2018-11-19 13:18:40 +01:00

1975 lines
61 KiB

// This module builds upon Cycles nodes work licensed as
// Copyright 2011-2013 Blender Foundation
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package armory.system;
import armory.system.CyclesShader;
import armory.system.CyclesShader.CyclesShaderContext;
import armory.system.CyclesFormat;
class Cycles {
static var con:CyclesShaderContext;
static var vert:CyclesShader;
static var frag:CyclesShader;
static var geom:CyclesShader;
static var tesc:CyclesShader;
static var tese:CyclesShader;
static var curshader:CyclesShader;
static var matcon:TMaterialContext;
static var parsed:Array<String>;
static var nodes:Array<TNode>;
static var links:Array<TNodeLink>;
static var parsing_disp:Bool;
static var parse_teximage_vector:Bool;
static var normal_written:Bool; // Normal socket is linked on shader node - overwrite fs normal
static var cotangentFrameWritten:Bool;
static var sample_bump:Bool;
static var sample_bump_res:String;
public static var parse_surface = true;
public static var parse_opacity = true;
public static var parse_height_as_channel = false;
public static var arm_export_tangents = true;
public static var out_normaltan:String; // Raw tangent space normal parsed from normal map
public static function getNode(id: Int): TNode {
for (n in nodes) if ( == id) return n;
return null;
public static function getLink(id: Int): TNodeLink {
for (l in links) if ( == id) return l;
return null;
public static function getInputLink(inp: TNodeSocket): TNodeLink {
for (l in links) {
if (l.to_id == inp.node_id) {
var node = getNode(inp.node_id);
if (node.inputs.length <= l.to_socket) return null;
if (node.inputs[l.to_socket] == inp) return l;
return null;
public static function getOutputLinks(out: TNodeSocket): Array<TNodeLink> {
var ls:Array<TNodeLink> = null;
for (l in links) {
if (l.from_id == out.node_id) {
var node = getNode(out.node_id);
if (node.outputs.length <= l.from_socket) continue;
if (node.outputs[l.from_socket] == out) {
if (ls == null) ls = [];
return ls;
public static function parse(canvas:TNodeCanvas, _con:CyclesShaderContext, _vert:CyclesShader, _frag:CyclesShader, _geom:CyclesShader, _tesc:CyclesShader, _tese:CyclesShader, _matcon:TMaterialContext, _parse_displacement = false):TShaderOut {
nodes = canvas.nodes;
links = canvas.links;
parsed = [];
con = _con;
vert = _vert;
frag = _frag;
geom = _geom;
tesc = _tesc;
tese = _tese;
curshader = frag;
matcon = _matcon;
parsing_disp = false;
parse_teximage_vector = true;
normal_written = false;
cotangentFrameWritten = false;
sample_bump = false;
sample_bump_res = '';
out_normaltan = 'vec3(0.5, 0.5, 1.0)';
var output_node = node_by_type(nodes, 'OUTPUT_MATERIAL');
if (output_node != null) {
return parse_output(output_node);
output_node = node_by_type(nodes, 'OUTPUT_MATERIAL_PBR');
if (output_node != null) {
return parse_output_pbr(output_node);
return null;
public static function finalize(con:CyclesShaderContext) {
var vert = con.vert;
var frag = con.frag;
if (frag.dotNV) { frag.vVec = true; frag.n = true; }
if (frag.vVec) vert.wposition = true;
if (frag.bposition) {
vert.add_out('vec3 bposition');
if (frag.ndcpos) {
vert.write('bposition =;');
else {
vert.add_uniform('vec3 dim', '_dim');
vert.add_uniform('vec3 hdim', '_halfDim');
vert.write_attrib('bposition = ( + hdim) / dim;');
if (frag.wposition) {
vert.add_uniform('mat4 W', '_worldMatrix');
vert.add_out('vec3 wposition');
vert.write_attrib('wposition = vec4(W * vec4(pos, 1.0)).xyz;');
else if (vert.wposition) {
vert.add_uniform('mat4 W', '_worldMatrix');
vert.write_attrib('vec3 wposition = vec4(W * vec4(pos, 1.0)).xyz;');
if (frag.vposition) {
vert.add_uniform('mat4 WV', '_worldViewMatrix');
vert.add_out('vec3 vposition');
vert.write_attrib('vposition = vec4(WV * vec4(pos, 1.0)).xyz;');
if (frag.mposition) {
vert.add_out('vec3 mposition');
if (frag.ndcpos) {
vert.write('mposition =;');
else {
vert.write_attrib('mposition =;');
if (frag.wtangent) {
con.add_elem('tang', 3);
vert.add_uniform('mat3 N', '_normalMatrix');
vert.add_out('vec3 wtangent');
vert.write_attrib('wtangent = normalize(N * tang);');
if (frag.vVecCam) {
vert.add_uniform('mat4 WV', '_worldViewMatrix');
vert.add_out('vec3 eyeDirCam');
vert.write_attrib('eyeDirCam = vec4(WV * vec4(pos, 1.0)).xyz; eyeDirCam.z *= -1.0;');
frag.write_attrib('vec3 vVecCam = normalize(eyeDirCam);');
if (frag.vVec) {
vert.add_uniform('vec3 eye', '_cameraPosition');
vert.add_out('vec3 eyeDir');
vert.write_attrib('eyeDir = eye - wposition;');
frag.write_attrib('vec3 vVec = normalize(eyeDir);');
if (frag.n) {
vert.add_uniform('mat3 N', '_normalMatrix');
vert.add_out('vec3 wnormal');
vert.write_attrib('wnormal = N * nor;');
frag.write_attrib('vec3 n = normalize(wnormal);');
else if (vert.n) {
vert.add_uniform('mat3 N', '_normalMatrix');
vert.write_attrib('vec3 wnormal = normalize(N * nor);');
if (frag.dotNV) {
frag.write_attrib('float dotNV = max(dot(n, vVec), 0.0);');
if (frag.wvpposition) {
vert.add_out('vec4 wvpposition');
vert.write_end('wvpposition = gl_Position;');
static function parse_output(node:TNode):TShaderOut {
if (parse_surface || parse_opacity) {
return parse_shader_input(node.inputs[0]);
return null;
// Parse volume, displacement..
static function parse_output_pbr(node:TNode):TShaderOut {
if (parse_surface || parse_opacity) {
return parse_shader(node, null);
return null;
// Parse volume, displacement..
