/** * Copyright (C) 2013 Jorge Jimenez (jorge@iryoku.com) * Copyright (C) 2013 Jose I. Echevarria (joseignacioechevarria@gmail.com) * Copyright (C) 2013 Belen Masia (bmasia@unizar.es) * Copyright (C) 2013 Fernando Navarro (fernandn@microsoft.com) * Copyright (C) 2013 Diego Gutierrez (diegog@unizar.es) * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in * the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to * use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies * of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to * do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. As clarification, there * is no requirement that the copyright notice and permission be included in * binary distributions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. */ /** * _______ ___ ___ ___ ___ * / || \/ | / \ / \ * | (---- | \ / | / ^ \ / ^ \ * \ \ | |\/| | / /_\ \ / /_\ \ * ----) | | | | | / _____ \ / _____ \ * |_______/ |__| |__| /__/ \__\ /__/ \__\ * * E N H A N C E D * S U B P I X E L M O R P H O L O G I C A L A N T I A L I A S I N G * * http://www.iryoku.com/smaa/ */ #version 450 #ifdef GL_ES precision mediump float; #endif #define SMAA_THRESHOLD 0.1 #define SMAA_DEPTH_THRESHOLD (0.1 * SMAA_THRESHOLD) // For depth edge detection, depends on the depth range of the scene #define SMAA_LOCAL_CONTRAST_ADAPTATION_FACTOR 2.0 uniform sampler2D colorTex; in vec2 texCoord; in vec4 offset0; in vec4 offset1; in vec4 offset2; out vec4 fragColor; // Misc functions // Gathers current pixel, and the top-left neighbors. // vec3 SMAAGatherNeighbours(vec2 texcoord/*, vec4 offset[3], sampler2D tex*/) { // float P = texture(tex, texcoord).r; // float Pleft = texture(tex, offset0.xy).r; // float Ptop = texture(tex, offset0.zw).r; // return vec3(P, Pleft, Ptop); // } // Edge Detection Pixel Shaders (First Pass) // Adjusts the threshold by means of predication. // vec2 SMAACalculatePredicatedThreshold(vec2 texcoord, vec4 offset[3], sampler2D predicationTex) { // vec3 neighbours = SMAAGatherNeighbours(texcoord, offset, predicationTex); // vec2 delta = abs(neighbours.xx - neighbours.yz); // vec2 edges = step(SMAA_PREDICATION_THRESHOLD, delta); // return SMAA_PREDICATION_SCALE * SMAA_THRESHOLD * (1.0 - SMAA_PREDICATION_STRENGTH * edges); // } // Luma Edge Detection // IMPORTANT NOTICE: luma edge detection requires gamma-corrected colors, and // thus 'colorTex' should be a non-sRGB texture. vec2 SMAALumaEdgeDetectionPS(vec2 texcoord/*, vec4 offset[3], sampler2D colorTex*/ //#if SMAA_PREDICATION //, sampler2D predicationTex //#endif ) { // Calculate the threshold: //#if SMAA_PREDICATION //vec2 threshold = SMAACalculatePredicatedThreshold(texcoord, offset, SMAATexturePass2D(predicationTex)); //#else vec2 threshold = vec2(SMAA_THRESHOLD, SMAA_THRESHOLD); //#endif // Calculate lumas: vec3 weights = vec3(0.2126, 0.7152, 0.0722); float L = dot(texture(colorTex, texcoord).rgb, weights); float Lleft = dot(texture(colorTex, offset0.xy).rgb, weights); float Ltop = dot(texture(colorTex, offset0.zw).rgb, weights); // We do the usual threshold: vec4 delta; delta.xy = abs(L - vec2(Lleft, Ltop)); vec2 edges = step(threshold, delta.xy); // Then discard if there is no edge: if (dot(edges, vec2(1.0, 1.0)) == 0.0) discard; // Calculate right and bottom deltas: float Lright = dot(texture(colorTex, offset1.xy).rgb, weights); float Lbottom = dot(texture(colorTex, offset1.zw).rgb, weights); delta.zw = abs(L - vec2(Lright, Lbottom)); // Calculate the maximum delta in the direct neighborhood: vec2 maxDelta = max(delta.xy, delta.zw); // Calculate left-left and top-top deltas: float Lleftleft = dot(texture(colorTex, offset2.xy).rgb, weights); float Ltoptop = dot(texture(colorTex, offset2.zw).rgb, weights); delta.zw = abs(vec2(Lleft, Ltop) - vec2(Lleftleft, Ltoptop)); // Calculate the final maximum delta: maxDelta = max(maxDelta.xy, delta.zw); float finalDelta = max(maxDelta.x, maxDelta.y); // Local contrast adaptation: edges.xy *= step(finalDelta, SMAA_LOCAL_CONTRAST_ADAPTATION_FACTOR * delta.xy); return edges; } // Color Edge Detection // IMPORTANT NOTICE: color edge detection requires gamma-corrected colors, and // thus 'colorTex' should be a non-sRGB texture. vec2 SMAAColorEdgeDetectionPS(vec2 texcoord/*, vec4 offset[3], sampler2D colorTex*/ //#if SMAA_PREDICATION //, sampler2D predicationTex //#endif ) { // Calculate the threshold: //#if SMAA_PREDICATION //vec2 threshold = SMAACalculatePredicatedThreshold(texcoord, offset, predicationTex); //#else vec2 threshold = vec2(SMAA_THRESHOLD, SMAA_THRESHOLD); //#endif // Calculate color deltas: vec4 delta; vec3 C = texture(colorTex, texcoord).rgb; vec3 Cleft = texture(colorTex, offset0.xy).rgb; vec3 t = abs(C - Cleft); delta.x = max(max(t.r, t.g), t.b); vec3 Ctop = texture(colorTex, offset0.zw).rgb; t = abs(C - Ctop); delta.y = max(max(t.r, t.g), t.b); // We do the usual threshold: vec2 edges = step(threshold, delta.xy); // Then discard if there is no edge: if (dot(edges, vec2(1.0, 1.0)) == 0.0) discard; // Calculate right and bottom deltas: vec3 Cright = texture(colorTex, offset1.xy).rgb; t = abs(C - Cright); delta.z = max(max(t.r, t.g), t.b); vec3 Cbottom = texture(colorTex, offset1.zw).rgb; t = abs(C - Cbottom); delta.w = max(max(t.r, t.g), t.b); // Calculate the maximum delta in the direct neighborhood: vec2 maxDelta = max(delta.xy, delta.zw); // Calculate left-left and top-top deltas: vec3 Cleftleft = texture(colorTex, offset2.xy).rgb; t = abs(C - Cleftleft); delta.z = max(max(t.r, t.g), t.b); vec3 Ctoptop = texture(colorTex, offset2.zw).rgb; t = abs(C - Ctoptop); delta.w = max(max(t.r, t.g), t.b); // Calculate the final maximum delta: maxDelta = max(maxDelta.xy, delta.zw); float finalDelta = max(maxDelta.x, maxDelta.y); // Local contrast adaptation: edges.xy *= step(finalDelta, SMAA_LOCAL_CONTRAST_ADAPTATION_FACTOR * delta.xy); return edges; } // Depth Edge Detection // vec2 SMAADepthEdgeDetectionPS(vec2 texcoord, /*vec4 offset[3],*/ sampler2D depthTex) { // vec3 neighbours = SMAAGatherNeighbours(texcoord, /*offset,*/ depthTex); // vec2 delta = abs(neighbours.xx - vec2(neighbours.y, neighbours.z)); // vec2 edges = step(SMAA_DEPTH_THRESHOLD, delta); // if (dot(edges, vec2(1.0, 1.0)) == 0.0) // discard; // return edges; // } void main() { // fragColor.rg = SMAALumaEdgeDetectionPS(texCoord/*, offset, colorTex*/); fragColor.rg = SMAAColorEdgeDetectionPS(texCoord/*, offset, colorTex*/); }