import glob import json import os import platform import re import subprocess import webbrowser import numpy as np import bpy import arm.lib.armpack from arm.lib.lz4 import LZ4 import arm.log as log import arm.make_state as state import arm.props_renderpath from enum import Enum, unique class NumpyEncoder(json.JSONEncoder): def default(self, obj): if isinstance(obj, np.ndarray): return obj.tolist() return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, obj) class WorkingDir: """Context manager for safely changing the current working directory.""" def __init__(self, cwd: str): self.cwd = cwd self.prev_cwd = os.getcwd() def __enter__(self): os.chdir(self.cwd) def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): os.chdir(self.prev_cwd) def write_arm(filepath, output): if filepath.endswith('.lz4'): with open(filepath, 'wb') as f: packed = arm.lib.armpack.packb(output) # Prepend packed data size for decoding. Haxe can't unpack # an unsigned int64 so we use a signed int64 here f.write(np.int64(LZ4.encode_bound(len(packed))).tobytes()) f.write(LZ4.encode(packed)) else: if['Arm'].arm_minimize: with open(filepath, 'wb') as f: f.write(arm.lib.armpack.packb(output)) else: filepath_json = filepath.split('.arm')[0] + '.json' with open(filepath_json, 'w') as f: f.write(json.dumps(output, sort_keys=True, indent=4, cls=NumpyEncoder)) def unpack_image(image, path, file_format='JPEG'): print('Armory Info: Unpacking to ' + path) image.filepath_raw = path image.file_format = file_format def convert_image(image, path, file_format='JPEG'): # Convert image to compatible format print('Armory Info: Converting to ' + path) ren = bpy.context.scene.render orig_quality = ren.image_settings.quality orig_file_format = ren.image_settings.file_format orig_color_mode = ren.image_settings.color_mode ren.image_settings.quality = get_texture_quality_percentage() ren.image_settings.file_format = file_format if file_format == 'PNG': ren.image_settings.color_mode = 'RGBA' image.save_render(path, scene=bpy.context.scene) ren.image_settings.quality = orig_quality ren.image_settings.file_format = orig_file_format ren.image_settings.color_mode = orig_color_mode def blend_name(): return bpy.path.basename(bpy.context.blend_data.filepath).rsplit('.', 1)[0] def build_dir(): return 'build_' + safestr(blend_name()) def get_fp(): wrd =['Arm'] if wrd.arm_project_root != '': return bpy.path.abspath(wrd.arm_project_root) else: s = s.pop() return os.path.sep.join(s) def get_fp_build(): return os.path.join(get_fp(), build_dir()) def get_os(): s = platform.system() if s == 'Windows': return 'win' elif s == 'Darwin': return 'mac' else: return 'linux' def get_gapi(): wrd =['Arm'] if state.is_export: item = wrd.arm_exporterlist[wrd.arm_exporterlist_index] return getattr(item, target_to_gapi(item.arm_project_target)) if wrd.arm_runtime == 'Browser': return 'webgl' return 'direct3d11' if get_os() == 'win' else 'opengl' def get_rp() -> arm.props_renderpath.ArmRPListItem: wrd =['Arm'] return wrd.arm_rplist[wrd.arm_rplist_index] def bundled_sdk_path(): if get_os() == 'mac': # SDK on MacOS is located in .app folder due to security p = if p.endswith('Contents/MacOS/blender'): return p[:-len('Contents/MacOS/blender')] + '/armsdk/' else: return p[:-len('Contents/MacOS/./blender')] + '/armsdk/' elif get_os() == 'linux': # /blender return'/', 1)[0] + '/armsdk/' else: # /blender.exe return'\\', '/').rsplit('/', 1)[0] + '/armsdk/' # Passed by load_post handler when armsdk is found in project folder use_local_sdk = False def get_sdk_path(): addon_prefs = get_arm_preferences() p = bundled_sdk_path() if use_local_sdk: return get_fp() + '/armsdk/' elif os.path.exists(p) and addon_prefs.sdk_bundled: return p else: return addon_prefs.sdk_path def get_last_commit(): p = get_sdk_path() + 'armory/.git/refs/heads/master' try: file = open(p, 'r') commit = file.readline() except: commit = '' return commit def get_arm_preferences() -> bpy.types.AddonPreferences: preferences = bpy.context.preferences return preferences.addons["armory"].preferences def get_ide_bin(): addon_prefs = get_arm_preferences() return '' if not hasattr(addon_prefs, 'ide_bin') else addon_prefs.ide_bin def get_ffmpeg_path(): return get_arm_preferences().ffmpeg_path def get_renderdoc_path(): p = get_arm_preferences().renderdoc_path if p == '' and get_os() == 'win': pdefault = 'C:\\Program Files\\RenderDoc\\qrenderdoc.exe' if os.path.exists(pdefault): p = pdefault return p def get_code_editor(): addon_prefs = get_arm_preferences() return 'kodestudio' if not hasattr(addon_prefs, 'code_editor') else addon_prefs.code_editor def get_ui_scale(): addon_prefs = get_arm_preferences() return 1.0 if not hasattr(addon_prefs, 'ui_scale') else addon_prefs.ui_scale def get_khamake_threads(): addon_prefs = get_arm_preferences() return 1 if not hasattr(addon_prefs, 'khamake_threads') else addon_prefs.khamake_threads def get_compilation_server(): addon_prefs = get_arm_preferences() return False if not hasattr(addon_prefs, 'compilation_server') else addon_prefs.compilation_server def get_save_on_build(): addon_prefs = get_arm_preferences() return False if not hasattr(addon_prefs, 'save_on_build') else addon_prefs.save_on_build def get_debug_console_auto(): addon_prefs = get_arm_preferences() return False if not hasattr(addon_prefs, 'debug_console_auto') else addon_prefs.debug_console_auto def get_debug_console_visible_sc(): addon_prefs = get_arm_preferences() return 192 if not hasattr(addon_prefs, 'debug_console_visible_sc') else addon_prefs.debug_console_visible_sc def get_debug_console_scale_in_sc(): addon_prefs = get_arm_preferences() return 219 if not hasattr(addon_prefs, 'debug_console_scale_in_sc') else addon_prefs.debug_console_scale_in_sc def get_debug_console_scale_out_sc(): addon_prefs = get_arm_preferences() return 221 if not hasattr(addon_prefs, 'debug_console_scale_out_sc') else addon_prefs.debug_console_scale_out_sc def get_viewport_controls(): addon_prefs = get_arm_preferences() return 'qwerty' if not hasattr(addon_prefs, 'viewport_controls') else addon_prefs.viewport_controls def get_legacy_shaders(): addon_prefs = get_arm_preferences() return False if not hasattr(addon_prefs, 'legacy_shaders') else addon_prefs.legacy_shaders def get_relative_paths(): """Whether to convert absolute paths to relative""" addon_prefs = get_arm_preferences() return False if not hasattr(addon_prefs, 'relative_paths') else addon_prefs.relative_paths def get_node_path(): if get_os() == 'win': return get_sdk_path() + '/nodejs/node.exe' elif get_os() == 'mac': return get_sdk_path() + '/nodejs/node-osx' else: return get_sdk_path() + '/nodejs/node-linux64' def get_kha_path(): if os.path.exists('Kha'): return 'Kha' return get_sdk_path() + '/Kha' def get_haxe_path(): if get_os() == 'win': return get_kha_path() + '/Tools/haxe/haxe.exe' elif get_os() == 'mac': return get_kha_path() + '/Tools/haxe/haxe-osx' else: return get_kha_path() + '/Tools/haxe/haxe-linux64' def get_khamake_path(): return get_kha_path() + '/make' def krom_paths(): sdk_path = get_sdk_path() if arm.utils.get_os() == 'win': krom_location = sdk_path + '/Krom' krom_path = krom_location + '/Krom.exe' elif arm.utils.get_os() == 'mac': krom_location = sdk_path + '/Krom/' krom_path = krom_location + '/Krom' else: krom_location = sdk_path + '/Krom' krom_path = krom_location + '/Krom' return krom_location, krom_path def fetch_bundled_script_names(): wrd =['Arm'] wrd.arm_bundled_scripts_list.clear() with WorkingDir(get_sdk_path() + '/armory/Sources/armory/trait'): for file in glob.glob('*.hx'): wrd.arm_bundled_scripts_list.add().name = file.rsplit('.', 1)[0] script_props = {} script_props_defaults = {} script_warnings = {} def fetch_script_props(file): with open(file, encoding="utf-8") as f: name = file.rsplit('.', 1)[0] if 'Sources' in name: name = name[name.index('Sources') + 8:] if '/' in name: name = name.replace('/', '.') if '\\' in