// http://sebastien.hillaire.free.fr/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=72&Itemid=106 #version 450 #include "compiled.inc" #include "std/gbuffer.glsl" uniform sampler2D gbufferD; uniform sampler2DShadow shadowMap; uniform sampler2D snoise; #ifdef _CSM //!uniform vec4 casData[shadowmapCascades * 4 + 4]; #else uniform mat4 LWVP; #endif uniform float shadowsBias; uniform vec3 lightColor; uniform vec3 eye; uniform vec3 eyeLook; uniform vec2 cameraProj; in vec2 texCoord; in vec3 viewRay; out float fragColor; const float tScat = 0.08; const float tAbs = 0.0; const float tExt = tScat + tAbs; const float stepLen = 1.0 / volumSteps; const float lighting = 0.4; void rayStep(inout vec3 curPos, inout float curOpticalDepth, inout float scatteredLightAmount, float stepLenWorld, vec3 viewVecNorm) { curPos += stepLenWorld * viewVecNorm; const float density = 1.0; float l1 = lighting * stepLenWorld * tScat * density; curOpticalDepth *= exp(-tExt * stepLenWorld * density); float visibility = 1.0; #ifdef _CSM mat4 LWVP = mat4(casData[4 + 0], casData[4 + 1], casData[4 + 2], casData[4 + 3]); #endif vec4 lightPosition = LWVP * vec4(curPos, 1.0); if (lightPosition.w > 0.0) { lightPosition.xyz /= lightPosition.w; visibility = texture(shadowMap, vec3(lightPosition.xy, lightPosition.z - shadowsBias)); } scatteredLightAmount += curOpticalDepth * l1 * visibility; } void main() { float pixelRayMarchNoise = textureLod(snoise, texCoord * 100, 0.0).r * 2.0 - 1.0; float depth = textureLod(gbufferD, texCoord, 0.0).r * 2.0 - 1.0; vec3 worldPos = getPos(eye, eyeLook, normalize(viewRay), depth, cameraProj); vec3 viewVec = worldPos - eye; float worldPosDist = length(viewVec); vec3 viewVecNorm = viewVec / worldPosDist; float startDepth = 0.1; startDepth = min(worldPosDist, startDepth); float endDepth = 20.0; endDepth = min(worldPosDist, endDepth); vec3 curPos = eye + viewVecNorm * startDepth; float stepLenWorld = stepLen * (endDepth - startDepth); float curOpticalDepth = exp(-tExt * stepLenWorld); float scatteredLightAmount = 0.0; curPos += stepLenWorld * viewVecNorm * pixelRayMarchNoise; for (float l = stepLen; l < 0.99999; l += stepLen) { // Do not do the first and last steps rayStep(curPos, curOpticalDepth, scatteredLightAmount, stepLenWorld, viewVecNorm); } fragColor = scatteredLightAmount * volumAirTurbidity; }