N8n5h c04dbe4993 Fix Vertex Color and Tangent not exporting
Applied the same fix that is used for uvs, since it seems to solve the issue of not updating correctly for exporting of materials too.
Also added support for the Vertex Color node.
2020-03-02 02:04:54 -03:00

1763 lines
68 KiB

# This module builds upon Cycles nodes work licensed as
# Copyright 2011-2013 Blender Foundation
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import math
import bpy
import os
import arm.assets
import arm.utils
import arm.make_state
import arm.log
import arm.material.mat_state as mat_state
import arm.material.cycles_functions as c_functions
import shutil
emission_found = False
particle_info = None # Particle info export
def parse(nodes, con, vert, frag, geom, tesc, tese, parse_surface=True, parse_opacity=True, parse_displacement=True, basecol_only=False):
output_node = node_by_type(nodes, 'OUTPUT_MATERIAL')
if output_node != None:
parse_output(output_node, con, vert, frag, geom, tesc, tese, parse_surface, parse_opacity, parse_displacement, basecol_only)
def parse_output(node, _con, _vert, _frag, _geom, _tesc, _tese, _parse_surface, _parse_opacity, _parse_displacement, _basecol_only):
global parsed # Compute nodes only once
global parents
global normal_parsed
global curshader # Active shader - frag for surface / tese for displacement
global con
global vert
global frag
global geom
global tesc
global tese
global parse_surface
global parse_opacity
global basecol_only
global emission_found
global particle_info
global sample_bump
global sample_bump_res
con = _con
vert = _vert
frag = _frag
geom = _geom
tesc = _tesc
tese = _tese
parse_surface = _parse_surface
parse_opacity = _parse_opacity
basecol_only = _basecol_only
emission_found = False
particle_info = {}
particle_info['index'] = False
particle_info['age'] = False
particle_info['lifetime'] = False
particle_info['location'] = False
particle_info['size'] = False
particle_info['velocity'] = False
particle_info['angular_velocity'] = False
sample_bump = False
sample_bump_res = ''
wrd =['Arm']
# Surface
if parse_surface or parse_opacity:
parsed = {}
parents = []
normal_parsed = False
curshader = frag
out_basecol, out_roughness, out_metallic, out_occlusion, out_specular, out_opacity, out_emission = parse_shader_input(node.inputs[0])
if parse_surface:
frag.write('basecol = {0};'.format(out_basecol))
frag.write('roughness = {0};'.format(out_roughness))
frag.write('metallic = {0};'.format(out_metallic))
frag.write('occlusion = {0};'.format(out_occlusion))
frag.write('specular = {0};'.format(out_specular))
if '_Emission' in wrd.world_defs:
frag.write('emission = {0};'.format(out_emission))
if parse_opacity:
frag.write('opacity = {0} - 0.0002;'.format(out_opacity))
# Volume
# parse_volume_input(node.inputs[1])
# Displacement
if _parse_displacement and disp_enabled() and node.inputs[2].is_linked:
parsed = {}
parents = []
normal_parsed = False
rpdat = arm.utils.get_rp()
if rpdat.arm_rp_displacement == 'Tessellation' and tese != None:
curshader = tese
curshader = vert
out_disp = parse_displacement_input(node.inputs[2])
curshader.write('vec3 disp = {0};'.format(out_disp))
def parse_group(node, socket): # Entering group
index = socket_index(node, socket)
output_node = node_by_type(node.node_tree.nodes, 'GROUP_OUTPUT')
if output_node == None:
inp = output_node.inputs[index]
out_group = parse_input(inp)
return out_group
def parse_group_input(node, socket):
index = socket_index(node, socket)
parent = parents.pop() # Leaving group
inp = parent.inputs[index]
res = parse_input(inp)
parents.append(parent) # Return to group
return res
def parse_input(inp):
if inp.type == 'SHADER':
return parse_shader_input(inp)
elif inp.type == 'RGB':
return parse_vector_input(inp)
elif inp.type == 'RGBA':
return parse_vector_input(inp)
elif inp.type == 'VECTOR':
return parse_vector_input(inp)
elif inp.type == 'VALUE':
return parse_value_input(inp)
def parse_shader_input(inp):
if inp.is_linked:
l = inp.links[0]
if l.from_node.type == 'REROUTE':
return parse_shader_input(l.from_node.inputs[0])
return parse_shader(l.from_node, l.from_socket)
out_basecol = 'vec3(0.8)'
out_roughness = '0.0'
out_metallic = '0.0'
out_occlusion = '1.0'
out_specular = '1.0'
out_opacity = '1.0'
out_emission = '0.0'
return out_basecol, out_roughness, out_metallic, out_occlusion, out_specular, out_opacity, out_emission
def parse_shader(node, socket):
global emission_found
out_basecol = 'vec3(0.8)'
out_roughness = '0.0'
out_metallic = '0.0'
out_occlusion = '1.0'
out_specular = '1.0'
out_opacity = '1.0'
out_emission = '0.0'
if node.type == 'GROUP':
if'Armory PBR'):
if parse_surface:
# Base color
out_basecol = parse_vector_input(node.inputs[0])
# Occlusion
out_occlusion = parse_value_input(node.inputs[2])
# Roughness
out_roughness = parse_value_input(node.inputs[3])
# Metallic
out_metallic = parse_value_input(node.inputs[4])
# Normal
if node.inputs[5].is_linked and node.inputs[5].links[0].from_node.type == 'NORMAL_MAP':
warn(mat_name() + ' - Do not use Normal Map node with Armory PBR, connect Image Texture directly')
# Emission
if node.inputs[6].is_linked or node.inputs[6].default_value != 0.0:
out_emission = parse_value_input(node.inputs[6])
emission_found = True
if parse_opacity:
out_opacity = parse_value_input(node.inputs[1])
return parse_group(node, socket)
elif node.type == 'GROUP_INPUT':
return parse_group_input(node, socket)
elif node.type == 'MIX_SHADER':
prefix = '' if node.inputs[0].is_linked else 'const '
fac = parse_value_input(node.inputs[0])
fac_var = node_name( + '_fac'
fac_inv_var = node_name( + '_fac_inv'
curshader.write('{0}float {1} = {2};'.format(prefix, fac_var, fac))
curshader.write('{0}float {1} = 1.0 - {2};'.format(prefix, fac_inv_var, fac_var))
bc1, rough1, met1, occ1, spec1, opac1, emi1 = parse_shader_input(node.inputs[1])
bc2, rough2, met2, occ2, spec2, opac2, emi2 = parse_shader_input(node.inputs[2])
if parse_surface:
out_basecol = '({0} * {3} + {1} * {2})'.format(bc1, bc2, fac_var, fac_inv_var)
out_roughness = '({0} * {3} + {1} * {2})'.format(rough1, rough2, fac_var, fac_inv_var)
out_metallic = '({0} * {3} + {1} * {2})'.format(met1, met2, fac_var, fac_inv_var)
out_occlusion = '({0} * {3} + {1} * {2})'.format(occ1, occ2, fac_var, fac_inv_var)
out_specular = '({0} * {3} + {1} * {2})'.format(spec1, spec2, fac_var, fac_inv_var)
out_emission = '({0} * {3} + {1} * {2})'.format(emi1, emi2, fac_var, fac_inv_var)
if parse_opacity:
out_opacity = '({0} * {3} + {1} * {2})'.format(opac1, opac2, fac_var, fac_inv_var)
elif node.type == 'ADD_SHADER':
bc1, rough1, met1, occ1, spec1, opac1, emi1 = parse_shader_input(node.inputs[0])
bc2, rough2, met2, occ2, spec2, opac2, emi2 = parse_shader_input(node.inputs[1])
if parse_surface:
out_basecol = '({0} + {1})'.format(bc1, bc2)
out_roughness = '({0} * 0.5 + {1} * 0.5)'.format(rough1, rough2)
out_metallic = '({0} * 0.5 + {1} * 0.5)'.format(met1, met2)
out_occlusion = '({0} * 0.5 + {1} * 0.5)'.format(occ1, occ2)
out_specular = '({0} * 0.5 + {1} * 0.5)'.format(spec1, spec2)
out_emission = '({0} * 0.5 + {1} * 0.5)'.format(emi1, emi2)
if parse_opacity:
out_opacity = '({0} * 0.5 + {1} * 0.5)'.format(opac1, opac2)
elif node.type == 'BSDF_PRINCIPLED':
if parse_surface:
out_basecol = parse_vector_input(node.inputs[0])
# subsurface = parse_vector_input(node.inputs[1])
# subsurface_radius = parse_vector_input(node.inputs[2])
# subsurface_color = parse_vector_input(node.inputs[3])
out_metallic = parse_value_input(node.inputs[4])
out_specular = parse_value_input(node.inputs[5])
# specular_tint = parse_vector_input(node.inputs[6])
out_roughness = parse_value_input(node.inputs[7])
# aniso = parse_vector_input(node.inputs[8])
# aniso_rot = parse_vector_input(node.inputs[9])
# sheen = parse_vector_input(node.inputs[10])
# sheen_tint = parse_vector_input(node.inputs[11])
# clearcoat = parse_vector_input(node.inputs[12])
# clearcoat_rough = parse_vector_input(node.inputs[13])
# ior = parse_vector_input(node.inputs[14])
# transmission = parse_vector_input(node.inputs[15])
# transmission_roughness = parse_vector_input(node.inputs[16])
if node.inputs[17].is_linked or node.inputs[17].default_value[0] != 0.0:
out_emission = '({0}.x)'.format(parse_vector_input(node.inputs[17]))
emission_found = True
# clearcoar_normal = parse_vector_input(node.inputs[20])
# tangent = parse_vector_input(node.inputs[21])
if parse_opacity:
if len(node.inputs) > 20:
out_opacity = parse_value_input(node.inputs[18])
elif node.type == 'BSDF_DIFFUSE':
if parse_surface:
out_basecol = parse_vector_input(node.inputs[0])
out_roughness = parse_value_input(node.inputs[1])
out_specular = '0.0'
elif node.type == 'BSDF_GLOSSY':
if parse_surface:
out_basecol = parse_vector_input(node.inputs[0])
out_roughness = parse_value_input(node.inputs[1])
out_metallic = '1.0'
elif node.type == 'AMBIENT_OCCLUSION':
if parse_surface:
# Single channel
out_occlusion = parse_vector_input(node.inputs[0]) + '.r'
elif node.type == 'BSDF_ANISOTROPIC':
if parse_surface:
# Revert to glossy
out_basecol = parse_vector_input(node.inputs[0])
out_roughness = parse_value_input(node.inputs[1])
out_metallic = '1.0'
elif node.type == 'EMISSION':
if parse_surface:
# Multiply basecol
out_basecol = parse_vector_input(node.inputs[0])
out_emission = '1.0'
emission_found = True
emission_strength = parse_value_input(node.inputs[1])
out_basecol = '({0} * {1})'.format(out_basecol, emission_strength)
elif node.type == 'BSDF_GLASS':
if parse_surface:
out_roughness = parse_value_input(node.inputs[1])
if parse_opacity:
out_opacity = '(1.0 - {0}.r)'.format(parse_vector_input(node.inputs[0]))
elif node.type == 'BSDF_HAIR':
elif node.type == 'HOLDOUT':
if parse_surface:
# Occlude
out_occlusion = '0.0'
elif node.type == 'BSDF_REFRACTION':
# write_normal(node.inputs[3])
elif node.type == 'SUBSURFACE_SCATTERING':
if parse_surface:
out_basecol = parse_vector_input(node.inputs[0])
elif node.type == 'BSDF_TOON':
# write_normal(node.inputs[3])
elif node.type == 'BSDF_TRANSLUCENT':
if parse_surface:
if parse_opacity:
out_opacity = '(1.0 - {0}.r)'.format(parse_vector_input(node.inputs[0]))
elif node.type == 'BSDF_TRANSPARENT':
if parse_opacity:
out_opacity = '(1.0 - {0}.r)'.format(parse_vector_input(node.inputs[0]))
elif node.type == 'BSDF_VELVET':
if parse_surface:
out_basecol = parse_vector_input(node.inputs[0])
out_roughness = '1.0'
out_metallic = '1.0'
elif node.type == 'VOLUME_ABSORPTION':
elif node.type == 'VOLUME_SCATTER':
return out_basecol, out_roughness, out_metallic, out_occlusion, out_specular, out_opacity, out_emission
def parse_displacement_input(inp):
if inp.is_linked:
l = inp.links[0]
if l.from_node.type == 'REROUTE':
return parse_displacement_input(l.from_node.inputs[0])
return parse_vector_input(inp)
return None
def parse_vector_input(inp):
if inp.is_linked:
l = inp.links[0]
if l.from_node.type == 'REROUTE':
return parse_vector_input(l.from_node.inputs[0])
res_var = write_result(l)
st = l.from_socket.type
if st == 'RGB' or st == 'RGBA' or st == 'VECTOR':
return res_var
else: # VALUE
return 'vec3({0})'.format(res_var)
if inp.type == 'VALUE': # Unlinked reroute
return to_vec3([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
if mat_batch() and inp.is_uniform:
return to_uniform(inp)
return to_vec3(inp.default_value)
def parse_vector(node, socket):
global particle_info
global sample_bump
global sample_bump_res
if node.type == 'GROUP':
return parse_group(node, socket)
elif node.type == 'GROUP_INPUT':
return parse_group_input(node, socket)
elif node.type == 'VERTEX_COLOR':
con.add_elem('col', 'short4norm') # Vcols only for now
return 'vcolor'
elif node.type == 'ATTRIBUTE':
if socket == node.outputs[0]: # Color
con.add_elem('col', 'short4norm') # Vcols only for now
return 'vcolor'
else: # Vector
con.add_elem('tex', 'short2norm') # UVMaps only for now
mat = mat_get_material()
mat_users = mat_get_material_users()
if mat_users != None and mat in mat_users:
mat_user = mat_users[mat][0]
if hasattr(, 'uv_layers'): # No uvlayers for Curve
lays =
# Second uvmap referenced
if len(lays) > 1 and node.attribute_name == lays[1].name:
con.add_elem('tex1', 'short2norm')
return 'vec3(texCoord1.x, 1.0 - texCoord1.y, 0.0)'
return 'vec3(texCoord.x, 1.0 - texCoord.y, 0.0)'
elif node.type == 'RGB':
if node.arm_material_param:
nn = 'param_' + node_name(
curshader.add_uniform('vec3 {0}'.format(nn), link='{0}'.format(
return nn
return to_vec3(socket.default_value)
elif node.type == 'TEX_BRICK':
if node.inputs[0].is_linked:
co = parse_vector_input(node.inputs[0])
co = 'bposition'
col1 = parse_vector_input(node.inputs[1])
col2 = parse_vector_input(node.inputs[2])
col3 = parse_vector_input(node.inputs[3])
scale = parse_value_input(node.inputs[4])
res = 'tex_brick({0} * {4}, {1}, {2}, {3})'.format(co, col1, col2, col3, scale)
if sample_bump:
write_bump(node, res)
return res
elif node.type == 'TEX_CHECKER':
if node.inputs[0].is_linked:
co = parse_vector_input(node.inputs[0])
co = 'bposition'
col1 = parse_vector_input(node.inputs[1])
col2 = parse_vector_input(node.inputs[2])
scale = parse_value_input(node.inputs[3])
res = 'tex_checker({0}, {1}, {2}, {3})'.format(co, col1, col2, scale)
if sample_bump:
write_bump(node, res)
return res
elif node.type == 'TEX_ENVIRONMENT':
# Pass through
return to_vec3([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
elif node.type == 'TEX_GRADIENT':
if node.inputs[0].is_linked:
co = parse_vector_input(node.inputs[0])
co = 'bposition'
grad = node.gradient_type
if grad == 'LINEAR':