static function parse_group(node:TNode, socket:TNodeSocket) { // Entering group
// index = socket_index(node, socket)
// output_node = node_by_type(node.node_tree.nodes, 'GROUP_OUTPUT')
// if output_node == None:
// return
// inp = output_node.inputs[index]
// parents.push(node)
// out_group = parse_input(inp)
// parents.pop()
// return out_group
static function parse_group_input(node:TNode, socket:TNodeSocket) {
// index = socket_index(node, socket)
// parent = parents.pop() # Leaving group
// inp = parent.inputs[index]
// res = parse_input(inp)
// parents.push(parent) # Return to group
// return res
static function parse_input(inp:TNodeSocket):Dynamic {
if (inp.type == 'SHADER')
return parse_shader_input(inp);
else if (inp.type == 'RGB')
return parse_vector_input(inp);
else if (inp.type == 'RGBA')
return parse_vector_input(inp);
else if (inp.type == 'VECTOR')
return parse_vector_input(inp);
else if (inp.type == 'VALUE')
return parse_value_input(inp);
return null;
static function parse_shader_input(inp:TNodeSocket):TShaderOut {
var l = getInputLink(inp);
if (l != null) {
var from_node = getNode(l.from_id);
if (from_node.type == 'REROUTE')
return parse_shader_input(from_node.inputs[0]);
return parse_shader(from_node, from_node.outputs[l.from_socket]);
else {
return {
out_basecol: 'vec3(0.8)',
out_roughness: '0.0',
out_metallic: '0.0',
out_occlusion: '1.0',
out_opacity: '1.0',
out_height: '0.0'
static function parse_shader(node:TNode, socket:TNodeSocket):TShaderOut {
var sout:TShaderOut = {
out_basecol: 'vec3(0.8)',
out_roughness: '0.0',
out_metallic: '0.0',
out_occlusion: '1.0',
out_opacity: '1.0',
out_height: '0.0'
// if (node.type == 'GROUP') {
if (node.type == 'Armory PBR' || node.type == 'OUTPUT_MATERIAL_PBR') {
if (parse_surface) {
// Base color
sout.out_basecol = parse_vector_input(node.inputs[0]);
// Occlusion
sout.out_occlusion = parse_value_input(node.inputs[2]);
// Roughness
sout.out_roughness = parse_value_input(node.inputs[3]);
// Metallic
sout.out_metallic = parse_value_input(node.inputs[4]);
// Normal
// Emission
// if (isInputLinked(node.inputs[6]) || node.inputs[6].default_value != 0.0):
// out_emission = parse_value_input(node.inputs[8])
// out_basecol = '({0} + {1})'.format(out_basecol, out_emission)
// Subsurface
if (parse_opacity) {
sout.out_opacity = parse_value_input(node.inputs[1]);
// Displacement / Height
if (node.inputs.length > 7) {
if (!parse_height_as_channel) curshader = vert;
sout.out_height = parse_value_input(node.inputs[7]);
if (!parse_height_as_channel) curshader = frag;
// else:
// return parse_group(node, socket)
// else if (node.type == 'GROUP_INPUT') {
// return parse_group_input(node, socket);
// }
else if (node.type == 'MIX_SHADER') {
// var prefix = node.inputs[0].is_linked ? '' : 'const ';
var prefix = '';
var fac = parse_value_input(node.inputs[0]);
var fac_var = node_name(node) + '_fac';
var fac_inv_var = node_name(node) + '_fac_inv';
curshader.write(prefix + 'float $fac_var = $fac;');
curshader.write(prefix + 'float $fac_inv_var = 1.0 - $fac_var;');
var sout1 = parse_shader_input(node.inputs[1]);
var sout2 = parse_shader_input(node.inputs[2]);
var bc1 = sout1.out_basecol;
var bc2 = sout2.out_basecol;
var rough1 = sout1.out_roughness;
var rough2 = sout2.out_roughness;
var met1 = sout1.out_metallic;
var met2 = sout2.out_metallic;
var occ1 = sout1.out_occlusion;
var occ2 = sout2.out_occlusion;
if (parse_surface) {
sout.out_basecol = '($bc1 * $fac_inv_var + $bc2 * $fac_var)';
sout.out_roughness = '($rough1 * $fac_inv_var + $rough2 * $fac_var)';
sout.out_metallic = '($met1 * $fac_inv_var + $met2 * $fac_var)';
sout.out_occlusion = '($occ1 * $fac_inv_var + $occ2 * $fac_var)';
if (parse_opacity) {
// out_opacity = '({0} * {3} + {1} * {2})'.format(opac1, opac2, fac_var, fac_inv_var)
else if (node.type == 'ADD_SHADER') {
// bc1, rough1, met1, occ1, opac1 = parse_shader_input(node.inputs[0])
// bc2, rough2, met2, occ2, opac2 = parse_shader_input(node.inputs[1])
// if parse_surface:
// out_basecol = '({0} + {1})'.format(bc1, bc2)
// out_roughness = '({0} * 0.5 + {1} * 0.5)'.format(rough1, rough2)
// out_metallic = '({0} * 0.5 + {1} * 0.5)'.format(met1, met2)
// out_occlusion = '({0} * 0.5 + {1} * 0.5)'.format(occ1, occ2)
// if parse_opacity:
// out_opacity = '({0} * 0.5 + {1} * 0.5)'.format(opac1, opac2)
else if (node.type == 'BSDF_PRINCIPLED') {
//if parse_surface:
sout.out_basecol = parse_vector_input(node.inputs[0]);
// subsurface = parse_vector_input(node.inputs[1])
// subsurface_radius = parse_vector_input(node.inputs[2])
// subsurface_color = parse_vector_input(node.inputs[3])
sout.out_metallic = parse_value_input(node.inputs[4]);
// specular = parse_vector_input(node.inputs[5])
// specular_tint = parse_vector_input(node.inputs[6])
sout.out_roughness = parse_value_input(node.inputs[7]);
// aniso = parse_vector_input(node.inputs[8])
// aniso_rot = parse_vector_input(node.inputs[9])
// sheen = parse_vector_input(node.inputs[10])
// sheen_tint = parse_vector_input(node.inputs[11])
// clearcoat = parse_vector_input(node.inputs[12])
// clearcoat_rough = parse_vector_input(node.inputs[13])
// ior = parse_vector_input(node.inputs[14])
// transmission = parse_vector_input(node.inputs[15])
else if (node.type == 'BSDF_DIFFUSE') {
//if parse_surface:
sout.out_basecol = parse_vector_input(node.inputs[0]);
sout.out_roughness = parse_value_input(node.inputs[1]);
else if (node.type == 'BSDF_GLOSSY') {
// if parse_surface:
sout.out_basecol = parse_vector_input(node.inputs[0]);
sout.out_roughness = parse_value_input(node.inputs[1]);
sout.out_metallic = '1.0';
return sout;
// static function parse_displacement_input() {}
static function parse_vector_input(inp:TNodeSocket):String {
var l = getInputLink(inp);
if (l != null) {
var from_node = getNode(l.from_id);
if (from_node.type == 'REROUTE')
return parse_vector_input(from_node.inputs[0]);
var res_var = write_result(l);
var st = from_node.outputs[l.from_socket].type;
if (st == 'RGB' || st == 'RGBA' || st == 'VECTOR')
return res_var;
else //# VALUE
return 'vec3($res_var)';
else {
if (inp.type == 'VALUE') //# Unlinked reroute
return to_vec3([0.0, 0.0, 0.0]);
else {
// if mat_batch() && inp.is_uniform:
// return to_uniform(inp);
// else
return to_vec3(inp.default_value);
static function parse_vector(node:TNode, socket:TNodeSocket):String {
// RGB
// if (node.type == 'GROUP')
// return parse_group(node, socket)
// else if (node.type == 'GROUP_INPUT')
// return parse_group_input(node, socket)
if (node.type == 'ATTRIBUTE') {
if (socket == node.outputs[0]) { // Color
curshader.context.add_elem('col', 3); // Vcols only for now
// return 'vcolor';
return 'vec3(0.0)';
else { // Vector
curshader.context.add_elem('tex', 2); // UVMaps only for now
// mat = mat_get_material()
// mat_users = mat_get_material_users()
// if mat_users != None and mat in mat_users:
// mat_user = mat_users[mat][0]
// if hasattr(, 'uv_layers'): # No uvlayers for Curve
// lays =
// # Second uvmap referenced
// if len(lays) > 1 and node.attribute_name == lays[1].name:
// con.add_elem('tex1', 2)
// return 'vec3(texCoord1.x, 1.0 - texCoord1.y, 0.0)'
return 'vec3(texCoord.x, 1.0 - texCoord.y, 0.0)';
else if (node.type == 'RGB') {
return to_vec3(socket.default_value);
else if (node.type == 'TEX_BRICK') {
var co = '';
if (getInputLink(node.inputs[0]) != null) {
co = parse_vector_input(node.inputs[0]);
else {
co = 'bposition';
curshader.bposition = true;
var col1 = parse_vector_input(node.inputs[1]);
var col2 = parse_vector_input(node.inputs[2]);
var col3 = parse_vector_input(node.inputs[3]);
var scale = parse_value_input(node.inputs[4]);
var res = 'tex_brick($co * $scale, $col1, $col2, $col3)';
if (sample_bump) write_bump(node, res);
return res;
else if (node.type == 'TEX_CHECKER') {
var co = '';