file: name = name.replace('\\', '.') script_props[name] = [] script_props_defaults[name] = [] script_warnings[name] = [] lines = # Read next line read_prop = False for lineno, line in enumerate(lines): # enumerate() starts with 0 lineno += 1 if not read_prop: read_prop = line.lstrip().startswith('@prop') continue if read_prop: if 'var ' in line: # Line of code code_ref = line.split('var ')[1].split(';')[0] else: script_warnings[name].append(f"Line {lineno - 1}: Unused @prop") read_prop = line.lstrip().startswith('@prop') continue valid_prop = False # Declaration = Assignment; var_sides = code_ref.split('=') # DeclarationName: DeclarationType decl_sides = var_sides[0].split(':') prop_name = decl_sides[0].strip() if 'static ' in line: # Static properties can be overwritten multiple times # from multiple property lists script_warnings[name].append(f"Line {lineno} (\"{prop_name}\"): Static properties may result in undefined behaviours!") # If the prop type is annotated in the code # (= declaration has two parts) if len(decl_sides) > 1: prop_type = decl_sides[1].strip() if prop_type.startswith("iron.object."): prop_type = prop_type[12:] elif prop_type.startswith("iron.math."): prop_type = prop_type[10:] # Default value exists if len(var_sides) > 1 and var_sides[1].strip() != "": # Type is not supported if get_type_default_value(prop_type) is None: script_warnings[name].append(f"Line {lineno} (\"{prop_name}\"): Type {prop_type} is not supported!") read_prop = False continue prop_value = var_sides[1].replace('\'', '').replace('"', '').strip() else: prop_value = get_type_default_value(prop_type) # Type is not supported if prop_value is None: script_warnings[name].append(f"Line {lineno} (\"{prop_name}\"): Type {prop_type} is not supported!") read_prop = False continue valid_prop = True # Default value exists elif len(var_sides) > 1 and var_sides[1].strip() != "": prop_value = var_sides[1].strip() prop_type = get_prop_type_from_value(prop_value) # Type is not recognized if prop_type is None: script_warnings[name].append(f"Line {lineno} (\"{prop_name}\"): Property type not recognized!") read_prop = False continue if prop_type == "String": prop_value = prop_value.replace('\'', '').replace('"', '') valid_prop = True else: script_warnings[name].append(f"Line {lineno} (\"{prop_name}\"): Not a valid property!") read_prop = False continue prop = (prop_name, prop_type) # Register prop if valid_prop: script_props[name].append(prop) script_props_defaults[name].append(prop_value) read_prop = False def get_prop_type_from_value(value: str): """ Returns the property type based on its representation in the code. If the type is not supported, `None` is returned. """ # Maybe ast.literal_eval() is better here? try: int(value) return "Int" except ValueError: try: float(value) return "Float" except ValueError: # "" is required, " alone will not work if len(value) > 1 and value.startswith(("\"", "'")) and value.endswith(("\"", "'")): return "String" if value in ("true", "false"): return "Bool" if value.startswith("new "): value = value.split()[1].split("(")[0] if value.startswith("Vec"): return value if value.startswith("iron.math.Vec"): return value[10:] return None def get_type_default_value(prop_type: str): """ Returns the default value of the given Haxe type. If the type is not supported, `None` is returned: """ if prop_type == "Int": return 0 if prop_type == "Float": return 0.0 if prop_type == "String" or prop_type in ( "Object", "CameraObject", "LightObject", "MeshObject", "SpeakerObject"): return "" if prop_type == "Bool": return False if prop_type == "Vec2": return [0.0, 0.0] if prop_type == "Vec3": return [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] if prop_type == "Vec4": return [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] return None def fetch_script_names(): if == "": return wrd =['Arm'] # Sources wrd.arm_scripts_list.clear() sources_path = os.path.join(get_fp(), 