2016-10-09 16:06:18 +02:00

191 lines
4.7 KiB

#version 450
#ifdef GL_ES
precision highp float;
#include "../compiled.glsl"
in vec3 pos;
in vec3 nor;
#ifdef _Tex
in vec2 tex;
#ifdef _VCols
in vec3 col;
#ifdef _NorTex
in vec3 tan;
#ifdef _Skinning
in vec4 bone;
in vec4 weight;
#ifdef _Instancing
in vec3 off;
uniform mat4 W;
uniform mat4 N;
uniform mat4 V;
uniform mat4 P;
uniform mat4 LWVP;
uniform vec4 baseCol;
uniform vec3 eye;
#ifdef _Skinning
uniform float skinBones[skinMaxBones * 8];
#ifdef _VR
uniform mat4 U; // Undistortion
uniform float maxRadSq;
out vec3 position;
#ifdef _Tex
out vec2 texCoord;
out vec4 lPos;
out vec4 matColor;
out vec3 eyeDir;
#ifdef _NorTex
out mat3 TBN;
out vec3 normal;
#ifdef _Skinning
void getSkinningDualQuat(vec4 weights, out vec4 A, inout vec4 B) {
// Retrieve the real and dual part of the dual-quaternions
mat4 matA, matB;
matA[0][0] = skinBones[int(bone.x) * 8 + 0];
matA[0][1] = skinBones[int(bone.x) * 8 + 1];
matA[0][2] = skinBones[int(bone.x) * 8 + 2];
matA[0][3] = skinBones[int(bone.x) * 8 + 3];
matB[0][0] = skinBones[int(bone.x) * 8 + 4];
matB[0][1] = skinBones[int(bone.x) * 8 + 5];
matB[0][2] = skinBones[int(bone.x) * 8 + 6];
matB[0][3] = skinBones[int(bone.x) * 8 + 7];
matA[1][0] = skinBones[int(bone.y) * 8 + 0];
matA[1][1] = skinBones[int(bone.y) * 8 + 1];
matA[1][2] = skinBones[int(bone.y) * 8 + 2];
matA[1][3] = skinBones[int(bone.y) * 8 + 3];
matB[1][0] = skinBones[int(bone.y) * 8 + 4];
matB[1][1] = skinBones[int(bone.y) * 8 + 5];
matB[1][2] = skinBones[int(bone.y) * 8 + 6];
matB[1][3] = skinBones[int(bone.y) * 8 + 7];
matA[2][0] = skinBones[int(bone.z) * 8 + 0];
matA[2][1] = skinBones[int(bone.z) * 8 + 1];
matA[2][2] = skinBones[int(bone.z) * 8 + 2];
matA[2][3] = skinBones[int(bone.z) * 8 + 3];
matB[2][0] = skinBones[int(bone.z) * 8 + 4];
matB[2][1] = skinBones[int(bone.z) * 8 + 5];
matB[2][2] = skinBones[int(bone.z) * 8 + 6];
matB[2][3] = skinBones[int(bone.z) * 8 + 7];
matA[3][0] = skinBones[int(bone.w) * 8 + 0];
matA[3][1] = skinBones[int(bone.w) * 8 + 1];
matA[3][2] = skinBones[int(bone.w) * 8 + 2];
matA[3][3] = skinBones[int(bone.w) * 8 + 3];
matB[3][0] = skinBones[int(bone.w) * 8 + 4];
matB[3][1] = skinBones[int(bone.w) * 8 + 5];
matB[3][2] = skinBones[int(bone.w) * 8 + 6];
matB[3][3] = skinBones[int(bone.w) * 8 + 7];
// Handles antipodality by sticking joints in the same neighbourhood
// *= sign(matA[3] * mat3x4(matA)).xyz; *= sign(matA[3] * matA).xyz;
// Apply weights
A = matA * weights; // Real part
B = matB * weights; // Dual part
// Normalize
float invNormA = 1.0 / length(A);
A *= invNormA;
B *= invNormA;
#ifdef _VR
// GoogleVR Distortion using Vertex Displacement
float distortionFactor(float rSquared) {
float ret = 0.0;
ret = rSquared * (ret + U[1][1]);
ret = rSquared * (ret + U[0][1]);
ret = rSquared * (ret + U[3][0]);
ret = rSquared * (ret + U[2][0]);
ret = rSquared * (ret + U[1][0]);
ret = rSquared * (ret + U[0][0]);
return ret + 1.0;
// Convert point from world space to undistorted camera space
vec4 undistort(mat4 WV, vec4 pos) {
// Go to camera space
pos = WV * pos;
const float nearClip = 0.1;
if (pos.z <= -nearClip) { // Reminder: Forward is -Z
// Undistort the point's coordinates in XY
float r2 = clamp(dot(pos.xy, pos.xy) / (pos.z * pos.z), 0.0, maxRadSq);
pos.xy *= distortionFactor(r2);
return pos;
void main() {
#ifdef _Instancing
vec4 sPos = (vec4(pos + off, 1.0));
vec4 sPos = (vec4(pos, 1.0));
#ifdef _Skinning
vec4 skinA;
vec4 skinB;
getSkinningDualQuat(weight, skinA, skinB); += 2.0 * cross(, cross(, + skinA.w *; // Rotate += 2.0 * (skinA.w * - skinB.w * + cross(,; // Translate
vec3 _normal = normalize(mat3(N) * (nor + 2.0 * cross(, cross(, nor) + skinA.w * nor)));
vec3 _normal = normalize(mat3(N) * nor);
lPos = LWVP * sPos;
mat4 WV = V * W;
#ifdef _Billboard
// Spherical
WV[0][0] = 1.0; WV[0][1] = 0.0; WV[0][2] = 0.0;
WV[1][0] = 0.0; WV[1][1] = 1.0; WV[1][2] = 0.0;
WV[2][0] = 0.0; WV[2][1] = 0.0; WV[2][2] = 1.0;
// Cylindrical
//WV[0][0] = 1.0; WV[0][1] = 0.0; WV[0][2] = 0.0;
//WV[2][0] = 0.0; WV[2][1] = 0.0; WV[2][2] = 1.0;
#ifdef _VR
gl_Position = P * undistort(WV, sPos);
gl_Position = P * WV * sPos;
#ifdef _Tex
texCoord = tex;
matColor = baseCol;
#ifdef _VCols
matColor.rgb *= col;
position = vec4(W * sPos).xyz;
eyeDir = eye - position;
#ifdef _NorTex
vec3 tangent = (mat3(N) * (tan));
vec3 bitangent = normalize(cross(_normal, tangent));
TBN = mat3(tangent, bitangent, _normal);
normal = _normal;