import bpy import os import shutil import glob import json import stat import arm.utils import arm.assets as assets import arm.make_state as state def add_armory_library(sdk_path, name, rel_path=False): if rel_path: sdk_path = '../' + os.path.relpath(sdk_path, arm.utils.get_fp()).replace('\\', '/') return ('project.addLibrary("' + sdk_path + '/' + name + '");\n').replace('\\', '/').replace('//', '/') def add_assets(path, quality=1.0, use_data_dir=False, rel_path=False): if not['Arm'].arm_minimize and path.endswith('.arm'): path = path[:-4] + '.json' if rel_path: path = os.path.relpath(path, arm.utils.get_fp()).replace('\\', '/') notinlist = not path.endswith('.ttf') # TODO s = 'project.addAssets("' + path + '", { notinlist: ' + str(notinlist).lower() + ' ' if quality < 1.0: s += ', quality: ' + str(quality) if use_data_dir: s += ', destination: "data/{name}"' s += '});\n' return s def add_shaders(path, rel_path=False): if rel_path: path = os.path.relpath(path, arm.utils.get_fp()) return 'project.addShaders("' + path.replace('\\', '/').replace('//', '/') + '");\n' def remove_readonly(func, path, excinfo): os.chmod(path, stat.S_IWRITE) func(path) def write_khafilejs(is_play, export_physics, export_navigation, export_ui, is_publish, enable_dce, is_viewport, import_traits, import_logicnodes): sdk_path = arm.utils.get_sdk_path() rel_path = arm.utils.get_relative_paths() # Convert absolute paths to relative wrd =['Arm'] with open('khafile.js', 'w') as f: f.write( """// Auto-generated let project = new Project('""" + arm.utils.safestr(wrd.arm_project_name) + """'); project.addSources('Sources'); """) # Auto-add assets located in Bundled directory if os.path.exists('Bundled'): for file in glob.glob("Bundled/**", recursive=True): if os.path.isfile(file): assets.add(file) if os.path.exists('Shaders'): # Copy to enable includes if os.path.exists(arm.utils.build_dir() + '/compiled/Shaders/Project'): shutil.rmtree(arm.utils.build_dir() + '/compiled/Shaders/Project', onerror=remove_readonly) shutil.copytree('Shaders', arm.utils.build_dir() + '/compiled/Shaders/Project') f.write("project.addShaders('" + arm.utils.build_dir() + "/compiled/Shaders/Project/**');\n") # for file in glob.glob("Shaders/**", recursive=True): # if os.path.isfile(file): # assets.add_shader(file) if not os.path.exists('Libraries/armory'): f.write(add_armory_library(sdk_path, 'armory', rel_path=rel_path)) if not os.path.exists('Libraries/iron'): f.write(add_armory_library(sdk_path, 'iron', rel_path=rel_path)) # Project libraries if os.path.exists('Libraries'): libs = os.listdir('Libraries') for lib in libs: if os.path.isdir('Libraries/' + lib): f.write('project.addLibrary("{0}");\n'.format(lib.replace('//', '/'))) # Subprojects, merge this with libraries if os.path.exists('Subprojects'): libs = os.listdir('Subprojects') for lib in libs: if os.path.isdir('Subprojects/' + lib): f.write('await project.addProject("Subprojects/{0}");\n'.format(lib)) if wrd.arm_audio == 'Disabled': assets.add_khafile_def('arm_no_audio') assets.add_khafile_def('kha_no_ogg') if export_physics: assets.add_khafile_def('arm_physics') if wrd.arm_physics_engine == 'Bullet': assets.add_khafile_def('arm_bullet') if not os.path.exists('Libraries/haxebullet'): f.write(add_armory_library(sdk_path + '/lib/', 'haxebullet', rel_path=rel_path)) if'krom') or == 'html5' or == 'node': ammojs_path = sdk_path + '/lib/haxebullet/ammo/ammo.js' ammojs_path = ammojs_path.replace('\\', '/').replace('//', '/') f.write(add_assets(ammojs_path, rel_path=rel_path)) # haxe.macro.Compiler.includeFile(ammojs_path) elif wrd.arm_physics_engine == 'Oimo': assets.add_khafile_def('arm_oimo') if not os.path.exists('Libraries/oimo'): f.write(add_armory_library(sdk_path + '/lib/', 'oimo', rel_path=rel_path)) if export_navigation: assets.add_khafile_def('arm_navigation') if not os.path.exists('Libraries/haxerecast'): f.write(add_armory_library(sdk_path + '/lib/', 'haxerecast', rel_path=rel_path)) if'krom') or == 'html5': recastjs_path = sdk_path + '/lib/haxerecast/js/recast/recast.js' recastjs_path = recastjs_path.replace('\\', '/').replace('//', '/') f.write(add_assets(recastjs_path, rel_path=rel_path)) if is_publish: assets.add_khafile_def('arm_published') if wrd.arm_asset_compression: assets.add_khafile_def('arm_compress') else: pass # f.write("""project.addParameter("--macro include('armory.trait')");\n""") # f.write("""project.addParameter("--macro include('armory.trait.internal')");\n""") # if export_physics: # f.write("""project.addParameter("--macro include('armory.trait.physics')");\n""") # if wrd.arm_physics_engine == 'Bullet': # f.write("""project.addParameter("--macro include('armory.trait.physics.bullet')");\n""") # else: # f.write("""project.addParameter("--macro include('armory.trait.physics.oimo')");\n""") # if export_navigation: # f.write("""project.addParameter("--macro include('armory.trait.navigation')");\n""") # if import_logicnodes: # Live patching for logic nodes # f.write("""project.addParameter("--macro include('armory.logicnode')");\n""") if not wrd.arm_compiler_inline: f.write("project.addParameter('--no-inline');\n") if enable_dce: f.write("project.addParameter('-dce full');\n") if is_viewport or wrd.arm_debug_console: import_traits.append('armory.trait.internal.Bridge') import_traits = list(set(import_traits)) for i in range(0, len(import_traits)): f.write("project.addParameter('" + import_traits[i] + "');\n") f.write("""project.addParameter("--macro keep('""" + import_traits[i] + """')");\n""") shaderload = == 'krom' or == 'html5' if wrd.arm_cache_build and shaderload and not is_publish: # Load shaders manually assets.add_khafile_def('arm_shaderload') shaders_path = arm.utils.build_dir() + '/compiled/Shaders/*.glsl' if rel_path: shaders_path = os.path.relpath(shaders_path, arm.utils.get_fp()).replace('\\', '/') f.write('project.addShaders("' + shaders_path + '");\n') if arm.utils.get_gapi() == 'direct3d11': # noprocessing flag - gets renamed to .d3d11 shaders_path = arm.utils.build_dir() + '/compiled/Hlsl/*.glsl' if rel_path: shaders_path = os.path.relpath(shaders_path, arm.utils.get_fp()).replace('\\', '/') f.write('project.addShaders("' + shaders_path + '", { noprocessing: true });\n') # Move assets for published game to /data folder use_data_dir = is_publish and ( == 'krom-windows' or == 'krom-linux' or == 'windows-hl' or == 'linux-hl') if use_data_dir: assets.add_khafile_def('arm_data_dir') ext = 'arm' if wrd.arm_minimize else 'json' assets_path = arm.utils.build_dir() + '/compiled/Assets/**' assets_path_sh = arm.utils.build_dir() + '/compiled/Shaders/*.' + ext if rel_path: assets_path = os.path.relpath(assets_path, arm.utils.get_fp()).replace('\\', '/') assets_path_sh = os.path.relpath(assets_path_sh, arm.utils.get_fp()).replace('\\', '/') dest = '' if use_data_dir: dest += ', destination: "data/{name}"' f.write('project.addAssets("' + assets_path + '", { notinlist: true ' + dest + '});\n') f.write('project.addAssets("' + assets_path_sh + '", { notinlist: true ' + dest + '});\n') shader_data_references = sorted(list(set(assets.shader_datas))) for ref in shader_data_references: ref = ref.replace('\\', '/').replace('//', '/') if '/compiled/' in ref: # Asset already included continue f.write(add_assets(ref, use_data_dir=use_data_dir, rel_path=rel_path)) asset_references = sorted(list(set(assets.assets))) for ref in asset_references: ref = ref.replace('\\', '/').replace('//', '/') if '/compiled/' in ref: # Asset already included continue quality = 1.0 s = ref.lower() if s.endswith('.wav'): quality = wrd.arm_sound_quality elif s.endswith('.png') or s.endswith('.jpg'): quality = wrd.arm_texture_quality f.write(add_assets(ref, quality=quality, use_data_dir=use_data_dir, rel_path=rel_path)) if wrd.arm_sound_quality < 1.0 or == 'html5': assets.add_khafile_def('arm_soundcompress') if wrd.arm_texture_quality < 1.0: assets.add_khafile_def('arm_texcompress') if wrd.arm_debug_console: assets.add_khafile_def('arm_debug') f.write(add_shaders(sdk_path + "/armory/Shaders/debug_draw/**", rel_path=rel_path)) if export_ui: if not os.path.exists('Libraries/zui'): f.write(add_armory_library(sdk_path, 'lib/zui', rel_path=rel_path)) p = sdk_path + '/armory/Assets/font_default.ttf' p = p.replace('//', '/') f.write(add_assets(p.replace('\\', '/'), use_data_dir=use_data_dir, rel_path=rel_path)) assets.add_khafile_def('arm_ui') if wrd.arm_hscript == 'Enabled': if not os.path.exists('Libraries/hscript'): f.write(add_armory_library(sdk_path, 'lib/hscript', rel_path=rel_path)) assets.add_khafile_def('arm_hscript') if wrd.arm_formatlib == 'Enabled': if not os.path.exists('Libraries/iron_format'): f.write(add_armory_library(sdk_path, 'lib/iron_format', rel_path=rel_path)) if wrd.arm_minimize == False: assets.add_khafile_def('arm_json') if wrd.arm_deinterleaved_buffers == True: assets.add_khafile_def('arm_deinterleaved') if wrd.arm_batch_meshes == True: assets.add_khafile_def('arm_batch') if wrd.arm_stream_scene: assets.add_khafile_def('arm_stream') rpdat = arm.utils.get_rp() if rpdat.arm_skin == 'CPU': assets.add_khafile_def('arm_skin_cpu') elif rpdat.arm_skin == 'GPU (Matrix)': assets.add_khafile_def('arm_skin_mat') if rpdat.arm_skin != 'Off': assets.add_khafile_def('arm_skin') if rpdat.arm_particles == 'GPU': assets.add_khafile_def('arm_particles_gpu') if rpdat.arm_particles != 'Off': assets.add_khafile_def('arm_particles') if rpdat.rp_draw_order == 'Distance': assets.add_khafile_def('arm_draworder_dist') if arm.utils.get_viewport_controls() == 'azerty': assets.add_khafile_def('arm_azerty') if os.path.exists(arm.utils.get_fp() + '/Bundled/config.arm'): assets.add_khafile_def('arm_config') if is_publish and wrd.arm_loadscreen: assets.add_khafile_def('arm_loadscreen') # if[0].unit_settings.system_rotation == 'DEGREES': # assets.add_khafile_def('arm_degrees') for d in assets.khafile_defs: f.write("project.addDefine('" + d + "');\n") khafile_text = wrd.arm_khafile if khafile_text != '': f.write([khafile_text].as_string()) if'android-native'): bundle = 'org.armory3d.' + wrd.arm_project_package if wrd.arm_project_bundle == '' else wrd.arm_project_bundle f.write("project.targetOptions.android_native.package = '{0}';\n".format(arm.utils.safestr(bundle))) if wrd.arm_winorient != 'Multi': f.write("project.targetOptions.android_native.screenOrientation = '{0}';\n".format(wrd.arm_winorient.lower())) elif'ios'): bundle = 'org.armory3d.' + wrd.arm_project_package