import glob import json import os import platform import subprocess import webbrowser import numpy as np import bpy import arm.lib.armpack import arm.log as log import arm.make_state as state class NumpyEncoder(json.JSONEncoder): def default(self, obj): if isinstance(obj, np.ndarray): return obj.tolist() return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, obj) def write_arm(filepath, output): if filepath.endswith('.lz4'): pass else: if['Arm'].arm_minimize: with open(filepath, 'wb') as f: f.write(arm.lib.armpack.packb(output)) else: filepath_json = filepath.split('.arm')[0] + '.json' with open(filepath_json, 'w') as f: f.write(json.dumps(output, sort_keys=True, indent=4, cls=NumpyEncoder)) def unpack_image(image, path, file_format='JPEG'): print('Armory Info: Unpacking to ' + path) image.filepath_raw = path image.file_format = file_format def convert_image(image, path, file_format='JPEG'): # Convert image to compatible format print('Armory Info: Converting to ' + path) ren = bpy.context.scene.render orig_quality = ren.image_settings.quality orig_file_format = ren.image_settings.file_format orig_color_mode = ren.image_settings.color_mode ren.image_settings.quality = get_texture_quality_percentage() ren.image_settings.file_format = file_format if file_format == 'PNG': ren.image_settings.color_mode = 'RGBA' image.save_render(path, scene=bpy.context.scene) ren.image_settings.quality = orig_quality ren.image_settings.file_format = orig_file_format ren.image_settings.color_mode = orig_color_mode def blend_name(): return bpy.path.basename(bpy.context.blend_data.filepath).rsplit('.')[0] def build_dir(): return 'build_' + safestr(blend_name()) def get_fp(): wrd =['Arm'] if wrd.arm_project_root != '': return bpy.path.abspath(wrd.arm_project_root) else: s = s.pop() return os.path.sep.join(s) def get_fp_build(): return os.path.join(get_fp(), build_dir()) def get_os(): s = platform.system() if s == 'Windows': return 'win' elif s == 'Darwin': return 'mac' else: return 'linux' def get_gapi(): wrd =['Arm'] if state.is_export: item = wrd.arm_exporterlist[wrd.arm_exporterlist_index] return getattr(item, target_to_gapi(item.arm_project_target)) if wrd.arm_runtime == 'Browser': return 'webgl' return 'direct3d11' if get_os() == 'win' else 'opengl' def get_rp(): wrd =['Arm'] return wrd.arm_rplist[wrd.arm_rplist_index] def bundled_sdk_path(): if get_os() == 'mac': # SDK on MacOS is located in .app folder due to security p = if p.endswith('Contents/MacOS/blender'): return p[:-len('Contents/MacOS/blender')] + '/armsdk/' else: return p[:-len('Contents/MacOS/./blender')] + '/armsdk/' elif get_os() == 'linux': # /blender return'/', 1)[0] + '/armsdk/' else: # /blender.exe return'\\', '/').rsplit('/', 1)[0] + '/armsdk/' # Passed by load_post handler when armsdk is found in project folder use_local_sdk = False def get_sdk_path(): preferences = bpy.context.preferences addon_prefs = preferences.addons["armory"].preferences p = bundled_sdk_path() if use_local_sdk: return get_fp() + '/armsdk/' elif os.path.exists(p) and addon_prefs.sdk_bundled: return p else: return addon_prefs.sdk_path def get_ide_bin(): preferences = bpy.context.preferences addon_prefs = preferences.addons["armory"].preferences return '' if not hasattr(addon_prefs, 'ide_bin') else addon_prefs.ide_bin def get_ffmpeg_path(): preferences = bpy.context.preferences addon_prefs = preferences.addons['armory'].preferences return addon_prefs.ffmpeg_path def get_renderdoc_path(): preferences = bpy.context.preferences addon_prefs = preferences.addons['armory'].preferences p = addon_prefs.renderdoc_path if p == '' and get_os() == 'win': pdefault = 'C:\\Program Files\\RenderDoc\\qrenderdoc.exe' if os.path.exists(pdefault): p = pdefault return p def get_code_editor(): preferences = bpy.context.preferences addon_prefs = preferences.addons['armory'].preferences return 'kodestudio' if not hasattr(addon_prefs, 'code_editor') else addon_prefs.code_editor def get_ui_scale(): preferences = bpy.context.preferences addon_prefs = preferences.addons['armory'].preferences return 1.0 if not hasattr(addon_prefs, 'ui_scale') else addon_prefs.ui_scale def get_khamake_threads(): preferences = bpy.context.preferences