from bpy.props import * from bpy.types import Node from arm.material.arm_nodes.arm_nodes import add_node from arm.material.shader import Shader class ShaderDataNode(Node): """Allows access to shader data such as uniforms and inputs.""" bl_idname = 'ArmShaderDataNode' bl_label = 'Shader Data' bl_icon = 'NONE' input_type: EnumProperty( items = [('input', 'Input', 'Shader Input'), ('uniform', 'Uniform', 'Uniform value')], name='Input Type', default='input', description="The kind of data that should be retrieved") input_source: EnumProperty( items = [('frag', 'Fragment Shader', 'Take the input from the fragment shader'), ('vert', 'Vertex Shader', 'Take the input from the vertex shader and pass it through to the fragment shader')], name='Input Source', default='vert', description="Where to take the input value from") variable_type: EnumProperty( items = [('int', 'int', 'int'), ('float', 'float', 'float'), ('vec2', 'vec2', 'vec2'), ('vec3', 'vec3', 'vec3'), ('vec4', 'vec4', 'vec4'), ('sampler2D', 'sampler2D', 'sampler2D')], name='Variable Type', default='vec3', description="The type of the variable") variable_name: StringProperty(name="Variable Name", description="The name of the variable") def draw_buttons(self, context, layout): col = layout.column(align=True) col.label(text="Input Type:") # Use a row to expand horizontally col.row().prop(self, "input_type", expand=True) split = layout.split(factor=0.5, align=True) col_left = split.column() col_right = split.column() if self.input_type == "input": col_left.label(text="Input Source") col_right.prop(self, "input_source", text="") col_left.label(text="Variable Type") col_right.prop(self, "variable_type", text="") col_left.label(text="Variable Name") col_right.prop(self, "variable_name", text="") def init(self, context):'NodeSocketColor', 'Color')'NodeSocketVector', 'Vector')'NodeSocketFloat', 'Float')'NodeSocketInt', 'Int') def parse(self, frag: Shader, vert: Shader) -> str: if self.input_type == "uniform": frag.add_uniform(f'{self.variable_type} {self.variable_name}', link=self.variable_name) vert.add_uniform(f'{self.variable_type} {self.variable_name}', link=self.variable_name) if self.variable_type == "sampler2D": frag.add_uniform('vec2 screenSize', link='_screenSize') return f'texture({self.variable_name}, gl_FragCoord.xy / screenSize).rgb' return self.variable_name else: if self.input_source == "frag": frag.add_in(f'{self.variable_type} {self.variable_name}') return self.variable_name # Reroute input from vertex shader to fragment shader (input must exist!) else: vert.add_out(f'{self.variable_type} out_{self.variable_name}') frag.add_in(f'{self.variable_type} out_{self.variable_name}') vert.write(f'out_{self.variable_name} = {self.variable_name};') return 'out_' + self.variable_name add_node(ShaderDataNode, category='Armory')