# Translating operators from/to Armory player import bpy import arm.utils try: import barmory except ImportError: pass def parse_operator(text): if text == None: return cmd = text.split('|') # Reflect commands from Armory player in Blender if cmd[0] == '__arm': if cmd[1] == 'quit': bpy.ops.arm.space_stop('EXEC_DEFAULT') elif cmd[1] == 'setx': bpy.context.scene.objects[cmd[2]].location.x = float(cmd[3]) elif cmd[1] == 'select': if hasattr(bpy.context, 'object') and bpy.context.object != None: bpy.context.object.select = False bpy.context.scene.objects[cmd[2]].select = True bpy.context.scene.objects.active = bpy.context.scene.objects[cmd[2]] elif cmd[1] == 'render': import numpy data = numpy.fromfile(arm.utils.get_fp() + '/build/html5/render.bin', dtype=numpy.uint8) data = data.astype(float) data = numpy.divide(data, 255) image = bpy.data.images.new("Render Result", width=int(cmd[2]), height=int(cmd[3])) image.pixels = data return def send_operator(op): # Try to translate operator directly to armory if arm.utils.with_krom() and hasattr(bpy.context, 'object') and bpy.context.object != None: objname = bpy.context.object.name if op.name == 'Translate': vec = bpy.context.object.location js_source = 'var o = armory.Scene.active.getChild("' + objname + '"); o.transform.loc.set(' + str(vec[0]) + ', ' + str(vec[1]) + ', ' + str(vec[2]) + '); o.transform.dirty = true;' barmory.call_js(js_source) return True elif op.name == 'Resize': vec = bpy.context.object.scale js_source = 'var o = armory.Scene.active.getChild("' + objname + '"); o.transform.scale.set(' + str(vec[0]) + ', ' + str(vec[1]) + ', ' + str(vec[2]) + '); o.transform.dirty = true;' barmory.call_js(js_source) return True elif op.name == 'Rotate': vec = bpy.context.object.rotation_euler.to_quaternion() js_source = 'var o = armory.Scene.active.getChild("' + objname + '"); o.transform.rot.set(' + str(vec[1]) + ', ' + str(vec[2]) + ', ' + str(vec[3]) + ' ,' + str(vec[0]) + '); o.transform.dirty = true;' barmory.call_js(js_source) return True return False