from typing import Callable import webbrowser import bpy from bpy.props import BoolProperty, StringProperty from bpy.types import NodeTree import nodeitems_utils from arm.logicnode import * from arm.logicnode import arm_nodes from arm.logicnode.arm_nodes import ArmNodeCategory from arm.logicnode import arm_sockets registered_nodes = [] registered_categories = [] class ArmLogicTree(NodeTree): """Logic nodes""" bl_idname = 'ArmLogicTreeType' bl_label = 'Logic Node Editor' bl_icon = 'DECORATE' class ARM_MT_NodeAddOverride(bpy.types.Menu): """ Overrides the `Add node` menu. If called from the logic node editor, the custom menu is drawn, otherwise the default one is drawn. Todo: Find a better solution to custom menus, this will conflict with other add-ons overriding this menu. """ bl_idname = "NODE_MT_add" bl_label = "Add" bl_translation_context = overridden_draw: Callable = None def draw(self, context): if context.space_data.tree_type == 'ArmLogicTreeType': layout = self.layout # Invoke the search layout.operator_context = "INVOKE_DEFAULT" layout.operator('arm.node_search', icon="VIEWZOOM") for category_section in arm_nodes.category_items.values(): layout.separator() for category in category_section:'ARM_MT_{}_menu',, icon=category.icon) else: ARM_MT_NodeAddOverride.overridden_draw(self, context) class ARM_OT_AddNodeOverride(bpy.types.Operator): bl_idname = "arm.add_node_override" bl_label = "Add Node" bl_property = "type" type: StringProperty(name="NodeItem type") use_transform: BoolProperty(name="Use Transform") def invoke(self, context, event): bpy.ops.node.add_node('INVOKE_DEFAULT', type=self.type, use_transform=self.use_transform) return {"FINISHED"} @classmethod def description(cls, context, properties): """Show the node's bl_description attribute as a tooltip or, if it doesn't exist, its docstring.""" # Type name to type nodetype = bpy.types.bpy_struct.bl_rna_get_subclass_py(properties.type) if hasattr(nodetype, 'bl_description'): return nodetype.bl_description.split('.')[0] return nodetype.__doc__.split('.')[0] def get_category_draw_func(category: ArmNodeCategory): def draw_category_menu(self, context): layout = self.layout for index, node_section in enumerate(category.node_sections.values()): if index != 0: layout.separator() for node_item in node_section: op = layout.operator("arm.add_node_override", text=node_item.label) op.type = node_item.nodetype op.use_transform = True return draw_category_menu def register_nodes(): global registered_nodes # Re-register all nodes for now.. if len(registered_nodes) > 0 or len(registered_categories) > 0: unregister_nodes() for node_type in arm_nodes.nodes: # Don't register internal nodes, they are already registered if not issubclass(node_type, bpy.types.NodeInternal): registered_nodes.append(node_type) bpy.utils.register_class(node_type) # Also add Blender's layout nodes arm_nodes.add_node(bpy.types.NodeReroute, 'Layout') arm_nodes.add_node(bpy.types.NodeFrame, 'Layout') # Generate and register category menus for category_section in arm_nodes.category_items.values(): for category in category_section: category.sort_nodes() menu_class = type(f'ARM_MT_{}Menu', (bpy.types.Menu, ), { 'bl_space_type': 'NODE_EDITOR', 'bl_idname': f'ARM_MT_{}_menu', 'bl_label':, 'bl_description': category.description, 'draw': get_category_draw_func(category) }) registered_categories.append(menu_class) bpy.utils.register_class(menu_class) def unregister_nodes(): global registered_nodes, registered_categories for n in registered_nodes: bpy.utils.unregister_class(n) for c in registered_categories: bpy.utils.unregister_class(c) registered_nodes = [] registered_categories = [] class ARM_PT_LogicNodePanel(bpy.types.Panel): bl_label = 'Armory Logic Node' bl_idname = 'ARM_PT_LogicNodePanel' bl_space_type = 'NODE_EDITOR' bl_region_type = 'UI' bl_category = 'Node' def draw(self, context): layout = self.layout layout.use_property_split = True layout.use_property_decorate = False if context.active_node != None and context.active_node.bl_idname.startswith('LN'): layout.prop(context.active_node, 'arm_logic_id') layout.prop(context.active_node, 'arm_watch') layout.operator('arm.open_node_source') class ArmOpenNodeSource(bpy.types.Operator): """Expose Haxe source""" bl_idname = 'arm.open_node_source' bl_label = 'Open Node Source' def execute(self, context): if context.active_node is not None and context.active_node.bl_idname.startswith('LN'): name = context.active_node.bl_idname[2:]'' + name + '.hx') return{'FINISHED'} #Node Variables Panel class ARM_PT_Variables(bpy.types.Panel): bl_label = 'Armory Node Variables' bl_idname = 'ARM_PT_Variables' bl_space_type = 'NODE_EDITOR' bl_region_type = 'UI' bl_category = 'Node' def draw(self, context): layout = self.layout nodes = list(filter(lambda node: node.arm_logic_id != "", list(context.space_data.node_tree.nodes))) IDs = [] for n in nodes: if not n.arm_logic_id in IDs: IDs.append(n.arm_logic_id) for ID in IDs: row = layout.row(align=True) row.alignment = 'EXPAND' row.label(text = ID) getN = row.operator(operator = 'arm.add_var_node') getN.ntype = ID setN = row.operator('arm.add_setvar_node') setN.ntype = ID class ARMAddVarNode(bpy.types.Operator): '''Add a linked node of that Variable''' bl_idname = 'arm.add_var_node' bl_label = 'Add Get' bl_options = {'GRAB_CURSOR', 'BLOCKING'} ntype: bpy.props.StringProperty() nodeRef = None def invoke(self, context, event): context.window_manager.modal_handler_add(self) self.execute(context) return {'RUNNING_MODAL'} def modal(self, context, event): if event.type == 'MOUSEMOVE': self.nodeRef.location = context.space_data.cursor_location elif event.type == 'LEFTMOUSE': # Confirm return {'FINISHED'} return {'RUNNING_MODAL'} def execute(self, context): nodes = context.space_data.node_tree.nodes node ="LNDynamicNode") print(context.space_data.backdrop_offset[0]) node.location = context.space_data.cursor_location node.arm_logic_id = self.ntype node.label = "GET " + self.ntype node.use_custom_color = True node.color = (0.22, 0.89, 0.5) #node.width = 5 global nodeRef self.nodeRef = node return({'FINISHED'}) class ARMAddSetVarNode(bpy.types.Operator): '''Add a node to set this Variable''' bl_idname = 'arm.add_setvar_node' bl_label = 'Add Set' bl_options = {'GRAB_CURSOR', 'BLOCKING'} ntype: bpy.props.StringProperty() nodeRef = None setNodeRef = None def invoke(self, context, event): context.window_manager.modal_handler_add(self) self.execute(context) return {'RUNNING_MODAL'} def modal(self, context, event): if event.type == 'MOUSEMOVE': self.setNodeRef.location = context.space_data.cursor_location self.nodeRef.location[0] = context.space_data.cursor_location[0]+10 self.nodeRef.location[1] = context.space_data.cursor_location[1]-10 elif event.type == 'LEFTMOUSE': # Confirm return {'FINISHED'} return {'RUNNING_MODAL'} def execute(self, context): nodes = context.space_data.node_tree.nodes node ="LNDynamicNode") print(context.space_data.backdrop_offset[0]) node.location = context.space_data.cursor_location node.arm_logic_id = self.ntype node.label = "GET " + self.ntype node.use_custom_color = True node.color = (0.32, 0.65, 0.89) node.bl_width_min = 3 node.width = 5 node.bl_width_min = 100 setNode ="LNSetVariableNode") setNode.label = "SET " + self.ntype setNode.location = context.space_data.cursor_location setNode.use_custom_color = True setNode.color = (0.49, 0.2, 1.0) links = context.space_data.node_tree.links[0], setNode.inputs[1]) global nodeRef self.nodeRef = node global setNodeRef self.setNodeRef = setNode return({'FINISHED'}) # node replacement code replacements = {} def add_replacement(item): replacements[item.from_node] = item def get_replaced_nodes(): return replacements.keys() def get_replacement_for_node(node): return replacements[node.bl_idname] class Replacement: # represents a