f = '{0}.x'.format(co)
elif grad == 'QUADRATIC':
f = '0.0'
elif grad == 'EASING':
f = '0.0'
elif grad == 'DIAGONAL':
f = '({0}.x + {0}.y) * 0.5'.format(co)
elif grad == 'RADIAL':
f = 'atan({0}.y, {0}.x) / PI2 + 0.5'.format(co)
elif grad == 'QUADRATIC_SPHERE':
f = '0.0'
elif grad == 'SPHERICAL':
f = 'max(1.0 - sqrt({0}.x * {0}.x + {0}.y * {0}.y + {0}.z * {0}.z), 0.0)'.format(co)
res = 'vec3(clamp({0}, 0.0, 1.0))'.format(f)
if sample_bump:
write_bump(node, res)
return res
elif node.type == 'TEX_IMAGE':
# Already fetched
if is_parsed(store_var_name(node)):
return '{0}.rgb'.format(store_var_name(node))
tex_name = node_name(
tex = make_texture(node, tex_name)
tex_link = if node.arm_material_param else None
if tex != None:
curshader.write_textures += 1
to_linear = node.image != None and == 'sRGB'
res = '{0}.rgb'.format(texture_store(node, tex, tex_name, to_linear, tex_link=tex_link))
curshader.write_textures -= 1
return res
elif node.image == None: # Empty texture
tex = {}
tex['name'] = tex_name
tex['file'] = ''
return '{0}.rgb'.format(texture_store(node, tex, tex_name, to_linear=False, tex_link=tex_link))
global parsed
tex_store = store_var_name(node) # Pink color for missing texture
parsed[tex_store] = True
curshader.write_textures += 1
curshader.write('vec4 {0} = vec4(1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0);'.format(tex_store))
curshader.write_textures -= 1
return '{0}.rgb'.format(tex_store)
elif node.type == 'TEX_MAGIC':
if node.inputs[0].is_linked:
co = parse_vector_input(node.inputs[0])
co = 'bposition'
scale = parse_value_input(node.inputs[1])
res = 'tex_magic({0} * {1} * 4.0)'.format(co, scale)
if sample_bump:
write_bump(node, res, 0.1)
return res
elif node.type == 'TEX_MUSGRAVE':
if node.inputs[0].is_linked:
co = parse_vector_input(node.inputs[0])
co = 'bposition'
scale = parse_value_input(node.inputs[1])
# detail = parse_value_input(node.inputs[2])
# distortion = parse_value_input(node.inputs[3])
res = 'vec3(tex_musgrave_f({0} * {1} * 0.5))'.format(co, scale)
if sample_bump:
write_bump(node, res)
return res
elif node.type == 'TEX_NOISE':
assets_add(get_sdk_path() + '/armory/Assets/' + 'noise256.png')
curshader.add_uniform('sampler2D snoise256', link='$noise256.png')
if node.inputs[0].is_linked:
co = parse_vector_input(node.inputs[0])
co = 'bposition'
scale = parse_value_input(node.inputs[1])
# detail = parse_value_input(node.inputs[2])
# distortion = parse_value_input(node.inputs[3])
# Slow..
res = 'vec3(tex_noise({0} * {1}), tex_noise({0} * {1} + 0.33), tex_noise({0} * {1} + 0.66))'.format(co, scale)
if sample_bump:
write_bump(node, res, 0.1)
return res
elif node.type == 'TEX_POINTDENSITY':
# Pass through
return to_vec3([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
elif node.type == 'TEX_SKY':
# Pass through
return to_vec3([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
elif node.type == 'TEX_VORONOI':
assets_add(get_sdk_path() + '/armory/Assets/' + 'noise256.png')
curshader.add_uniform('sampler2D snoise256', link='$noise256.png')
if node.inputs[0].is_linked:
co = parse_vector_input(node.inputs[0])
co = 'bposition'
scale = parse_value_input(node.inputs[1])
if node.coloring == 'INTENSITY':
res = 'vec3(tex_voronoi({0} * {1}).a)'.format(co, scale)
else: # CELLS
res = 'tex_voronoi({0} * {1}).rgb'.format(co, scale)
if sample_bump:
write_bump(node, res)
return res
elif node.type == 'TEX_WAVE':
if node.inputs[0].is_linked:
co = parse_vector_input(node.inputs[0])
co = 'bposition'
scale = parse_value_input(node.inputs[1])
res = 'vec3(tex_wave_f({0} * {1}))'.format(co, scale)
if sample_bump:
write_bump(node, res)
return res
elif node.type == 'BRIGHTCONTRAST':
out_col = parse_vector_input(node.inputs[0])
bright = parse_value_input(node.inputs[1])
contr = parse_value_input(node.inputs[2])
return 'brightcontrast({0}, {1}, {2})'.format(out_col, bright, contr)
elif node.type == 'GAMMA':
out_col = parse_vector_input(node.inputs[0])
gamma = parse_value_input(node.inputs[1])
return 'pow({0}, vec3({1}))'.format(out_col, gamma)
elif node.type == 'HUE_SAT':
hue = parse_value_input(node.inputs[0])
sat = parse_value_input(node.inputs[1])
val = parse_value_input(node.inputs[2])
fac = parse_value_input(node.inputs[3])
col = parse_vector_input(node.inputs[4])
return 'hue_sat({0}, vec4({1}-0.5, {2}, {3}, 1.0-{4}))'.format(col, hue, sat, val, fac)
elif node.type == 'INVERT':
fac = parse_value_input(node.inputs[0])
out_col = parse_vector_input(node.inputs[1])
return 'mix({0}, vec3(1.0) - ({0}), {1})'.format(out_col, fac)
elif node.type == 'MIX_RGB':
fac = parse_value_input(node.inputs[0])
fac_var = node_name( + '_fac'
curshader.write('float {0} = {1};'.format(fac_var, fac))
col1 = parse_vector_input(node.inputs[1])
col2 = parse_vector_input(node.inputs[2])
blend = node.blend_type
if blend == 'MIX':
out_col = 'mix({0}, {1}, {2})'.format(col1, col2, fac_var)
elif blend == 'ADD':
out_col = 'mix({0}, {0} + {1}, {2})'.format(col1, col2, fac_var)
elif blend == 'MULTIPLY':
out_col = 'mix({0}, {0} * {1}, {2})'.format(col1, col2, fac_var)
elif blend == 'SUBTRACT':
out_col = 'mix({0}, {0} - {1}, {2})'.format(col1, col2, fac_var)
elif blend == 'SCREEN':
out_col = '(vec3(1.0) - (vec3(1.0 - {2}) + {2} * (vec3(1.0) - {1})) * (vec3(1.0) - {0}))'.format(col1, col2, fac_var)
elif blend == 'DIVIDE':
out_col = '(vec3((1.0 - {2}) * {0} + {2} * {0} / {1}))'.format(col1, col2, fac_var)
elif blend == 'DIFFERENCE':
out_col = 'mix({0}, abs({0} - {1}), {2})'.format(col1, col2, fac_var)
elif blend == 'DARKEN':
out_col = 'min({0}, {1} * {2})'.format(col1, col2, fac_var)
elif blend == 'LIGHTEN':
out_col = 'max({0}, {1} * {2})'.format(col1, col2, fac_var)
elif blend == 'OVERLAY':
out_col = 'mix({0}, {1}, {2})'.format(col1, col2, fac_var) # Revert to mix
elif blend == 'DODGE':
out_col = 'mix({0}, {1}, {2})'.format(col1, col2, fac_var) # Revert to mix
elif blend == 'BURN':
out_col = 'mix({0}, {1}, {2})'.format(col1, col2, fac_var) # Revert to mix
elif blend == 'HUE':
out_col = 'mix({0}, {1}, {2})'.format(col1, col2, fac_var) # Revert to mix
elif blend == 'SATURATION':
out_col = 'mix({0}, {1}, {2})'.format(col1, col2, fac_var) # Revert to mix
elif blend == 'VALUE':
out_col = 'mix({0}, {1}, {2})'.format(col1, col2, fac_var) # Revert to mix
elif blend == 'COLOR':
out_col = 'mix({0}, {1}, {2})'.format(col1, col2, fac_var) # Revert to mix
elif blend == 'SOFT_LIGHT':
out_col = '((1.0 - {2}) * {0} + {2} * ((vec3(1.0) - {0}) * {1} * {0} + {0} * (vec3(1.0) - (vec3(1.0) - {1}) * (vec3(1.0) - {0}))));'.format(col1, col2, fac)
elif blend == 'LINEAR_LIGHT':
out_col = 'mix({0}, {1}, {2})'.format(col1, col2, fac_var) # Revert to mix
# out_col = '({0} + {2} * (2.0 * ({1} - vec3(0.5))))'.format(col1, col2, fac_var)
if node.use_clamp:
return 'clamp({0}, vec3(0.0), vec3(1.0))'.format(out_col)
return out_col
elif node.type == 'BLACKBODY':
t = float(parse_value_input(node.inputs[0]))
rgb = [0,0,0]
blackbody_table_r = [
[2.52432244e+03, -1.06185848e-03, 3.11067539e+00],
[3.37763626e+03, -4.34581697e-04, 1.64843306e+00],
[4.10671449e+03, -8.61949938e-05, 6.41423749e-01],
[4.66849800e+03, 2.85655028e-05, 1.29075375e-01],
[4.60124770e+03, 2.89727618e-05, 1.48001316e-01],
[3.78765709e+03, 9.36026367e-06, 3.98995841e-01]
blackbody_table_g = [
[-7.50343014e+02, 3.15679613e-04, 4.73464526e-01],
[-1.00402363e+03, 1.29189794e-04, 9.08181524e-01],
[-1.22075471e+03, 2.56245413e-05, 1.20753416e+00],
[-1.42546105e+03, -4.01730887e-05, 1.44002695e+00],
[-1.18134453e+03, -2.18913373e-05, 1.30656109e+00],
[-5.00279505e+02, -4.59745390e-06, 1.09090465e+00]
blackbody_table_b = [
[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
[-2.02524603e-11, 1.79435860e-07, -2.60561875e-04, -1.41761141e-02],
[-2.22463426e-13, -1.55078698e-08, 3.81675160e-04, -7.30646033e-01],
[6.72595954e-13, -2.73059993e-08, 4.24068546e-04, -7.52204323e-01]
if (t >= 12000):
rgb[0] = 0.826270103
rgb[1] = 0.994478524
rgb[2] = 1.56626022
elif (t < 965.0):
rgb[0] = 4.70366907
rgb[1] = 0.0
rgb[2] = 0.0
if (t >= 6365.0):
i = 5
elif(t >= 3315.0):
i = 4
elif(t >= 1902.0):
i = 3
elif(t >= 1449.0):
i = 2
elif(t >= 1167.0):
i = 1
i = 0
r = blackbody_table_r[i]
g = blackbody_table_g[i]
b = blackbody_table_b[i]
t_inv = 1.0 / t
rgb[0] = r[0] * t_inv + r[1] * t + r[2]
rgb[1] = g[0] * t_inv + g[1] * t + g[2]
rgb[2] = ((b[0] * t + b[1]) * t + b[2]) * t + b[3]
# Pass constant
return to_vec3([rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2]])
elif node.type == 'VALTORGB': # ColorRamp
fac = parse_value_input(node.inputs[0])
interp = node.color_ramp.interpolation
elems = node.color_ramp.elements
if len(elems) == 1:
return to_vec3(elems[0].color)
# Write cols array
cols_var = node_name( + '_cols'
curshader.write('vec3 {0}[{1}];'.format(cols_var, len(elems))) # TODO: Make const
for i in range(0, len(elems)):
curshader.write('{0}[{1}] = vec3({2}, {3}, {4});'.format(cols_var, i, elems[i].color[0], elems[i].color[1], elems[i].color[2]))
# Get index
fac_var = node_name( + '_fac'
curshader.write('float {0} = {1};'.format(fac_var, fac))
index = '0'
for i in range(1, len(elems)):
index += ' + ({0} > {1} ? 1 : 0)'.format(fac_var, elems[i].position)
# Write index
index_var = node_name( + '_i'
curshader.write('int {0} = {1};'.format(index_var, index))
if interp == 'CONSTANT':
return '{0}[{1}]'.format(cols_var, index_var)
else: # Linear
# Write facs array
facs_var = node_name( + '_facs'
curshader.write('float {0}[{1}];'.format(facs_var, len(elems))) # TODO: Make const
for i in range(0, len(elems)):
curshader.write('{0}[{1}] = {2};'.format(facs_var, i, elems[i].position))
# Mix color
# float f = (pos - start) * (1.0 / (finish - start))
return 'mix({0}[{1}], {0}[{1} + 1], ({2} - {3}[{1}]) * (1.0 / ({3}[{1} + 1] - {3}[{1}]) ))'.format(cols_var, index_var, fac_var, facs_var)
elif node.type == 'CURVE_VEC': # Vector Curves
fac = parse_value_input(node.inputs[0])
vec = parse_vector_input(node.inputs[1])
curves = node.mapping.curves
name = node_name(
# mapping.curves[0].points[0].handle_type # bezier curve
return '(vec3({0}, {1}, {2}) * {3})'.format(\
vector_curve(name + '0', vec + '.x', curves[0].points), vector_curve(name + '1', vec + '.y', curves[1].points), vector_curve(name + '2', vec + '.z', curves[2].points), fac)
elif node.type == 'CURVE_RGB': # RGB Curves
fac = parse_value_input(node.inputs[0])
vec = parse_vector_input(node.inputs[1])
curves = node.mapping.curves
name = node_name(
# mapping.curves[0].points[0].handle_type
return '(sqrt(vec3({0}, {1}, {2}) * vec3({4}, {5}, {6})) * {3})'.format(\
vector_curve(name + '0', vec + '.x', curves[0].points), vector_curve(name + '1', vec + '.y', curves[1].points), vector_curve(name + '2', vec + '.z', curves[2].points), fac,\
vector_curve(name + '3a', vec + '.x', curves[3].points), vector_curve(name + '3b', vec + '.y', curves[3].points), vector_curve(name + '3c', vec + '.z', curves[3].points))
elif node.type == 'COMBHSV':
h = parse_value_input(node.inputs[0])
s = parse_value_input(node.inputs[1])
v = parse_value_input(node.inputs[2])
return 'hsv_to_rgb(vec3({0}, {1}, {2}))'.format(h,s,v)
elif node.type == 'COMBRGB':
r = parse_value_input(node.inputs[0])
g = parse_value_input(node.inputs[1])
b = parse_value_input(node.inputs[2])
return 'vec3({0}, {1}, {2})'.format(r, g, b)
elif node.type == 'WAVELENGTH':
wl = parse_value_input(node.inputs[0])
# Roughly map to cycles - 450 to 600 nanometers
return 'wavelength_to_rgb(({0} - 450.0) / 150.0)'.format(wl)
# Vector
elif node.type == 'CAMERA':
# View Vector in camera space
return 'vVecCam'
elif node.type == 'NEW_GEOMETRY':
if socket == node.outputs[0]: # Position
return 'wposition'
elif socket == node.outputs[1]: # Normal
return 'n' if curshader.shader_type == 'frag' else 'wnormal'
elif socket == node.outputs[2]: # Tangent
return 'wtangent'
elif socket == node.outputs[3]: # True Normal
return 'n' if curshader.shader_type == 'frag' else 'wnormal'
elif socket == node.outputs[4]: # Incoming
return 'vVec'
elif socket == node.outputs[5]: # Parametric
return 'mposition'
elif node.type == 'HAIR_INFO':
return 'vec3(0.0)' # Tangent Normal
elif node.type == 'OBJECT_INFO':
return 'wposition'
elif node.type == 'PARTICLE_INFO':
if socket == node.outputs[3]: # Location
particle_info['location'] = True
return 'p_location' if arm.utils.get_rp().arm_particles == 'On' else 'vec3(0.0)'
elif socket == node.outputs[5]: # Velocity
particle_info['velocity'] = True
return 'p_velocity' if arm.utils.get_rp().arm_particles == 'On' else 'vec3(0.0)'
elif socket == node.outputs[6]: # Angular Velocity
particle_info['angular_velocity'] = True
return 'vec3(0.0)'
elif node.type == 'TANGENT':
return 'wtangent'
elif node.type == 'TEX_COORD':
#obj = node.object
#instance = node.from_instance
if socket == node.outputs[0]: # Generated - bounds
return 'bposition'
elif socket == node.outputs[1]: # Normal
return 'n'
elif socket == node.outputs[2]: # UV
con.add_elem('tex', 'short2norm')
return 'vec3(texCoord.x, 1.0 - texCoord.y, 0.0)'
elif socket == node.outputs[3]: # Object
return 'mposition'
elif socket == node.outputs[4]: # Camera
return 'vec3(0.0)' # 'vposition'
elif socket == node.outputs[5]: # Window
return 'vec3(0.0)' # 'wvpposition'
elif socket == node.outputs[6]: # Reflection
return 'vec3(0.0)'
elif node.type == 'UVMAP':
#instance = node.from_instance
con.add_elem('tex', 'short2norm')
mat = mat_get_material()
mat_users = mat_get_material_users()
if mat_users != None and mat in mat_users:
mat_user = mat_users[mat][0]
if hasattr(, 'uv_layers'):
lays =
# Second uvmap referenced
if len(lays) > 1 and node.uv_map == lays[1].name:
con.add_elem('tex1', 'short2norm')
return 'vec3(texCoord1.x, 1.0 - texCoord1.y, 0.0)'
return 'vec3(texCoord.x, 1.0 - texCoord.y, 0.0)'
elif node.type == 'BUMP':
# Interpolation strength
strength = parse_value_input(node.inputs[0])
# Height multiplier
# distance = parse_value_input(node.inputs[1])
sample_bump = True
height = parse_value_input(node.inputs[2])
sample_bump = False
nor = parse_vector_input(node.inputs[3])
if sample_bump_res != '':
if node.invert:
ext = ['1', '2', '3', '4']
ext = ['2', '1', '4', '3']
curshader.write('float {0}_fh1 = {0}_{1} - {0}_{2}; float {0}_fh2 = {0}_{3} - {0}_{4};'.format(sample_bump_res, ext[0], ext[1], ext[2], ext[3]))
curshader.write('{0}_fh1 *= ({1}) * 3.0; {0}_fh2 *= ({1}) * 3.0;'.format(sample_bump_res, strength))
curshader.write('vec3 {0}_a = normalize(vec3(2.0, 0.0, {0}_fh1));'.format(sample_bump_res))
curshader.write('vec3 {0}_b = normalize(vec3(0.0, 2.0, {0}_fh2));'.format(sample_bump_res))
res = 'normalize(mat3({0}_a, {0}_b, normalize(vec3({0}_fh1, {0}_fh2, 2.0))) * n)'.format(sample_bump_res)
sample_bump_res = ''
res = 'n'
return res
elif node.type == 'MAPPING':
out = parse_vector_input(node.inputs[0])
scale = node.inputs['Scale'].default_value
rotation = node.inputs['Rotation'].default_value
location = node.inputs['Location'].default_value if node.inputs['Location'].enabled else [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
if scale[0] != 1.0 or scale[1] != 1.0 or scale[2] != 1.0:
out = '({0} * vec3({1}, {2}, {3}))'.format(out, scale[0], scale[1], scale[2])
if rotation[2] != 0.0:
# ZYX rotation, Z axis for now..
a = rotation[2]
# x * cos(theta) - y * sin(theta)
# x * sin(theta) + y * cos(theta)
out = 'vec3({0}.x * {1} - ({0}.y) * {2}, {0}.x * {2} + ({0}.y) * {1}, 0.0)'.format(out, math.cos(a), math.sin(a))
# if node.rotation[1] != 0.0:
# a = node.rotation[1]
# out = 'vec3({0}.x * {1} - {0}.z * {2}, {0}.x * {2} + {0}.z * {1}, 0.0)'.format(out, math.cos(a), math.sin(a))
# if node.rotation[0] != 0.0:
# a = node.rotation[0]
# out = 'vec3({0}.y * {1} - {0}.z * {2}, {0}.y * {2} + {0}.z * {1}, 0.0)'.format(out, math.cos(a), math.sin(a))
if location[0] != 0.0 or location[1] != 0.0 or location[2] != 0.0:
out = '({0} + vec3({1}, {2}, {3}))'.format(out, location[0], location[1], location[2])
# use Extension parameter from the Texture node instead
# if node.use_min:
# out = 'max({0}, vec3({1}, {2}, {3}))'.format(out, node.min[0], node.min[1])
# if node.use_max:
# out = 'min({0}, vec3({1}, {2}, {3}))'.format(out, node.max[0], node.max[1])
return out
elif node.type == 'NORMAL':
if socket == node.outputs[0]:
return to_vec3(node.outputs[0].default_value)
elif socket == node.outputs[1]: # TODO: is parse_value path preferred?
nor = parse_vector_input(node.inputs[0])
return 'vec3(dot({0}, {1}))'.format(to_vec3(node.outputs[0].default_value), nor)
elif node.type == 'NORMAL_MAP':
if curshader == tese:
return parse_vector_input(node.inputs[1])
#space =
#map = node.uv_map
# Color
parse_normal_map_color_input(node.inputs[1], node.inputs[0])
return None
elif node.type == 'VECT_TRANSFORM':
#type = node.vector_type
#conv_from = node.convert_from
#conv_to = node.convert_to
# Pass throuh
return parse_vector_input(node.inputs[0])
elif node.type == 'COMBXYZ':
x = parse_value_input(node.inputs[0])
y = parse_value_input(node.inputs[1])
z = parse_value_input(node.inputs[2])
return 'vec3({0}, {1}, {2})'.format(x, y, z)
elif node.type == 'VECT_MATH':
vec1 = parse_vector_input(node.inputs[0])
vec2 = parse_vector_input(node.inputs[1])
op = node.operation
if op == 'ADD':
return '({0} + {1})'.format(vec1, vec2)
elif op == 'SUBTRACT':
return '({0} - {1})'.format(vec1, vec2)
elif op == 'AVERAGE':
return '(({0} + {1}) / 2.0)'.format(vec1, vec2)
elif op == 'DOT_PRODUCT':
return 'vec3(dot({0}, {1}))'.format(vec1, vec2)
elif op == 'CROSS_PRODUCT':
return 'cross({0}, {1})'.format(vec1, vec2)
elif op == 'NORMALIZE':
return 'normalize({0})'.format(vec1)
elif node.type == 'DISPLACEMENT':
height = parse_value_input(node.inputs[0])
midlevel = parse_value_input(node.inputs[1])
scale = parse_value_input(node.inputs[2])
nor = parse_vector_input(node.inputs[3])
return '(vec3({0}) * {1})'.format(height, scale)
def parse_normal_map_color_input(inp, strength_input=None):
global normal_parsed
global frag
if basecol_only:
if inp.is_linked == False:
if normal_parsed:
normal_parsed = True
frag.write_normal += 1
if not get_arm_export_tangents() or mat_get_material().arm_decal: # Compute TBN matrix
frag.write('vec3 texn = ({0}) * 2.0 - 1.0;'.format(parse_vector_input(inp)))
frag.write('texn.y = -texn.y;')
frag.write('mat3 TBN = cotangentFrame(n, -vVec, texCoord);')
frag.write('n = TBN * normalize(texn);')
frag.write('vec3 n = ({0}) * 2.0 - 1.0;'.format(parse_vector_input(inp)))
if strength_input != None:
strength = parse_value_input(strength_input)
if strength != '1.0':
frag.write('n.xy *= {0};'.format(strength))
frag.write('n = normalize(TBN * n);')
con.add_elem('tang', 'short4norm')
frag.write_normal -= 1
def parse_value_input(inp):
if inp.is_linked:
l = inp.links[0]
if l.from_node.type == 'REROUTE':
return parse_value_input(l.from_node.inputs[0])
res_var = write_result(l)
st = l.from_socket.type
if st == 'RGB' or st == 'RGBA' or st == 'VECTOR':
return '{0}.x'.format(res_var)
else: # VALUE
return res_var
if mat_batch() and inp.is_uniform:
return to_uniform(inp)
return to_vec1(inp.default_value)
def parse_value(node, socket):
global particle_info
global sample_bump
if node.type == 'GROUP':
if'Armory PBR'):
# Displacement
if socket == node.outputs[1]:
return parse_value_input(node.inputs[7])
return None
return parse_group(node, socket)
elif node.type == 'GROUP_INPUT':
return parse_group_input(node, socket)
elif node.type == 'ATTRIBUTE':
# Pass time till drivers are implemented
if node.attribute_name == 'time':
curshader.add_uniform('float time', link='_time')
return 'time'
return '0.0'
elif node.type == 'CAMERA':
# View Z Depth
if socket == node.outputs[1]:
curshader.add_uniform('vec2 cameraProj', link='_cameraPlaneProj')
return 'linearize(gl_FragCoord.z, cameraProj)'
# View Distance
curshader.add_uniform('vec3 eye', link='_cameraPosition')
return 'distance(eye, wposition)'
elif node.type == 'FRESNEL':
ior = parse_value_input(node.inputs[0])
if node.inputs[1].is_linked:
dotnv = 'dot({0}, vVec)'.format(parse_vector_input(node.inputs[1]))
dotnv = 'dotNV'
return 'fresnel({0}, {1})'.format(ior, dotnv)
elif node.type == 'NEW_GEOMETRY':
if socket == node.outputs[6]: # Backfacing
return '(1.0 - float(gl_FrontFacing))'
elif socket == node.outputs[7]: # Pointiness
return '0.0'
elif node.type == 'HAIR_INFO':
# Is Strand
# Intercept
# Thickness
return '0.5'
elif node.type == 'LAYER_WEIGHT':