if wrd.arm_project_bundle == '' else wrd.arm_project_bundle f.write("project.targetOptions.ios.bundle = '{0}';\n".format(arm.utils.safestr(bundle))) if wrd.arm_project_icon != '': shutil.copy(bpy.path.abspath(wrd.arm_project_icon), arm.utils.get_fp() + '/icon.png') f.write("\n\nresolve(project);\n") def get_winmode(arm_winmode): if arm_winmode == 'Window': return 0 else: # Fullscreen return 1 def write_config(resx, resy): wrd =['Arm'] p = arm.utils.get_fp() + '/Bundled' if not os.path.exists(p): os.makedirs(p) output = {} output['window_mode'] = get_winmode(wrd.arm_winmode) output['window_w'] = int(resx) output['window_h'] = int(resy) output['window_resizable'] = wrd.arm_winresize output['window_maximizable'] = wrd.arm_winmaximize output['window_minimizable'] = wrd.arm_winminimize output['window_vsync'] = wrd.arm_vsync rpdat = arm.utils.get_rp() output['window_msaa'] = int(rpdat.arm_samples_per_pixel) output['window_scale'] = 1.0 output['rp_supersample'] = float(rpdat.rp_supersampling) rp_shadowmap_cube = int(rpdat.rp_shadowmap_cube) if rpdat.rp_shadows else 0 output['rp_shadowmap_cube'] = rp_shadowmap_cube rp_shadowmap_cascade = arm.utils.get_cascade_size(rpdat) if rpdat.rp_shadows else 0 output['rp_shadowmap_cascade'] = rp_shadowmap_cascade output['rp_ssgi'] = rpdat.rp_ssgi != 'Off' output['rp_ssr'] = rpdat.rp_ssr != 'Off' output['rp_bloom'] = rpdat.rp_bloom != 'Off' output['rp_motionblur'] = rpdat.rp_motionblur != 'Off' output['rp_gi'] = rpdat.rp_gi != 'Off' with open(p + '/config.arm', 'w') as f: f.write(json.dumps(output, sort_keys=True, indent=4)) def write_mainhx(scene_name, resx, resy, is_play, is_viewport, is_publish): wrd =['Arm'] rpdat = arm.utils.get_rp() scene_ext = '.zip' if (wrd.arm_asset_compression and is_publish) else '' if scene_ext == '' and not wrd.arm_minimize: scene_ext = '.json' winmode = get_winmode(wrd.arm_winmode) if is_viewport: winmode = 0 # Detect custom render path pathpack = 'armory' if os.path.isfile(arm.utils.get_fp() + '/Sources/' + wrd.arm_project_package + '/renderpath/RenderPathCreator.hx'): pathpack = wrd.arm_project_package elif rpdat.rp_driver != 'Armory': pathpack = rpdat.rp_driver.lower() with open('Sources/Main.hx', 'w') as f: f.write( """// Auto-generated package ; class Main { public static inline var projectName = '""" + arm.utils.safestr(wrd.arm_project_name) + """'; public static inline var projectPackage = '""" + arm.utils.safestr(wrd.arm_project_package) + """';""") if rpdat.rp_gi == 'Voxel GI' or rpdat.rp_gi == 'Voxel AO': f.write(""" public static inline var voxelgiVoxelSize = """ + str(rpdat.arm_voxelgi_dimensions) + " / " + str(rpdat.rp_voxelgi_resolution) + """; public static inline var voxelgiHalfExtents = """ + str(round(rpdat.arm_voxelgi_dimensions / 2.0)) + """;""") if rpdat.arm_rp_resolution == 'Custom': f.write(""" public static inline var resolutionSize = """ + str(rpdat.arm_rp_resolution_size) + """;""") f.write(""" public static function main() {""") if rpdat.arm_skin != 'Off': f.write(""" iron.object.BoneAnimation.skinMaxBones = """ + str(rpdat.arm_skin_max_bones) + """;""") if rpdat.rp_shadowmap_cascades != '1': f.write(""" iron.object.LightObject.cascadeCount = """ + str(rpdat.rp_shadowmap_cascades) + """; iron.object.LightObject.cascadeSplitFactor = """ + str(rpdat.arm_shadowmap_split) + """;""") if rpdat.arm_shadowmap_bounds != 1.0: f.write(""" iron.object.LightObject.cascadeBounds = """ + str(rpdat.arm_shadowmap_bounds) + """;""") if