addon_prefs = preferences.addons['armory'].preferences return 1 if not hasattr(addon_prefs, 'khamake_threads') else addon_prefs.khamake_threads def get_compilation_server(): preferences = bpy.context.preferences addon_prefs = preferences.addons['armory'].preferences return False if not hasattr(addon_prefs, 'compilation_server') else addon_prefs.compilation_server def get_save_on_build(): preferences = bpy.context.preferences addon_prefs = preferences.addons['armory'].preferences return False if not hasattr(addon_prefs, 'save_on_build') else addon_prefs.save_on_build def get_viewport_controls(): preferences = bpy.context.preferences addon_prefs = preferences.addons['armory'].preferences return 'qwerty' if not hasattr(addon_prefs, 'viewport_controls') else addon_prefs.viewport_controls def get_legacy_shaders(): preferences = bpy.context.preferences addon_prefs = preferences.addons['armory'].preferences return False if not hasattr(addon_prefs, 'legacy_shaders') else addon_prefs.legacy_shaders def get_relative_paths(): # Convert absolute paths to relative preferences = bpy.context.preferences addon_prefs = preferences.addons['armory'].preferences return False if not hasattr(addon_prefs, 'relative_paths') else addon_prefs.relative_paths def get_node_path(): if get_os() == 'win': return get_sdk_path() + '/nodejs/node.exe' elif get_os() == 'mac': return get_sdk_path() + '/nodejs/node-osx' else: return get_sdk_path() + '/nodejs/node-linux64' def get_kha_path(): if os.path.exists('Kha'): return 'Kha' return get_sdk_path() + '/Kha' def get_haxe_path(): if get_os() == 'win': return get_kha_path() + '/Tools/haxe/haxe.exe' elif get_os() == 'mac': return get_kha_path() + '/Tools/haxe/haxe-osx' else: return get_kha_path() + '/Tools/haxe/haxe-linux64' def get_khamake_path(): return get_kha_path() + '/make' def krom_paths(): sdk_path = get_sdk_path() if arm.utils.get_os() == 'win': krom_location = sdk_path + '/Krom' krom_path = krom_location + '/Krom.exe' elif arm.utils.get_os() == 'mac': krom_location = sdk_path + '/Krom/' krom_path = krom_location + '/Krom' else: krom_location = sdk_path + '/Krom' krom_path = krom_location + '/Krom' return krom_location, krom_path def fetch_bundled_script_names(): wrd =['Arm'] wrd.arm_bundled_scripts_list.clear() os.chdir(get_sdk_path() + '/armory/Sources/armory/trait') for file in glob.glob('*.hx'): wrd.arm_bundled_scripts_list.add().name = file.rsplit('.')[0] script_props = {} script_props_defaults = {} script_warnings = {} def fetch_script_props(file): with open(file) as f: name = file.rsplit('.')[0] if 'Sources' in name: name = name[name.index('Sources') + 8:] if '/' in name: name = name.replace('/', '.') if '\\' in file: name = name.replace('\\', '.') script_props[name] = [] script_props_defaults[name] = [] script_warnings[name] = [] lines = # Read next line read_prop = False for lineno, line in enumerate(lines): # enumerate() starts with 0 lineno += 1 if not read_prop: read_prop = line.lstrip().startswith('@prop') continue if read_prop: if 'var ' in line: # Line of code code_ref = line.split('var ')[1].split(';')[0] else: script_warnings[name].append(f"Line {lineno - 1}: Unused @prop") read_prop = line.lstrip().startswith('@prop') continue valid_prop = False # Declaration = Assignment; var_sides = code_ref.split('=') # DeclarationName: DeclarationType decl_sides = var_sides[0].split(':') prop_name = decl_sides[0].strip() if 'static ' in line: # Static properties can be overwritten multiple times # from multiple property lists script_warnings[name].append(f"Line {lineno} (\"{prop_name}\"): Static properties may result in undefined behaviours!") # If the prop type is annotated in the code # (= declaration has two parts) if len(decl_sides) > 1: prop_type = decl_sides[1].strip() if prop_type.startswith("iron.object."): prop_type = prop_type[12:] elif prop_type.startswith("iron.math."): prop_type = prop_type[10:] # Default value exists if len(var_sides) > 1 and var_sides[1].strip() != "": # Type is not supported if get_type_default_value(prop_type) is None: script_warnings[name].append(f"Line {lineno} (\"{prop_name}\"): Type {prop_type} is not supported!") read_prop = False continue prop_value = var_sides[1].replace('\'', '').replace('"', '').strip() else: prop_value = get_type_default_value(prop_type) # Type is not supported if prop_value is None: script_warnings[name].append(f"Line {lineno} (\"{prop_name}\"): Type {prop_type} is not supported!") read_prop = False continue valid_prop = True # Default value exists elif len(var_sides) > 1 and var_sides[1].strip() != "": prop_value = var_sides[1].strip() prop_type = get_prop_type_from_value(prop_value) # Type is not recognized if prop_type is None: script_warnings[name].append(f"Line {lineno} (\"{prop_name}\"): Property type not recognized!") read_prop = False continue if prop_type == "String": prop_value = prop_value.replace('\'', '').replace('"', '') valid_prop = True else: script_warnings[name].append(f"Line {lineno} (\"{prop_name}\"): Not a valid property!") read_prop = False continue prop = (prop_name, prop_type) # Register prop if valid_prop: script_props[name].append(prop) script_props_defaults[name].append(prop_value) read_prop = False def get_prop_type_from_value(value: str): """ Returns the property type based on its representation in the code. If the type is not supported, `None` is returned. """ # Maybe ast.literal_eval() is better here? try: int(value) return "Int" except ValueError: try: float(value) return "Float" except ValueError: # "" is required, " alone will not work if len(value) > 1 and value.startswith(("\"", "'")) and value.endswith(("\"", "'")): return "String" if value in ("true", "false"): return "Bool" if value.startswith("new "): value = value.split()[1].split("(")[0] if value.startswith("Vec"): return value if value.startswith("iron.math.Vec"): return value[10:] return None def get_type_default_value(prop_type: str): """ Returns the default value of the given Haxe type. If the type is not supported, `None` is returned: """ if prop_type == "Int": return 0 if prop_type == "Float": return 0.0 if prop_type == "String" or prop_type in ( "Object", "CameraObject", "LightObject", "MeshObject", "SpeakerObject"): return "" if prop_type == "Bool": return False if prop_type == "Vec2": return [0.0, 0.0] if prop_type == "Vec3": return [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] if prop_type == "Vec4": return [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] return None def fetch_script_names(): if == "": return wrd =['Arm'] # Sources wrd.arm_scripts_list.clear() sources_path = get_fp() + '/Sources/' + safestr(wrd.arm_project_package) if os.path.isdir(sources_path): os.chdir(sources_path) # Glob supports recursive search since python 3.5 so it should cover both blender 2.79 and 2.8 integrated python for file in glob.glob('**/*.hx', recursive=True): name = file.rsplit('.')[0] # Replace the path syntax for package syntax so that it can be searchable in blender traits "Class" dropdown wrd.arm_scripts_list.add().name = name.replace(os.sep, '.') fetch_script_props(file) # Canvas wrd.arm_canvas_list.clear() canvas_path = get_fp() + '/Bundled/canvas' if os.path.isdir(canvas_path): os.chdir(canvas_path) for file in glob.glob('*.json'): if file == "_themes.json": continue wrd.arm_canvas_list.add().name = file.rsplit('.')[0] os.chdir(get_fp()) def fetch_wasm_names(): if == "": return wrd =['Arm'] # WASM modules wrd.arm_wasm_list.clear() sources_path = get_fp() + '/Bundled' if os.path.isdir(sources_path): os.chdir(sources_path) for file in glob.glob('*.wasm'): name = file.rsplit('.')[0] wrd.arm_wasm_list.add().name = name os.chdir(get_fp()) def fetch_trait_props(): for o in fetch_prop(o) for s in fetch_prop(s) def fetch_prop(o): for item in o.arm_traitlist: name = '' if item.type_prop == 'Bundled Script': name = 'armory.trait.' + else: name = if name not in script_props: continue props = script_props[name] defaults = script_props_defaults[name] warnings = script_warnings[name] # Remove old props for i in range(len(item.arm_traitpropslist) - 1, -1, -1): ip = item.arm_traitpropslist[i] if not in [p[0] for p in props]: item.arm_traitpropslist.remove(i) # Add new props for index, p in enumerate(props): found_prop = False for i_prop in item.arm_traitpropslist: if == p[0]: if i_prop.type == p[1]: found_prop = i_prop else: item.arm_traitpropslist.remove(item.arm_traitpropslist.find( break # Not in list if not found_prop: prop = item.arm_traitpropslist.add() = p[0] prop.type = p[1] prop.set_value(defaults[index]) if found_prop: prop = item.arm_traitpropslist[] # Default value added and current value is blank (no override) if (found_prop.get_value() is None or found_prop.get_value() == "") and defaults[index]: prop.set_value(defaults[index]) # Type has changed, update displayed name if (len( == 1 or (len( > 1 and[1] != p[1])): = p[0] prop.type = p[1] item.arm_traitpropswarnings.clear() for warning in warnings: entry = item.arm_traitpropswarnings.add() entry.warning = warning def fetch_bundled_trait_props(): # Bundled script props for o in for t in o.arm_traitlist: if t.type_prop == 'Bundled Script': file_path = get_sdk_path() + '/armory/Sources/armory/trait/' + + '.hx' if os.path.exists(file_path): fetch_script_props(file_path) fetch_prop(o) def update_trait_collections(): for col in if'Trait|'): for o in for t in o.arm_traitlist: if 'Trait|' + not in col ='Trait|' + else: col =['Trait|' +] def to_hex(val): return '#%02x%02x%02x%02x' % (int(val[3] * 255), int(val[0] * 255), int(val[1] * 255), int(val[2] * 255)) def color_to_int(val): return (int(val[3] * 255) << 24) + (int(val[0] * 255) << 16) + (int(val[1] * 255) << 8) + int(val[2] * 255) def safesrc(s): s = safestr(s).replace('.', '_').replace('-', '_').replace(' ', '') if s[0].isdigit(): s = '_' + s return s def safestr(s): for c in r'[]/\;,><&*:%=+@!#^()|?^': s = s.replace(c, '_') return ''.join([i if ord(i) < 128 else '_' for i in s]) def asset_name(bdata): s = # Append library name if linked if bdata.library != None: s += '_' + return s def asset_path(s): """Remove leading '//'""" return s[2:] if s[:2] == '//' else s def extract_filename(s): return os.path.basename(asset_path(s)) def get_render_resolution(scene): render = scene.render scale = render.resolution_percentage / 100 return int(render.resolution_x * scale), int(render.resolution_y * scale) def get_texture_quality_percentage() -> int: return int(["Arm"].arm_texture_quality * 100) def get_project_scene_name(): return get_active_scene().name def get_active_scene(): if not state.is_export: return bpy.context.scene else: wrd =['Arm'] item = wrd.arm_exporterlist[wrd.arm_exporterlist_index] return item.arm_project_scene def logic_editor_space(context_screen=None): if context_screen == None: context_screen = bpy.context.screen if context_screen != None: areas = context_screen.areas for area in areas: for space in area.spaces: if space.type == 'NODE_EDITOR': if space.node_tree != None and space.node_tree.bl_idname == 'ArmLogicTreeType': return space return None def voxel_support(): # macos does not support opengl 4.5, needs metal return != 'html5' and get_os() != 'mac' def get_cascade_size(rpdat): cascade_size = int(rpdat.rp_shadowmap_cascade) # Clamp to 4096 per cascade if int(rpdat.rp_shadowmap_cascades) > 1 and cascade_size > 4096: cascade_size = 4096 return cascade_size def check_saved(self): if == "": msg = "Save blend file first"{"ERROR"}, msg) if self != None else log.print_info(msg) return False return True def check_path(s): for c in r'[];><&*%=+@!#^()|?^': if c in s: return False for c in s: if ord(c) > 127: return False return True def check_sdkpath(self): s = get_sdk_path() if check_path(s) == False: msg = "SDK path '{0}' contains special characters. Please move SDK to different path for now.".format(s){"ERROR"}, msg) if self != None else log.print_info(msg) return False else: return True def check_projectpath(self): s = get_fp() if check_path(s) == False: msg = "Project path '{0}' contains special characters, build process may fail.".format(s){"ERROR"}, msg) if self != None else log.print_info(msg) return False else: return True def disp_enabled(target): rpdat = get_rp() if rpdat.arm_rp_displacement == 'Tessellation': return target == 'krom' or target == 'native' return rpdat.arm_rp_displacement != 'Off' def is_object_animation_enabled(bobject): # Checks if animation is present and enabled if bobject.arm_animation_enabled == False or bobject.type == 'BONE' or bobject.type == 'ARMATURE': return False if bobject.animation_data and bobject.animation_data.action: return True return False def is_bone_animation_enabled(bobject): # Checks if animation is present and enabled for parented armature if bobject.parent and bobject.parent.type == 'ARMATURE': if bobject.parent.arm_animation_enabled == False: return False # Check for present actions adata = bobject.parent.animation_data has_actions = adata != None and adata.action != None if not has_actions and adata != None: if hasattr(adata, 'nla_tracks') and adata.nla_tracks != None: for track in adata.nla_tracks: if track.strips == None: continue for strip in track.strips: if strip.action == None: continue has_actions = True break if has_actions: break if adata != None and has_actions: return True return False def export_bone_data(bobject): return bobject.find_armature() and is_bone_animation_enabled(bobject) and get_rp().arm_skin == 'On' def open_editor(hx_path=None): ide_bin = get_ide_bin() if hx_path is None: hx_path = arm.utils.get_fp() if get_code_editor() == 'default': # Get editor environment variables # env_v_editor = os.environ.get('VISUAL') env_editor = os.environ.get('EDITOR') if env_v_editor is not None: ide_bin = env_v_editor elif env_editor is not None: ide_bin = env_editor # No environment variables set -> Let the system decide how to # open the file else:'file://' + hx_path) return if os.path.exists(ide_bin): args = [ide_bin, arm.utils.get_fp()] # Sublime Text if get_code_editor() == 'sublime': project_name =['Arm'].arm_project_name subl_project_path = arm.utils.get_fp() + f'/{project_name}.sublime-project' if not os.path.exists(subl_project_path): generate_sublime_project(subl_project_path) args += ['--project', subl_project_path] args.append('--add') args.append(hx_path) if arm.utils.get_os() == 'mac': argstr = "" for arg in args: if not (arg.startswith('-') or arg.startswith('--')): argstr += '"' + arg + '"' argstr += ' ' subprocess.Popen(argstr[:-1], shell=True) else: subprocess.Popen(args) else: raise FileNotFoundError(f'Code editor executable not found: {ide_bin}. You can change the path in the Armory preferences.') def open_folder(): if arm.utils.get_os() == 'win':['explorer', arm.utils.get_fp()]) elif arm.utils.get_os() == 'mac':['open', arm.utils.get_fp()]) elif arm.utils.get_os() == 'linux':['xdg-open', arm.utils.get_fp()]) else:'file://' + arm.utils.get_fp()) def generate_sublime_project(subl_project_path): """Generates a [project_name].sublime-project file.""" print('Generating Sublime Text project file') project_data = { "folders": [ { "path": ".", "file_exclude_patterns": ["*.blend*", "*.arm"] }, ], } with open(subl_project_path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as project_file: json.dump(project_data, project_file, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4) def def_strings_to_array(strdefs): defs = strdefs.split('_') defs = defs[1:] defs = ['_' + d for d in defs] # Restore _ return defs def get_kha_target(target_name): # TODO: remove if target_name == 'macos-hl': return 'osx-hl' elif target_name.startswith('krom'): # krom-windows return 'krom' elif target_name == 'custom': return '' return target_name def target_to_gapi(arm_project_target): # TODO: align target names if arm_project_target == 'krom': return 'arm_gapi_' + arm.utils.get_os() elif arm_project_target == 'krom-windows': return 'arm_gapi_win' elif arm_project_target == 'windows-hl': return 'arm_gapi_win' elif arm_project_target == 'krom-linux': return 'arm_gapi_linux' elif arm_project_target == 'linux-hl': return 'arm_gapi_linux' elif arm_project_target == 'krom-macos': return 'arm_gapi_mac' elif arm_project_target == 'macos-hl': return 'arm_gapi_mac' elif arm_project_target == 'android-hl': return 'arm_gapi_android' elif arm_project_target == 'ios-hl': return 'arm_gapi_ios' elif arm_project_target == 'node': return 'arm_gapi_html5' else: # html5, custom return 'arm_gapi_' + arm_project_target def check_default_props(): wrd =['Arm'] if len(wrd.arm_rplist) == 0: wrd.arm_rplist.add() wrd.arm_rplist_index = 0 if wrd.arm_project_name == '': # Take blend file name wrd.arm_project_name = arm.utils.blend_name() def register(local_sdk=False): global use_local_sdk use_local_sdk = local_sdk def unregister(): pass