasScript' x['parameters'] = ["'" + t.canvas_name_prop + "'"] # assets.add(assetpath) # Bundled is auto-added # Read file list and add canvas assets assetpath = arm.utils.get_fp() + '/Bundled/canvas/' + t.canvas_name_prop + '.files' if os.path.exists(assetpath): with open(assetpath) as f: fileList = f.read().splitlines() for asset in fileList: # Relative to the root/Bundled/canvas path asset = asset[6:] # Strip ../../ to start in project root assets.add(asset) else: # Haxe/Bundled Script if t.class_name_prop == '': # Empty class name, skip continue x['type'] = 'Script' if t.type_prop == 'Bundled Script': trait_prefix = 'armory.trait.' # TODO: temporary, export single mesh navmesh as obj if t.class_name_prop == 'NavMesh' and bobject.type == 'MESH' and bpy.data.worlds['Arm'].arm_navigation != 'Disabled': ArmoryExporter.export_navigation = True nav_path = arm.utils.get_fp_build() + '/compiled/Assets/navigation' if not os.path.exists(nav_path): os.makedirs(nav_path) nav_filepath = nav_path + '/nav_' + bobject.data.name + '.arm' assets.add(nav_filepath) # TODO: Implement cache #if os.path.isfile(nav_filepath) == False: override = {'selected_objects': [bobject]} # bobject.scale.y *= -1 # mesh = obj.data # for face in mesh.faces: # face.v.reverse() # bpy.ops.export_scene.obj(override, use_selection=True, filepath=nav_filepath, check_existing=False, use_normals=False, use_uvs=False, use_materials=False) # bobject.scale.y *= -1 with open(nav_filepath, 'w') as f: for v in bobject.data.vertices: f.write("v %.4f " % (v.co[0] * bobject.scale.x)) f.write("%.4f " % (v.co[2] * bobject.scale.z)) f.write("%.4f\n" % (v.co[1] * bobject.scale.y)) # Flipped for p in bobject.data.polygons: f.write("f") for i in reversed(p.vertices): # Flipped normals f.write(" %d" % (i + 1)) f.write("\n") else: trait_prefix = arm.utils.safestr(bpy.data.worlds['Arm'].arm_project_package) + '.' x['class_name'] = trait_prefix + t.class_name_prop if len(t.arm_traitparamslist) > 0: x['parameters'] = [] for pt in t.arm_traitparamslist: # Append parameters x['parameters'].append(pt.name) if len(t.arm_traitpropslist) > 0: x['props'] = [] for pt in t.arm_traitpropslist: # Append props x['props'].append(pt.name) x['props'].append(pt.value) o['traits'].append(x) def add_hook_trait(self, o, bobject, target_name, group_name): hook_trait = {} hook_trait['type'] = 'Script' hook_trait['class_name'] = 'armory.trait.internal.PhysicsHook' verts = [] if group_name != '': group = bobject.vertex_groups[group_name].index for v in bobject.data.vertices: for g in v.groups: if g.group == group: verts.append(v.co.x) verts.append(v.co.y) verts.append(v.co.z) hook_trait['parameters'] = ["'" + target_name + "'", str(verts)] o['traits'].append(hook_trait) def add_constraint_trait(self, o, rb1, rb2): constr_trait = {} constr_trait['type'] = 'Script' constr_trait['class_name'] = 'armory.trait.internal.PhysicsConstraint' constr_trait['parameters'] = ["'" + rb1.name + "'", "'" + rb2.name + "'"] o['traits'].append(constr_trait) def post_export_world(self, world, o): wrd = bpy.data.worlds['Arm'] bgcol = world.arm_envtex_color if '_LDR' in wrd.world_defs: # No compositor used for i in range(0, 3): bgcol[i] = pow(bgcol[i], 1.0 / 2.2) o['background_color'] = arm.utils.color_to_int(bgcol) wmat_name = arm.utils.safestr(world.name) + '_material' o['material_ref'] = wmat_name + '/' + wmat_name + '/world' o['probes'] = [] # Main probe rpdat = arm.utils.get_rp() restricted = rpdat.arm_material_model == 'Restricted' arm_irradiance = wrd.arm_irradiance and not restricted arm_radiance = False disable_hdr = world.arm_envtex_name.endswith('.jpg') radtex = world.arm_envtex_name.rsplit('.', 1)[0] irrsharmonics = world.arm_envtex_irr_name # Radiance if '_EnvTex' in wrd.world_defs: arm_radiance = bpy.data.worlds['Arm'].arm_radiance elif '_EnvSky' in wrd.world_defs and