if (getInputLink(node.inputs[0]) != null) {
co = parse_vector_input(node.inputs[0]);
else {
co = 'bposition';
curshader.bposition = true;
var col1 = parse_vector_input(node.inputs[1]);
var col2 = parse_vector_input(node.inputs[2]);
var scale = parse_value_input(node.inputs[3]);
var res = 'tex_checker($co, $col1, $col2, $scale)';
if (sample_bump) write_bump(node, res);
return res;
// else if (node.type == 'TEX_ENVIRONMENT') {
// // Pass through
// return to_vec3([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
// }
else if (node.type == 'TEX_GRADIENT') {
var co = '';
if (getInputLink(node.inputs[0]) != null) {
co = parse_vector_input(node.inputs[0]);
else {
co = 'bposition';
curshader.bposition = true;
var but = node.buttons[0]; //gradient_type;
var grad =[but.default_value].toUpperCase();
grad = StringTools.replace(grad, " ", "_");
var f = '';
if (grad == 'LINEAR') {
f = '$co.x';
else if (grad == 'QUADRATIC') {
f = '0.0';
else if (grad == 'EASING') {
f = '0.0';
else if (grad == 'DIAGONAL') {
f = '($co.x + $co.y) * 0.5';
else if (grad == 'RADIAL') {
f = 'atan($co.y, $co.x) / (3.141592 * 2.0) + 0.5';
else if (grad == 'QUADRATIC_SPHERE') {
f = '0.0';
else if (grad == 'SPHERICAL') {
f = 'max(1.0 - sqrt($co.x * $co.x + $co.y * $co.y + $co.z * $co.z), 0.0)';
var res = 'vec3(clamp($f, 0.0, 1.0))';
if (sample_bump) write_bump(node, res);
return res;
else if (node.type == 'TEX_IMAGE') {
// Already fetched
if (parsed.indexOf(res_var_name(node, node.outputs[1])) >= 0) { // TODO: node.outputs[0]
var varname = store_var_name(node);
return '$varname.rgb';
var tex_name = node_name(node);
var tex = make_texture(node, tex_name);
if (tex != null) {
var to_linear = node.buttons[1].default_value == 1; // srgb to linear
var texstore = texture_store(node, tex, tex_name, to_linear);
return '$texstore.rgb';
// else if (node.image == null) { // Empty texture
// tex = {};
// tex['name'] = tex_name;
// tex['file'] = '';
// return '{0}.rgb'.format(texture_store(node, tex, tex_name, True));
// }
else {
var tex_store = store_var_name(node); // Pink color for missing texture
curshader.write('vec4 $tex_store = vec4(1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0);');
return '$tex_store.rgb';
else if (node.type == 'TEX_MAGIC') {
var co = '';
if (getInputLink(node.inputs[0]) != null) {
co = parse_vector_input(node.inputs[0]);
else {
co = 'bposition';
curshader.bposition = true;
var scale = parse_value_input(node.inputs[1]);
var res = 'tex_magic($co * $scale * 4.0)';
if (sample_bump) write_bump(node, res);
return res;
else if (node.type == 'TEX_MUSGRAVE') {
var co = '';
if (getInputLink(node.inputs[0]) != null) {
co = parse_vector_input(node.inputs[0]);
else {
co = 'bposition';
curshader.bposition = true;
var scale = parse_value_input(node.inputs[1]);
// detail = parse_value_input(node.inputs[2])
// distortion = parse_value_input(node.inputs[3])
var res = 'vec3(tex_musgrave_f($co * $scale * 0.5))';
if (sample_bump) write_bump(node, res);
return res;
else if (node.type == 'TEX_NOISE') {
curshader.add_uniform('sampler2D snoise256', '_noise256');
var co = '';
if (getInputLink(node.inputs[0]) != null) {
co = parse_vector_input(node.inputs[0]);
else {
co = 'bposition';
curshader.bposition = true;
var scale = parse_value_input(node.inputs[1]);
// # detail = parse_value_input(node.inputs[2])
// # distortion = parse_value_input(node.inputs[3])
// # Slow..
var res = 'vec3(tex_noise($co * $scale), tex_noise($co * $scale + 0.33), tex_noise($co * $scale + 0.66))';
if (sample_bump) write_bump(node, res);
return res;
// elif node.type == 'TEX_POINTDENSITY':
// # Pass through
// return to_vec3([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
// elif node.type == 'TEX_SKY':
// # Pass through
// return to_vec3([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
else if (node.type == 'TEX_VORONOI') {
// c_state.assets_add(c_state.get_sdk_path() + '/armory/Assets/' + 'noise64.png')
// c_state.assets_add_embedded_data('noise64.png')
curshader.add_uniform('sampler2D snoise256', '_noise256');
var co = '';
if (getInputLink(node.inputs[0]) != null) {
co = parse_vector_input(node.inputs[0]);
else {
co = 'bposition';
curshader.bposition = true;
var scale = parse_value_input(node.inputs[1]);
var but = node.buttons[0]; //coloring;
var coloring =[but.default_value].toUpperCase();
coloring = StringTools.replace(coloring, " ", "_");
var res = '';
if (coloring == 'INTENSITY') {
res = 'vec3(tex_voronoi($co * $scale).a)';
else { // Cells
res = 'tex_voronoi($co * $scale).rgb';
if (sample_bump) write_bump(node, res);
return res;
else if (node.type == 'TEX_WAVE') {
var co = '';
if (getInputLink(node.inputs[0]) != null) {
co = parse_vector_input(node.inputs[0]);
else {
co = 'bposition';
curshader.bposition = true;
var scale = parse_value_input(node.inputs[1]);
var res = 'vec3(tex_wave_f($co * $scale))';
if (sample_bump) write_bump(node, res);
return res;
else if (node.type == 'BRIGHTCONTRAST') {
var out_col = parse_vector_input(node.inputs[0]);
var bright = parse_value_input(node.inputs[1]);
var contr = parse_value_input(node.inputs[2]);
return 'brightcontrast($out_col, $bright, $contr)';
else if (node.type == 'GAMMA') {
var out_col = parse_vector_input(node.inputs[0]);
var gamma = parse_value_input(node.inputs[1]);
return 'pow($out_col, vec3($gamma))';
else if (node.type == 'HUE_SAT') {
var hue = parse_value_input(node.inputs[0]);
var sat = parse_value_input(node.inputs[1]);
var val = parse_value_input(node.inputs[2]);
var fac = parse_value_input(node.inputs[3]);
var col = parse_vector_input(node.inputs[4]);
return 'hue_sat($col, vec4($hue-0.5, $sat, $val, 1.0-$fac))';
else if (node.type == 'INVERT') {
var fac = parse_value_input(node.inputs[0]);
var out_col = parse_vector_input(node.inputs[1]);
return 'mix($out_col, vec3(1.0) - ($out_col), $fac)';
else if (node.type == 'MIX_RGB') {
var fac = parse_value_input(node.inputs[0]);
var fac_var = node_name(node) + '_fac';
curshader.write('float $fac_var = $fac;');
var col1 = parse_vector_input(node.inputs[1]);
var col2 = parse_vector_input(node.inputs[2]);
var but = node.buttons[0]; // blend_type
var blend =[but.default_value].toUpperCase();
blend = StringTools.replace(blend, " ", "_");
but = node.buttons[1]; // use_clamp
var use_clamp = but.default_value == "true";
var out_col = '';
if (blend == 'MIX') {
out_col = 'mix($col1, $col2, $fac_var)';
else if (blend == 'ADD') {
out_col = 'mix($col1, $col1 + $col2, $fac_var)';
else if (blend == 'MULTIPLY') {
out_col = 'mix($col1, $col1 * $col2, $fac_var)';
else if (blend == 'SUBTRACT') {
out_col = 'mix($col1, $col1 - $col2, $fac_var)';
else if (blend == 'SCREEN') {
out_col = '(vec3(1.0) - (vec3(1.0 - $fac_var) + $fac_var * (vec3(1.0) - $col2)) * (vec3(1.0) - $col1))';
else if (blend == 'DIVIDE') {
out_col = '(vec3((1.0 - $fac_var) * $col1 + $fac_var * $col1 / $col2))';
else if (blend == 'DIFFERENCE') {
out_col = 'mix($col1, abs($col1 - $col2), $fac_var)';
else if (blend == 'DARKEN') {
out_col = 'min($col1, $col2 * $fac_var)';
else if (blend == 'LIGHTEN') {
out_col = 'max($col1, $col2 * $fac_var)';
// else if (blend == 'OVERLAY') {
// out_col = 'mix($col1, $col2, $fac_var)'.format(col1, col2, fac_var) // Revert to mix
// }
// else if (blend == 'DODGE') {
// out_col = 'mix($col1, $col2, $fac_var)'.format(col1, col2, fac_var) // Revert to mix
// }
// else if (blend == 'BURN') {
// out_col = 'mix($col1, $col2, $fac_var)'.format(col1, col2, fac_var) // Revert to mix
// }
// else if (blend == 'HUE') {
// out_col = 'mix($col1, $col2, $fac_var)'.format(col1, col2, fac_var) // Revert to mix
// }
// else if (blend == 'SATURATION') {
// out_col = 'mix($col1, $col2, $fac_var)'.format(col1, col2, fac_var) // Revert to mix
// }
// else if (blend == 'VALUE') {
// out_col = 'mix($col1, $col2, $fac_var)'.format(col1, col2, fac_var) // Revert to mix
