2021-07-20 20:53:37 +02:00

178 lines
5.7 KiB

package armory.trait.internal;
import armory.logicnode.LogicNode;
import armory.logicnode.LogicTree;
#if arm_patch @:expose("LivePatch") #end
class LivePatch extends iron.Trait {
#if !arm_patch
public function new() { super(); }
static var patchId = 0;
public function new() {
function update() {
kha.Assets.loadBlobFromPath("krom.patch", function(b: kha.Blob) {
if (b.length == 0) return;
var lines = b.toString().split("\n");
var id = Std.parseInt(lines[0]);
if (id > patchId) {
patchId = id;
public static function patchCreateNodeLink(treeName: String, fromNodeName: String, toNodeName: String, fromIndex: Int, toIndex: Int) {
var tree = LogicTree.nodeTrees[treeName];
if (tree == null) return;
var fromNode = tree.nodes[fromNodeName];
var toNode = tree.nodes[toNodeName];
if (fromNode == null || toNode == null) return;
// Don't add a connection twice
if (!fromNode.outputs[fromIndex].contains(toNode)) {
toNode.inputs[toIndex] = new LogicNodeInput(fromNode, fromIndex);
public static function patchUpdateNodeProp(treeName: String, nodeName: String, propName: String, value: Dynamic) {
var tree = LogicTree.nodeTrees[treeName];
if (tree == null) return;
var node = tree.nodes[nodeName];
if (node == null) return;
Reflect.setField(node, propName, value);
public static function patchUpdateNodeInputVal(treeName: String, nodeName: String, socketIndex: Int, value: Dynamic) {
var tree = LogicTree.nodeTrees[treeName];
if (tree == null) return;
var node = tree.nodes[nodeName];
if (node == null) return;
@:privateAccess node.inputs[socketIndex].set(value);
public static function patchNodeDelete(treeName: String, nodeName: String, outputDatas: Array<Array<Dynamic>>) {
var tree = LogicTree.nodeTrees[treeName];
if (tree == null) return;
var node = tree.nodes[nodeName];
if (node == null) return;
// Remove this node from the outputs of connected nodes
for (input in node.inputs) {
var inNodeOutputs = input.node.outputs;
// Default nodes don't have outputs when exported from Blender
if (input.from < inNodeOutputs.length) {
for (outNode in inNodeOutputs[input.from]) {
if (outNode == node) {
// Replace connected inputs of other nodes with default nodes
for (outputNodes in node.outputs) {
for (outNode in outputNodes) {
for (outNodeInput in outNode.inputs) {
if (outNodeInput.node == node) {
var outputIndex = outNodeInput.from;
var socketType = outputDatas[outputIndex][0];
var socketValue = outputDatas[outputIndex][1];
outNodeInput.node = createSocketDefaultNode(node.tree, socketType, socketValue);
public static function patchNodeCreate(treeName: String, nodeName: String, nodeType: String, propDatas: Array<Array<Dynamic>>, inputDatas: Array<Array<Dynamic>>, outputDatas: Array<Array<Dynamic>>) {
var tree = LogicTree.nodeTrees[treeName];
if (tree == null) return;
// No further constructor parameters required here, all variable nodes
// use optional further parameters and all values are set later in this
// function.
var newNode: LogicNode = Type.createInstance(Type.resolveClass(nodeType), [tree]); = nodeName;
tree.nodes[nodeName] = newNode;
for (propData in propDatas) {
Reflect.setField(newNode, propData[0], propData[1]);
var i = 0;
for (inputData in inputDatas) {
newNode.addInput(createSocketDefaultNode(newNode.tree, inputData[0], inputData[1]), i++);
for (outputData in outputDatas) {
newNode.addOutputs([createSocketDefaultNode(newNode.tree, outputData[0], outputData[1])]);
public static function patchNodeCopy(treeName: String, nodeName: String, newNodeName: String, copyProps: Array<String>, inputDatas: Array<Array<Dynamic>>, outputDatas: Array<Array<Dynamic>>) {
var tree = LogicTree.nodeTrees[treeName];
if (tree == null) return;
var node = tree.nodes[nodeName];
if (node == null) return;
// No further constructor parameters required here, all variable nodes
// use optional further parameters and all values are set later in this
// function.
var newNode: LogicNode = Type.createInstance(Type.getClass(node), [tree]); = newNodeName;
tree.nodes[newNodeName] = newNode;
for (propName in copyProps) {
Reflect.setField(newNode, propName, Reflect.field(node, propName));
var i = 0;
for (inputData in inputDatas) {
newNode.addInput(createSocketDefaultNode(newNode.tree, inputData[0], inputData[1]), i++);
for (outputData in outputDatas) {
newNode.addOutputs([createSocketDefaultNode(newNode.tree, outputData[0], outputData[1])]);
static inline function createSocketDefaultNode(tree: LogicTree, socketType: String, value: Dynamic): LogicNode {
return switch (socketType) {
case "VECTOR": new armory.logicnode.VectorNode(tree, value[0], value[1], value[2]);
case "RGBA": new armory.logicnode.ColorNode(tree, value[0], value[1], value[2], value[3]);
case "RGB": new armory.logicnode.ColorNode(tree, value[0], value[1], value[2]);
case "VALUE": new armory.logicnode.FloatNode(tree, value);
case "INT": new armory.logicnode.IntegerNode(tree, value);
case "BOOLEAN": new armory.logicnode.BooleanNode(tree, value);
case "STRING": new armory.logicnode.StringNode(tree, value);
case "NONE": new armory.logicnode.NullNode(tree);
case "OBJECT": new armory.logicnode.ObjectNode(tree, value);
default: new armory.logicnode.DynamicNode(tree, value);