import bpy from bpy.types import NodeTree, Node, NodeSocket from bpy.props import * import os import json import write_probes import assets import armutils import nodes def build_node_trees(active_worlds): s = s.pop() fp = os.path.sep.join(s) os.chdir(fp) # Make sure Assets dir exists if not os.path.exists('build/compiled/Assets/materials'): os.makedirs('build/compiled/Assets/materials') # Export world nodes world_outputs = [] for world in active_worlds: output = build_node_tree(world) world_outputs.append(output) return world_outputs def build_node_tree(world): output = {} dat = {} output['material_datas'] = [dat] dat['name'] = armutils.safe_filename( + '_material' context = {} dat['contexts'] = [context] context['name'] = 'world' context['bind_constants'] = [] context['bind_textures'] = []['Arm'].world_defs = '' # Traverse world node tree output_node = nodes.get_node_by_type(world.node_tree, 'OUTPUT_WORLD') if output_node != None: parse_world_output(world, output_node, context) # Clear to color if no texture or sky is provided wrd =['Arm'] if '_EnvSky' not in wrd.world_defs and '_EnvTex' not in wrd.world_defs: if '_EnvImg' not in wrd.world_defs: wrd.world_defs += '_EnvCol' # Irradiance json file name world.world_envtex_name = world.world_envtex_irr_name = write_probes.write_color_irradiance(, world.world_envtex_color) # Clouds enabled if wrd.generate_clouds: wrd.world_defs += '_EnvClouds' # Shadows disabled if wrd.generate_shadows == False: wrd.world_defs += '_NoShadows' # Percentage closer soft shadows if wrd.generate_pcss: wrd.world_defs += '_PCSS' sdk_path = armutils.get_sdk_path() assets.add(sdk_path + 'armory/Assets/noise64.png') assets.add_embedded_data('noise64.png') # Alternative models if wrd.diffuse_oren_nayar: wrd.world_defs += '_OrenNayar' if wrd.voxelgi: wrd.world_defs += '_VoxelGI' wrd.world_defs += '_Rad' # Always do radiance for voxels # Enable probes for cam in if cam.is_probe: wrd.world_defs += '_Probes' break # Area lamps for lamp in if lamp.type == 'AREA': wrd.world_defs += '_PolyLight' break # Data will be written after render path has been processed to gather all defines return output def write_output(output): # Add datas to khafile dir_name = 'world' # Append world defs wrd =['Arm'] data_name = 'world' + wrd.world_defs # Reference correct shader context dat = output['material_datas'][0] dat['shader'] = data_name + '/' + data_name assets.add_shader2(dir_name, data_name) # Write material json path = 'build/compiled/Assets/materials/' asset_path = path + dat['name'] + '.arm' armutils.write_arm(asset_path, output) assets.add(asset_path) def parse_world_output(world, node, context): if node.inputs[0].is_linked: surface_node = nodes.find_node_by_link(world.node_tree, node, node.inputs[0]) parse_surface(world, surface_node, context) def parse_surface(world, node, context): # Extract environment strength if node.type == 'BACKGROUND': # Strength envmap_strength_const = {} envmap_strength_const['name'] = 'envmapStrength' envmap_strength_const['float'] = node.inputs[1].default_value # Always append for now, even though envmapStrength is not always needed context['bind_constants'].append(envmap_strength_const) if node.inputs[0].is_linked: color_node = nodes.find_node_by_link(world.node_tree, node, node.inputs[0]) parse_color(world, color_node, context, envmap_strength_const) # Cache results world.world_envtex_color = node.inputs[0].default_value world.world_envtex_strength = envmap_strength_const['float'] def parse_color(world, node, context, envmap_strength_const): wrd =['Arm'] # Env map included if node.type == 'TEX_ENVIRONMENT': envmap_strength_const['float'] *= 2.0 # Match to cycles tex = {} context['bind_textures'].append(tex) tex['name'] = 'envmap' tex['u_addressing'] = 'clamp' tex['v_addressing'] = 'clamp' image = node.image filepath = image.filepath # Reference image name tex['file'] = armutils.extract_filename(image.filepath) tex['file'] = armutils.safe_filename(tex['file']) base = tex['file'].rsplit('.', 1) ext = base[1].lower() if ext == 'hdr': target_format = 'HDR' else: target_format = 'JPEG' do_convert = ext != 'hdr' and ext != 'jpg' if do_convert: if ext == 'exr': tex['file'] = base[0] + '.hdr' target_format = 'HDR' else: tex['file'] = base[0] + '.jpg' target_format = 'JPEG' if image.packed_file != None: # Extract packed data unpack_path = armutils.get_fp() + '/build/compiled/Assets/unpacked' if not os.path.exists(unpack_path): os.makedirs(unpack_path) unpack_filepath = unpack_path + '/' + tex['file'] filepath = unpack_filepath if do_convert: if not os.path.isfile(unpack_filepath): armutils.write_image(image, unpack_filepath, file_format=target_format) elif os.path.isfile(unpack_filepath) == False or os.path.getsize(unpack_filepath) != image.packed_file.size: with open(unpack_filepath, 'wb') as f: f.write( assets.add(unpack_filepath) else: if do_convert: converted_path = armutils.get_fp() + '/build/compiled/Assets/unpacked/' + tex['file'] filepath = converted_path # TODO: delete cache when file changes if not os.path.isfile(converted_path): armutils.write_image(image, converted_path, file_format=target_format) assets.add(converted_path) else: # Link image path to assets assets.add(armutils.safe_assetpath(image.filepath)) # Generate prefiltered envmaps generate_radiance = wrd.generate_radiance world.world_envtex_name = tex['file'] world.world_envtex_irr_name = tex['file'].rsplit('.', 1)[0] disable_hdr = target_format == 'JPEG' mip_count = world.world_envtex_num_mips mip_count = write_probes.write_probes(filepath, disable_hdr, mip_count, generate_radiance=generate_radiance) world.world_envtex_num_mips = mip_count # Append envtex define['Arm'].world_defs += '_EnvTex' # Append LDR define if disable_hdr:['Arm'].world_defs += '_EnvLDR' # Append radiance define if generate_radiance:['Arm'].world_defs += '_Rad' # Static image background elif node.type == 'TEX_IMAGE':['Arm'].world_defs += '_EnvImg' tex = {} context['bind_textures'].append(tex) tex['name'] = 'envmap' # No repeat for now tex['u_addressing'] = 'clamp' tex['v_addressing'] = 'clamp' image = node.image filepath = image.filepath if image.packed_file != None: # Extract packed data filepath = '/build/compiled/Assets/unpacked' unpack_path = armutils.get_fp() + filepath if not os.path.exists(unpack_path): os.makedirs(unpack_path) unpack_filepath = unpack_path + '/' + if os.path.isfile(unpack_filepath) == False or os.path.getsize(unpack_filepath) != image.packed_file.size: with open(unpack_filepath, 'wb') as f: f.write( assets.add(unpack_filepath) else: # Link image path to assets assets.add(armutils.safe_assetpath(image.filepath)) # Reference image name tex['file'] = armutils.extract_filename(image.filepath) tex['file'] = armutils.safe_filename(tex['file']) # Append sky define elif node.type == 'TEX_SKY': envmap_strength_const['float'] *= 0.25 # Match to Cycles['Arm'].world_defs += '_EnvSky' # Append sky properties to material const = {} const['name'] = 'sunDirection' sun_direction = [node.sun_direction[0], node.sun_direction[1], node.sun_direction[2]] sun_direction[1] *= -1 # Fix Y orientation const['vec3'] = list(sun_direction) context['bind_constants'].append(const) world.world_envtex_sun_direction = sun_direction world.world_envtex_turbidity = node.turbidity world.world_envtex_ground_albedo = node.ground_albedo # Irradiance json file name world.world_envtex_irr_name = write_probes.write_sky_irradiance( # Radiance if wrd.generate_radiance_sky and wrd.generate_radiance:['Arm'].world_defs += '_Rad' if wrd.generate_radiance_sky_type == 'Hosek': hosek_path = 'armory/Assets/hosek/' else: hosek_path = 'armory/Assets/hosek_fake/' sdk_path = armutils.get_sdk_path() # Use fake maps for now assets.add(sdk_path + hosek_path + 'hosek_radiance.hdr') for i in range(0, 8): assets.add(sdk_path + hosek_path + 'hosek_radiance_' + str(i) + '.hdr') world.world_envtex_name = 'hosek' world.world_envtex_num_mips = 8