// }
// else if (blend == 'COLOR') {
// out_col = 'mix($col1, $col2, $fac_var)'.format(col1, col2, fac_var) // Revert to mix
// }
else if (blend == 'SOFT_LIGHT') {
out_col = '((1.0 - $fac_var) * $col1 + $fac_var * ((vec3(1.0) - $col1) * $col2 * $col1 + $col1 * (vec3(1.0) - (vec3(1.0) - $col2) * (vec3(1.0) - $col1))));';
// else if (blend == 'LINEAR_LIGHT') {
// out_col = 'mix($col1, $col2, $fac_var)'.format(col1, col2, fac_var) # Revert to mix
// out_col = '($col1 + $fac_var * (2.0 * ($col2 - vec3(0.5))))'.format(col1, col2, fac_var)
// }
if (use_clamp) return 'clamp($out_col, vec3(0.0), vec3(1.0))';
else return out_col;
// elif node.type == 'BLACKBODY':
// # Pass constant
// return to_vec3([0.84, 0.38, 0.0])
else if (node.type == 'VALTORGB') { // ColorRamp
var fac = parse_value_input(node.inputs[0]);
var interp = node.buttons[0].data == 0 ? 'LINEAR' : 'CONSTANT';
var elems = node.buttons[0].default_value;
if (elems.length == 1) {
return to_vec3(elems[0]);
// Write cols array
var cols_var = node_name(node) + '_cols';
curshader.write('vec3 $cols_var[${elems.length}];'); // TODO: Make const
for (i in 0...elems.length) {
curshader.write('$cols_var[$i] = ${to_vec3(elems[i])};');
// Get index
var fac_var = node_name(node) + '_fac';
curshader.write('float $fac_var = $fac;');
var index = '0';
for (i in 1...elems.length)
index += ' + ($fac_var > ${elems[i][4]} ? 1 : 0)';
// Write index
var index_var = node_name(node) + '_i';
curshader.write('int $index_var = $index;');
if (interp == 'CONSTANT') {
return '$cols_var[$index_var]';
else { // Linear
// Write facs array
var facs_var = node_name(node) + '_facs';
curshader.write('float $facs_var[${elems.length}];'); // TODO: Make const
for (i in 0...elems.length) {
curshader.write('$facs_var[$i] = ${elems[i][4]};');
// Mix color
// float f = (pos - start) * (1.0 / (finish - start))
return 'mix($cols_var[$index_var], $cols_var[$index_var + 1], ($fac_var - $facs_var[$index_var]) * (1.0 / ($facs_var[$index_var + 1] - $facs_var[$index_var]) ))';
else if (node.type == 'CURVE_VEC') {
var fac = parse_value_input(node.inputs[0]);
var vec = parse_vector_input(node.inputs[1]);
var curves = node.buttons[0].default_value;
var name = node_name(node);
var vc0 = vector_curve(name + '0', vec + '.x', curves[0]);
var vc1 = vector_curve(name + '1', vec + '.y', curves[1]);
var vc2 = vector_curve(name + '2', vec + '.z', curves[2]);
// mapping.curves[0].points[0].handle_type # bezier curve
return '(vec3($vc0, $vc1, $vc2) * $fac)';
else if (node.type == 'CURVE_RGB') { // RGB Curves
var fac = parse_value_input(node.inputs[0]);
var vec = parse_vector_input(node.inputs[1]);
var curves = node.buttons[0].default_value;
var name = node_name(node);
// mapping.curves[0].points[0].handle_type
var vc0 = vector_curve(name + '0', vec + '.x', curves[0]);
var vc1 = vector_curve(name + '1', vec + '.y', curves[1]);
var vc2 = vector_curve(name + '2', vec + '.z', curves[2]);
var vc3a = vector_curve(name + '3a', vec + '.x', curves[3]);
var vc3b = vector_curve(name + '3b', vec + '.y', curves[3]);
var vc3c = vector_curve(name + '3c', vec + '.z', curves[3]);
return '(sqrt(vec3($vc0, $vc1, $vc2) * vec3($vc3a, $vc3b, $vc3c)) * $fac)';
else if (node.type == 'COMBHSV') {
var h = parse_value_input(node.inputs[0]);
var s = parse_value_input(node.inputs[1]);
var v = parse_value_input(node.inputs[2]);
return 'hsv_to_rgb(vec3($h, $s, $v))';
else if (node.type == 'COMBRGB') {
var r = parse_value_input(node.inputs[0]);
var g = parse_value_input(node.inputs[1]);
var b = parse_value_input(node.inputs[2]);
return 'vec3($r, $g, $b)';
else if (node.type == 'WAVELENGTH') {
var wl = parse_value_input(node.inputs[0]);
// Roughly map to cycles - 450 to 600 nanometers
return 'wavelength_to_rgb(($wl - 450.0) / 150.0)';
else if (node.type == 'CAMERA') {
// View Vector in camera space
curshader.vVecCam = true;
return 'vVecCam';
else if (node.type == 'NEW_GEOMETRY') {
if (socket == node.outputs[0]) { // Position
curshader.wposition = true;
return 'wposition';
else if (socket == node.outputs[1]) { // Normal
curshader.n = true;
return 'n';
else if (socket == node.outputs[2]) { // Tangent
curshader.wtangent = true;
return 'wtangent';
else if (socket == node.outputs[3]) { // True Normal
curshader.n = true;
return 'n';
else if (socket == node.outputs[4]) { // Incoming
curshader.vVec = true;
return 'vVec';
else if (socket == node.outputs[5]) { // Parametric
curshader.mposition = true;
return 'mposition';
// elif node.type == 'HAIR_INFO':
// return 'vec3(0.0)' # Tangent Normal
else if (node.type == 'OBJECT_INFO') {
curshader.wposition = true;
return 'wposition';
// elif node.type == 'PARTICLE_INFO':
// if socket == node.outputs[3]: # Location
// return 'vec3(0.0)'
// elif socket == node.outputs[5]: # Velocity
// return 'vec3(0.0)'
// elif socket == node.outputs[6]: # Angular Velocity
// return 'vec3(0.0)'
else if (node.type == 'TANGENT') {
curshader.wtangent = true;
return 'wtangent';
else if (node.type == 'TEX_COORD') {
// obj = node.object
// dupli = node.from_dupli
if (socket == node.outputs[0]) { // Generated - bounds
curshader.bposition = true;
return 'bposition';
else if (socket == node.outputs[1]) { // Normal
curshader.n = true;
return 'n';
else if (socket == node.outputs[2]) {// UV
curshader.context.add_elem('tex', 2);
return 'vec3(texCoord.x, 1.0 - texCoord.y, 0.0)';
else if (socket == node.outputs[3]) { // Object
curshader.mposition = true;
return 'mposition';
else if (socket == node.outputs[4]) { // Camera
curshader.vposition = true;
return 'vposition';
else if (socket == node.outputs[5]) { // Window
curshader.wvpposition = true;
return '';
else if (socket == node.outputs[6]) { // Reflection
return 'vec3(0.0)';
else if (node.type == 'UVMAP') {
//dupli = node.from_dupli
curshader.context.add_elem('tex', 2);
return 'vec3(texCoord.x, 1.0 - texCoord.y, 0.0)';
else if (node.type == 'BUMP') {
var res = '';
// Interpolation strength
var strength = parse_value_input(node.inputs[0]);
// Height multiplier
// var distance = parse_value_input(node.inputs[1]);
sample_bump = true;
var height = parse_value_input(node.inputs[2]);
sample_bump = false;
var nor = parse_vector_input(node.inputs[3]);
curshader.n = true;
if (sample_bump_res != '') {
// var ext = node.invert ? ['1', '2', '3', '4'] : ['2', '1', '4', '3'];
var ext = ['2', '1', '4', '3'];
curshader.write('float ${sample_bump_res}_fh1 = ${sample_bump_res}_${ext[0]} - ${sample_bump_res}_${ext[1]};');
curshader.write('float ${sample_bump_res}_fh2 = ${sample_bump_res}_${ext[2]} - ${sample_bump_res}_${ext[3]};');
curshader.write('${sample_bump_res}_fh1 *= ($strength) * 3.0;');
curshader.write('${sample_bump_res}_fh2 *= ($strength) * 3.0;');
curshader.write('vec3 ${sample_bump_res}_a = normalize(vec3(1.0, 0.0, ${sample_bump_res}_fh1));');
curshader.write('vec3 ${sample_bump_res}_b = normalize(vec3(0.0, 1.0, ${sample_bump_res}_fh2));');
res = 'normalize(mat3(${sample_bump_res}_a, ${sample_bump_res}_b, normalize(vec3(${sample_bump_res}_fh1, ${sample_bump_res}_fh2, 2.0))) * n)';
sample_bump_res = '';
else {
res = 'n';
res = '($res + $nor)';
// TODO: To tangent
curshader.vVec = true;
if (!curshader.invTBN) {
curshader.invTBN = true;
curshader.write('mat3 invTBN = inverse(cotangentFrame(n, -vVec, texCoord));');
res = '(normalize(invTBN * normalize($res)) * 0.5 + 0.5)';
return res;
else if (node.type == 'MAPPING') {
var out = parse_vector_input(node.inputs[0]);
var node_translation = node.buttons[0].default_value;
var node_rotation = node.buttons[1].default_value;
var node_scale = node.buttons[2].default_value;
if (node_scale[0] != 1.0 || node_scale[1] != 1.0 || node_scale[2] != 1.0) {
out = '($out * ${to_vec3(node_scale)})';
if (node_rotation[2] != 0.0) {
// ZYX rotation, Z axis for now..
