import bpy from bpy.types import NodeTree from bpy.props import * import nodeitems_utils from nodeitems_utils import NodeCategory from arm.logicnode import * import webbrowser registered_nodes = [] class ArmLogicTree(NodeTree): '''Logic nodes''' bl_idname = 'ArmLogicTreeType' bl_label = 'Logic Node Editor' bl_icon = 'DECORATE' class LogicNodeCategory(NodeCategory): @classmethod def poll(cls, context): return context.space_data.tree_type == 'ArmLogicTreeType' def register_nodes(): global registered_nodes # Re-register all nodes for now.. if len(registered_nodes) > 0: unregister_nodes() for n in arm_nodes.nodes: registered_nodes.append(n) bpy.utils.register_class(n) node_categories = [] for category in sorted(arm_nodes.category_items): sorted_items=sorted(arm_nodes.category_items[category], key=lambda item: item.nodetype) node_categories.append( LogicNodeCategory('Logic' + category + 'Nodes', category, items=sorted_items) ) nodeitems_utils.register_node_categories('ArmLogicNodes', node_categories) def unregister_nodes(): global registered_nodes for n in registered_nodes: bpy.utils.unregister_class(n) registered_nodes = [] nodeitems_utils.unregister_node_categories('ArmLogicNodes') class ARM_PT_LogicNodePanel(bpy.types.Panel): bl_label = 'Armory Logic Node' bl_idname = 'ARM_PT_LogicNodePanel' bl_space_type = 'NODE_EDITOR' bl_region_type = 'UI' bl_category = 'Node' def draw(self, context): layout = self.layout layout.use_property_split = True layout.use_property_decorate = False if context.active_node != None and context.active_node.bl_idname.startswith('LN'): layout.prop(context.active_node, 'arm_logic_id') layout.prop(context.active_node, 'arm_watch') layout.operator('arm.open_node_source') class ArmOpenNodeSource(bpy.types.Operator): '''Expose Haxe source''' bl_idname = 'arm.open_node_source' bl_label = 'Open Node Source' def execute(self, context): if context.active_node != None and context.active_node.bl_idname.startswith('LN'): name = context.active_node.bl_idname[2:]'' + name + '.hx') return{'FINISHED'} class ArmNodeSearch(bpy.types.Operator): '''Search nodes''' bl_idname = "arm.node_search" bl_label = "Node Search" bl_options = {"REGISTER"} bl_property = "item" def get_items(self, context): items = [] for n in registered_nodes: items.append((n.bl_idname, n.bl_label, '')) return items item: EnumProperty(items=get_items) def invoke(self, context, event): context.window_manager.invoke_search_popup(self) return {"CANCELLED"} def execute(self, context): bpy.ops.node.add_node(type=self.item, use_transform=True) return bpy.ops.node.translate_attach_remove_on_cancel('INVOKE_DEFAULT') def draw_menu(self, context): if context.space_data.tree_type != "ArmLogicTreeType": return layout = self.layout layout.operator_context = "INVOKE_DEFAULT" layout.operator("arm.node_search", text="Search", icon="VIEWZOOM") layout.separator() # node replacement code replacements = {} def add_replacement(item): replacements[item.from_node] = item def get_replaced_nodes(): return replacements.keys() def get_replacement_for_node(node): return replacements[node.bl_idname] class Replacement: # represents a single replacement rule, this can replace exactly one node with another # # from_node: the node type to be removed # to_node: the node type which takes from_node's place # *SocketMapping: a map which defines how the sockets of the old node shall be connected to the new node # {1: 2} means that anything connected to the socket with index 1 on the original node will be connected to the socket with index 2 on the new node def __init__(self, from_node, to_node, in_socket_mapping, out_socket_mapping): self.from_node = from_node self.to_node = to_node self.in_socket_mapping = in_socket_mapping self.out_socket_mapping = out_socket_mapping # actual replacement code def replace(tree, node): replacement = get_replacement_for_node(node) newnode = newnode.location = node.location newnode.parent = node.parent parent = node.parent while parent is not None: newnode.location[0] += parent.location[0] newnode.location[1] += parent.location[1] parent = parent.parent for link in tree.links: if link.from_node == node: # this is an output link for i in range(0, len(node.outputs)): # check the outputs # i represents the socket index # do we want to remap it & is it the one referenced in the current link if i in replacement.out_socket_mapping.keys() and node.outputs[i] == link.from_socket:[replacement.out_socket_mapping.get(i)], link.to_socket) if link.to_node == node: # this is an input link for i in range(0, len(node.inputs)): # check the inputs # i represents the socket index # do we want to remap it & is it the one referenced socket in the current link if i in replacement.in_socket_mapping.keys() and node.inputs[i] == link.to_socket:[replacement.in_socket_mapping.get(i)], link.from_socket) tree.nodes.remove(node) def replaceAll(): for tree in if tree.bl_idname == "ArmLogicTreeType": for node in tree.nodes: if node.bl_idname in get_replaced_nodes(): print("Replacing "+ node.bl_idname+ " in Tree " replace(tree, node) class ReplaceNodesOperator(bpy.types.Operator): '''Automatically replaces deprecated nodes.''' bl_idname = "node.replace" bl_label = "Replace Nodes" def execute(self, context): replaceAll() return {'FINISHED'} @classmethod def poll(cls, context): return context.space_data != None and context.space_data.type == 'NODE_EDITOR' # Input Replacement Rules add_replacement(Replacement("LNOnGamepadNode", "LNMergedGamepadNode", {}, {0: 0})) add_replacement(Replacement("LNGamepadNode", "LNMergedGamepadNode", {}, {0: 1})) add_replacement(Replacement("LNOnMouseNode", "LNMergedMouseNode", {}, {0: 0})) add_replacement(Replacement("LNMouseNode", "LNMergedMouseNode", {}, {0: 1})) add_replacement(Replacement("LNOnSurfaceNode", "LNMergedSurfaceNode", {}, {0: 0})) add_replacement(Replacement("LNSurfaceNode", "LNMergedSurfaceNode", {}, {0: 1})) add_replacement(Replacement("LNOnKeyboardNode", "LNMergedKeyboardNode", {}, {0: 0})) add_replacement(Replacement("LNKeyboardNode", "LNMergedKeyboardNode", {}, {0: 1})) add_replacement(Replacement("LNOnVirtualButtonNode", "LNMergedVirtualButtonNode", {}, {0: 0})) add_replacement(Replacement("LNVirtualButtonNode", "LNMergedVirtualButtonNode", {}, {0: 1})) def register(): bpy.utils.register_class(ArmLogicTree) bpy.utils.register_class(ARM_PT_LogicNodePanel) bpy.utils.register_class(ArmOpenNodeSource) bpy.utils.register_class(ReplaceNodesOperator) register_nodes() bpy.utils.register_class(ArmNodeSearch) bpy.types.NODE_MT_add.prepend(draw_menu) def unregister(): bpy.types.NODE_MT_add.remove(draw_menu) bpy.utils.unregister_class(ArmNodeSearch) bpy.utils.unregister_class(ReplaceNodesOperator) unregister_nodes() bpy.utils.unregister_class(ArmLogicTree) bpy.utils.unregister_class(ARM_PT_LogicNodePanel) bpy.utils.unregister_class(ArmOpenNodeSource)