import os from typing import Union import bpy import arm.assets as assets import arm.log as log import arm.material.cycles_functions as c_functions import arm.material.cycles as c from arm.material.parser_state import ParserState, ParserContext from arm.material.shader import floatstr, vec3str import arm.utils import arm.write_probes as write_probes def parse_tex_brick(node: bpy.types.ShaderNodeTexBrick, out_socket: bpy.types.NodeSocket, state: ParserState) -> Union[floatstr, vec3str]: state.curshader.add_function(c_functions.str_tex_brick) if node.inputs[0].is_linked: co = c.parse_vector_input(node.inputs[0]) else: co = 'bposition' # Color if out_socket == node.outputs[0]: col1 = c.parse_vector_input(node.inputs[1]) col2 = c.parse_vector_input(node.inputs[2]) col3 = c.parse_vector_input(node.inputs[3]) scale = c.parse_value_input(node.inputs[4]) res = f'tex_brick({co} * {scale}, {col1}, {col2}, {col3})' # Fac else: scale = c.parse_value_input(node.inputs[4]) res = 'tex_brick_f({0} * {1})'.format(co, scale) if state.sample_bump: c.write_bump(node, res) return res def parse_tex_checker(node: bpy.types.ShaderNodeTexChecker, out_socket: bpy.types.NodeSocket, state: ParserState) -> Union[floatstr, vec3str]: state.curshader.add_function(c_functions.str_tex_checker) if node.inputs[0].is_linked: co = c.parse_vector_input(node.inputs[0]) else: co = 'bposition' # Color if out_socket == node.outputs[0]: col1 = c.parse_vector_input(node.inputs[1]) col2 = c.parse_vector_input(node.inputs[2]) scale = c.parse_value_input(node.inputs[3]) res = f'tex_checker({co}, {col1}, {col2}, {scale})' # Fac else: scale = c.parse_value_input(node.inputs[3]) res = 'tex_checker_f({0}, {1})'.format(co, scale) if state.sample_bump: c.write_bump(node, res) return res def parse_tex_gradient(node: bpy.types.ShaderNodeTexGradient, out_socket: bpy.types.NodeSocket, state: ParserState) -> Union[floatstr, vec3str]: if node.inputs[0].is_linked: co = c.parse_vector_input(node.inputs[0]) else: co = 'bposition' grad = node.gradient_type if grad == 'LINEAR': f = f'{co}.x' elif grad == 'QUADRATIC': f = '0.0' elif grad == 'EASING': f = '0.0' elif grad == 'DIAGONAL': f = f'({co}.x + {co}.y) * 0.5' elif grad == 'RADIAL': f = f'atan({co}.y, {co}.x) / PI2 + 0.5' elif grad == 'QUADRATIC_SPHERE': f = '0.0' else: # SPHERICAL f = f'max(1.0 - sqrt({co}.x * {co}.x + {co}.y * {co}.y + {co}.z * {co}.z), 0.0)' # Color if out_socket == node.outputs[0]: res = f'vec3(clamp({f}, 0.0, 1.0))' # Fac else: res = f'(clamp({f}, 0.0, 1.0))' if state.sample_bump: c.write_bump(node, res) return res def parse_tex_image(node: bpy.types.ShaderNodeTexImage, out_socket: bpy.types.NodeSocket, state: ParserState) -> Union[floatstr, vec3str]: if state.context == ParserContext.OBJECT: # Color or Alpha output use_color_out = out_socket == node.outputs[0] # Already fetched if c.is_parsed(c.store_var_name(node)): if use_color_out: return f'{c.store_var_name(node)}.rgb' else: return f'{c.store_var_name(node)}.a' tex_name = c.node_name( tex = c.make_texture(node, tex_name) tex_link = if node.arm_material_param else None if tex is not None: state.curshader.write_textures += 1 if use_color_out: to_linear = node.image is not None and == 'sRGB' res = f'{c.texture_store(node, tex, tex_name, to_linear, tex_link=tex_link)}.rgb' else: res = f'{c.texture_store(node, tex, tex_name, tex_link=tex_link)}.a' state.curshader.write_textures -= 1 return res # Empty texture elif node.image is None: tex = { 'name': tex_name, 'file': '' } if use_color_out: return '{0}.rgb'.format(c.texture_store(node, tex, tex_name, to_linear=False, tex_link=tex_link)) return '{0}.a'.format(c.texture_store(node, tex, tex_name, to_linear=True, tex_link=tex_link)) # Pink color for missing texture else: tex_store = c.store_var_name(node) if use_color_out: state.parsed.add(tex_store) state.curshader.write_textures += 1 state.curshader.write(f'vec4 {tex_store} = vec4(1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0);') state.curshader.write_textures -= 1 return f'{tex_store}.rgb' else: state.curshader.write(f'vec4 {tex_store} = vec4(1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0);') return f'{tex_store}.a' # World context # TODO: Merge with above implementation to also allow mappings other than using view coordinates else: world = world.world_defs += '_EnvImg' # Background texture state.curshader.add_uniform('sampler2D envmap', link='_envmap') state.curshader.add_uniform('vec2 screenSize', link='_screenSize') image = node.image filepath = image.filepath if image.packed_file is not None: # Extract packed data filepath = arm.utils.build_dir() + '/compiled/Assets/unpacked' unpack_path = arm.utils.get_fp() + filepath if not os.path.exists(unpack_path): os.makedirs(unpack_path) unpack_filepath = unpack_path + '/' + if not os.path.isfile(unpack_filepath) or os.path.getsize(unpack_filepath) != image.packed_file.size: with open(unpack_filepath, 'wb') as f: f.write( assets.add(unpack_filepath) else: # Link image path to assets assets.add(arm.utils.asset_path(image.filepath)) # Reference image name tex_file = arm.utils.extract_filename(image.filepath) base = tex_file.rsplit('.', 1) ext = base[1].lower() if ext == 'hdr': target_format = 'HDR' else: target_format = 'JPEG' # Generate prefiltered envmaps world.arm_envtex_name = tex_file world.arm_envtex_irr_name = tex_file.rsplit('.', 1)[0] disable_hdr = target_format == 'JPEG' rpdat = arm.utils.get_rp() mip_count = world.arm_envtex_num_mips mip_count = write_probes.write_probes(filepath, disable_hdr, mip_count, arm_radiance=rpdat.arm_radiance) world.arm_envtex_num_mips = mip_count # Will have to get rid of gl_FragCoord, pass texture coords from vertex shader state.curshader.write_init('vec2 texco = gl_FragCoord.xy / screenSize;') return 'texture(envmap, vec2(texco.x, 1.0 - texco.y)).rgb * envmapStrength' def parse_tex_magic(node: bpy.types.ShaderNodeTexMagic, out_socket: bpy.types.NodeSocket, state: ParserState) -> Union[floatstr, vec3str]: state.curshader.add_function(c_functions.str_tex_magic) if node.inputs[0].is_linked: co = c.parse_vector_input(node.inputs[0]) else: co = 'bposition' scale = c.parse_value_input(node.inputs[1]) # Color if out_socket == node.outputs[0]: res = f'tex_magic({co} * {scale} * 4.0)' # Fac else: res = f'tex_magic_f({co} * {scale} * 4.0)' if state.sample_bump: c.write_bump(node, res, 0.1) return res def parse_tex_musgrave(node: bpy.types.ShaderNodeTexMusgrave, out_socket: bpy.types.NodeSocket, state: ParserState) -> Union[floatstr, vec3str]: state.curshader.add_function(c_functions.str_tex_musgrave) if node.inputs[0].is_linked: co = c.parse_vector_input(node.inputs[0]) else: co = 'bposition' scale = c.parse_value_input(node.inputs[1]) # detail = c.parse_value_input(node.inputs[2]) # distortion = c.parse_value_input(node.inputs[3]) # Color if out_socket == node.outputs[0]: res = f'vec3(tex_musgrave_f({co} * {scale} * 0.5))' # Fac else: res = 'tex_musgrave_f({0} * {1} * 0.5)'.format(co, scale) if state.sample_bump: c.write_bump(node, res) return res def parse_tex_noise(node: bpy.types.ShaderNodeTexNoise, out_socket: bpy.types.NodeSocket, state: ParserState) -> Union[floatstr, vec3str]: c.write_procedurals() state.curshader.add_function(c_functions.str_tex_noise) c.assets_add(os.path.join(arm.utils.get_sdk_path(), 'armory', 'Assets', 'noise256.png')) c.assets_add_embedded_data('noise256.png') state.curshader.add_uniform('sampler2D snoise256', link='$noise256.png') if node.inputs[0].is_linked: co = c.parse_vector_input(node.inputs[0]) else: co = 'bposition' scale = c.parse_value_input(node.inputs[2]) detail = c.parse_value_input(node.inputs[3]) distortion = c.parse_value_input(node.inputs[4])# # Color if out_socket == node.outputs[1]: res = 'vec3(tex_noise({0} * {1},{2},{3}), tex_noise({0} * {1} + 120.0,{2},{3}), tex_noise({0} * {1} + 168.0,{2},{3}))'.format(co, scale, detail, distortion) # Fac