var a = node_rotation[2];
// x * cos(theta) - y * sin(theta)
// x * sin(theta) + y * cos(theta)
out = 'vec3(${out}.x * ${Math.cos(a)} - (${out}.y) * ${Math.sin(a)}, ${out}.x * ${Math.sin(a)} + (${out}.y) * ${Math.cos(a)}, 0.0)';
// if node.rotation[1] != 0.0:
// a = node.rotation[1]
// out = 'vec3({0}.x * {1} - {0}.z * {2}, {0}.x * {2} + {0}.z * {1}, 0.0)'.format(out, math.cos(a), math.sin(a))
// if node.rotation[0] != 0.0:
// a = node.rotation[0]
// out = 'vec3({0}.y * {1} - {0}.z * {2}, {0}.y * {2} + {0}.z * {1}, 0.0)'.format(out, math.cos(a), math.sin(a))
if (node_translation[0] != 0.0 || node_translation[1] != 0.0 || node_translation[2] != 0.0) {
out = '($out + ${to_vec3(node_translation)})';
// if node.use_min:
// out = 'max({0}, vec3({1}, {2}, {3}))'.format(out, node.min[0], node.min[1])
// if node.use_max:
// out = 'min({0}, vec3({1}, {2}, {3}))'.format(out, node.max[0], node.max[1])
return out;
else if (node.type == 'NORMAL') {
if (socket == node.outputs[0])
return to_vec3(node.outputs[0].default_value);
else if (socket == node.outputs[1]) {
var nor = parse_vector_input(node.inputs[0]);
var norout = to_vec3(node.outputs[0].default_value);
return 'vec3(dot($norout, $nor))';
else if (node.type == 'NORMAL_MAP') {
// if curshader == tese:
// return parse_vector_input(node.inputs[1])
// else:
// #space =
// #map = node.uv_map
var strength = parse_value_input(node.inputs[0]);
// Color
parse_normal_map_color_input(node.inputs[1], strength);
return null;
else if (node.type == 'VECT_TRANSFORM') {
// #type = node.vector_type
// #conv_from = node.convert_from
// #conv_to = node.convert_to
// # Pass throuh
// return parse_vector_input(node.inputs[0])
else if (node.type == 'COMBXYZ') {
var x = parse_value_input(node.inputs[0]);
var y = parse_value_input(node.inputs[1]);
var z = parse_value_input(node.inputs[2]);
return 'vec3($x, $y, $z)';
else if (node.type == 'VECT_MATH') {
var vec1 = parse_vector_input(node.inputs[0]);
var vec2 = parse_vector_input(node.inputs[1]);
var but = node.buttons[0]; //operation;
var op =[but.default_value].toUpperCase();
op = StringTools.replace(op, " ", "_");
if (op == 'ADD') {
return '($vec1 + $vec2)';
else if (op == 'SUBTRACT') {
return '($vec1 - $vec2)';
else if (op == 'AVERAGE') {
return '(($vec1 + $vec2) / 2.0)';
else if (op == 'DOT_PRODUCT') {
return 'vec3(dot($vec1, $vec2))';
else if (op == 'CROSS_PRODUCT') {
return 'cross($vec1, $vec2)';
else if (op == 'NORMALIZE') {
return 'normalize($vec1)';
else if (node.type == 'Displacement') {
var height = parse_value_input(node.inputs[0]);
var midlevel = parse_value_input(node.inputs[1]);
var scale = parse_value_input(node.inputs[2]);
var nor = parse_vector_input(node.inputs[3]);
return 'vec3($height)';
return 'vec3(0.0)';
static function parse_normal_map_color_input(inp:TNodeSocket, strength = '1.0') {
// if isInputLinked(inp) == False:
// return
parse_teximage_vector = false; // Force texCoord for normal map image vector
out_normaltan = parse_vector_input(inp);
if (!arm_export_tangents) {
frag.write('vec3 texn = ($out_normaltan) * 2.0 - 1.0;');
frag.write('texn.y = -texn.y;');
if (!cotangentFrameWritten) {
cotangentFrameWritten = true;
frag.n = true;
frag.write('mat3 TBN = cotangentFrame(n, -vVec, texCoord);');
frag.write('n = TBN * normalize(texn);');
// else:
// frag.write('vec3 n = ({0}) * 2.0 - 1.0;'.format(out_normaltan))
// if (strength != '1.0') frag.write('n.xy *= $strength;');
// # frag.write('n = normalize(TBN * normalize(n));')
// frag.write('n = TBN * normalize(n);')
// con.add_elem('tang', 3)
parse_teximage_vector = true;
static function parse_value_input(inp:TNodeSocket):String {
var l = getInputLink(inp);
if (l != null) {
var from_node = getNode(l.from_id);
if (from_node.type == 'REROUTE')
return parse_value_input(from_node.inputs[0]);
var res_var = write_result(l);
var st = from_node.outputs[l.from_socket].type;
if (st == 'RGB' || st == 'RGBA' || st == 'VECTOR')
return '$res_var.x';
else //# VALUE
return res_var;
else {
// if c_state.mat_batch() and inp.is_uniform:
// return to_uniform(inp)
// else:
return to_vec1(inp.default_value);
static function parse_value(node:TNode, socket:TNodeSocket):String {
// if node.type == 'GROUP':
// if'Armory PBR'):
// # Displacement
// if socket == node.outputs[1]:
// res = parse_value_input(node.inputs[10])
// if (isInputLinked(node.inputs[11]) or node.inputs[11].default_value != 1.0:
// res = "({0} * {1})".format(res, parse_value_input(node.inputs[11]))
// return res
// else:
// return None
// else:
// return parse_group(node, socket)
// elif node.type == 'GROUP_INPUT':
// return parse_group_input(node, socket)
if (node.type == 'ATTRIBUTE') {
// Pass time till drivers are implemented
// if (node.attribute_name == 'time') {
curshader.add_uniform('float time', '_time');
return 'time';
// }
// else
// return '0.0';
else if (node.type == 'CAMERA') {
// View Z Depth
if (socket == node.outputs[1]) {
// curshader.add_include('std/math.glsl');
curshader.add_uniform('vec2 cameraProj', '_cameraPlaneProj');
return '(cameraProj.y / (gl_FragCoord.z - cameraProj.x))';
// View Distance
else {
curshader.add_uniform('vec3 eye', '_cameraPosition');
curshader.wposition = true;
return 'distance(eye, wposition)';
else if (node.type == 'FRESNEL') {
var ior = parse_value_input(node.inputs[0]);
// var nor = parse_vector_input(node.inputs[1])
curshader.dotNV = true;
return 'pow(1.0 - dotNV, 7.25 / $ior)';
else if (node.type == 'NEW_GEOMETRY') {
if (socket == node.outputs[6]) // Backfacing
return '(1.0 - float(gl_FrontFacing))';
else if (socket == node.outputs[7]) // Pointiness
return '0.0';
else if (node.type == 'HAIR_INFO') {
// Is Strand
// Intercept
// Thickness
return '0.5';
else if (node.type == 'LAYER_WEIGHT') {
var blend = parse_value_input(node.inputs[0]);
// var nor = parse_vector_input(node.inputs[1])
if (socket == node.outputs[0]) { // Fresnel
curshader.dotNV = true;
return 'clamp(pow(1.0 - dotNV, (1.0 - $blend) * 10.0), 0.0, 1.0)';
else if (socket == node.outputs[1]) { // Facing
curshader.dotNV = true;
return '((1.0 - dotNV) * $blend)';
// elif node.type == 'LIGHT_PATH':
// if socket == node.outputs[0]: # Is Camera Ray
// return '1.0'
// elif socket == node.outputs[1]: # Is Shadow Ray
// return '0.0'
// elif socket == node.outputs[2]: # Is Diffuse Ray
// return '1.0'
// elif socket == node.outputs[3]: # Is Glossy Ray
// return '1.0'
// elif socket == node.outputs[4]: # Is Singular Ray
