import bpy import time import os import sys from import persistent import arm.utils import arm.bridge as bridge import arm.log as log import arm.props as props import arm.make as make import arm.make_state as state import arm.space_armory as space_armory import arm.make_renderer as make_renderer import arm.assets as assets try: import barmory except ImportError: pass last_time = time.time() # last_update_time = time.time() last_operator = None redraw_ui = False redraw_progress = False first_update = True @persistent def on_scene_update_post(context): global last_time # global last_update_time global last_operator global redraw_ui global redraw_progress global first_update if first_update == True: # Skip first one, object reports is_update_data first_update = False return # Redraw at the start of 'next' frame if redraw_ui and bpy.context.screen != None: for area in bpy.context.screen.areas: if area.type == 'VIEW_3D' or area.type == 'PROPERTIES': area.tag_redraw() redraw_ui = False if redraw_progress and bpy.context.screen != None: for area in bpy.context.screen.areas: if area.type == 'INFO': area.tag_redraw() break redraw_progress = False # New operator ops = bpy.context.window_manager.operators operators_changed = False if len(ops) > 0 and last_operator != ops[-1]: last_operator = ops[-1] operators_changed = True # Undo was performed - Blender clears the complete operator stack, undo last known operator atleast # if len(ops) == 0 and last_operator != None: # if hasattr(bpy.context, 'object'): # op_changed(last_operator, bpy.context.object) # last_operator = None if state.is_render_anim: pass elif state.is_render: import numpy # fp = arm.utils.get_fp_build() krom_location, krom_path = arm.utils.krom_paths() fp = krom_location resx, resy = arm.utils.get_render_resolution(arm.utils.get_active_scene()) wrd =['Arm'] cformat = wrd.rp_rendercapture_format if cformat == '8bit': cbits = 4 ctype = numpy.uint8 elif cformat == '16bit': cbits = 8 ctype = numpy.float16 elif cformat == '32bit': cbits = 16 ctype = numpy.float32 if os.path.isfile(fp + '/render.bin') and os.path.getsize(fp + '/render.bin') == resx * resy * cbits: data = numpy.fromfile(fp + '/render.bin', dtype=ctype) data = data.astype(float) if cformat == '8bit': data = numpy.divide(data, 255) n = "Render Result" if n in and[n].size[0] == resx and[n].size[1] == resy:[n].pixels = data else: float_buffer = cformat != '8bit' image ="Render Result", width=resx, height=resy, float_buffer=float_buffer) image.pixels = data state.is_render = False os.remove(fp + '/render.bin') print('Output image captured into Blender - UV/Image Editor - Render Result') # Player running state.krom_running = False if not state.is_paused and bpy.context.screen != None: for area in bpy.context.screen.areas: if area.type == 'VIEW_ARMORY': state.krom_running = True break # Auto patch on every operator change if not 'Arm' in props.create_wrd() wrd =['Arm'] if state.krom_running and \ wrd.arm_play_live_patch and \ wrd.arm_play_auto_build and \ operators_changed: # Otherwise rebuild scene if bridge.send_operator(last_operator) == False: if state.compileproc == None: # state.is_paused = True # Speeds up recompile assets.invalidate_enabled = False make.play_project(in_viewport=True) assets.invalidate_enabled = True # Update at 60 fps fps_mult = 2.0 if (state.krom_running and arm.utils.get_os() == 'win') else 1.0 # Handlers called less frequently on Windows? fps = 60 if time.time() - last_time >= (1 / (fps * fps_mult)): last_time = time.time() if state.krom_running: # Read krom console if barmory.get_console_updated() == 1: log.print_player(barmory.get_console()) # Read operator console if barmory.get_operator_updated() == 1: bridge.parse_operator(barmory.get_operator()) # Tag redraw if bpy.context.screen != None: for area in bpy.context.screen.areas: if area.type == 'VIEW_ARMORY': area.tag_redraw() break # New output has been logged if log.tag_redraw and bpy.context.screen != None: log.tag_redraw = False redraw_progress = True # Player finished, redraw play buttons if state.playproc_finished and bpy.context.screen != None: state.playproc_finished = False redraw_ui = True # Compilation finished if state.compileproc_finished and bpy.context.screen != None: state.compileproc_finished = False redraw_ui = True # Compilation succesfull if state.compileproc_success: # Notify embedded player if state.krom_running: if state.recompiled and wrd.arm_play_live_patch: # state.is_paused = False barmory.parse_code() for s in state.mod_scripts: barmory.call_js('armory.Scene.patchTrait("' + s + '");') else: barmory.call_js('armory.Scene.patch();') # Or switch to armory space elif arm.utils.with_krom() and state.in_viewport: state.play_area.type = 'VIEW_ARMORY' # Prevent immediate operator patch if len(ops) > 0: last_operator = ops[-1] # No attribute when using multiple windows? if hasattr(bpy.context, 'active_object'): obj = bpy.context.active_object if obj != None: if != None and recache(obj) if len(ops) > 0 and ops[-1].bl_idname == 'OBJECT_OT_transform_apply': recache(obj) # New children need to be recached if obj.type == 'ARMATURE': for c in obj.children: if != None and recache(c) if hasattr(bpy.context, 'sculpt_object') and bpy.context.sculpt_object != None: recache(bpy.context.sculpt_object) if hasattr(bpy.context, 'active_pose_bone') and bpy.context.active_pose_bone != None: recache(bpy.context.active_object) if hasattr(bpy.context, 'object'): obj = bpy.context.object if obj != None: if operators_changed: op_changed(ops[-1], obj) if obj.active_material != None and obj.active_material.is_updated: if obj.active_material.lock_cache == True: # is_cached was set to true obj.active_material.lock_cache = False else: obj.active_material.is_cached = False # Invalidate logic node tree cache if it is being edited.. space = arm.utils.logic_editor_space() if space != None: space.node_tree.is_cached = False def recache(obj): # Moving keyframes triggers is_updated_data.. if state.compileproc != None: return if == None: return if hasattr(, 'arm_cached'): = False def op_changed(op, obj): # Recache mesh data if op.bl_idname == 'OBJECT_OT_modifier_add' or \ op.bl_idname == 'OBJECT_OT_modifier_remove' or \ op.bl_idname == 'OBJECT_OT_transform_apply' or \ op.bl_idname == 'APPLY_OT_transformlocrotscale' or \ op.bl_idname == 'OBJECT_OT_shade_smooth' or \ op.bl_idname == 'OBJECT_OT_shade_flat': # recache(obj) # Note: Blender reverts object data when manipulating # OBJECT_OT_transform_apply operator.. recache object flag instead obj.arm_cached = False if op.bl_idname.startswith('MARKER_OT_'): # Marker changed, recache action = False appended_py_paths = [] @persistent def on_load_post(context): global appended_py_paths global first_update first_update = True props.init_properties_on_load() make_renderer.reload_blend_data() bpy.ops.arm.sync_proxy() wrd =['Arm'] wrd.arm_recompile = True if os.path.exists(arm.utils.get_fp() + '/Libraries'): libs = os.listdir(arm.utils.get_fp() + '/Libraries') for lib in libs: if os.path.isdir(arm.utils.get_fp() + '/Libraries/' + lib): fp = arm.utils.get_fp() + '/Libraries/' + lib if fp not in appended_py_paths and os.path.exists(fp + '/'): sys.path.append(fp) appended_py_paths.append(fp) import blender blender.register() @persistent def on_save_pre(context): props.init_properties_on_save() def register(): if hasattr(, 'scene_update_post'): # On windows, on_load_post is not called when opening .blend file from explorer if arm.utils.get_os() == 'win' and arm.utils.get_fp() != '': on_load_post(None) def unregister(): if hasattr(, 'scene_update_post'):