blend = parse_value_input(node.inputs[0])
if node.inputs[1].is_linked:
dotnv = 'dot({0}, vVec)'.format(parse_vector_input(node.inputs[1]))
dotnv = 'dotNV'
if socket == node.outputs[0]: # Fresnel
return 'fresnel(1.0 / (1.0 - {0}), {1})'.format(blend, dotnv)
elif socket == node.outputs[1]: # Facing
return '(1.0 - pow({0}, ({1} < 0.5) ? 2.0 * {1} : 0.5 / (1.0 - {1})))'.format(dotnv, blend)
elif node.type == 'LIGHT_PATH':
if socket == node.outputs[0]: # Is Camera Ray
return '1.0'
elif socket == node.outputs[1]: # Is Shadow Ray
return '0.0'
elif socket == node.outputs[2]: # Is Diffuse Ray
return '1.0'
elif socket == node.outputs[3]: # Is Glossy Ray
return '1.0'
elif socket == node.outputs[4]: # Is Singular Ray
return '0.0'
elif socket == node.outputs[5]: # Is Reflection Ray
return '0.0'
elif socket == node.outputs[6]: # Is Transmission Ray
return '0.0'
elif socket == node.outputs[7]: # Ray Length
return '0.0'
elif socket == node.outputs[8]: # Ray Depth
return '0.0'
elif socket == node.outputs[9]: # Transparent Depth
return '0.0'
elif socket == node.outputs[10]: # Transmission Depth
return '0.0'
elif node.type == 'OBJECT_INFO':
if socket == node.outputs[2]: # Object Index
curshader.add_uniform('float objectInfoIndex', link='_objectInfoIndex')
return 'objectInfoIndex'
elif socket == node.outputs[3]: # Material Index
curshader.add_uniform('float objectInfoMaterialIndex', link='_objectInfoMaterialIndex')
return 'objectInfoMaterialIndex'
elif socket == node.outputs[4]: # Random
curshader.add_uniform('float objectInfoRandom', link='_objectInfoRandom')
return 'objectInfoRandom'
elif node.type == 'PARTICLE_INFO':
if socket == node.outputs[0]: # Index
particle_info['index'] = True
return 'p_index' if arm.utils.get_rp().arm_particles == 'On' else '0.0'
elif socket == node.outputs[1]: # Age
particle_info['age'] = True
return 'p_age' if arm.utils.get_rp().arm_particles == 'On' else '0.0'
elif socket == node.outputs[2]: # Lifetime
particle_info['lifetime'] = True
return 'p_lifetime' if arm.utils.get_rp().arm_particles == 'On' else '0.0'
elif socket == node.outputs[4]: # Size
particle_info['size'] = True
return '1.0'
elif node.type == 'VALUE':
if node.arm_material_param:
nn = 'param_' + node_name(
curshader.add_uniform('float {0}'.format(nn), link='{0}'.format(
return nn
return to_vec1(node.outputs[0].default_value)
elif node.type == 'WIREFRAME':
# size = parse_value_input(node.inputs[0])
return '0.0'
elif node.type == 'TEX_BRICK':
if node.inputs[0].is_linked:
co = parse_vector_input(node.inputs[0])
co = 'bposition'
scale = parse_value_input(node.inputs[4])
res = 'tex_brick_f({0} * {1})'.format(co, scale)
if sample_bump:
write_bump(node, res)
return res
elif node.type == 'TEX_CHECKER':
if node.inputs[0].is_linked:
co = parse_vector_input(node.inputs[0])
co = 'bposition'
scale = parse_value_input(node.inputs[3])
res = 'tex_checker_f({0}, {1})'.format(co, scale)
if sample_bump:
write_bump(node, res)
return res
elif node.type == 'TEX_GRADIENT':
if node.inputs[0].is_linked:
co = parse_vector_input(node.inputs[0])
co = 'bposition'
grad = node.gradient_type
if grad == 'LINEAR':
f = '{0}.x'.format(co)
elif grad == 'QUADRATIC':
f = '0.0'
elif grad == 'EASING':
f = '0.0'
elif grad == 'DIAGONAL':
f = '({0}.x + {0}.y) * 0.5'.format(co)
elif grad == 'RADIAL':
f = 'atan({0}.y, {0}.x) / PI2 + 0.5'.format(co)
elif grad == 'QUADRATIC_SPHERE':
f = '0.0'
elif grad == 'SPHERICAL':
f = 'max(1.0 - sqrt({0}.x * {0}.x + {0}.y * {0}.y + {0}.z * {0}.z), 0.0)'.format(co)
res = '(clamp({0}, 0.0, 1.0))'.format(f)
if sample_bump:
write_bump(node, res)
return res
elif node.type == 'TEX_IMAGE':
# Already fetched
if is_parsed(store_var_name(node)):
return '{0}.a'.format(store_var_name(node))
tex_name = safesrc(
tex = make_texture(node, tex_name)
tex_link = if node.arm_material_param else None
if tex != None:
curshader.write_textures += 1
res = '{0}.a'.format(texture_store(node, tex, tex_name, tex_link=tex_link))
curshader.write_textures -= 1
return res
elif node.image == None: # Empty texture
tex = {}
tex['name'] = tex_name
tex['file'] = ''
return '{0}.a'.format(texture_store(node, tex, tex_name, True, tex_link=tex_link))
tex_store = store_var_name(node) # Pink color for missing texture
curshader.write('vec4 {0} = vec4(1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0);'.format(tex_store))
return '{0}.a'.format(tex_store)
elif node.type == 'TEX_MAGIC':
if node.inputs[0].is_linked:
co = parse_vector_input(node.inputs[0])
co = 'bposition'
scale = parse_value_input(node.inputs[1])
res = 'tex_magic_f({0} * {1} * 4.0)'.format(co, scale)
if sample_bump:
write_bump(node, res, 0.1)
return res
elif node.type == 'TEX_MUSGRAVE':
# Fall back to noise
if node.inputs[0].is_linked:
co = parse_vector_input(node.inputs[0])
co = 'bposition'
scale = parse_value_input(node.inputs[1])
# detail = parse_value_input(node.inputs[2])
# distortion = parse_value_input(node.inputs[3])
res = 'tex_musgrave_f({0} * {1} * 0.5)'.format(co, scale)
if sample_bump:
write_bump(node, res)
return res
elif node.type == 'TEX_NOISE':
assets_add(get_sdk_path() + '/armory/Assets/' + 'noise256.png')
curshader.add_uniform('sampler2D snoise256', link='$noise256.png')
if node.inputs[0].is_linked:
co = parse_vector_input(node.inputs[0])
co = 'bposition'
scale = parse_value_input(node.inputs[1])
# detail = parse_value_input(node.inputs[2])
# distortion = parse_value_input(node.inputs[3])
res = 'tex_noise({0} * {1})'.format(co, scale)
if sample_bump:
write_bump(node, res, 0.1)
return res
elif node.type == 'TEX_POINTDENSITY':
return '0.0'
elif node.type == 'TEX_VORONOI':
assets_add(get_sdk_path() + '/armory/Assets/' + 'noise256.png')
curshader.add_uniform('sampler2D snoise256', link='$noise256.png')
if node.inputs[0].is_linked:
co = parse_vector_input(node.inputs[0])
co = 'bposition'
scale = parse_value_input(node.inputs[1])
if node.coloring == 'INTENSITY':
res = 'tex_voronoi({0} * {1}).a'.format(co, scale)
else: # CELLS
res = 'tex_voronoi({0} * {1}).r'.format(co, scale)
if sample_bump:
write_bump(node, res)
return res
elif node.type == 'TEX_WAVE':
if node.inputs[0].is_linked:
co = parse_vector_input(node.inputs[0])
co = 'bposition'
scale = parse_value_input(node.inputs[1])
res = 'tex_wave_f({0} * {1})'.format(co, scale)
if sample_bump:
write_bump(node, res)
return res
elif node.type == 'LIGHT_FALLOFF':
# Constant, linear, quadratic
# Shaders default to quadratic for now
return '1.0'
elif node.type == 'NORMAL':
nor = parse_vector_input(node.inputs[0])
return 'dot({0}, {1})'.format(to_vec3(node.outputs[0].default_value), nor)
elif node.type == 'VALTORGB': # ColorRamp
return '1.0'
elif node.type == 'MATH':
val1 = parse_value_input(node.inputs[0])
val2 = parse_value_input(node.inputs[1])
op = node.operation
if op == 'ADD':