// return '0.0'
// elif socket == node.outputs[5]: # Is Reflection Ray
// return '0.0'
// elif socket == node.outputs[6]: # Is Transmission Ray
// return '0.0'
// elif socket == node.outputs[7]: # Ray Length
// return '0.0'
// elif socket == node.outputs[8]: # Ray Depth
// return '0.0'
// elif socket == node.outputs[9]: # Transparent Depth
// return '0.0'
// elif socket == node.outputs[10]: # Transmission Depth
// return '0.0'
else if (node.type == 'OBJECT_INFO') {
if (socket == node.outputs[1]) { // Object Index
curshader.add_uniform('float objectInfoIndex', '_objectInfoIndex');
return 'objectInfoIndex';
else if (socket == node.outputs[2]) { // Material Index
curshader.add_uniform('float objectInfoMaterialIndex', '_objectInfoMaterialIndex');
return 'objectInfoMaterialIndex';
else if (socket == node.outputs[3]) { // Random
curshader.add_uniform('float objectInfoRandom', '_objectInfoRandom');
return 'objectInfoRandom';
// elif node.type == 'PARTICLE_INFO':
// if socket == node.outputs[0]: # Index
// return '0.0'
// elif socket == node.outputs[1]: # Age
// return '0.0'
// elif socket == node.outputs[2]: # Lifetime
// return '0.0'
// elif socket == node.outputs[4]: # Size
// return '0.0'
else if (node.type == 'VALUE') {
return to_vec1(node.outputs[0].default_value);
// elif node.type == 'WIREFRAME':
// #node.use_pixel_size
// # size = parse_value_input(node.inputs[0])
// return '0.0'
else if (node.type == 'TEX_BRICK') {
var co = '';
if (getInputLink(node.inputs[0]) != null) {
co = parse_vector_input(node.inputs[0]);
else {
co = 'bposition';
curshader.bposition = true;
var scale = parse_value_input(node.inputs[4]);
var res = 'tex_brick_f($co * $scale)';
if (sample_bump) write_bump(node, res);
return res;
else if (node.type == 'TEX_CHECKER') {
var co = '';
if (getInputLink(node.inputs[0]) != null) {
co = parse_vector_input(node.inputs[0]);
else {
co = 'bposition';
curshader.bposition = true;
var scale = parse_value_input(node.inputs[3]);
var res = 'tex_checker_f($co, $scale)';
if (sample_bump) write_bump(node, res);
return res;
else if (node.type == 'TEX_GRADIENT') {
var co = '';
if (getInputLink(node.inputs[0]) != null) {
co = parse_vector_input(node.inputs[0]);
else {
co = 'bposition';
curshader.bposition = true;
var but = node.buttons[0]; //gradient_type;
var grad =[but.default_value].toUpperCase();
grad = StringTools.replace(grad, " ", "_");
var f = '';
if (grad == 'LINEAR') {
f = '$co.x';
else if (grad == 'QUADRATIC') {
f = '0.0';
else if (grad == 'EASING') {
f = '0.0';
else if (grad == 'DIAGONAL') {
f = '($co.x + $co.y) * 0.5';
else if (grad == 'RADIAL') {
f = 'atan($co.y, $co.x) / (3.141592 * 2.0) + 0.5';
else if (grad == 'QUADRATIC_SPHERE') {
f = '0.0';
else if (grad == 'SPHERICAL') {
f = 'max(1.0 - sqrt($co.x * $co.x + $co.y * $co.y + $co.z * $co.z), 0.0)';
var res = '(clamp($f, 0.0, 1.0))';
if (sample_bump) write_bump(node, res);
return res;
else if (node.type == 'TEX_IMAGE') {
// Already fetched
if (parsed.indexOf(res_var_name(node, node.outputs[0])) >= 0) { // TODO: node.outputs[1]
var varname = store_var_name(node);
return '$varname.a';
var tex_name = node_name(node);
var tex = make_texture(node, tex_name);
if (tex != null) {
var to_linear = node.buttons[1].default_value == 1; // srgb to linear
var texstore = texture_store(node, tex, tex_name, to_linear);
return '$texstore.a';
// # Already fetched
// if res_var_name(node, node.outputs[0]) in parsed:
// return '{0}.a'.format(store_var_name(node))
// tex_name = c_state.safesrc(
// tex = c_state.make_texture(node, tex_name)
// if tex != None:
// return '{0}.a'.format(texture_store(node, tex, tex_name))
// else:
// tex_store = store_var_name(node) # Pink color for missing texture
// curshader.write('vec4 {0} = vec4(1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0);'.format(tex_store))
// return '{0}.a'.format(tex_store)
else if (node.type == 'TEX_MAGIC') {
var co = '';
if (getInputLink(node.inputs[0]) != null) {
co = parse_vector_input(node.inputs[0]);
else {
co = 'bposition';
curshader.bposition = true;
var scale = parse_value_input(node.inputs[1]);
var res = 'tex_magic_f($co * $scale * 4.0)';
if (sample_bump) write_bump(node, res);
return res;
else if (node.type == 'TEX_MUSGRAVE') {
var co = '';
if (getInputLink(node.inputs[0]) != null) {
co = parse_vector_input(node.inputs[0]);
else {
co = 'bposition';
curshader.bposition = true;
var scale = parse_value_input(node.inputs[1]);
// detail = parse_value_input(node.inputs[2])
// distortion = parse_value_input(node.inputs[3])
var res = 'tex_musgrave_f($co * $scale * 0.5)';
if (sample_bump) write_bump(node, res);
return res;
else if (node.type == 'TEX_NOISE') {
curshader.add_uniform('sampler2D snoise256', '_noise256');
var co = '';
if (getInputLink(node.inputs[0]) != null) {
co = parse_vector_input(node.inputs[0]);
else {
co = 'bposition';
curshader.bposition = true;
var scale = parse_value_input(node.inputs[1]);
// detail = parse_value_input(node.inputs[2]);
// distortion = parse_value_input(node.inputs[3]);
var res = 'tex_noise($co * $scale)';
if (sample_bump) write_bump(node, res);
return res;
// elif node.type == 'TEX_POINTDENSITY':
// return '0.0'
else if (node.type == 'TEX_VORONOI') {
// c_state.assets_add(c_state.get_sdk_path() + '/armory/Assets/' + 'noise64.png')
// c_state.assets_add_embedded_data('noise64.png')
curshader.add_uniform('sampler2D snoise256', '_noise256');
var co = '';
if (getInputLink(node.inputs[0]) != null) {
co = parse_vector_input(node.inputs[0]);
else {
co = 'bposition';
curshader.bposition = true;
var scale = parse_value_input(node.inputs[1]);
var but = node.buttons[0]; //coloring;
var coloring =[but.default_value].toUpperCase();
coloring = StringTools.replace(coloring, " ", "_");
var res = '';
if (coloring == 'INTENSITY') {
res = 'tex_voronoi($co * $scale).a';
else { // Cells
res = 'tex_voronoi($co * $scale).r';
if (sample_bump) write_bump(node, res);
return res;
else if (node.type == 'TEX_WAVE') {
var co = '';
if (getInputLink(node.inputs[0]) != null) {
co = parse_vector_input(node.inputs[0]);
else {
co = 'bposition';
curshader.bposition = true;
var scale = parse_value_input(node.inputs[1]);
var res = 'tex_wave_f($co * $scale)';
if (sample_bump) write_bump(node, res);
return res;
// elif node.type == 'LIGHT_FALLOFF':
// # Constant, linear, quadratic
// # Shaders default to quadratic for now
// return '1.0'