is_publish and wrd.arm_loadscreen: asset_references = list(set(assets.assets)) loadscreen_class = 'armory.trait.internal.LoadingScreen' if os.path.isfile(arm.utils.get_fp() + '/Sources/' + wrd.arm_project_package + '/LoadingScreen.hx'): loadscreen_class = wrd.arm_project_package + '.LoadingScreen' f.write(""" armory.system.Starter.numAssets = """ + str(len(asset_references)) + """; armory.system.Starter.drawLoading = """ + loadscreen_class + """.render;""") f.write(""" armory.system.Starter.main( '""" + arm.utils.safestr(scene_name) + scene_ext + """', """ + str(winmode) + """, """ + ('true' if wrd.arm_winresize else 'false') + """, """ + ('true' if wrd.arm_winminimize else 'false') + """, """ + ('true' if wrd.arm_winmaximize else 'false') + """, """ + str(resx) + """, """ + str(resy) + """, """ + str(int(rpdat.arm_samples_per_pixel)) + """, """ + ('true' if wrd.arm_vsync else 'false') + """, """ + pathpack + """.renderpath.RenderPathCreator.get ); } } """) def write_indexhtml(w, h, is_publish): wrd =['Arm'] rpdat = arm.utils.get_rp() dest = '/html5' if is_publish else '/debug/html5' if not os.path.exists(arm.utils.build_dir() + dest): os.makedirs(arm.utils.build_dir() + dest) with open(arm.utils.build_dir() + dest + '/index.html', 'w') as f: f.write( """ """) if rpdat.rp_stereo or wrd.arm_winmode == 'Fullscreen': f.write(""" """) f.write(""" Armory """) if rpdat.rp_stereo or wrd.arm_winmode == 'Fullscreen': f.write(""" """) else: f.write("""

""") f.write(""" """) add_compiledglsl = '' def write_compiledglsl(defs): rpdat = arm.utils.get_rp() shadowmap_size = arm.utils.get_cascade_size(rpdat) if rpdat.rp_shadows else 0 with open(arm.utils.build_dir() + '/compiled/Shaders/', 'w') as f: f.write( """#ifndef _COMPILED_GLSL_ #define _COMPILED_GLSL_ """) for d in defs: if d.endswith('var'): continue # Write a shader variant instead f.write("#define " + d + "\n") f.write("""const float PI = 3.1415926535; const float PI2 = PI * 2.0; const vec2 shadowmapSize = vec2(""" + str(shadowmap_size) + """, """ + str(shadowmap_size) + """); const float shadowmapCubePcfSize = """ + str((round(rpdat.arm_pcfsize * 100) / 100) / 1000) + """; const int shadowmapCascades = """ + str(rpdat.rp_shadowmap_cascades) + """; """) if rpdat.arm_clouds: f.write( """const float cloudsDensity = """ + str(round(rpdat.arm_clouds_density * 100) / 100) + """; const float cloudsSize = """ + str(round(rpdat.arm_clouds_size * 100) / 100) + """; const float cloudsLower = """ + str(round(rpdat.arm_clouds_lower * 1000)) + """; const float cloudsUpper = """ + str(round(rpdat.arm_clouds_upper * 1000)) + """; const vec2 cloudsWind = vec2(""" + str(round(rpdat.arm_clouds_wind[0] * 1000) / 1000) + """, """ + str(round(rpdat.arm_clouds_wind[1] * 1000) / 1000) + """); const float cloudsSecondary = """ + str(round(rpdat.arm_clouds_secondary * 100) / 100) + """; const float cloudsPrecipitation = """ + str(round(rpdat.arm_clouds_precipitation * 100) / 100) + """; const float cloudsEccentricity = """ + str(round(rpdat.arm_clouds_eccentricity * 100) / 100) + """; """) if rpdat.rp_ocean: f.write( """const float seaLevel = """ + str(round(rpdat.arm_ocean_level * 100) / 100) + """; const float seaMaxAmplitude = """ + str(round(rpdat.arm_ocean_amplitude * 100) / 100) + """; const float seaHeight = """ + str(round(rpdat.arm_ocean_height * 100) / 100) + """; const float seaChoppy = """ + str(round(rpdat.arm_ocean_choppy * 100) / 100) + """; const float seaSpeed = """ + str(round(rpdat.arm_ocean_speed * 100) / 100) + """; const float seaFreq = """ + str(round(rpdat.arm_ocean_freq * 100) / 100) + """; const vec3 seaBaseColor = vec3(""" + str(round(rpdat.arm_ocean_base_color[0] * 100) / 100) + """, """ + str(round(rpdat.arm_ocean_base_color[1] * 100) / 100) + """, """ + str(round(rpdat.arm_ocean_base_color[2] * 100) / 100) + """); const vec3 seaWaterColor = vec3(""" + str(round(rpdat.arm_ocean_water_color[0] * 100) / 100) + """, """ + str(round(rpdat.arm_ocean_water_color[1] * 100) / 100) + """, """ + str(round(rpdat.arm_ocean_water_color[2] * 100) / 100) + """); const float seaFade = """ + str(round(rpdat.arm_ocean_fade * 100) / 100) + """; """) if rpdat.rp_ssgi == 'SSAO' or rpdat.rp_ssgi == 'RTAO' or rpdat.rp_volumetriclight: f.write( """const float ssaoRadius = """ + str(round(rpdat.arm_ssgi_radius * 100) / 100) + """; const float ssaoStrength = """ + str(round(rpdat.arm_ssgi_strength * 100) / 100) + """; const float ssaoScale = """ + ("2.0" if rpdat.arm_ssgi_half_res else "20.0") + """; """) if rpdat.rp_ssgi == 'RTGI' or rpdat.rp_ssgi == 'RTAO': f.write( """const int ssgiMaxSteps = """ + str(rpdat.arm_ssgi_max_steps) + """; const float ssgiRayStep = 0.005 * """ + str(round(rpdat.arm_ssgi_step * 100) / 100) + """; const float ssgiStrength = """ + str(round(rpdat.arm_ssgi_strength * 100) / 100) + """; """) if rpdat.rp_bloom: f.write( """const float bloomThreshold = """ + str(round(rpdat.arm_bloom_threshold * 100) / 100) + """; const float bloomStrength = """ + str(round(rpdat.arm_bloom_strength * 100) / 100) + """; const float bloomRadius = """ + str(round(rpdat.arm_bloom_radius * 100) / 100) + """; """) if rpdat.rp_motionblur != 'Off': f.write( """const float motionBlurIntensity = """ + str(round(rpdat.arm_motion_blur_intensity * 100) / 100) + """; """) if rpdat.rp_ssr: f.write( """const float ssrRayStep = """ + str(round(rpdat.arm_ssr_ray_step * 100) / 100) + """; const float ssrMinRayStep = """ + str(round(rpdat.arm_ssr_min_ray_step * 100) / 100) + """; const float ssrSearchDist = """ + str(round(rpdat.arm_ssr_search_dist * 100) / 100) + """; const float ssrFalloffExp = """ + str(round(rpdat.arm_ssr_falloff_exp * 100) / 100) + """; const float ssrJitter = """ + str(round(rpdat.arm_ssr_jitter * 100) / 100) + """; """) if rpdat.arm_ssrs: f.write( """const float ssrsRayStep = """ + str(round(rpdat.arm_ssrs_ray_step * 100) / 100) + """; """) if rpdat.arm_soft_shadows == 'On': f.write( """const int penumbraScale = """ + str(rpdat.arm_soft_shadows_penumbra) + """; const float penumbraDistance = """ + str(rpdat.arm_soft_shadows_distance) + """; """) if rpdat.rp_volumetriclight: f.write( """const float volumAirTurbidity = """ + str(round(rpdat.arm_volumetric_light_air_turbidity * 100) / 100) + """; const vec3 volumAirColor = vec3(""" + str(round(rpdat.arm_volumetric_light_air_color[0] * 100) / 100) + """, """ + str(round(rpdat.arm_volumetric_light_air_color[1] * 100) / 100) + """, """ + str(round(rpdat.arm_volumetric_light_air_color[2] * 100) / 100) + """); const int volumSteps = """ + str(rpdat.arm_volumetric_light_steps) + """; """) if rpdat.rp_autoexposure: f.write( """const float autoExposureStrength = """ + str(rpdat.arm_autoexposure_strength) + """; """) # Compositor if rpdat.arm_letterbox: f.write( """const float compoLetterboxSize = """ + str(round(rpdat.arm_letterbox_size * 100) / 100) + """; """) if rpdat.arm_grain: f.write( """const float compoGrainStrength = """ + str(round(rpdat.arm_grain_strength * 100) / 100) + """; """) if rpdat.arm_sharpen: f.write( """const float compoSharpenStrength = """ + str(round(rpdat.arm_sharpen_strength * 100) / 100) + """; """) if[0].cycles.film_exposure != 1.0: f.write( """const float compoExposureStrength = """ + str(round([0].cycles.film_exposure * 100) / 100) + """; """) if rpdat.arm_fog: f.write( """const float compoFogAmountA = """ + str(round(rpdat.arm_fog_amounta * 100) / 100) + """; const float compoFogAmountB = """ + str(round(rpdat.arm_fog_amountb * 100) / 100) + """; const vec3 compoFogColor = vec3(""" + str(round(rpdat.arm_fog_color[0] * 100) / 100) + """, """ + str(round(rpdat.arm_fog_color[1] * 100) / 100) + """, """ + str(round(rpdat.arm_fog_color[2] * 100) / 100) + """); """) if len( > 0 and[0].dof_distance > 0.0: f.write( """const float compoDOFDistance = """ + str(round([0].dof_distance * 100) / 100) + """; const float compoDOFFstop = """ + str(round([0].gpu_dof.fstop * 100) / 100) + """; const float compoDOFLength = 160.0; """) # str(round([0].lens * 100) / 100) if rpdat.rp_gi == 'Voxel GI' or rpdat.rp_gi == 'Voxel AO': halfext = round(rpdat.arm_voxelgi_dimensions / 2.0) f.write( """const ivec3 voxelgiResolution = ivec3(""" + str(rpdat.rp_voxelgi_resolution) + """, """ + str(rpdat.rp_voxelgi_resolution) + """, """ + str(int(int(rpdat.rp_voxelgi_resolution) * float(rpdat.rp_voxelgi_resolution_z))) + """); const vec3 voxelgiHalfExtents = vec3(""" + str(halfext) + """, """ + str(halfext) + """, """ + str(round(halfext * float(rpdat.rp_voxelgi_resolution_z))) + """); const float voxelgiDiff = """ + str(round(rpdat.arm_voxelgi_diff * 100) / 100) + """; const float voxelgiSpec = """ + str(round(rpdat.arm_voxelgi_spec * 100) / 100) + """; const float voxelgiOcc = """ + str(round(rpdat.arm_voxelgi_occ * 100) / 100) + """; const float voxelgiEnv = """ + str(round(rpdat.arm_voxelgi_env * 100) / 100) + """ / 10.0; const float voxelgiStep = """ + str(round(rpdat.arm_voxelgi_step * 100) / 100) + """; const float voxelgiRange = """ + str(round(rpdat.arm_voxelgi_range * 100) / 100) + """; const float voxelgiOffset = """ + str(round(rpdat.arm_voxelgi_offset * 100) / 100) + """; """) if rpdat.rp_sss_state == 'On': f.write( """const float sssWidth = """ + str(rpdat.arm_sss_width / 10.0) + """; """) # Skinning if rpdat.arm_skin.startswith('GPU'): f.write( """const int skinMaxBones = """ + str(rpdat.arm_skin_max_bones) + """; """) f.write(add_compiledglsl + '\n') # External defined constants f.write("""#endif // _COMPILED_GLSL_ """) def write_traithx(class_name): wrd =['Arm'] package_path = arm.utils.get_fp() + '/Sources/' + arm.utils.safestr(wrd.arm_project_package) if not os.path.exists(package_path): os.makedirs(package_path) with open(package_path + '/' + class_name + '.hx', 'w') as f: f.write( """package """ + arm.utils.safestr(wrd.arm_project_package) + """; class """ + class_name + """ extends iron.Trait { \tpublic function new() { \t\tsuper(); \t\t// notifyOnInit(function() { \t\t// }); \t\t// notifyOnUpdate(function() { \t\t// }); \t\t// notifyOnRemove(function() { \t\t// }); \t} } """) def write_canvasjson(canvas_name): canvas_path = arm.utils.get_fp() + '/Bundled/canvas' if not os.path.exists(canvas_path): os.makedirs(canvas_path) with open(canvas_path + '/' + canvas_name + '.json', 'w') as f: f.write( """{ "name": "untitled", "x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "width": 1280, "height": 720, "elements": [], "assets": [] }""")