single replacement rule, this can replace exactly one node with another # # from_node: the node type to be removed # to_node: the node type which takes from_node's place # *SocketMapping: a map which defines how the sockets of the old node shall be connected to the new node # {1: 2} means that anything connected to the socket with index 1 on the original node will be connected to the socket with index 2 on the new node def __init__(self, from_node, to_node, in_socket_mapping, out_socket_mapping, property_mapping): self.from_node = from_node self.to_node = to_node self.in_socket_mapping = in_socket_mapping self.out_socket_mapping = out_socket_mapping self.property_mapping = property_mapping # actual replacement code def replace(tree, node): replacement = get_replacement_for_node(node) newnode = newnode.location = node.location newnode.parent = node.parent parent = node.parent while parent is not None: newnode.location[0] += parent.location[0] newnode.location[1] += parent.location[1] parent = parent.parent # map properties for prop in replacement.property_mapping.keys(): setattr(newnode, replacement.property_mapping.get(prop), getattr(node, prop)) # map unconnected inputs for in_socket in replacement.in_socket_mapping.keys(): if not node.inputs[in_socket].is_linked: newnode.inputs[replacement.in_socket_mapping.get(in_socket)].default_value = node.inputs[in_socket].default_value # map connected inputs for link in tree.links: if link.from_node == node: # this is an output link for i in range(0, len(node.outputs)): # check the outputs # i represents the socket index # do we want to remap it & is it the one referenced in the current link if i in replacement.out_socket_mapping.keys() and node.outputs[i] == link.from_socket:[replacement.out_socket_mapping.get(i)], link.to_socket) if link.to_node == node: # this is an input link for i in range(0, len(node.inputs)): # check the inputs # i represents the socket index # do we want to remap it & is it the one referenced socket in the current link if i in replacement.in_socket_mapping.keys() and node.inputs[i] == link.to_socket:[replacement.in_socket_mapping.get(i)], link.from_socket) tree.nodes.remove(node) def replaceAll(): for tree in if tree.bl_idname == "ArmLogicTreeType": for node in tree.nodes: if node.bl_idname in get_replaced_nodes(): print("Replacing "+ node.bl_idname+ " in Tree " replace(tree, node) class ReplaceNodesOperator(bpy.types.Operator): '''Automatically replaces deprecated nodes.''' bl_idname = "node.replace" bl_label = "Replace Nodes" def execute(self, context): replaceAll() return {'FINISHED'} @classmethod def poll(cls, context): return context.space_data != None and context.space_data.type == 'NODE_EDITOR' # TODO: deprecated # Input Replacement Rules # add_replacement(Replacement("LNOnGamepadNode", "LNMergedGamepadNode", {0: 0}, {0: 0}, {"property0": "property0", "property1": "property1"})) def register(): arm_sockets.register() bpy.utils.register_class(ArmLogicTree) bpy.utils.register_class(ARM_PT_LogicNodePanel) bpy.utils.register_class(ArmOpenNodeSource) bpy.utils.register_class(ReplaceNodesOperator) bpy.utils.register_class(ARM_PT_Variables) bpy.utils.register_class(ARMAddVarNode) bpy.utils.register_class(ARMAddSetVarNode) ARM_MT_NodeAddOverride.overridden_draw = bpy.types.NODE_MT_add.draw bpy.utils.register_class(ARM_MT_NodeAddOverride) bpy.utils.register_class(ARM_OT_AddNodeOverride) register_nodes() def unregister(): unregister_nodes() bpy.utils.unregister_class(ReplaceNodesOperator) bpy.utils.unregister_class(ArmLogicTree) bpy.utils.unregister_class(ARM_PT_LogicNodePanel) bpy.utils.unregister_class(ArmOpenNodeSource) bpy.utils.unregister_class(ARM_PT_Variables) bpy.utils.unregister_class(ARMAddVarNode) bpy.utils.unregister_class(ARMAddSetVarNode) bpy.utils.unregister_class(ARM_OT_AddNodeOverride) bpy.utils.unregister_class(ARM_MT_NodeAddOverride) arm_sockets.unregister()