else if (node.type == 'NORMAL') {
var nor = parse_vector_input(node.inputs[0]);
var norout = to_vec3(node.outputs[0].default_value);
return 'dot($norout, $nor)';
// elif node.type == 'VALTORGB': # ColorRamp
// return '1.0'
else if (node.type == 'MATH') {
var val1 = parse_value_input(node.inputs[0]);
var val2 = parse_value_input(node.inputs[1]);
var but = node.buttons[0]; //operation;
var op =[but.default_value].toUpperCase();
op = StringTools.replace(op, " ", "_");
but = node.buttons[1]; // use_clamp
var use_clamp = but.default_value == "true";
var out_val = '';
if (op == 'ADD') {
out_val = '($val1 + $val2)';
else if (op == 'SUBTRACT') {
out_val = '($val1 - $val2)';
else if (op == 'MULTIPLY') {
out_val = '($val1 * $val2)';
else if (op == 'DIVIDE') {
out_val = '($val1 / $val2)';
else if (op == 'SINE') {
out_val = 'sin($val1)';
else if (op == 'COSINE') {
out_val = 'cos($val1)';
else if (op == 'TANGENT') {
out_val = 'tan($val1)';
else if (op == 'ARCSINE') {
out_val = 'asin($val1)';
else if (op == 'ARCCOSINE') {
out_val = 'acos($val1)';
else if (op == 'ARCTANGENT') {
out_val = 'atan($val1)';
else if (op == 'POWER') {
out_val = 'pow($val1, $val2)';
else if (op == 'LOGARITHM') {
out_val = 'log($val1)';
else if (op == 'MINIMUM') {
out_val = 'min($val1, $val2)';
else if (op == 'MAXIMUM') {
out_val = 'max($val1, $val2)';
else if (op == 'ROUND') {
out_val = 'floor($val1 + 0.5)';
else if (op == 'LESS_THAN') {
out_val = 'float($val1 < $val2)';
else if (op == 'GREATER_THAN') {
out_val = 'float($val1 > $val2)';
else if (op == 'MODULO') {
out_val = 'mod($val1, $val2)';
else if (op == 'ABSOLUTE') {
out_val = 'abs($val1)';
if (use_clamp) {
return 'clamp($out_val, 0.0, 1.0)';
else {
return out_val;
else if (node.type == 'RGBTOBW') {
var col = parse_vector_input(node.inputs[0]);
return '((($col.r * 0.3 + $col.g * 0.59 + $col.b * 0.11) / 3.0) * 2.5)';
// elif node.type == 'SEPHSV':
// return '0.0'
else if (node.type == 'SEPRGB') {
var col = parse_vector_input(node.inputs[0]);
if (socket == node.outputs[0]) {
return '$col.r';
else if (socket == node.outputs[1]) {
return '$col.g';
else if (socket == node.outputs[2]) {
return '$col.b';
else if (node.type == 'SEPXYZ') {
var vec = parse_vector_input(node.inputs[0]);
if (socket == node.outputs[0]) {
return '$vec.x';
else if (socket == node.outputs[1]) {
return '$vec.y';
else if (socket == node.outputs[2]) {
return '$vec.z';
else if (node.type == 'VECT_MATH') {
var vec1 = parse_vector_input(node.inputs[0]);
var vec2 = parse_vector_input(node.inputs[1]);
var but = node.buttons[0]; //operation;
var op =[but.default_value].toUpperCase();
op = StringTools.replace(op, " ", "_");
if (op == 'DOT_PRODUCT') {
return 'dot($vec1, $vec2)';
else {
return '0.0';
return '0.0';
static function vector_curve(name:String, fac:String, points:Array<Float>):String {
// Write Ys array
var ys_var = name + '_ys';
var num = / 2);
curshader.write('float $ys_var[$num];'); // TODO: Make const
for (i in 0...num) {
curshader.write('$ys_var[$i] = ${points[i * 2 + 1]};');
// Get index
var fac_var = name + '_fac';
curshader.write('float $fac_var = $fac;');
var index = '0';
for (i in 1...num) {
index += ' + ($fac_var > ${points[i * 2]} ? 1 : 0)';
// Write index
var index_var = name + '_i';
curshader.write('int $index_var = $index;');
// Linear
// Write Xs array
var facs_var = name + '_xs';
curshader.write('float $facs_var[$num];'); // TODO: Make const
for (i in 0...num) {
curshader.write('$facs_var[$i] = ${points[i * 2]};');
// Map vector
return 'mix($ys_var[$index_var], $ys_var[$index_var + 1], ($fac_var - $facs_var[$index_var]) * (1.0 / ($facs_var[$index_var + 1] - $facs_var[$index_var])))';
static function write_normal(inp) {
var l = getInputLink(inp);
if (l != null) {
var normal_res = parse_vector_input(inp);
if (normal_res != null) {
curshader.write('n = $normal_res;');
normal_written = true;
static function res_var_name(node:TNode, socket:TNodeSocket):String {
return node_name(node) + '_' + safesrc( + '_res';
static function write_result(l:TNodeLink):String {
var from_node = getNode(l.from_id);
var from_socket = from_node.outputs[l.from_socket];
var res_var = res_var_name(from_node, from_socket);
var st = from_socket.type;
if (parsed.indexOf(res_var) < 0) {
if (st == 'RGB' || st == 'RGBA' || st == 'VECTOR') {
var res = parse_vector(from_node, from_socket);
if (res == null)
return null;
curshader.write('vec3 $res_var = $res;');
else if (st == 'VALUE') {
var res = parse_value(from_node, from_socket);
if (res == null)
return null;
curshader.write('float $res_var = $res;');
// # Normal map already parsed, return
// else if (from_node.type == 'NORMAL_MAP')
// return null
return res_var;
// static function glsl_type(t:String):String {
// if (t == 'RGB' || t == 'RGBA' || t == 'VECTOR')
// return 'vec3';
// else
// return 'float';
// }
// def to_uniform(inp):
// uname = c_state.safesrc( + c_state.safesrc(
// curshader.add_uniform(glsl_type(inp.type) + ' ' + uname)
// return uname
static function store_var_name(node:TNode):String {
return node_name(node) + '_store';
public static var texCoordName = 'texCoord';
static function texture_store(node:TNode, tex:TBindTexture, tex_name:String, to_linear = false):String {
curshader.context.add_elem('tex', 2);
curshader.add_uniform('sampler2D $tex_name');
var uv_name = '';
if (getInputLink(node.inputs[0]) != null && parse_teximage_vector) {
uv_name = parse_vector_input(node.inputs[0]);
else {
uv_name = texCoordName;
var tex_store = store_var_name(node);
// if c_state.mat_texture_grad():
// curshader.write('vec4 {0} = textureGrad({1}, {2}.xy, g2.xy,;'.format(tex_store, tex_name, uv_name))
// else:
curshader.write('vec4 $tex_store = texture($tex_name, $uv_name.xy);');
if (sample_bump) {
sample_bump_res = tex_store;
curshader.write('float ${tex_store}_1 = textureOffset($tex_name, $uv_name.xy, ivec2(-2, 0)).r;');
curshader.write('float ${tex_store}_2 = textureOffset($tex_name, $uv_name.xy, ivec2(2, 0)).r;');
curshader.write('float ${tex_store}_3 = textureOffset($tex_name, $uv_name.xy, ivec2(0, -2)).r;');
curshader.write('float ${tex_store}_4 = textureOffset($tex_name, $uv_name.xy, ivec2(0, 2)).r;');
sample_bump = false;
if (to_linear) {
curshader.write('$tex_store.rgb = pow($tex_store.rgb, vec3(2.2));');
return tex_store;
static function write_bump(node:TNode, res:String) {
sample_bump_res = store_var_name(node) + '_bump';
// Testing.. get function parts..
