2020-09-28 15:58:41 +02:00

27 lines
883 B

from arm.logicnode.arm_nodes import *
class ApplyForceNode(ArmLogicTreeNode):
"""Applies a specified force to a given rigid body.
@seeNode Apply Force At Location
@seeNode Apply Impulse
@seeNode Apply Impulse At Location
@input Force: the force vector
@input On Local Axis: if `true`, interpret the force vector as in
object space
bl_idname = 'LNApplyForceNode'
bl_label = 'Apply Force'
arm_version = 1
def init(self, context):
super(ApplyForceNode, self).init(context)
self.add_input('ArmNodeSocketAction', 'In')
self.add_input('ArmNodeSocketObject', 'Rigid Body')
self.add_input('NodeSocketVector', 'Force')
self.add_input('NodeSocketBool', 'On Local Axis')
self.add_output('ArmNodeSocketAction', 'Out')
add_node(ApplyForceNode, category=PKG_AS_CATEGORY, section='force')