import os import bpy import arm.utils import arm.log parsed_nodes = [] parsed_labels = dict() # Generating node sources def build_node_trees(): os.chdir(arm.utils.get_fp()) # Make sure package dir exists nodes_path = 'Sources/' +['Arm'].arm_project_package.replace(".", "/") + "/node" if not os.path.exists(nodes_path): os.makedirs(nodes_path) # Export node scripts for node_group in if node_group.bl_idname == 'ArmLogicTreeType': # Build only logic trees node_group.use_fake_user = True # Keep fake references for now build_node_tree(node_group) def build_node_tree(node_group): global parsed_nodes global parsed_labels parsed_nodes = [] parsed_labels = dict() root_nodes = get_root_nodes(node_group) path = 'Sources/' +['Arm'].arm_project_package.replace('.', '/') + '/node/' group_name = arm.utils.safe_source_name( with open(path + group_name + '.hx', 'w') as f: f.write('package ' +['Arm'].arm_project_package + '.node;\n\n') f.write('import armory.logicnode.*;\n\n') f.write('@:keep class ' + group_name + ' extends armory.logicnode.LogicTree {\n\n') f.write('\tpublic function new() { super(); notifyOnAdd(add); }\n\n') f.write('\tfunction add() {\n') for node in root_nodes: build_node(node_group, node, f) f.write('\t}\n') f.write('}\n') def build_node(node_group, node, f): global parsed_nodes global parsed_labels if node.type == 'REROUTE': return build_node(node_group, node.inputs[0].links[0].from_node, f) # Get node name name = '_' + arm.utils.safe_source_name( # Link nodes using labels if node.label != '': if node.label in parsed_labels: return parsed_labels[node.label] parsed_labels[node.label] = name # Check if node already exists if name in parsed_nodes: return name parsed_nodes.append(name) # Create node node_type = node.bl_idname[2:] # Discard 'LN'TimeNode prefix f.write('\t\tvar ' + name + ' = new ' + node_type + '(this);\n') # Properties for i in range(0, 5): if hasattr(node, 'property' + str(i)): f.write('\t\t' + name + '.property' + str(i) + ' = "' + getattr(node, 'property' + str(i)) + '";\n') # Create inputs for inp in node.inputs: # Is linked - find node if inp.is_linked: n = inp.links[0].from_node socket = inp.links[0].from_socket inp_name = build_node(node_group, n, f) for i in range(0, len(n.outputs)): if n.outputs[i] == socket: inp_from = i break # Not linked - create node with default values else: inp_name = build_default_node(inp) inp_from = 0 # Add input f.write('\t\t' + name + '.addInput(' + inp_name + ', ' + str(inp_from) + ');\n') # Create outputs for out in node.outputs: if out.is_linked: out_name = '' for l in out.links: n = l.to_node out_name += '[' if len(out_name) == 0 else ', ' out_name += build_node(node_group, n, f) out_name += ']' # Not linked - create node with default values else: out_name = '[' + build_default_node(out) + ']' # Add input f.write('\t\t' + name + '.addOutputs(' + out_name + ');\n') return name def get_root_nodes(node_group): roots = [] for node in node_group.nodes: if node.bl_idname == 'NodeUndefined': arm.log.warn('Undefined logic nodes in ' + return [] if node.type == 'FRAME': continue linked = False for out in node.outputs: if out.is_linked: linked = True break if not linked: # Assume node with no connected outputs as roots roots.append(node) return roots def build_default_node(inp): inp_name = 'new NullNode(this)' if inp.bl_idname == 'ArmNodeSocketAction': return inp_name if inp.bl_idname == 'ArmNodeSocketObject': inp_name = 'new ObjectNode(this, "' + str(inp.default_value) + '")' elif inp.type == 'VECTOR': inp_name = 'new VectorNode(this, ' + str(inp.default_value[0]) + ', ' + str(inp.default_value[1]) + ', ' + str(inp.default_value[2]) + ')' elif inp.type == 'RGBA': inp_name = 'new ColorNode(this, ' + str(inp.default_value[0]) + ', ' + str(inp.default_value[1]) + ', ' + str(inp.default_value[2]) + ', ' + str(inp.default_value[3]) + ')' elif inp.type == 'RGB': inp_name = 'new ColorNode(this, ' + str(inp.default_value[0]) + ', ' + str(inp.default_value[1]) + ', ' + str(inp.default_value[2]) + ')' elif inp.type == 'VALUE': inp_name = 'new FloatNode(this, ' + str(inp.default_value) + ')' elif inp.type == 'INT': inp_name = 'new IntegerNode(this, ' + str(inp.default_value) + ')' elif inp.type == 'BOOLEAN': inp_name = 'new BooleanNode(this, ' + str(inp.default_value).lower() + ')' elif inp.type == 'STRING': inp_name = 'new StringNode(this, "' + str(inp.default_value) + '")' return inp_name