var ar0 = res.substring(0, res.indexOf('('));
var ar1 = res.substring(res.indexOf('(') + 1, res.length);
var pre = ar0 + '(';
var post = '';
var co = '';
if (ar1.indexOf(',') >= 0) {
var ar20 = ar1.substring(0, ar1.indexOf(','));
var ar21 = ar1.substring(ar1.indexOf(','), ar1.length);
co = ar20;
post = ',' + ar21;
else {
co = ar1.substring(0, ar1.length - 1);
post = ')';
curshader.write('float ${sample_bump_res}_1 = $pre$co + vec3(-0.1, 0.0, 0.0)$post;');
curshader.write('float ${sample_bump_res}_2 = $pre$co + vec3(0.1, 0.0, 0.1)$post;');
curshader.write('float ${sample_bump_res}_3 = $pre$co + vec3(0.0, -0.1, 0.0)$post;');
curshader.write('float ${sample_bump_res}_4 = $pre$co + vec3(0.0, 0.1, -0.1)$post;');
sample_bump = false;
static function to_vec1(v:Float):String {
#if kha_webgl
return 'float($v)';
return '$v';
static function to_vec3(v:Array<Float>):String {
#if kha_webgl
return 'vec3(float(${v[0]}), float(${v[1]}), float(${v[2]}))';
return 'vec3(${v[0]}, ${v[1]}, ${v[2]})';
static function node_by_type(nodes:Array<TNode>, ntype:String):TNode {
for (n in nodes)
if (n.type == ntype)
return n;
return null;
static function socket_index(node:TNode, socket:TNodeSocket):Int {
for (i in 0...node.outputs.length)
if (node.outputs[i] == socket)
return i;
return -1;
static function node_name(node:TNode):String {
var s = safesrc( +;
// if len(parents) > 0:
// s = c_state.safesrc(parents[-1].name) + '_' + s
return s;
static function safesrc(s:String):String {
return StringTools.replace(s, ' ', '');
static function make_texture(image_node:TNode, tex_name:String, matname:String = null):TBindTexture {
var tex:TBindTexture = {
name: tex_name,
file: ''
// var image = image_node.image;
// if (matname == null) {
// matname =;
// }
// if (image == null) {
// return null;
// }
var filepath = image_node.buttons[0].data;
if (filepath == '') {
// log.warn(matname + '/' + + ' - file path not found')
return null;
// Reference image name
// tex.file = extract_filename(image.filepath);
// tex.file = safestr(tex.file);
// tex.file = image_node.buttons[0].default_value;
tex.file = filepath;
var s = tex.file.split('.');
if (s.length == 1) {
// log.warn(matname + '/' + + ' - file extension required for image name')
return null;
// var ext = s[1].lower();
// do_convert = ext != 'jpg' and ext != 'png' and ext != 'hdr' and ext != 'mp4' # Convert image
// if do_convert:
// tex['file'] = tex['file'].rsplit('.', 1)[0] + '.jpg'
// # log.warn(matname + '/' + + ' - image format is not (jpg/png/hdr), converting to jpg.')
// if image.packed_file != None:
// # Extract packed data
// unpack_path = arm.utils.get_fp() + '/build/compiled/Assets/unpacked'
// if not os.path.exists(unpack_path):
// os.makedirs(unpack_path)
// unpack_filepath = unpack_path + '/' + tex['file']
// if do_convert:
// if not os.path.isfile(unpack_filepath):
// arm.utils.write_image(image, unpack_filepath)
// # Write bytes if size is different or file does not exist yet
// elif os.path.isfile(unpack_filepath) == False or os.path.getsize(unpack_filepath) != image.packed_file.size:
// with open(unpack_filepath, 'wb') as f:
// f.write(
// assets.add(unpack_filepath)
// else:
// if not os.path.isfile(arm.utils.asset_path(image.filepath)):
// log.warn('Material ' + matname + '/' + + ' - file not found(' + image.filepath + ')')
// return None
// if do_convert:
// converted_path = arm.utils.get_fp() + '/build/compiled/Assets/unpacked/' + tex['file']
// # TODO: delete cache when file changes
// if not os.path.isfile(converted_path):
// arm.utils.write_image(image, converted_path)
// assets.add(converted_path)
// else:
// Link image path to assets
// TODO: Khamake converts .PNG to .jpg? Convert ext to lowercase on windows
// if arm.utils.get_os() == 'win':
// s = image.filepath.rsplit('.', 1)
// assets.add(arm.utils.asset_path(s[0] + '.' + s[1].lower()))
// else:
// assets.add(asset_path(image.filepath));
// if image_format != 'RGBA32':
// tex['format'] = image_format
var interpolation = 'Smart';//image_node.interpolation;
var aniso = 'On';//wrd.anisotropic_filtering_state;
if (aniso == 'On') {
interpolation = 'Smart';
// else if (aniso == 'Off' && interpolation == 'Smart') {
// interpolation = 'Linear';
// }
// TODO: Blender seems to load full images on size request, cache size instead
// var powimage = true;//is_pow(image.size[0]) && is_pow(image.size[1]);
// Pow2 required to generate mipmaps
// if (powimage) {
// if (interpolation == 'Cubic') { // Mipmap linear
// tex.mipmap_filter = 'linear';
// tex.generate_mipmaps = true;
// }
// else if (interpolation == 'Smart') { // Mipmap anisotropic
tex.min_filter = 'anisotropic';
tex.mipmap_filter = 'linear';
tex.generate_mipmaps = true;
// }
// }
// else if (image_node.interpolation == 'Cubic' || image_node.interpolation == 'Smart') {
// log.warn(matname + '/' + + ' - power of 2 texture required for ' + image_node.interpolation + ' interpolation')
// }
tex.u_addressing = 'repeat';
tex.v_addressing = 'repeat';
// if (image_node.extension != 'REPEAT') { // Extend or clip
// tex.u_addressing = 'clamp';
// tex.v_addressing = 'clamp';
// }
// else {
// if == 'html5' and powimage == False:
// log.warn(matname + '/' + + ' - non power of 2 texture can not use repeat mode on HTML5 target')
// tex.u_addressing = 'clamp';
// tex.v_addressing = 'clamp';
// }
// if image.source == 'MOVIE': # Just append movie texture trait for now
// movie_trait = {}
// movie_trait['type'] = 'Script'
// movie_trait['class_name'] = 'armory.trait.internal.MovieTexture'
// movie_trait['parameters'] = [tex['file']]
// for o in mat_state.mat_armusers[mat_state.material]:
// o['traits'].append(movie_trait)
// tex['source'] = 'movie'
// tex['file'] = '' # MovieTexture will load the video
return tex;
static function is_pow(num:Int):Bool {
return ((num & (num - 1)) == 0) && num != 0;
static function asset_path(s:String):String {
// return s[2:] if s[:2] == '//' else s # Remove leading '//';
return s;
static function extract_filename(s:String):String {
// return os.path.basename(asset_path(s));
var ar = s.split(".");
return ar[ar.length - 2] + "." + ar[ar.length - 1];
static function safestr(s:String):String {
// for c in r'[]/\;,><&*:%=+@!#^()|?^':
// s = s.replace(c, '-')
return s;