out_val = '({0} + {1})'.format(val1, val2)
elif op == 'SUBTRACT':
out_val = '({0} - {1})'.format(val1, val2)
elif op == 'MULTIPLY':
out_val = '({0} * {1})'.format(val1, val2)
elif op == 'DIVIDE':
out_val = '({0} / {1})'.format(val1, val2)
elif op == 'POWER':
out_val = 'pow({0}, {1})'.format(val1, val2)
elif op == 'LOGARITHM':
out_val = 'log({0})'.format(val1)
elif op == 'SQRT':
out_val = 'sqrt({0})'.format(val1)
elif op == 'ABSOLUTE':
out_val = 'abs({0})'.format(val1)
elif op == 'MINIMUM':
out_val = 'min({0}, {1})'.format(val1, val2)
elif op == 'MAXIMUM':
out_val = 'max({0}, {1})'.format(val1, val2)
elif op == 'LESS_THAN':
out_val = 'float({0} < {1})'.format(val1, val2)
elif op == 'GREATER_THAN':
out_val = 'float({0} > {1})'.format(val1, val2)
elif op == 'ROUND':
# out_val = 'round({0})'.format(val1)
out_val = 'floor({0} + 0.5)'.format(val1)
elif op == 'FLOOR':
out_val = 'floor({0})'.format(val1)
elif op == 'CEIL':
out_val = 'ceil({0})'.format(val1)
elif op == 'FRACT':
out_val = 'fract({0})'.format(val1)
elif op == 'MODULO':
# out_val = 'float({0} % {1})'.format(val1, val2)
out_val = 'mod({0}, {1})'.format(val1, val2)
elif op == 'SINE':
out_val = 'sin({0})'.format(val1)
elif op == 'COSINE':
out_val = 'cos({0})'.format(val1)
elif op == 'TANGENT':
out_val = 'tan({0})'.format(val1)
elif op == 'ARCSINE':
out_val = 'asin({0})'.format(val1)
elif op == 'ARCCOSINE':
out_val = 'acos({0})'.format(val1)
elif op == 'ARCTANGENT':
out_val = 'atan({0})'.format(val1)
elif op == 'ARCTAN2':
out_val = 'atan({0}, {1})'.format(val1, val2)
if node.use_clamp:
return 'clamp({0}, 0.0, 1.0)'.format(out_val)
return out_val
elif node.type == 'RGBTOBW':
col = parse_vector_input(node.inputs[0])
return '((({0}.r * 0.3 + {0}.g * 0.59 + {0}.b * 0.11) / 3.0) * 2.5)'.format(col)
elif node.type == 'SEPHSV':
return '0.0'
elif node.type == 'SEPRGB':
col = parse_vector_input(node.inputs[0])
if socket == node.outputs[0]:
return '{0}.r'.format(col)
elif socket == node.outputs[1]:
return '{0}.g'.format(col)
elif socket == node.outputs[2]:
return '{0}.b'.format(col)
elif node.type == 'SEPXYZ':
vec = parse_vector_input(node.inputs[0])
if socket == node.outputs[0]:
return '{0}.x'.format(vec)
elif socket == node.outputs[1]:
return '{0}.y'.format(vec)
elif socket == node.outputs[2]:
return '{0}.z'.format(vec)
elif node.type == 'VECT_MATH':
vec1 = parse_vector_input(node.inputs[0])
vec2 = parse_vector_input(node.inputs[1])
op = node.operation
if op == 'DOT_PRODUCT':
return 'dot({0}, {1})'.format(vec1, vec2)
return '0.0'
def vector_curve(name, fac, points):
# Write Ys array
ys_var = name + '_ys'
curshader.write('float {0}[{1}];'.format(ys_var, len(points))) # TODO: Make const
for i in range(0, len(points)):
curshader.write('{0}[{1}] = {2};'.format(ys_var, i, points[i].location[1]))
# Get index
fac_var = name + '_fac'
curshader.write('float {0} = {1};'.format(fac_var, fac))
index = '0'
for i in range(1, len(points)):
index += ' + ({0} > {1} ? 1 : 0)'.format(fac_var, points[i].location[0])
# Write index
index_var = name + '_i'
curshader.write('int {0} = {1};'.format(index_var, index))
# Linear
# Write Xs array
facs_var = name + '_xs'
curshader.write('float {0}[{1}];'.format(facs_var, len(points))) # TODO: Make const
for i in range(0, len(points)):
curshader.write('{0}[{1}] = {2};'.format(facs_var, i, points[i].location[0]))
# Map vector
return 'mix({0}[{1}], {0}[{1} + 1], ({2} - {3}[{1}]) * (1.0 / ({3}[{1} + 1] - {3}[{1}]) ))'.format(ys_var, index_var, fac_var, facs_var)
def write_normal(inp):
if inp.is_linked and inp.links[0].from_node.type != 'GROUP_INPUT':
normal_res = parse_vector_input(inp)
if normal_res != None:
curshader.write('n = {0};'.format(normal_res))
def is_parsed(s):
global parsed
return s in parsed
def res_var_name(node, socket):
return node_name( + '_' + safesrc( + '_res'
def write_result(l):
global parsed
res_var = res_var_name(l.from_node, l.from_socket)
# Unparsed node
if not is_parsed(res_var):
parsed[res_var] = True
st = l.from_socket.type
if st == 'RGB' or st == 'RGBA' or st == 'VECTOR':
res = parse_vector(l.from_node, l.from_socket)
if res == None:
return None
curshader.write('vec3 {0} = {1};'.format(res_var, res))
elif st == 'VALUE':
res = parse_value(l.from_node, l.from_socket)
if res == None:
return None
curshader.write('float {0} = {1};'.format(res_var, res))
# Normal map already parsed, return
elif l.from_node.type == 'NORMAL_MAP':
return None
return res_var
def glsl_type(t):
if t == 'RGB' or t == 'RGBA' or t == 'VECTOR':
return 'vec3'
return 'float'
def to_uniform(inp):
uname = safesrc( + safesrc(
curshader.add_uniform(glsl_type(inp.type) + ' ' + uname)
return uname
def store_var_name(node):
return node_name( + '_store'
def texture_store(node, tex, tex_name, to_linear=False, tex_link=None):
global sample_bump
global sample_bump_res
global parsed
tex_store = store_var_name(node)
if is_parsed(tex_store):
return tex_store
parsed[tex_store] = True
con.add_elem('tex', 'short2norm')
curshader.add_uniform('sampler2D {0}'.format(tex_name), link=tex_link)
if node.inputs[0].is_linked:
uv_name = parse_vector_input(node.inputs[0])
uv_name = 'vec2({0}.x, 1.0 - {0}.y)'.format(uv_name)
uv_name = 'texCoord'
triplanar = node.projection == 'BOX'
if triplanar:
curshader.write(f'vec3 texCoordBlend = vec3(0.0); vec2 {uv_name}1 = vec2(0.0); vec2 {uv_name}2 = vec2(0.0);') # Temp
curshader.write(f'vec4 {tex_store} = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);')
curshader.write(f'if (texCoordBlend.x > 0) {tex_store} += texture({tex_name}, {uv_name}.xy) * texCoordBlend.x;')
curshader.write(f'if (texCoordBlend.y > 0) {tex_store} += texture({tex_name}, {uv_name}1.xy) * texCoordBlend.y;')
curshader.write(f'if (texCoordBlend.z > 0) {tex_store} += texture({tex_name}, {uv_name}2.xy) * texCoordBlend.z;')
if mat_texture_grad():
curshader.write('vec4 {0} = textureGrad({1}, {2}.xy, g2.xy,;'.format(tex_store, tex_name, uv_name))
curshader.write('vec4 {0} = texture({1}, {2}.xy);'.format(tex_store, tex_name, uv_name))
if sample_bump:
sample_bump_res = tex_store
curshader.write('float {0}_1 = textureOffset({1}, {2}.xy, ivec2(-2, 0)).r;'.format(tex_store, tex_name, uv_name))
curshader.write('float {0}_2 = textureOffset({1}, {2}.xy, ivec2(2, 0)).r;'.format(tex_store, tex_name, uv_name))
curshader.write('float {0}_3 = textureOffset({1}, {2}.xy, ivec2(0, -2)).r;'.format(tex_store, tex_name, uv_name))
curshader.write('float {0}_4 = textureOffset({1}, {2}.xy, ivec2(0, 2)).r;'.format(tex_store, tex_name, uv_name))
sample_bump = False
if to_linear:
curshader.write('{0}.rgb = pow({0}.rgb, vec3(2.2));'.format(tex_store))
return tex_store
def write_bump(node, res, scl=0.001):
global sample_bump
global sample_bump_res
sample_bump_res = store_var_name(node) + '_bump'