'Sources', safestr(wrd.arm_project_package)) if os.path.isdir(sources_path): with WorkingDir(sources_path): # Glob supports recursive search since python 3.5 so it should cover both blender 2.79 and 2.8 integrated python for file in glob.glob('**/*.hx', recursive=True): mod = file.rsplit('.', 1)[0] mod = mod.replace('\\', '/') mod_parts = mod.rsplit('/') if re.match('^[A-Z][A-Za-z0-9_]*$', mod_parts[-1]): wrd.arm_scripts_list.add().name = mod.replace('/', '.') fetch_script_props(file) # Canvas wrd.arm_canvas_list.clear() canvas_path = get_fp() + '/Bundled/canvas' if os.path.isdir(canvas_path): with WorkingDir(canvas_path): for file in glob.glob('*.json'): if file == "_themes.json": continue wrd.arm_canvas_list.add().name = file.rsplit('.', 1)[0] def fetch_wasm_names(): if == "": return wrd =['Arm'] # WASM modules wrd.arm_wasm_list.clear() sources_path = get_fp() + '/Bundled' if os.path.isdir(sources_path): with WorkingDir(sources_path): for file in glob.glob('*.wasm'): name = file.rsplit('.', 1)[0] wrd.arm_wasm_list.add().name = name def fetch_trait_props(): for o in fetch_prop(o) for s in fetch_prop(s) def fetch_prop(o): for item in o.arm_traitlist: name = '' if item.type_prop == 'Bundled Script': name = 'armory.trait.' + else: name = if name not in script_props: continue props = script_props[name] defaults = script_props_defaults[name] warnings = script_warnings[name] # Remove old props for i in range(len(item.arm_traitpropslist) - 1, -1, -1): ip = item.arm_traitpropslist[i] if not in [p[0] for p in props]: item.arm_traitpropslist.remove(i) # Add new props for index, p in enumerate(props): found_prop = False for i_prop in item.arm_traitpropslist: if == p[0]: if i_prop.type == p[1]: found_prop = i_prop else: item.arm_traitpropslist.remove(item.arm_traitpropslist.find( break # Not in list if not found_prop: prop = item.arm_traitpropslist.add() = p[0] prop.type = p[1] prop.set_value(defaults[index]) if found_prop: prop = item.arm_traitpropslist[] # Default value added and current value is blank (no override) if (found_prop.get_value() is None or found_prop.get_value() == "") and defaults[index]: prop.set_value(defaults[index]) # Type has changed, update displayed name if (len( == 1 or (len( > 1 and[1] != p[1])): = p[0] prop.type = p[1] item.arm_traitpropswarnings.clear() for warning in warnings: entry = item.arm_traitpropswarnings.add() entry.warning = warning def fetch_bundled_trait_props(): # Bundled script props for o in for t in o.arm_traitlist: if t.type_prop == 'Bundled Script': file_path = get_sdk_path() + '/armory/Sources/armory/trait/' + + '.hx' if os.path.exists(file_path): fetch_script_props(file_path) fetch_prop(o) def update_trait_collections(): for col in if'Trait|'): for o in for t in o.arm_traitlist: if 'Trait|' + not in col ='Trait|' + else: col =['Trait|' +] def to_hex(val): return '#%02x%02x%02x%02x' % (int(val[3] * 255), int(val[0] * 255), int(val[1] * 255), int(val[2] * 255)) def color_to_int(val): return (int(val[3] * 255) << 24) + (int(val[0] * 255) << 16) + (int(val[1] * 255) << 8) + int(val[2] * 255) def safesrc(s): s = safestr(s).replace('.', '_').replace('-', '_').replace(' ', '') if s[0].isdigit(): s = '_' + s return s def safestr(s: str) -> str: """Outputs a string where special characters have been replaced with '_', which can be safely used in file and path names.""" for c in r'[]/\;,><&*:%=+@!#^()|?