import bpy import arm.utils class Shader: def __init__(self, context, shader_type): self.context = context self.shader_type = shader_type self.includes = [] self.ins = [] self.outs = [] self.uniforms = [] self.functions = {} self.main = '' self.main_init = '' self.main_normal = '' self.main_textures = '' self.main_attribs = '' self.header = '' self.write_pre = False self.write_normal = 0 self.write_textures = 0 = 1 self.vstruct_as_vsin = True self.lock = False self.geom_passthrough = False self.is_linked = False # Use already generated shader def add_include(self, s): self.includes.append(s) def add_in(self, s): self.ins.append(s) def add_out(self, s): self.outs.append(s) def add_uniform(self, s, link=None, included=False): ar = s.split(' ') # layout(RGBA8) image3D voxels utype = ar[-2] uname = ar[-1] if utype.startswith('sampler') or utype.startswith('image') or utype.startswith('uimage'): is_image = True if (utype.startswith('image') or utype.startswith('uimage')) else None self.context.add_texture_unit(utype, uname, link=link, is_image=is_image) else: # Prefer vec4[] for d3d to avoid padding if ar[0] == 'float' and '[' in ar[1]: ar[0] = 'floats' ar[1] = ar[1].split('[', 1)[0] elif ar[0] == 'vec4' and '[' in ar[1]: ar[0] = 'floats' ar[1] = ar[1].split('[', 1)[0] self.context.add_constant(ar[0], ar[1], link=link) if included == False and s not in self.uniforms: self.uniforms.append(s) def add_function(self, s): fname = s.split('(', 1)[0] if fname in self.functions: return self.functions[fname] = s def contains(self, s): return s in self.main or \ s in self.main_init or \ s in self.main_normal or \ s in self.ins or \ s in self.main_textures or \ s in self.main_attribs def write_init(self, s): self.main_init = s + '\n' + self.main_init def write(self, s): if self.lock: return if self.write_textures > 0: self.main_textures += '\t' * 1 + s + '\n' elif self.write_normal > 0: self.main_normal += '\t' * 1 + s + '\n' elif self.write_pre: self.main_init += '\t' * 1 + s + '\n' else: self.main += '\t' * + s + '\n' def write_header(self, s): self.header += s + '\n' def write_attrib(self, s): self.main_attribs += s + '\n' def is_equal(self, sh): self.vstruct_to_vsin() return self.ins == sh.ins and \ self.main == sh.main and \ self.main_normal == sh.main_normal and \ self.main_init == sh.main_init and \ self.main_textures == sh.main_textures and \ self.main_attribs == sh.main_attribs def vstruct_to_vsin(self): if self.shader_type != 'vert' or self.ins != [] or not self.vstruct_as_vsin: # Vertex structure as vertex shader input return vs =['vertex_structure'] for e in vs: self.add_in('vec' + str(e['size']) + ' ' + e['name']) def get(self): s = '#version 450\n' s += self.header defs = arm.utils.def_strings_to_array(['Arm'].world_defs) for a in defs: s += '#define {0}\n'.format(a) in_ext = '' out_ext = '' if self.shader_type == 'vert': self.vstruct_to_vsin() elif self.shader_type == 'tesc': in_ext = '[]' out_ext = '[]' s += 'layout(vertices = 3) out;\n' # Gen outs for sin in self.ins: ar = sin.rsplit(' ', 1) # vec3 wnormal tc_s = 'tc_' + ar[1] self.add_out(ar[0] + ' ' + tc_s) # Pass data self.write('{0}[gl_InvocationID] = {1}[gl_InvocationID];'.format(tc_s, ar[1])) elif self.shader_type == 'tese': in_ext = '[]' s += 'layout(triangles, equal_spacing, ccw) in;\n' elif self.shader_type == 'geom': in_ext = '[]' s += 'layout(triangles) in;\n' if not self.geom_passthrough: s += 'layout(triangle_strip) out;\n' s += 'layout(max_vertices=3) out;\n' for a in self.includes: s += '#include "' + a + '"\n' if self.geom_passthrough: s += 'layout(passthrough) in gl_PerVertex { vec4 gl_Position; } gl_in[];\n' for a in self.ins: if self.geom_passthrough: s += 'layout(passthrough) ' s += 'in {0}{1};\n'.format(a, in_ext) for a in self.outs: if not self.geom_passthrough: s += 'out {0}{1};\n'.format(a, out_ext) for a in self.uniforms: s += 'uniform ' + a + ';\n' for f in self.functions: s += self.functions[f] s += 'void main() {\n' s += self.main_attribs s += self.main_textures s += self.main_normal s += self.main_init s += self.main s += '}\n' return s