bpy.data.worlds['Arm'].arm_radiance_sky: arm_radiance = bpy.data.worlds['Arm'].arm_radiance radtex = 'hosek' num_mips = world.arm_envtex_num_mips strength = world.arm_envtex_strength po = {} po['name'] = world.name if arm_irradiance: po['irradiance'] = irrsharmonics + '_irradiance' if arm_radiance: po['radiance'] = radtex + '_radiance' if disable_hdr: po['radiance'] += '.jpg' else: po['radiance'] += '.hdr' po['radiance_mipmaps'] = num_mips else: po['irradiance'] = '' # No irradiance data, fallback to default at runtime po['strength'] = strength po['blending'] = 1.0 po['volume'] = [0, 0, 0] po['volume_center'] = [0, 0, 0] if '_EnvSky' in wrd.world_defs: # Sky data for probe po['sun_direction'] = list(world.arm_envtex_sun_direction) po['turbidity'] = world.arm_envtex_turbidity po['ground_albedo'] = world.arm_envtex_ground_albedo o['probes'].append(po) def post_export_grease_pencil(self, gp): o = {} o['name'] = gp.name o['layers'] = [] # originalFrame = self.scene.frame_current for layer in gp.layers: o['layers'].append(self.export_grease_pencil_layer(layer)) # self.scene.frame_set(originalFrame) # o['palettes'] = [] # for palette in gp.palettes: # o['palettes'].append(self.export_grease_pencil_palette(palette)) o['shader'] = 'grease_pencil/grease_pencil' return o def export_grease_pencil_layer(self, layer): lo = {} lo['name'] = layer.info lo['opacity'] = layer.opacity lo['frames'] = [] for frame in layer.frames: if frame.frame_number > self.scene.frame_end: break # TODO: load GP frame data # self.scene.frame_set(frame.frame_number) lo['frames'].append(self.export_grease_pencil_frame(frame)) return lo def export_grease_pencil_frame(self, frame): va = [] cola = [] colfilla = [] indices = [] num_stroke_points = [] index_offset = 0 for stroke in frame.strokes: for point in stroke.points: va.append(point.co[0]) va.append(point.co[1]) va.append(point.co[2]) # TODO: store index to color pallete only, this is extremely wasteful if stroke.color != None: cola.append(stroke.color.color[0]) cola.append(stroke.color.color[1]) cola.append(stroke.color.color[2]) cola.append(stroke.color.alpha) colfilla.append(stroke.color.fill_color[0]) colfilla.append(stroke.color.fill_color[1]) colfilla.append(stroke.color.fill_color[2]) colfilla.append(stroke.color.fill_alpha) else: cola.append(0.0) cola.append(0.0) cola.append(0.0) cola.append(0.0) colfilla.append(0.0) colfilla.append(0.0) colfilla.append(0.0) colfilla.append(0.0) for triangle in stroke.triangles: indices.append(triangle.v1 + index_offset) indices.append(triangle.v2 + index_offset) indices.append(triangle.v3 + index_offset) num_stroke_points.append(len(stroke.points)) index_offset += len(stroke.points) fo = {} # TODO: merge into array of vertex arrays fo['vertex_array'] = {} fo['vertex_array']['attrib'] = 'pos' fo['vertex_array']['size'] = 3 fo['vertex_array']['values'] = va fo['col_array'] = {} fo['col_array']['attrib'] = 'col' fo['col_array']['size'] = 4 fo['col_array']['values'] = cola fo['colfill_array'] = {} fo['colfill_array']['attrib'] = 'colfill' fo['colfill_array']['size'] = 4 fo['colfill_array']['values'] = colfilla fo['index_array'] = {} fo['index_array']['material'] = 0 fo['index_array']['size'] = 3 fo['index_array']['values'] = indices fo['num_stroke_points'] = num_stroke_points fo['frame_number'] = frame.frame_number return fo def export_grease_pencil_palette(self, palette): po = {} po['name'] = palette.info po['colors'] = [] for color in palette.colors: po['colors'].append(self.export_grease_pencil_palette_color(color)) return po def export_grease_pencil_palette_color(self, color): co = {} co['name'] = color.name co['color'] = [color.color[0], color.color[1], color.color[2]] co['alpha'] = color.alpha co['fill_color'] = [color.fill_color[0], color.fill_color[1], color.fill_color[2]] co['fill_alpha'] = color.fill_alpha return co