^': s = s.replace(c, '_') return ''.join([i if ord(i) < 128 else '_' for i in s]) def asset_name(bdata): if bdata == None: return None s = # Append library name if linked if bdata.library is not None: s += '_' + return s def asset_path(s): """Remove leading '//'""" return s[2:] if s[:2] == '//' else s def extract_filename(s): return os.path.basename(asset_path(s)) def get_render_resolution(scene): render = scene.render scale = render.resolution_percentage / 100 return int(render.resolution_x * scale), int(render.resolution_y * scale) def get_texture_quality_percentage() -> int: return int(["Arm"].arm_texture_quality * 100) def get_project_scene_name(): return get_active_scene().name def get_active_scene(): wrd =['Arm'] if not state.is_export: if wrd.arm_play_scene == None: return bpy.context.scene return wrd.arm_play_scene else: item = wrd.arm_exporterlist[wrd.arm_exporterlist_index] return item.arm_project_scene def logic_editor_space(context_screen=None): if context_screen == None: context_screen = bpy.context.screen if context_screen != None: areas = context_screen.areas for area in areas: for space in area.spaces: if space.type == 'NODE_EDITOR': if space.node_tree != None and space.node_tree.bl_idname == 'ArmLogicTreeType': return space return None def voxel_support(): # macos does not support opengl 4.5, needs metal return != 'html5' and get_os() != 'mac' def get_cascade_size(rpdat): cascade_size = int(rpdat.rp_shadowmap_cascade) # Clamp to 4096 per cascade if int(rpdat.rp_shadowmap_cascades) > 1 and cascade_size > 4096: cascade_size = 4096 return cascade_size def check_saved(self): if == "": msg = "Save blend file first"{"ERROR"}, msg) if self is not None else log.warn(msg) return False return True def check_path(s): for c in r'[];><&*%=+@!#^()|?^': if c in s: return False for c in s: if ord(c) > 127: return False return True def check_sdkpath(self): s = get_sdk_path() if not check_path(s): msg = f"SDK path '{s}' contains special characters. Please move SDK to different path for now."{"ERROR"}, msg) if self is not None else log.warn(msg) return False else: return True def check_projectpath(self): s = get_fp() if not check_path(s): msg = f"Project path '{s}' contains special characters, build process may fail."{"ERROR"}, msg) if self is not None else log.warn(msg) return False else: return True def disp_enabled(target): rpdat = get_rp() if rpdat.arm_rp_displacement == 'Tessellation': return target == 'krom' or target == 'native' return rpdat.arm_rp_displacement != 'Off' def is_object_animation_enabled(bobject): # Checks if animation is present and enabled if bobject.arm_animation_enabled == False or bobject.type == 'BONE' or bobject.type == 'ARMATURE': return False if bobject.animation_data and bobject.animation_data.action: return True return False def is_bone_animation_enabled(bobject): # Checks if animation is present and enabled for parented armature if bobject.parent and bobject.parent.type == 'ARMATURE': if bobject.parent.arm_animation_enabled == False: return False # Check for present actions adata = bobject.parent.animation_data has_actions = adata != None and adata.action != None if not has_actions and adata != None: if hasattr(adata, 'nla_tracks') and adata.nla_tracks != None: for track in adata.nla_tracks: if track.strips == None: continue for strip in track.strips: if strip.action == None: continue has_actions = True break if has_actions: break if adata != None and has_actions: return True return False def export_bone_data(bobject: bpy.types.Object) -> bool: """Returns whether the bone data of the given object should be exported.""" return bobject.find_armature() and is_bone_animation_enabled(bobject) and get_rp().arm_skin == 'On' def open_editor(hx_path=None): ide_bin = get_ide_bin() if hx_path is None: hx_path = arm.utils.get_fp() if get_code_editor() == 'default': # Get editor environment variables # env_v_editor = os.environ.get('VISUAL') env_editor = os.environ.get('EDITOR') if env_v_editor is not None: ide_bin = env_v_editor elif env_editor is not None: ide_bin = env_editor # No environment variables set -> Let the system decide how to # open the file else:'file://' + hx_path) return if os.path.exists(ide_bin): args = [ide_bin, arm.utils.get_fp()] # Sublime Text if get_code_editor() == 'sublime': project_name = arm.utils.safestr(['Arm'].arm_project_name) subl_project_path = arm.utils.get_fp() + f'/{project_name}.sublime-project' if not os.path.exists(subl_project_path): generate_sublime_project(subl_project_path) args += ['--project', subl_project_path] args.append('--add') args.append(hx_path) if arm.utils.get_os() == 'mac': argstr = "" for arg in args: if not (arg.startswith('-') or arg.startswith('--')): argstr += '"' + arg + '"' argstr += ' ' subprocess.Popen(argstr[:-1], shell=True) else: subprocess.Popen(args) else: raise FileNotFoundError(f'Code editor executable not found: {ide_bin}. You can change the path in the Armory preferences.') def open_folder(folder_path: str): if arm.utils.get_os() == 'win':['explorer', folder_path]) elif arm.utils.get_os() == 'mac':['open', folder_path]) elif arm.utils.get_os() == 'linux':['xdg-open', folder_path]) else:'file://' + folder_path) def generate_sublime_project(subl_project_path): """Generates a [project_name].sublime-project file.""" print('Generating Sublime Text project file') project_data = { "folders": [ { "path": ".", "file_exclude_patterns": ["*.blend*", "*.arm"] }, ], } with open(subl_project_path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as project_file: json.dump(project_data, project_file, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4) def def_strings_to_array(strdefs): defs = strdefs.split('_') defs = defs[1:] defs = ['_' + d for d in defs] # Restore _ return defs def get_kha_target(target_name): # TODO: remove if target_name == 'macos-hl': return 'osx-hl' elif target_name.startswith('krom'): # krom-windows return 'krom' elif target_name == 'custom': return '' return target_name def target_to_gapi(arm_project_target): # TODO: align target names if arm_project_target == 'krom': return 'arm_gapi_' + arm.utils.get_os() elif arm_project_target == 'krom-windows': return 'arm_gapi_win' elif arm_project_target == 'windows-hl': return 'arm_gapi_win' elif arm_project_target == 'krom-linux': return 'arm_gapi_linux' elif arm_project_target == 'linux-hl': return 'arm_gapi_linux' elif arm_project_target == 'krom-macos': return 'arm_gapi_mac' elif arm_project_target == 'macos-hl': return 'arm_gapi_mac' elif arm_project_target == 'android-hl': return 'arm_gapi_android' elif arm_project_target == 'ios-hl': return 'arm_gapi_ios' elif arm_project_target == 'node': return 'arm_gapi_html5' else: # html5, custom return 'arm_gapi_' + arm_project_target def check_default_props(): wrd =['Arm'] if len(wrd.arm_rplist) == 0: wrd.arm_rplist.add() wrd.arm_rplist_index = 0 if wrd.arm_project_name == '': # Take blend file name wrd.arm_project_name = arm.utils.blend_name() # Enum Permissions Name class PermissionName(Enum): ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION = 'ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION' ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE = 'ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE' ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION = 'ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION' ACCESS_WIFI_STATE = 'ACCESS_WIFI_STATE' BLUETOOTH = 'BLUETOOTH' BLUETOOTH_ADMIN = 'BLUETOOTH_ADMIN' CAMERA = 'CAMERA' EXPAND_STATUS_BAR = 'EXPAND_STATUS_BAR' FOREGROUND_SERVICE = 'FOREGROUND_SERVICE' GET_ACCOUNTS = 'GET_ACCOUNTS' INTERNET = 'INTERNET' READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE = 'READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE' VIBRATE = 'VIBRATE' WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE = 'WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE' # Add permission for target android def add_permission_target_android(permission_name_enum): wrd =['Arm'] check = False for item in wrd.arm_exporter_android_permission_list: if (item.arm_android_permissions.upper() == str(permission_name_enum.value).upper()): check = True break if not check: wrd.arm_exporter_android_permission_list.add() wrd.arm_exporter_android_permission_list[len(wrd.arm_exporter_android_permission_list) - 1].arm_android_permissions = str(permission_name_enum.value).upper() def register(local_sdk=False): global use_local_sdk use_local_sdk = local_sdk def unregister(): pass