# Testing.. get function parts..
ar = res.split('(', 1)
pre = ar[0] + '('
if ',' in ar[1]:
ar2 = ar[1].split(',', 1)
co = ar2[0]
post = ',' + ar2[1]
co = ar[1][:-1]
post = ')'
curshader.write('float {0}_1 = {1}{2} + vec3(-{4}, 0.0, 0.0){3};'.format(sample_bump_res, pre, co, post, scl))
curshader.write('float {0}_2 = {1}{2} + vec3({4}, 0.0, {4}){3};'.format(sample_bump_res, pre, co, post, scl))
curshader.write('float {0}_3 = {1}{2} + vec3(0.0, -{4}, 0.0){3};'.format(sample_bump_res, pre, co, post, scl))
curshader.write('float {0}_4 = {1}{2} + vec3(0.0, {4}, -{4}){3};'.format(sample_bump_res, pre, co, post, scl))
sample_bump = False
def to_vec1(v):
return str(v)
def to_vec3(v):
return 'vec3({0}, {1}, {2})'.format(v[0], v[1], v[2])
def node_by_type(nodes, ntype):
for n in nodes:
if n.type == ntype:
return n
def socket_index(node, socket):
for i in range(0, len(node.outputs)):
if node.outputs[i] == socket:
return i
def node_name(s):
for p in parents:
s = + '_' + s
if curshader.write_textures > 0:
s += '_texread'
s = safesrc(s)
if '__' in s: # Consecutive _ are reserved
s = s.replace('_', '_x')
return s
def make_texture(image_node, tex_name, matname=None):
tex = {}
tex['name'] = tex_name
image = image_node.image
if matname is None:
matname =
if image is None:
return None
# Get filepath
filepath = image.filepath
if filepath == '':
if image.packed_file is not None:
filepath = './' +
has_ext = filepath.endswith(('.jpg', '.png', '.hdr'))
if not has_ext:
# Raw bytes, write converted .jpg to /unpacked
filepath += '.raw'
elif image.source == "GENERATED":
unpack_path = os.path.join(arm.utils.get_fp_build(), 'compiled', 'Assets', 'unpacked')
if not os.path.exists(unpack_path):
filepath = os.path.join(unpack_path, + ".jpg")
arm.utils.convert_image(image, filepath, "JPEG")
arm.log.warn(matname + '/' + + ' - invalid file path')
return None
# Reference image name
texpath = arm.utils.asset_path(filepath)
texfile = arm.utils.extract_filename(filepath)
tex['file'] = arm.utils.safestr(texfile)
s = tex['file'].rsplit('.', 1)
if len(s) == 1:
arm.log.warn(matname + '/' + + ' - file extension required for image name')
return None
ext = s[1].lower()
do_convert = ext not in ('jpg', 'png', 'hdr', 'mp4') # Convert image
if do_convert:
new_ext = 'png' if (ext in ('tga', 'dds')) else 'jpg'
tex['file'] = tex['file'].rsplit('.', 1)[0] + '.' + new_ext
if image.packed_file is not None or not is_ascii(texfile):
# Extract packed data / copy non-ascii texture
unpack_path = os.path.join(arm.utils.get_fp_build(), 'compiled', 'Assets', 'unpacked')
if not os.path.exists(unpack_path):
unpack_filepath = os.path.join(unpack_path, tex['file'])
if do_convert:
if not os.path.isfile(unpack_filepath):
fmt = 'PNG' if new_ext == 'png' else 'JPEG'
arm.utils.convert_image(image, unpack_filepath, file_format=fmt)
# Write bytes if size is different or file does not exist yet
if image.packed_file is not None:
if not os.path.isfile(unpack_filepath) or os.path.getsize(unpack_filepath) != image.packed_file.size:
with open(unpack_filepath, 'wb') as f:
# Copy non-ascii texture
if not os.path.isfile(unpack_filepath) or os.path.getsize(unpack_filepath) != os.path.getsize(texpath):
shutil.copy(texpath, unpack_filepath)
if not os.path.isfile(arm.utils.asset_path(filepath)):
arm.log.warn('Material ' + matname + '/' + + ' - file not found(' + filepath + ')')
return None
if do_convert:
unpack_path = os.path.join(arm.utils.get_fp_build(), 'compiled', 'Assets', 'unpacked')
if not os.path.exists(unpack_path):
converted_path = os.path.join(unpack_path, tex['file'])
# TODO: delete cache when file changes
if not os.path.isfile(converted_path):
fmt = 'PNG' if new_ext == 'png' else 'JPEG'
arm.utils.convert_image(image, converted_path, file_format=fmt)
# Link image path to assets
# TODO: Khamake converts .PNG to .jpg? Convert ext to lowercase on windows
if arm.utils.get_os() == 'win':
s = filepath.rsplit('.', 1)
arm.assets.add(arm.utils.asset_path(s[0] + '.' + s[1].lower()))
# if image_format != 'RGBA32':
# tex['format'] = image_format
interpolation = image_node.interpolation
rpdat = arm.utils.get_rp()
texfilter = rpdat.arm_texture_filter
if texfilter == 'Anisotropic':
interpolation = 'Smart'
elif texfilter == 'Linear':
interpolation = 'Linear'
elif texfilter == 'Point':
interpolation = 'Closest'
# TODO: Blender seems to load full images on size request, cache size instead
powimage = is_pow(image.size[0]) and is_pow(image.size[1])
if interpolation == 'Cubic': # Mipmap linear
tex['mipmap_filter'] = 'linear'
tex['generate_mipmaps'] = True
elif interpolation == 'Smart': # Mipmap anisotropic
tex['min_filter'] = 'anisotropic'
tex['mipmap_filter'] = 'linear'
tex['generate_mipmaps'] = True
elif interpolation == 'Closest':
tex['min_filter'] = 'point'
tex['mag_filter'] = 'point'
# else defaults to linear
if image_node.extension != 'REPEAT': # Extend or clip
tex['u_addressing'] = 'clamp'
tex['v_addressing'] = 'clamp'
if image.source == 'MOVIE':
tex['source'] = 'movie'
tex['min_filter'] = 'linear'
tex['mag_filter'] = 'linear'
tex['mipmap_filter'] = 'no'
tex['generate_mipmaps'] = False
return tex
def is_pow(num):
return ((num & (num - 1)) == 0) and num != 0
def is_ascii(s):
return len(s) == len(s.encode())
def get_rp_renderer():
return arm.utils.get_rp().rp_renderer
def get_arm_export_tangents():
def safesrc(name):
return arm.utils.safesrc(name)
def get_sdk_path():
return arm.utils.get_sdk_path()
def disp_enabled():
return arm.utils.disp_enabled(
def warn(text):
def assets_add(path):
def assets_add_embedded_data(path):
def mat_name():
def mat_batch():
return mat_state.batch
def mat_bind_texture(tex):
def mat_texture_grad():
return mat_state.texture_grad
def mat_get_material():
return mat_state.material
def mat_get_material_users():
return mat_state.mat_users