else: res = 'tex_noise({0} * {1},{2},{3})'.format(co, scale, detail, distortion) if state.sample_bump: c.write_bump(node, res, 0.1) return res def parse_tex_pointdensity(node: bpy.types.ShaderNodeTexPointDensity, out_socket: bpy.types.NodeSocket, state: ParserState) -> Union[floatstr, vec3str]: # Pass through # Color if out_socket == node.outputs[0]: return c.to_vec3([0.0, 0.0, 0.0]) # Density else: return '0.0' def parse_tex_sky(node: bpy.types.ShaderNodeTexSky, out_socket: bpy.types.NodeSocket, state: ParserState) -> vec3str: if state.context == ParserContext.OBJECT: # Pass through return c.to_vec3([0.0, 0.0, 0.0]) world = curshader = state.curshader # Match to cycles world.arm_envtex_strength *= 0.1 world.world_defs += '_EnvSky' assets.add_khafile_def('arm_hosek') curshader.add_uniform('vec3 A', link="_hosekA") curshader.add_uniform('vec3 B', link="_hosekB") curshader.add_uniform('vec3 C', link="_hosekC") curshader.add_uniform('vec3 D', link="_hosekD") curshader.add_uniform('vec3 E', link="_hosekE") curshader.add_uniform('vec3 F', link="_hosekF") curshader.add_uniform('vec3 G', link="_hosekG") curshader.add_uniform('vec3 H', link="_hosekH") curshader.add_uniform('vec3 I', link="_hosekI") curshader.add_uniform('vec3 Z', link="_hosekZ") curshader.add_uniform('vec3 hosekSunDirection', link="_hosekSunDirection") curshader.add_function('''vec3 hosekWilkie(float cos_theta, float gamma, float cos_gamma) { \tvec3 chi = (1 + cos_gamma * cos_gamma) / pow(1 + H * H - 2 * cos_gamma * H, vec3(1.5)); \treturn (1 + A * exp(B / (cos_theta + 0.01))) * (C + D * exp(E * gamma) + F * (cos_gamma * cos_gamma) + G * chi + I * sqrt(cos_theta)); }''') world.arm_envtex_sun_direction = [node.sun_direction[0], node.sun_direction[1], node.sun_direction[2]] world.arm_envtex_turbidity = node.turbidity world.arm_envtex_ground_albedo = node.ground_albedo wrd =['Arm'] rpdat = arm.utils.get_rp() mobile_mat = rpdat.arm_material_model == 'Mobile' or rpdat.arm_material_model == 'Solid' if not state.radiance_written: # Irradiance json file name wname = arm.utils.safestr( world.arm_envtex_irr_name = wname write_probes.write_sky_irradiance(wname) # Radiance if rpdat.arm_radiance and rpdat.arm_irradiance and not mobile_mat: wrd.world_defs += '_Rad' hosek_path = 'armory/Assets/hosek/' sdk_path = arm.utils.get_sdk_path() # Use fake maps for now assets.add(sdk_path + '/' + hosek_path + 'hosek_radiance.hdr') for i in range(0, 8): assets.add(sdk_path + '/' + hosek_path + 'hosek_radiance_' + str(i) + '.hdr') world.arm_envtex_name = 'hosek' world.arm_envtex_num_mips = 8 state.radiance_written = True curshader.write('float cos_theta = clamp(n.z, 0.0, 1.0);') curshader.write('float cos_gamma = dot(n, hosekSunDirection);') curshader.write('float gamma_val = acos(cos_gamma);') return 'Z * hosekWilkie(cos_theta, gamma_val, cos_gamma) * envmapStrength;' def parse_tex_environment(node: bpy.types.ShaderNodeTexEnvironment, out_socket: bpy.types.NodeSocket, state: ParserState) -> vec3str: if state.context == ParserContext.OBJECT: log.warn('Environment Texture node is not supported for object node trees, using default value') return c.to_vec3([0.0, 0.0, 0.0]) if node.image is None: return c.to_vec3([1.0, 0.0, 1.0]) world = world.world_defs += '_EnvTex' curshader = state.curshader curshader.add_include('std/math.glsl') curshader.add_uniform('sampler2D envmap', link='_envmap') image = node.image filepath = image.filepath if image.packed_file is None and not os.path.isfile(arm.utils.asset_path(filepath)): log.warn( + ' - unable to open ' + image.filepath) return c.to_vec3([1.0, 0.0, 1.0]) # Reference image name tex_file = arm.utils.extract_filename(image.filepath) base = tex_file.rsplit('.', 1) ext = base[1].lower() if ext == 'hdr': target_format = 'HDR' else: target_format = 'JPEG' do_convert = ext != 'hdr' and ext != 'jpg' if do_convert: if ext == 'exr': tex_file = base[0] + '.hdr' target_format = 'HDR' else: tex_file = base[0] + '.jpg' target_format = 'JPEG' if image.packed_file is not None: # Extract packed data unpack_path = arm.utils.get_fp_build() + '/compiled/Assets/unpacked' if not os.path.exists(unpack_path): os.makedirs(unpack_path) unpack_filepath = unpack_path + '/' + tex_file filepath = unpack_filepath if do_convert: if not os.path.isfile(unpack_filepath): arm.utils.unpack_image(image, unpack_filepath, file_format=target_format) elif not os.path.isfile(unpack_filepath) or os.path.getsize(unpack_filepath) != image.packed_file.size: with open(unpack_filepath, 'wb') as f: f.write( assets.add(unpack_filepath) else: if do_convert: unpack_path = arm.utils.get_fp_build() + '/compiled/Assets/unpacked' if not os.path.exists(unpack_path): os.makedirs(unpack_path) converted_path = unpack_path + '/' + tex_file filepath = converted_path # TODO: delete cache when file changes if not os.path.isfile(converted_path): arm.utils.convert_image(image, converted_path, file_format=target_format) assets.add(converted_path) else: # Link image path to assets assets.add(arm.utils.asset_path(image.filepath)) rpdat = arm.utils.get_rp() if not state.radiance_written: # Generate prefiltered envmaps world.arm_envtex_name = tex_file world.arm_envtex_irr_name = tex_file.rsplit('.', 1)[0] disable_hdr = target_format == 'JPEG' mip_count = world.arm_envtex_num_mips mip_count = write_probes.write_probes(filepath, disable_hdr, mip_count, arm_radiance=rpdat.arm_radiance) world.arm_envtex_num_mips = mip_count state.radiance_written = True # Append LDR define if disable_hdr: world.world_defs += '_EnvLDR' wrd =['Arm'] mobile_mat = rpdat.arm_material_model == 'Mobile' or rpdat.arm_material_model == 'Solid' # Append radiance define if rpdat.arm_irradiance and rpdat.arm_radiance and not mobile_mat: wrd.world_defs += '_Rad' return 'texture(envmap, envMapEquirect(n)).rgb * envmapStrength' def parse_tex_voronoi(node: bpy.types.ShaderNodeTexVoronoi, out_socket: bpy.types.NodeSocket, state: ParserState) -> Union[floatstr, vec3str]: outp = 0 if out_socket.type == 'RGBA': outp = 1 elif out_socket.type == 'VECTOR': outp = 2 m = 0 if node.distance == 'MANHATTAN': m = 1 elif node.distance == 'CHEBYCHEV': m = 2 elif node.distance == 'MINKOWSKI': m = 3 c.write_procedurals() state.curshader.add_function(c_functions.str_tex_voronoi) if node.inputs[0].is_linked: co = c.parse_vector_input(node.inputs[0]) else: co = 'bposition' scale = c.parse_value_input(node.inputs[2]) exp = c.parse_value_input(node.inputs[4]) randomness = c.parse_value_input(node.inputs[5]) # Color or Position if out_socket == node.outputs[1] or out_socket == node.outputs[2]: res = 'tex_voronoi({0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {5})'.format(co, randomness, m, outp, scale, exp) # Distance else: res = 'tex_voronoi({0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {5}).x'.format(co, randomness, m, outp, scale, exp) if state.sample_bump: c.write_bump(node, res) return res def parse_tex_wave(node: bpy.types.ShaderNodeTexWave, out_socket: bpy.types.NodeSocket, state: ParserState) -> Union[floatstr, vec3str]: c.write_procedurals() state.curshader.add_function(c_functions.str_tex_wave) if node.inputs[0].is_linked: co = c.parse_vector_input(node.inputs[0]) else: co = 'bposition' scale = c.parse_value_input(node.inputs[1]) distortion = c.parse_value_input(node.inputs[2]) detail = c.parse_value_input(node.inputs[3]) detail_scale = c.parse_value_input(node.inputs[4]) if node.wave_profile == 'SIN': wave_profile = 0 else: wave_profile = 1 if node.wave_type == 'BANDS': wave_type = 0 else: wave_type = 1 # Color if out_socket == node.outputs[0]: res = 'vec3(tex_wave_f({0} * {1},{2},{3},{4},{5},{6}))'.format(co, scale, wave_type, wave_profile, distortion, detail, detail_scale) # Fac else: res = 'tex_wave_f({0} * {1},{2},{3},{4},{5},{6})'.format(co, scale, wave_type, wave_profile, distortion, detail, detail_scale) if state.sample_bump: c.write_bump(node, res) return res