2016-08-15 01:59:49 +02:00

266 lines
7.2 KiB

import os
import sys
import json
import itertools
import utils
def writeResource(res, defs, json_data, base_name):
# Define
sres = {}
shader_id = base_name
for s in defs:
shader_id += s
sres['id'] = shader_id
sres['vertex_structure'] = []
sres['contexts'] = []
# Parse
for c in json_data['contexts']:
con = {}
con['id'] = c['id']
con['constants'] = []
con['texture_units'] = []
# Names
vert_name = c['vertex_shader'].split('.')[0]
frag_name = c['fragment_shader'].split('.')[0]
for d in defs:
vert_name += d
frag_name += d
con['vertex_shader'] = vert_name + '.vert'
con['fragment_shader'] = frag_name + '.frag'
# Params
for p in c['params']:
if p['id'] == 'depth_write':
if p['value'] == 'true':
con['depth_write'] = True
con['depth_write'] = False
elif p['id'] == 'compare_mode':
con['compare_mode'] = p['value']
elif p['id'] == 'stencil_mode':
con['stencil_mode'] = p['value']
elif p['id'] == 'stencil_pass':
con['stencil_pass'] = p['value']
elif p['id'] == 'stencil_fail':
con['stencil_fail'] = p['value']
elif p['id'] == 'stencil_reference_value':
con['stencil_reference_value'] = p['value']
elif p['id'] == 'stencil_read_mask':
con['stencil_read_mask'] = p['value']
elif p['id'] == 'stencil_write_mask':
con['stencil_write_mask'] = p['value']
elif p['id'] == 'cull_mode':
con['cull_mode'] = p['value']
elif p['id'] == 'blend_source':
con['blend_source'] = p['value']
elif p['id'] == 'blend_destination':
con['blend_destination'] = p['value']
elif p['id'] == 'blend_operation':
con['blend_operation'] = p['value']
elif p['id'] == 'alpha_blend_source':
con['alpha_blend_source'] = p['value']
elif p['id'] == 'alpha_blend_destination':
con['alpha_blend_destination'] = p['value']
elif p['id'] == 'alpha_blend_operation':
con['alpha_blend_operation'] = p['value']
elif p['id'] == 'color_write_red':
if p['value'] == 'true':
con['color_write_red'] = True
con['color_write_red'] = False
elif p['id'] == 'color_write_green':
if p['value'] == 'true':
con['color_write_green'] = True
con['color_write_green'] = False
elif p['id'] == 'color_write_blue':
if p['value'] == 'true':
con['color_write_blue'] = True
con['color_write_blue'] = False
elif p['id'] == 'color_write_alpha':
if p['value'] == 'true':
con['color_write_alpha'] = True
con['color_write_alpha'] = False
# Parse shaders
vs = open(c['vertex_shader']).read().splitlines()
fs = open(c['fragment_shader']).read().splitlines()
parse_shader(sres, c, con, defs, vs, len(sres['contexts']) == 1) # Parse attribs for the first vertex shader
parse_shader(sres, c, con, defs, fs, False)
def parse_shader(sres, c, con, defs, lines, parse_attributes):
skipTillEndIf = 0
skipElse = False
vertex_structure_parsed = False
vertex_structure_parsing = False
if parse_attributes == False:
vertex_structure_parsed = True
for line in lines:
line = line.lstrip()
if line.startswith('#ifdef'):
s = line.split(' ')[1]
if s != 'GL_ES':
found = False
for d in defs:
if d == s:
found = True
if found == False or s == '_Instancing': # TODO: Prevent instanced data to go into main vertex structure
skipTillEndIf += 1
skipElse = True # #ifdef passed, skip #else if present
# Previous ifdef passed, skip else
if skipElse == True and line.startswith('#else'):
skipElse = False
skipTillEndIf += 1
if line.startswith('#endif') or line.startswith('#else'): # Starts parsing again
skipTillEndIf -= 1
skipElse = False
if skipTillEndIf < 0: # #else + #endif will go below 0
skipTillEndIf = 0
if skipTillEndIf > 0:
if vertex_structure_parsed == False and line.startswith('in '):
vertex_structure_parsing = True
vd = {}
s = line.split(' ')
vd['size'] = int(s[1][-1:])
vd['name'] = s[2][:-1]
if vertex_structure_parsing == True and len(line) > 0 and line.startswith('//') == False and line.startswith('in ') == False:
vertex_structure_parsed = True
if line.startswith('uniform '):
s = line.split(' ')
ctype = s[1]
cid = s[2][:-1]
found = False # Unique check
if ctype == 'sampler2D' or ctype == 'sampler2DShadow': # Texture unit
for tu in con['texture_units']:
if tu['id'] == cid:
found = True
if found == False:
tu = {}
tu['id'] = cid
# Check for link
for l in c['links']:
if l['id'] == cid:
valid_link = True
if 'ifdef' in l:
valid_link = False
for d in defs:
for link_def in l['ifdef']:
if d == link_def:
valid_link = True
if valid_link:
if valid_link:
tu['link'] = l['link']
else: # Constant
if cid.find('[') != -1: # Float arrays
cid = cid.split('[')[0]
ctype = 'floats'
for const in con['constants']:
if const['id'] == cid:
found = True
if found == False:
const = {}
const['type'] = ctype
const['id'] = cid
# Check for link
for l in c['links']:
if l['id'] == cid:
valid_link = True
if 'ifdef' in l:
valid_link = False
for d in defs:
for lifdef in l['ifdef']:
if d == lifdef:
valid_link = True
if valid_link:
if valid_link:
const['link'] = l['link']
def saveResource(path, base_name, subset, res, minimize):
res_name = base_name
for s in subset:
res_name += s
r = {}
r['shader_resources'] = [res['shader_resources'][-1]]
utils.write_arm(path + '/' + res_name + '.arm', r)
def make(json_name, fp, minimize, defs):
base_name = json_name.split('.', 1)[0]
# Make out dir
path = fp + '/compiled/ShaderResources/' + base_name
if not os.path.exists(path):
# Open json file
# json_file = open(sys.argv[1]).read()
json_file = open(json_name).read()
json_data = json.loads(json_file)
res = {}
res['shader_resources'] = []
if defs == None:
# Go through every context shaders and gather ifdefs
defs = []
for c in json_data['contexts']:
vs = open(c['vertex_shader']).read().splitlines()
fs = open(c['fragment_shader']).read().splitlines()
lines = vs + fs
for line in lines:
if line.startswith('#ifdef'):
d = line.split(' ')[1]
if d != 'GL_ES':
# Merge duplicates and sort
defs = sorted(list(set(defs)))
# Process #defines
for L in range(0, len(defs)+1):
for subset in itertools.combinations(defs, L):
writeResource(res, subset, json_data, base_name)
# Save separately
saveResource(path, base_name, subset, res, minimize)
# Save combined
#with open('out/' + base_name + '_resource.arm', 'w') as f:
# f.write(res.to_JSON(minimize))
# Specified defs
writeResource(res, defs, json_data, base_name)
saveResource(path, base_name, defs, res, minimize)